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~ ...i.'. ~,--.,,. .".■...., .... .3,. ■■..,-. I_-EPICAI_ .'.;,..' ~J,a' ..-.,•' .'.-.'-t^'.i_ " •'"-.. T_______ Famous Remedy for Coughs, Bronchitis, Pne amonia, Pleurisy, Asthma <& Consumption — " ' ' — - ■'" ■ -i ■ i. im i<a — Those who have taken this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of BRONCHITIS, COUGH, CROUP, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, HOARSENESS, PAIN OR SORENESS IN THE CHEST experience delightful and rapid relief; arid to those who are subject to COLDS ON THE CHEST it is invaluable, as it effects a COMPLETE CURE. It is most comforting in allaying irritatiorf in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough nor Asthma to become chronic nor Consumption to develop. Consumption is not known where "Coughs " have been properly treated With this medicine. No house should be without it* as, taken at the beginning, a dose is generally sufficient, and a COMPLETE CURE IS CERTAIN. BRONCHITIS and PNEUMONIA PNEUMONIA and PLEURISY BRONCHITIS and PLEURISY. Cured by cured by _ Cevtn Cnto Cured by Two BottlßS «t HEARNE'B BRONCHITIS CURS HEARNE'B BRONCHITIS CURB He__-ne_. kironchi-ie Cwre. After other Tr-atmant h___ F-Ulod. After dther Treatment had Failed. After Other Treatment had Failed. Mr. W. G. Hearne. Dear Sir.—From a strict Mr- He»*™e. Chemist. Geelo n E . „..__._ .-,.. oi duty I feel that 1 should publish the following state- j. p rut . cl .cc M'Kee, of Carr-street, South Geelong. la JOeat Sir— _omo n"*tbs.ago. m J*™?" ment. so that others may know what to do when the view of the unportance of a person maMng it quite clear «^JLi?^ i l^^,™Jffi ,, S^^ w #^S___^___J awful fact is evident that a life is in danger of being what t . e _t_.e„twa3 successful in curing a serious and W.™ 0 ™'*»' JL lost:—ln September. 19C6. my little girl, aged at that " com p.. cat ed case when the medicine, directions and treat- JejJf *•"»"*"» *___*"' ij °f 2?. f* £? til *h^-l time 3 years, contracted Measles, and in the fo lowing men J rf a legally qua .. fi e d doctor had failed, state an m y bvamos is -wwal. But I got ttp^ too »£".*"_»• , October was attacked by Bronchitis, Pneumonia and follows:— vot nest day I a and from : ■ ' Congestion of the Lungs. She was attended by a My son , Henry M'Kee. then aged 8 years, had been the doctor'told tte was and .bronAms. legally qualified doctor of high standing, but his treat- attended by a legally qualified doctor, who pronounced ™= I££ J".? ?J'"E5? r . *?_ ™Lfc,f _»??.e_nfi_vl -'_ ' 1 me_t was not successful irj arresting the progress of the him t o be suffering from. Pneumonia. Pleurisy and a *"f*"?"?£&.-h. ___1 _5 ,J.n___-J, -£_?_?*__,'. iUness. On Saturday, the 21st October, 1906, he said stoppage of the passing of Urine. Under the doctor's ■»*. b «* " nder . the . «= «•* -°». a . well-known Sydney doctor. that' her life was in danger—that there was very little treatment the child gradually got worse, and. tho doctor •«"? - aU £_ * im ' "V s ™«dicine gave mc tut temporary , hope for her. For eight days and nights she had been pronounced the casl hopeless. He told mc that the *.'«*._ P s landlady of the hotel (the Cleveland), where , prostrated by Cough. Pain and Fever, and was lying J hud cou j d not i ive . At this _ta_e I obtained from I resided- .olimo of a medicine—Heame.s Bronchitis «_-_ a statue, unconscious. At this stage I was per- Mr _ w . G . Hearne, Chemist, of Geeleng, a bottle of Cure—from Victoria, which __d cured her of a bad at. .uaded by a friend to obtain Hearnc's Bronchitis Cure, Hearne's Bronchitis Cure, and gave it to the -child, ac- "*» ° 5 bronchitis and pains in the_ cnest, and bes_«» ; with its auxiliary medicine for the Fever and Conges- co .ding to the directions which accompany each bottle of mc t0 •j* '*• J dirt so, and, in than_a and gratitude tion of the Lungs, as directed in the Catalogue of of it . s The __ m improved after the second dose of Jo you. tell you that, after the sec _d bottle, i_yco-4gh Medicines which accompanies each bottle of the Bron- Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. He continued, to improve had ceased; hnt whtt is mere astomsteg, the pains from chitis Cure. I gave the medicine as directed, and there each day {ro ~_ each dose of Hearne's Medicine alone, and pleumy entirely left mc, and in about a week I was able' was an improvement from the Erst dose of Hearne s within three days he was free from the Cough, Pneu- to attend to my duties as usual.—Yours faithuillsN r Bronchitis Cure. The improvement continued after mon ia and the Pleurisy, and the Urine was.passing satis- «_-«._ v ■_, _»_.<_ _- ~. _J- tilS-in . ■_. 1 each dose of the medicine. In a week she was perfectly factorily. He was out of bed at the end of a week., Melbourne - Punch o_ce, Melbourne. [ free from the Pneumonia, Congestion, Cough, P3in and completely recovered, and he is now in perfect health. .. ... Fever, anC was well, except that she was still weak. In PRUDENCE M'KEE. ■' * ' a fortnight she was quite recovered, and is now in Carr-street. South Gsclong, Feb. 6, 1908. ASTHMA—A 17 YEARS CASE. splendid health, and stronger than ever. A,y person ... asking for information about this grand medicine can • p_w_wl_»u»- T___._n__.n_ r_.ilr.rt. be supplied by mc. or by any of my neighbours who have „.„._.«_. . Frovlou-, Treatment Failed. witnessed its wonderful effects. It absolutely snatched COS--*-J-WP TIOI-. Cured by BC-tlc-my child from an early grave.—Yours gratefully. — -. - * . * r,* ~ ,*_„ _*._,___■ E_.. **__ _ D .* 9I S ARDIMB * T °° '" * >U>aVe H, ° B9 * «r-* Ales. J. Anderson, of Oak Part. C__.l-.ille. . . Ioli«- Station, Geelong East, Feb. 5. 1908. __.__.- tQ Cllr __ Queensland, wrote-—" After suffering from asthma for 1 • wmyitro •""** seventeen years, and having been under a great many - bbau- vi .pie wr- Mtr ft »._-_. diSercnt treatments without benefit, I Vas induced to try BRONCHITIS. M De_?-_i..-_-__'writing to tell you about the wonder- £&.*_-* Medicine for Asthma. After taking three A Sufferer o* A 6 e. M cure yoV effecte/ ca.e AW _$_£ »£ o° __^_& • -"SSStS *32 SiA 1 Hearne's Bronchitis Cure. very weak and troubled with night sweats, pain in my . T , C g mr _ cz _il\, :,•• chest, and great quantities of phlegm. On sc--e.ral 0C- w e"" t T-,_ _T _fhi„_-» ion« _. " T <>_> _-._!__ J . Wonderful. T ffJj__jg, .* , , Mr. Hearne. Sir.—l was very ill with Influenza •be consumption, and various other treatments had been ~,... _, _*__,_, _ _. _, •nd Bronchitis A friend of mine persuaded mc to try tried, but without benefit. It was* at this stage that 1 - Hearne's. Medictne cured mc of Asthma, from which 1 your Bronchitis Cure. The first dose gave mc imme- heard of your Bronchitis Cure, and sent to you for a I_ had been suffering for twenty-five years, during which 2 diate relief, and after taking the second bottle I am course of tbe medicine. When it arrived, I was too M time I had used almost every patent medicine on the thorouehly cured. Its effect on mc has been most to leave my bed. but I commence,! taking it at once, and market—including asthma inhalations—witaout getting a wonderful lam 73 years of age. I trust you will gradually improved. lam glad to say that the two curt It ms 8 years ago that the cure was effectecT 1 make use of this statement by publishing it for the bene- lots of. medicine you sent have- effected a compute cure. by H«rnc s Mefficin.^- and I r o„ f„i stronger than I _ fit of humanity generally. Yours most r-r.pcctfully. for which accept my very best thanks.—-Yours gratefully. have felt for yeara—in If «1 sr^ndid. THOMAS P.. TREZISE, _ J- BLAIE, C. WISEMAN. Reedy Creek, Victoria. Westminster Bridge-road, S.E.. London. Meredith, Victoria. Be "Ware ! n The groat success of HEARNE'SBronchitisCure has induced a number of I unprincipled persons to make imitations, each" cat-ins;'tils medicine " Bronchitis Cure," with, the object of deceiving tho unsuspecting, and so setting a sale for an imitation which has none of tho beneficial effects that HEARNE'S Bronchitis Cure has. Consequently it has become necessary to draw your attention to this fact, and *o request you ? in yaur own interests to be particular to ask for HEARNE'S, and see that you gfet it. " HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE, Small Size, 26; Large Size, 4,-5, Sold by ail Chemists and Medicine Vendors, and by the 1 Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geelong, Victoria. Forwarded to any Address, when not obtainable locally. NOTlCE—Hearne's Bronchitis Cure No. Ia does NOT contain any Morphia or any Opium.whatever. It is equally beneficial 8 for the youngest child and the most aged, person. - '

f . i_jL„,.L____L____i iiL ii___iiiiiiii_iiiiiiii__i____________i____Lji i JEWEIXBRS. I PROSTRATED WITH PAiNJ JiL e™Tl HIS CASE -H.EWED HOPELESS. | _ WILL ONLY LAST A PULLED THROUGH BY DR. MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS. [^^u^^i*™* JTlr. Samuel Mum ford, a highly respected resident of Christchurch, amid | j watches, 'jewellery, clocks, a Colonist of-over 40 years, tells in his letter how three years he j silver ware, etc., became an invalid, and was practically given up as incurable when he i ______ CEKT A DKeoxwT. decided to give Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills a trial. His speedy cha.gc i *" ' * -__.ratax? for the' better and his recovery to health is a striking instance of the 1 * wonderful cerrective and curative merits of Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills 1 NOW IS SECCRE WO '* , T_S_S^S_ B . 'I THIS 15 a'ShNE SALE, Hie W. Ii Comstock Co.. Ltd.. Sydney. raj •- Ocntlemen, —About throe years ago I became quite an Invalid through dteordcn. Ef j_,o NOT MISS THIS OPPOSTUNITY. erf the Blood and Indigestion, which caused severe and painful palpitation ot tbe Sj . heart. So serious was n_y case that It was generally thought that I could not pull [___ .voDwm d_<_■_.«._) through many months. As all the p__-.C-.__>d physics tailed, after weeks of suffer- g CALL A_._> I_.S__.--l £*£U_--_ I ing I determined to try Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, of which I had read. A S ' PURCHASING. ELSEW_i_.BE. buttle was purchased, and In the course of a week they. was an apparent ohange tor ffl —"-^—« "... tho better. I persevered with the Pills, taking them regularly, and I j.ro_-rossed ffij N<>te ._. .Ac&ress:. .. .. isonderfully. Since tl_n I have practically enjoyed good health, but I always tt T _,' T^/=vT T TeS carry the little amber bottle with mc, and a pIU taken once or t wiss a _-.!_ seems to | li,-. IJ{J U -Ij.. ensure mc against a. return of my trouble. S -~__,- _V_.ri '_Hi. wu'iiim. I am indeed grateful to Dr. Morse's Indian Root _.U3, and I never miss an eppor- § WATCHMAKER a_*._t j_.>y _.___&«. tunity to recommend them. SAMUBL MUMS'. ED. & .Q .EPS*-. « : For aU complaints arising from imperfect digestion and impure blood, Dr. Horse's Indian Root Pllla are _ " Opposite Eailway .Station... unexcelled. Those who have never tried them will find neighbors, friends, and relatives everywhere te* | j **""__* " v ..,•._■_ —' -~ .T! tifylng to the marvellous blood-purifying and cleansing properties of these PEtls. They get at the cause ''8 FaOTOGRAPHY. as no other remedy does. They get at the foiuidation of the disease. They give you clean bowels, a 1 I * ■?---. -—t-=-_- • ....;,.•_■ -—— , || healthy stomach, a lively liver, and blood that is rich and red. They are a safe, sure, and reliable remedy, | !•_-_■_---_----■*••••*••••*••**••■•■•••****■ m^^m^ mmm ~^^~ m aei ;,, and will prevent many of the ccua plaints so common if taken once or twice a week to keep the system in a | _M____B____\ \¥A? S__V H Are a perfect Blood Purifier and a sure remedy for Biliousness,, Constipation, Headaches, Sal- H .! Jkf I X ;« low Complexion. Liver and Kidney Troubles, Piles, Pimples, Boils, aad Blotches, and for Female Ailments. i j Ittfl • -$ * I THEY DO HOT WE_.K£H. THEY BO WOT StCKEH. THEY DO SOT fiMPS. f j %*i~*> ***** s *> ck v ... ; . — I "for onr'New Catalogue ""'—"" "iji>hx does D. GOLDIE, SHARLANP&CO., W DOES (I™W« OCEANIC SAWMILLS, S»4*C_l__>r I Ll_l.*__. «__*__... !|i* BHEAK WATER.RD. Lopns EtlCSt, AUCKLAND. EVERYBODY TAKE -_B_*L) TJ& - -.__« J '** = .ffj-_\.fii Tele P hones: fi o3 ' Head Offlce; 36, Order tjBACOCS & SON. Opht-HOmic Optic/ _3_r Note the AMress. TOT? AT/TNTI. __T _*§_ _..__-_._ _~ _, ' - A.-* ians, 21-. QUEEN-ST.. near VieXyj JtV___-_JAI_ J2_ CY-.A \Th{i7i3H Kauri, Totara. Kimu, White Plue, Oregon toria-st. The sight tested by most approved "I «*_. V i 7__-\r& I'inc, Bluegunv, lronbark, Joinery and methods, and Spectacles accurately fitted. mmm^sss—saaa——mm—ammmms—ammmmam^sm FOB A COLD? Sffk \7_B-__«___l_ Mouldings always in Stock. Artificial Eyes of nil Colours in stock. Nau- . .... —■■_■-■■.■■... i ——* U__l__>-____w!____.! T_ _""** fXT -Pl-TlT 1 tlcal and Survey*"*' Instruments in stock, _ ... - ' Lf ' USJXJXJXHj, aud repaired. ■ ' |TX7IANTED.-«'H6w to Become an Electt - ' ' -■■'--— "—■ '— — > - TIJANDARIN LApKDUY GLA__E gives a IVY cal or Mechanical Engineer" Is tl — "Spring Blossom Ointment" " - "••-• ■■ ' ' " : ? A-L Beautiful Ivory Gloss to Starched title of a book we are giving away free. A? Cures all it toucbes, Gd and 1/; 'V'O-'B. frtenfls will be o.lgbte& io iet Goods, surpassing the Brightness of Chinesf • interested aend for one to-i^ay.—Electric "Sprang Blossom Pills," V "Bloomlne" X copy of tbe "Illustrated Guide to Anc*- Lineu. Ironing with it is a pleasure. Price, Engineer Institute (London). Represent Cares Coras. Warts, sad Bunions, 6d per land," obtainable at the"Star* Offlce aad 6d and 1/ everywhere. Wholesale Agent*:] tlve: Jas. Rodger, 131 D, Cashel-t, Cbnc J packet Chemists an _. Storekeepers, all Stationers. Pries _/. A. J. ENTRICAN AND CO. church.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 246, 14 October 1908, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 246, 14 October 1908, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 246, 14 October 1908, Page 11