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■J A l\i U Una 111*1111 Eα Pi r\ PI, 111 Pi ilj pipde The Famous Remedy for Coughs, Bronchitis, Pneamonia, Pleurisy, Asthma & Consumption Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of BRONCHITIS, COUGH, CROUP, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, HOARSENESS, PAIN OR SORENESS IN THE CHEST experience delightful and rapid relief; and to those who are subject to COLDS ON THE CHEST it is invaluable, as it effects a COMPLETE CURE. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough nor Asthma to become chronic nor Consumption to develop. Consumption is not known where "Coughs" have been properly treated with this medicine. No house should be without it, as, taken at the beginning, a dose is ' generally sufficient, and a COMPLETE CURE IS CERTAIN. f BRONCHITIS and PNEUMONIA PNEUMONIA and PLEURISY BRONCHITIS and PLEURISY. UFAMixa'nßOMrifiT'ia Aim cured by Severe Case Cured by Two Bottle* e> HEARNE-β BRONCHITIS CURE MAMIE'S BRONCHITIS CURE Hearne , * Bronchitis Cure. After other Treatment had Failed. AfUtp ether TreatßMnt had FjU | ed . After Other Treatment had Failed. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—From a strict tens* Mr. Hearne, Chemist, Geelong. f U,y , * !h e l *♦£ 1 shoui * pubU&h fc f o« owi "f ««*• I, Prudence M'Kee. of Carr-street, South G«Ion«. ia , Dear Sir,—Some months ago. in Sydney, I safete* S ?i ( , ■ °%" S liy1 iy ?r ™?t V ° ' view " f * c importance of a person making it cuite clear b° m a JtUck of influenza, and was connned ta awful fact is ev>dent that a life: is in danger of beine what maßlMi r™s successful in curing a serious and ™V ™»» for about a week, at the end of which time, ost:—ln September. 18116 m, Uttle girl, aged at that comp i JciUed ase when directions and treat- *«"»S .somewhat better, I got up and tried to transact time 3 years, contracted Measles and m the foUowmg men £ f , qaalified doctor had {ailct j stat . M my business as usuaL But I got up too soon, for tba October was attacked b? Bronchitis. Pneumonia and follows-— verj next day I had a relapse, and suffered tortures from Congestion of the Lungs She was attended by a M Henry M'Ke;. then a S ed Sjrears, had been what the doctor told mc was pleurisy and bronchitis, legally qualified doctor of hi,;h standing, but his treat- att ended by a legally qualified doctor pronounced The P ajn from tne former in my chest and shoulders mrfirine f ?■*"? »"»«*«*" Care - Kearne', Bronchitis 'CunTand lave it S ,c- ««* ° f bronchitis and pains in the chest, and b£& ■Ton of i Lm med,c, S? £ ° r H ■ " Ver r , cording to the directions which accompany each bottle ° f «pc to try it. I did so, and. in thanks and gratirStie tion of the Lunes. as directed in the Cataloeue of of ;._ * The child d after the " se £ ond dos= of to you, teD you that, after the second bottle, my congh * S, M £ A^Z° n ~ Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. He continued to improve had ceased: but what is more astonishing, the pains from was an mnrovS f™S thfAt d i rccte<1 f a £ d ™£ each day from each dose of Hearne's Medicine alonef and pleurisy entirely left mc, and in aboat a week I was abl« was the first dose of Hearne s thin da ys h e was free from the Cough Pn=u- *° attend to my duties as usual.—Yours faithfully. r Ch fro S i & th^ edicine - c ln T? FT'h™* ~t"of bed 1 ". ,1 wVet - Pnnch » OSce, Melbourne: ERAHAIt . 'Feverall^^s^r^cept^f'r'was o^!,l,^ 0 f. «»*«* «—«>. ««» "^SS,?^^- , *- r p teSS S hL.nh! and%rron e g er I "h > :n r, e d v CT ! ,nd Any n prrson C«r<itr eS i, South Geclong, Feb. 6, IMB. AS7KWIA-A 17 YEARS CASE. uakillg for information about this grand medicine can be by mc. or by any of my neighbours who have Previous Treatment Failed. witnej-d its wonderful effects. It absolutely snatch-d CONSUMPTION. ■ iry chUJ from ar. early grave.—Yours gratefully. Cured by Three EottlcSj D. GAEDINES, Teo 111 to Leave His Bed. roli" Station, Ceelonj East, Feb. 5, 1903. Mr. Alex. J. Anderson, of Oak Park, Charlenlle. A Complete Cure. Queensland, wrote: —" After suffering from asthma for —__ seventeen years, and having been under a great many BRONCHITIS. Mr. W. G. Hearne. different treatments without benefit, I was induced to try Dear Sir.—l am writing to tell yen about the wonder. Hearne's Medicine for Asthma. After taking three A Sufferer 73 Years of Ace. fu' cure your medicine has effected in my case. About bottles of this medicine I quite got rid of the asthma. — three years ago I began to cough. At first the cough and cc then, which was the beginning of ISS3—fifteen Thoroughly Cured toy Two Bottle* of was not severe, but it gradually got worse, and I became years ago—l have not had ths slightest return of it. Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. very weak and troubled with night sweats, pain ia my ?" c metiicine quite cured mc, and I have much pleasure chest, and great quantities of phlegm. On several oc- * n recommending it." Immediato Relie-f-Effect Wonderful. casions there was blood in the expectorated matter. I Speaking in February. 190 S. he states:—"l am keeping Mr. Hearne. Sir,—i was very ill with Influenza be consumption, and various other treatments had been ■ ■nd Bronchitis. A friend of mine persuaded mc to try tried, but without benefit. It was at this stage that I -Hearne's Medicine cured mc of Asthma, from which your Bronchitis Cure. The first dose gave mc imme- heard of your Bronchitis Cure, »nd sent to you for a I bad been suffering for twentv-nve years durini? which rfia,e relief, and after taking the second bottle I am course of the medicine. When i> arrived. I was too 01 time I had used almost every patent medicine onlhe thoroughly cured. Its effect on mc has been most to leave my bed. but I commence.!! taking it at once, and market— mcinding: asthma inhafarions^—without getting a wonaertul. lam 73 years of age. I trust you will gradually improved. lam glad to say that the tv.-o cure. It was 8 years ago that the cure was effected make u?e of this statement by publishing it for the bene- lots of medicme you sent have effected a complete cure, by Heame's Medicine, and I now feel stronger than I fit of humanity S" 18 Y °urs most respectfully, for which accept my very best thanks.—Yours gratefully. have felt for years—in fact. I f'-l solenoid."* Reedy Creek, Victoria. . Westminster Bridje-road, S.E., .London. Meredith, Victan* Beware Of Imitations! The great success of HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure has induced a number of unprincipled persons to make imitations, each calling his medicine " Bronchitis Cure," with the object of deceiving the unsuspecting, and so totting a sale for an imitation which has none of the beneficial effects that HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure has. Consequently it has become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, and to request you in ysur own interests to be particular to ask for HEARNE'S, and see that you get it. HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Small Size, 26; Large Size, 46, Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by th* Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locally. NOTlCE—Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. Iα does NOT contain any Morphia or any Opium whatever. It is equally beneficial for the youngest child and the most aged person.

JK»KI.T.CT«. ■ ' ■ ''■"■^■»«"«— i—^—a—^mb—i—H FOR USEFUL PRESENTS BAD LIVFRS ! -^_ -— OPPOSITE RAILWAY STaTIBR. "■"""■" j g displaying a MagniAcent Stock «f SYDNEY IS FULL OF PEOPLE SUFFERING FROM "Z^J^SCBJ^* '111 H V Tt« , l , »<* GOLD VuaKM PINS, from 2/6 DISORDERED LIVERS* X m : Oct GOLD HEAjBTS. from 3/6 Not only b the Liter the largest and one of the roost important organs in the human 9ct G^°'^D OT / F chains, bom™/ body, but when deranged it becomes the source of endless sufferinc When the Liver is a» rfTi l~** A U It. • •*. cji t_. i . . PBABL SET SPRAY BBOOCHES, * &k closed by the inactivity of the Kidneys and bowels it becomes ae;i Ta!ier "V/ 3 £$h *«J?J J* -i * cix. it. lm fi i . S ENGAGEMENT RINGS a Specffity; Lu* ra, torpid, and tails to rater the bile from the blood, thus producing «* Assortment, at Lowest v*<** n biliousness and a general impairment of the digestive system. The LAD i^ s UOLD ATCHES, lrra, £s * £H&mlff \\ I. _A J *L L j l .. " . . DITTO SILVER, from 146 nPT tS t o "^ ,l * ,s coeted, the head aches, digestion is imperfect; there is We a , leo 1 ; 0 a speciality of Keai icx ac^'n S of the limbs and back, feelings of fulness, weight and sore- un"™^ S Lorfß v«r 1 % ness ° ver € s * Olnacn aR d liver ; the eye becomes yellow and bes ALL "goods"marked in plais jaundiced and the complexion muddy, the urine b scanty and asd gcaeakteed as repebseotbe W Bif Llil WSh,y co * ored ' and *• , ** ,s nwgrfar. constipation and loose- E LOUfs jyil tte3S i * ec^ et ** Th * re is Bttle «* of treating the liver sepa- 41 queen-st. rately, as it can never be set right untU the kidneys and boweb opposite railway station. "m/ Afarf. indi M s-ot mi- adiv « «*» removing the waste matter from the body. It — . «™«d mc, <»»,<«.- « f or this very reaseo that DR. MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS I on, aito coi.oirßMEK. have always proved so womkrfully succeed in curing the most chronic cases of Liver ! complamt, biliousness, and complicated ailments of the kidneys, liver, and bowels. They W. PHILLIPPS & SON, reach the liver as no other remedy does. isipokteks of PAPERHAWGINGS. liifi tf»» d» V* «a a white oils. O • |¥i|l ftJ , I— Wk Vm fill S VAUAjßlliiti ALL. KINDS U» B»j fl " ftW BW *»J L. - J k9 fal KS IB^ 1 M I'Al.AjiUe KKyliiSi'ith AAi> XOUi-& • ■-»■*»- era g| il ||g f|j 1 Alii-iSAB' IlbvuioJiJia Uh- ALL iCUOJfi IBBW BUsi H| A ' WTT TV b i"tt* U'Wiiyit couiinlses tliv Latest; E miD H H H f ■ m n (■ a BL JJtHiijut, Wall Ducoratlone in Great I &# 1 A LJ%J\J \ W. FHILLIFFH & SON fifi Jk UrtiM Oomplcadse. Uw, sad >\'J IOLEBALK AND KETAH. jS> Timita. Klet «m- Oil, ,IND COLOL'H MMIfCIIAKI^ y*\.Wi »« Btoteha. a<4 j NATIUNAi, HANK nuiLDINUS, ; THEY DO BUT fIOIEM. THEY BO SOT SICKEJL THEY DO SOT BRIPL -= ! ,-,-,„—,|, !,„ L.IIM.IIUAIIIIMII BOOTS AND SHOES, i. . CLASS OP - ysß& * MADE TO OKBBB TOMKIMG'S LINSEED EMULSMN D goldie *s3*& °S"" a *el*pi«*ieei «S, Head Office; 06, Ocdec Opposite Auckland Club. ■M Office. r.S. — Surgical Bools Made. Voteax, )«%ite J««ie, ■Vzegwa .. ' i •Bilfs, ,Biu<cstHn, lcoubaj'k. : »ud j <«*% 4 — — ___ X««J*M>SS iitvs io St,H;k. I friends 55-ip be tQ get CoU* mMf OeVCWjx. i B. OOLDIE, ?^¥ferl^ e «S ■*^ w - • plf SUGeaens. Trice C/," . . . ._

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 270, 11 November 1908, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 270, 11 November 1908, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 270, 11 November 1908, Page 10