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. •■■• medicaiu -;• -"" ■;• "'■,-;rr ■■'..-.. - T ' 1 c '' • " "" • "Vh \ /? \a using any of msdjcsne \ i /y a 'ittle comsnesn sense is always \}\ I ■ W*f /%/ nec9Sßary. Br. '.Morse's Indian | -JMmvM Ro ° l PHl*'are compeMrided to '.- ii nieei the gesisral recjijlremeßfs of i pSwlw .'man, woman, and'ebKd,. both'l: : I: ||NJ W. -.w<?aK .and and .n prescH&tiig the j \ MMI o? fi'om ©ne fs fewr pills, the-actual-, . I WOl nusuber fseeessary iHeaeft-oase-raHstbe |-- \ uMi β-l determined aeeordirq i& the age and }{ fm' Pi Gonrittion of the patient. A doss, how- I . wK§§l ever, should S?9 SEi? ■ j to msv© the EioweSs at je=3i . j p lEvistfwfeeyandaltheugb afiw H' I rei?ef may bs obtained at ones, it is ■pi .\m \ { always advisable to take a pill or too- w | j on the the following |.. j !i] ■ In Ensfsncas the :fir»t' doss' ¥( @ ? ||| .. v | ! snay cause a little pafre and sic&ness* | f^-SS p ' « j wbicb will'not resur suls36qeiss.tly.'The I dibeciions 0 | I cause Is ekss ia tha Sarge flow of E?S!e I ..' jjl j into the Intestines, wbSeSs the PIHs-bave | pi •. In" - lot ?oess 6y opeislag iSse cor»|ested dusts I ■**— **« :m" r A wE.!Gh havo been cSoggeca up, perhaps I .DfflMNßOor §j '«s " for msniSis. So not blame the Pslis"i? || PtllS -' p ; t(j under these oondStions you fesl slsk. «| I Yoe3 weH !gq3 belter afterwards, and Sf : - - If ( you adopt os*. Psiorss'o PHIs as your 111 I j regular medloins. there is ns ilKdf.hood' ©f you Lfver [! \ % 6mio the same stats asaitf. IP|-) S Br. MORSE'S INDIAN SOOT PILLS ME GEHTiS IN ' 1$ • TBEIS ACTION. . . ■ gi •rf MRS. M. Murphy, Storekeeper, Grosvenor Street, (ft Kensington, Dunedin, states: "I can recommend Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, haying-used them myself and in my family for over twelve .months. I am convinced that they regulate the system and correct the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels when out of order. They are gentle in .■.. • their action, and give permanent results. For invalids they are an invaluable medicine." I A CONVALESCENT LADY SPEAKS. . \ IS Mrs. M. TiPLAftY, Henry Street, North Melbourne,. je |[ states: —" Some two years ago I underwent an operation ; X f° r appendicitis, and since it has been necessary for mc H, H to use an aperient medicine. I tried many .pills, and '. - Ml >! physics, which al! proved too drastic, and sickened and li I caused mc pain. One day I read one of your pamphlets, ..) land decided to try Dr. Morse's Indian ftoot Pills, with j the result that I have since used nothing else. They are,. * f •i indeed, the mildest and most-effective medicine I have ' V r ever used ; and since using them I have greatly improved •" v ',', in health. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills arc our family ~j) "-' ifw medicine, and I am always recommending tllem to friends -I tj and relatives." \ " Vj Are a perfect Blood Purifier and a positive Bcmsdy |.; fe for Biliousness, Indigestion, Ccnstipatioc, EeadacKe,-to c$ Sallow Gomple'xtioa, Piles, Pimples, Liver and Kidaey'^ 0j Troubles, Boils, and Blotches, and for Female Ailments, m % THEY DO NQT WEAKEN. DO NOT SICKEN. DO NOT GR!P&.-|jz I IF YOU HAVE EUPTTTEE. • TT is ns well to recognise that the ordinary iiractltioner Is under tlie impres- . ■*-?lon that Kuyture cannot be cured without an operation. He, no doubt, has arrired at this conclusion as a resnlt of his experience' with that miserable contrivance commonly known as a truss. I Trusses up to the present have been one series of mechanical blunders, based on a false assumption of physioioaitm ii.rinciples. Had -any one, fifty years ago. foretold that tramcars would be running In tlio streets of Auckland propelled by electric power, he would have been thought n flt subject for a luuatlo asylum. Many troubles that hare been proved to be curable were fifty years ago footed upon as quite incurable by the c!d school of practitioners. •. DR. J. h, SHERMAN'S METHOD FOR THE CURE OF RUPTURb IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT; BETTEIi TITAN ANYTHING YOU HAVE I'KEVIOOSLY THOUGHT OF; AND IT WILL CURE YOUR RUPTURE—NO MATTER HOW MANY : PEOPLE HAVE TOLD YOU THAT IT CANNOT BE CURED. » WON'T YOU LET US SHOW YOU PROOF? WE WILL BE GLAD'I'O • SEND YOU A BOOK, FULL OF EVIDENCE OK THE VALUE Off I DR. J. A- SHERMAM'S RTiETHOD. $; ] It will be Posted to You, Gratie. » JiK. A. W. MARTIN, .•-'■• ; - . ! Sole Controller Dr. Sharman's uiethod for Australasia, Is now In Auckland, £ i and can be consulted at the ;R CENTRAL HOTEL ; ( 1 ! CONSULTATIONS FREE. . _..' .. | 1 UOOEB - Daily, from 10 fl.m. to 8 p.m. Estra Honra, FRIDAX EVENING 5j 3 7to 9, SATURDAY, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. ..-•-- - H gi.mnmillllMJ ; . I. ..'li.. .■!..! - .iji. i il ii. .a-a.^.B pn-sirnm.uiiii. ..,.....„■ n. .■ , n ..j ~ ~,. ...... .i.h.j-u., ~ j.«i»»j ...J.nun. I. "v i-yi I >■■> -Ji .n.i .. ■■< - Jp r „,. - \ "A very Certain Care . :. ... For that Cold you Issvs Just Now." I Have you it in youp home ? -Jig, ncr Bottle \ If not procure a Bnttlo r t-i.l'-- \

COUGHS, BKONCHITIS,. MJ&IMM^M::GOM^nWFTI^N, : \ Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in the" World. ."",'-.'-.. - ',IX Those who hare token this medicine-are amazed at its wonderful influence. Its healing is marvellona. SriSerers from any form of BronchitivGonghi Difi|celt]r.«l ; Breathine Hoarseness. Pain or Soreness ia the Chest, erper/eaco dehghlful and Immediate relief;; and to thoso who, are subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaldable.aai* , - Sfects a Complete Cure. It is most cooforting in allaying irntation in the throat aad giving-strßngtJi to the voice, and i t neither allows a Coiiga - or AstHma to. £<xomi', .;-. rhronic nor Consumption to develop. Cocsumptjon has never been known to •'Cot.ghs" have be=a properly treated' with ttis shouldl ise without it. as. takea at the beginHing a dose is .generally sufficient, and a Complete I €^if e -is cerfaitL "I--. ' ; J^^^lZ-.X^AJ-ißaaifcSi'fei'O'iaS | . The c»cnt r.ucccrs Of KEASWE'S BROMCKSTJS CURE, ft^lffi**^:*^*^*?*;"™?'' , ' sf unprincipled persons to make imitations, each calling his medicine Cur^?-^fh;4fce : of'?:::— cJcceiviras the simpic-mincJecS, and so getting a 9aie for an imitation which has none of the toeoeflciie-eff* 4 _ r ;; HEARNE'S BROWGHtTiS CURE ha 3. Consequently it 'has becomo necessary to draw your attention to> this fact,/; end! to request you In your ewn interests to bo particular to =*!«• ■"•for" HEARME'S ejicl''*e '-aeo it*ai/,,sou \gis*.,J\K*\. „..-■, KEARNE'S BROMOKITIS CURE, Small Size, 2/6; Larjjo Siae, 4/S. Solrt by Chemists : «nil : ;lW<e*lioiri# VemSore.^antt^tjjf^t^^r^ Proprietor, W. Q. HEARKE, Chomict, Geolon S , Victoria. Forwarded .tetany. Addwesy;wheii ■|^^!jtaJna^D f |eß.^iy«. ! , i ,?f:a'>i - BBMBMBr-JaeMiio». SmaUtii Com Kα. 1. doa» sot contain any ps i SO3l *T tt# " Uto \*" >«!»,.,,__

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 168, 15 July 1908, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 168, 15 July 1908, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 168, 15 July 1908, Page 9