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Moon's AgerHew Moon, >*ngnst27, 10.29 p.m. Sunset: This evening, 5.23. Sunrise; To-morrow morning, 6-i£. HIGH WATER. Auckland: This evening, 6Jlj to-mecrow morning, 6-33. Onehunga: To-morrow morning, 10.18; tomorrow evening, 10.39. Manukau Heads: To-morxow morning, 5.5-1: to-morrow evening, OJ9. Kaipara Heads: To-morrow morning, 3 0.23; to-morrow evening, 10.44. ARRIVALS. YESTERDAX. Greyhound, a.s.s., 1L Subriteky, from the North.—Master, agent. Tasman, s.s-, F. Beach, from Wangamn. —Northern Co., agents. Rangi, scow, Holstrome, from Tairua. — Ford Shipping' Line, agents. Rambler, scow. Carpenter, "from Mercury Bay.—Ford Shipping Line, agents. Young Btmgare-, S.S., Whittingham, from the coast. —I>evoiiport Steam Ferry Company, agents. Welcome, scow, A. Donovan, from Merenry Bay.—Ford Shipping Line, agents. Alma, scow, J. Soars, from Ngunguru. — E. S. Eeynolds, agent. TKIS DAT. Kawau, S-S-, McManos from Whangarei. r-resengers: Miss Doyle, Mrs. Foster, Messrs. Jordan. Gordon, £L Smith. — Settlers' Co., agents. Chelmsford, s.s., J. Taw, from Whangarti- Passengers: Misses Rew, Edwards, Hesdames "SViston and child, Morgan, Messrs Jones, Edwards, T. E. Brown, G. Willis, F. Clark, Bentley, Constable, Boag.—Northern Co., agents. DEPARTURES. lESTERDAX. Victoria, s.s., 3000, E. G. Entwistle, for Sydney. NgapnhL S.&, E. Stephenson, for Whacsarei. Clansman, E. McLeod, for Russell. Anponri, s.s~, T. Haultain, for Tanranga. Waiotahi, S.S., C Hopkins, for Mercury B=y and Knaotnnn. Apanni, s-s., E. H. Gibbons, for Awanni, Hohoura, 'Waiharara, Whangaroa, and Man£:oßUi. jSoonah, ketch, D. Rae, for Kiripaka. THIS DAY. Ila-miiri, S.S.. 748, Mcßride, for Gisborne, via ports. Passengers: Misses Page, Si. Eobertson, Mesdames Picket* and 3 children Hesld and child, Messrs D. M. Orr, Grace, A. S. Cruictshank, J. P. Goodall, and 5 steerage. Wimmera, s-s_ 3022, W. Waller, for the Sooth. Passengers:—l?or Gisborne: Misses OUoyd, Wittich, A. Brown, King, A. Heme, Eedstone, Ciurch, Downie, Wiltougnby, Linskey, Allen, O'Connor, Mesdames T. Todd, Herbert, Probert and child, Andrews, G. Crawford, Cieary, King, Kirk, Kissling and 3 children, JJurse Ratdiffe, Messrs Curlie, Speers, EL D. Benjamin, Clark, Fitheridge, Pearson, Chirney, Brown, >k>ton, A. a , . Ho*!. , :?, Cotbourae, Cleary, Gunton, aiontague," Herbert, C. Kissling, Linskey, E. A. Church, Solomon, A. Probert, 3. R. Kirfc, W. Neill, Andrews, J. Jackson, Capts. ■ProSert, H. Kmtow. For Nirpier: Misses Bovd. Gower, Farra, Proctor, Morris, Leslie, Mesdames Stevens, Hayx, Hassall, Mci\iven. Wood, Boyd, Messrs Walton, Gower, R. Reid, P. Cranby, Marler, J. J. Foscan, Eoyd, A. Slebtier, H. F. Hammersley. Hassall MeNrven. For Wellington: Misses Smith, 5L Tincent, B. Hight, Gibbons, Mesdames C. Bowden, Holton and child, Messrs •II F. Lloyd, H. C. Walton. T. Boffa, McGlll, E Dasis, H. H. Norton- For Lyttelton- Misses Adams, L. Kelly, Henderson, E Ramsay, Mesdames Pearcy, C. Cook, Messrs Kirk, C. Cook. For Drcnedin: Misses Burton, Hamilton. For all ports: 40 steeruse. NORTHERN CO.'S iIOVEStBNTS. To-day — Ssapnnl arrives from Whangarei; Kjinieri leaves for Whangarei Town - .Wharf at o pun. .. Wednesday: Aupouri arrives from Tanabont S ajs.; Waiotahi arrives from Knaotunu and Mercury Bay and leaves ior the Great Barrier at midnight: Kanierl arrives from Wnanmirei Town Wharf: Clansman arrives from "Russell about 6 ajn.; NgapuM leaves for Whangarei at 0-30 p.m.; <J!aymore arrives at Onehunga from Raglan and Kawhia early; Clansman leaves for Kussell, Whaugaroa, and Mangomii at 5 p.m. tTNIOK S.S. CO-'B MOVE3IE3STS. FAST COAST. Wednesisr"- Sqnall arrives from Tolago Bay and Gisborne; Waitemata sails for Newcastle at 5 o.m. Thursday — Wanaka arrives from the Bluff, Oamsru, and Timaro; Monowai rives from Sonthern ports; Isavua arrives from Eastern Pacific. Saturday — Ilauroto arrives from Westport: Monowai sails for Southern ports s-t 12 noon; Squall sails for Tolago Bay and Gisbome, 2 n-m. WEST COAST. Wednesday: E.otoiti arrives from Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymonth, and sails for the same ports at 2 p.m. CLIO p.m. train). Fridays Takaiwma arrives from Wellington and New Plymouth, and sails for New •Plymonth only at 3 p.m. (2.10 p.m. train). PROJECTED DEEARXGHES, mit STDSEI— • MoJroia, Monday FOX LONDON— Indradevi, S.S., about Tuesday Tongaxiro, kms, Sept. 24 (direcQ FOB NORFOLK ISLAXD— Southern Cross, sis., September 4 \ FOR VANCOUVER— Den of Rnthven, s-s., early. FOR FIIE— ■Eauroto, S-S-, September 2 • VESSEIS IN PORT. ..Polly, barquentine, at Hobson-st, wharf * Aldebaran, barque, in stream. goofhem Cress, s-s., at Queen-st, wharf Socrthern Cross, baxqnentine. in stream, rwaitemata, s-s-, at Calliope dock James Craig, barque, at Hobson-sfc. wharf Hazel Craig, barque, at Qaeen-et. wharf EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Casablanca, .barque, from Newcastle; sailed August 2il . English Monarch, from Sesr Tort; sailed August 13; due Oct. 10 '■ 3£okoia. s-s-, from Sydney/; doe Sunday. Margaret Craig, barque, from Newcastle; sailed Augnsi 17. Cevic, s-s-, aom Liverpool, via Melbourne : and Sydiiej-; sailed June 20; left Sydney N Aug. 22; due Thursday feyhakarua. from London, via Melbourne and Sydney; sailed July 15; due Septembers. illortiake, from Japan; to saiL Lord Sefien, s-s-, from San Francisco; sailed Aug. 2; due about Aug. 31 lidralenia, s-s., from New York, via Melbourne and Sydney; sailed; due Sept. 4 .Star of Scotland, s-s., from New York, via MeiJyOiirne and Sydney; to sail August 15 Qan Mariieson, s.s_, from New York; sailed July 25; dne end of September S.S-, from Mev. York, via Mell. uofnrne and. Syiioey; sailed June 10; due early Kaipara, β-s.. from London, to sail July 4; due Thursday jCaracciolo, ship, from Marseilles, via Wellington, sailed J-une 27 Dulwicn, s-s., from Vancouver, via the Socth; sailed 31st July; due middle of t September liparinia, S.E-, from Calcutta and Singapore, •sailed July 31; due early in Sept. finvertay, s-s., iram New York, via Austra • Ue; sailed June 26; at Durban for repairs. ■i July 2S; resnmed voyage Ang. 3; due '•' Monday Eawtes Bay. s.s., from West Coast C.E. ports, left Llreiiiool July llti; due Saturday Aeon s.s., from San Francisco, sailed Julj 6; overdue Briez Xzel, from New Tork. via Meibonrne and Sydney; sailed Jaly 1; due Sept. 12 Isirar, s.s.. from New York, via Melbourne and sailing Augnst 5. Oswestry Grange, s.s., from Liverpool, via. jlelbonrne and Sydney; sailed June 30; at Melbourne Aug. 19; dije about Sept 4 Homa, barque, from Dunkirk; sailed May " IS. Orari, S.E-, from London, via Lannceston and Hobart; to sail end of Angnst Rippingham Grange, s.s., from Glasgow and 1 Liverpool, via Wellington; left .Liverpool ) July 25 : Kazenibe, s.s., from New York, via Au3- 1 tralia: sailed Aug. IS; dne Oct. 20 lEdravelli, s fxoa Vancouver; to sail i August 15. < Josepi Craig, barque, from Melbourne, sailed August 14. KaiTK. S.S.. from the Society and Friendly , Islands; due Thursday for Sydney, Fiji, Samoa, and dne- September 50

EXPORTS. Per Victoria, for Sydney: 5232 sacks chaff, 200 sacks sand. 140 sacks hides, 868 sacks oats, 26 hides, 20 sacks coffee, 11 empty returns, 22 empty cylinders, 21 dumps tow, 291 cases gum. 30 casks whale oil, 15 drums • gas liquor, Sβ empty ammunition cases, 30 empty hogsheads, 39 bales hemp, 4 bales horns, 100 sacks sawdust, 12 cases fish, 50 sacks broken glass, 81 bars silver (valne £8350), one stallion, and 32 cases sundries. It is expected that the barque Hazel Craig, now at Auckland, trill load timber here for Sydney. The s.s. Mangapapa did not leave for Whakatane to-day, as advertised. Her trip will be taken by the s.s. Tasman, leaving Auckland at 10 a.m. to-morrow. " The s.s. Tasman, which was recently acquired by the Northern S.S. Co., arrived from Wanganni last night. The vessel picks up hex running in the local trade tomorrow. The barquentine Volador left Newcastle on Saturday last for Whangarei with a load of hardwood for the Public Works Department. After discharging she loads white pine for Sydney. The new cargo steamer English Monarch, 4947 tons, commanded by Captain Froggatt, left New York on August 13 with a carjro o£ case oil for Auckland, ■Wellington, Lyteiton, and Dunedin. She is due here at the end of October. The s.s. Invertay is expected to arrive at Auckland from New York, via Durban, abont Monday next. She has 161.000 cases of oil for New Zealand, of which cases will be landed at Auckland. Messrs. L. C. Cillespie and Sons are local agents for tiie steamer. The Tyser steamer Hawke's Bay is expected to arrive from Liverpool direct about the end of this week. Another Liverpool trader, the Oswestry Grange, which is coming out via Australia, should arrive here towards the end of next week. The Tyser steamer Indradevi leaves Gisborne for Napier to-day. She is expected to leave Napier on Saturday next for Auckland, where she should arrive on Monday morning. The Indradevi finishes her loading for London at this port, and sails hence direct on Tuesday or Wednesday next. The local agents for the steamer are Messrs. Heather, Koberton, and Co., Ltd. Trouble seems to follow th« ship British Yeoman, forinery known as the Stefano Rnzeto. She put into the Blnff last year, and was sold by order of the Admiralty Court to provide payment for the bottomry bond, the purchaser being Mr. Waterston, of Invercargill. The vessel then loaded coal at Newcastle for San Francisco, and made a very lone passage, "which caused her rates of insurance to be raised fifteen guineas. She apparently had further troubles at .'Frisco, for an American shipping paper reports that the United States District Court has given a Judgment in the ship's favour for 17,740.68 dollars, and awarded the cargo of coal for freight and demurrage charges. The vessel returns with a cargo of lumber for Sydney. THE RIPPTMJHAai GRANGE. It is reported that instead of making Auckland her first port of call, the Federal-Honlder-S.Mre liner Eippingham Grange is bonnd for Wellington direct Consequently she is now due to arrive at Wellington about September 16, and will afterwards proceed to Auckland, tbence to Southern ports to complete unloading. SHAW, SAYTL.L, AND ALBION LINE. THE TAINUL It is understood (says an exchange) that the new passenger steamer Tainui (10.500 tons) will take up the mail running shortly, :uid that Captain Moffat will be her commander. The Tainui is anticipated to start on her maiden voyage from London on November, 12 (due Wellington Deeembet 29), and thenceforward will replace the Mamari in the mail service, of which steamer Cap- ' tain Moffat has at present command. With the advent of the Tainui the Shaw, Savill, ' and Albion Company will have a complete fleet of mail and passenger steamers of a very high class—viz.. Athenic. Corinthic. lonic. Arawa, and Tainui. The most recent addition is said to tie an even frner vessel than the new Arawa, being replete with every convpnienee and comfort for passengers that the latest innovations can supply. THE OTAKI. The new steamer which has been built for the New Zealand Shipping Company by William Denny Bros, is a similar boat to the Orari and Opiwa, and will be employed in the direct trade b&t-ween London and New Zealand. She is of 11,000 tons register, says an exchange. The Otaki is. however, i a distinct innovuxion in one respect on any other steamer on this side of the Hue. as she is furnished with triple screws. Reciprocating engines drive her twin screws, and she . is also provided with a low-pressure turbine, which drives a third propeller—this n: i being known as a combination of a reciprocating engine and a turbine. This does away with the difficulty which has hitherto hampered the manoeuvring of . turbine steamers in confined waters, and when the Otalci is berthing she will berth i as an ordinary twin-screw boat, whereas when out at sea, her turbine will be put in action, The builders claim that this type of engine should effect a considerable saving in the consumption of coal. Another addition is also to be made to the company's fleet in the way of a passenger steamer, arrangements having been made with Messrs. William Denny Bros, to build a new twin-screw passenger ' steamer, 4Soft x 60ft x 35ft, to the order of this company. Her speed will be 13 knots when fully loaded, and she will have accommodation for 56 first-class, 75 second-ciass, ' and 103 third-class passengers; but .the i third-class accommodation can be extended to hold 400 if required.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 203, 25 August 1908, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 203, 25 August 1908, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 203, 25 August 1908, Page 4