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As the "Auckland Star" . wilU not be published on Friday next' (Good: Friday), advertisers are* requested to make*.announcements accordingly. The'following is Captain - Edwin's weather forecast for. 24. hours fromH a:.m'. this dayi—"Southerly moderate to strong, winds; glass little-movement." It is not unlikely' there- will 1 d*T trouble iii the Richmond' 'branch of the' Grey Eynn Fire' Brigade, when the' fact becomes" kh'crwri" that the ' Council- has granted' one of the'rooms' for the purpose* of holding a ydurig' r men's* class on Sunday afternoons. The'apjihcatioh was made by the Bichmond Baptist Sunday School,- and upon the. brigade being consulted they objected,, giving as' a reason that already the use of the room- had been, refused to a- No-license league, and that the central station had also' rjeen refused to the Church of Christ. The Mayor (Mr. G. Sabers) reported accordingly at the meeting-of: the. CouncQ-last night. Nearly every membe of the Council spoke in favour of granting the'request as .being for the benefit of the I The Mayor pointed out that if the use of the room, was granted to one religious body, it would be hard to refuse it" to another. They must-act'-fairly and impartially., He thought the lire "Brigade were entitled to a voice in. the matter. Finally, the request was granted from week to week, subject to the pleasure, of the Council. , .... "' . Ah' ihquesi' wasn.eld' at the hospital this morning respecting the: dea-th of the infant' girl Charlotte Riley, who died yesterday afternoon? a& the- result of a burning accident. Riley, a carter, residing at 53, Newton-road, the father of the child, gave l evidence that for sixteen months it had been' the practice of his 1 wife- and himself- to keep- a kerosene'lamp-binhihg-'all'- night iff their, bedroom. The' child: slept in a separate bed: When they retired' oh* Saturday night; Riley turned down* the light,-At abb-it four o'clock- oh- Sunday morning he was awakened by his* wife. The: child'sbed was- in flames. The' child's injuries being serious, Dr. Keith was at once* called; He ordered the' infant's i removal; \ to the hospital;-where: it died-yesterday, afternoon. The exploding of the lamp caused the b€S to* catch fire.. Dr. Keith and Dr: G. G. Aicken (senior resident medical' officer at the hospital) said that the' cause of death Was shock, as the result of- the burns. it a, meeting .of tne Mount Eden' School Committee, held last night, the question of the" proposed school at liidehdale came up for discussion. It was noted with satisfaction that the efforts' of the' . committee for many yeiars past had at last been given effect, to', the' Education Department having voted a' special grant towards the erection of a. school in that locality, arid the secretary-was- instructed to" communicate'with tile: Board of Education, stating that the" committee Would be pleased to'assist the Board in the selection of a site. ■ A car- collided' with a' cart near the cemetery bridge, Symonds-street, this morning. The horse was thrown to the ground, and the contents of i the cart (a can of gireen paint) pitched out on to the road. -The driver Was hot hurt, and the cart escaped: without material damage. A Chinese vegetable seller was- nearly run- down-by an electric: car this*- morning. A bundle of turnips dropped off- the Celestial's cart. The "penny-worth" wag lying close to the rails and a car Was approaching. The' rhdtofmaii banged the bell' and snouted, but John heeded him ridti He rescued the turnips from- under the very Wheels of the car, and,- with Orientals' hick-, Escaped: unhurt. : " Messrs. MacMahbn hive completed a,x J farigement's for an entertaihmeht to be given at His Majesty's Theatre on' Gbod Friday evening, under tne title of "Music, Song, arid Pictured Story." Tne first sec. tion of the "rational" prograriime to be provided will be participated in by the popular quartet, Messrs. Abel Rowe, A. G. Fogarty, Geo. Pelliam, and James Lonergah, while the soloists will be the Misses' Lizzie and Madeline Knight. Mr. H. Herbert will present novel character sketches. The second section Of what prbmises to' be' si' most attractive bill i will consist of yet amdtjier riesW Series of : Messrs. - MacMahoh's- Irving' pictures. I Titecbbx plai is iow 1 bjieii'at Wildmaii hand Aie__f &

_ At the; Whangarei Police Court yesterday, befroe the Mayor ; arid;Mf. Hutchings; - William. Brightmg:; Was charged, with, having committed- a, serious - assault; six. year old girl. Theadduced for the-prosecution was; in_the; ,opinion; of. the Bench, .insufficient to. put: the- accused'upbn.his. trial, and.the case: accordingly dismissed; • The Board of Examiners' has' deter-: mined, that, in future examinations.' fori certificates. under, the". Mining-Act arid! Goal Mines Act.are to be held the.firsti week" in ApriL - arid the annual meeting of' the Board is to be held before., the: 31st' of May in each year; also- that rib; books' will be allowed' except logarithm; tables, which; are; to;-be supplied by-the: Board. Additional, subjects; namely, elementary electricity, and first aid to; the injured,. are., to, be the iist of; subjects for examination for. first and. second-class certificates under. "The.Coal, Mines.Act, 1905.',' ..,,.,■ The finances; Of the Mt; Eden;B6r- : bugh were referred to' at-' last night'si meeting; of. the. Council. The,., Mayor; said the' district fund, was,; in. credit: £600 1/1. The. balance-sheet for the: period ending March 3ist showed the receipts to be £ 4,318 : 6/'IL The balance, on April 1, 1907, was £ 127 19/4. General rates, embraced iiv receipts, amounted to £3,085 13/OJ. Included in the expencrtrtre- was £262! 15/7: for. administration; and. office .expenses another £53 19/6. Fire brigade: . expenditure totalled" £27 16/4. Street maintenance cost £2,421.3/6, included in this amount being the sum of £700 19/5 for labour on roads; £ 1,001 6/8: for cartage; £317 6/4 for tar, 'sanding, sweeping and kerbing;. £224 4/5 • for metal;' and £154; 12/5 for :.scoria. Drainage cost £93 15/2; and : the-form-ing of Norinanby-road ■ £239 : 5/6. lighting account, transfer totalled. £394; 9/6; and. the property, account,,covering; ; the'purchase of the; Adams? property; £519 3/9. The total expenditure was; put dbwn ; at £'4,318-5/11.; .' > '•<"■"■'• ;, ; - At last night's^meeting ofcthe:Mount: Eden Borough Council a letter was re* ceiVed fromthe Hori. Geo; Fbwlds ; , .covering a communication-from.; the: Minister for Bailways;.dealing'with,the Council's application that the railway bridge should' be' widened' to' thevfull width, of the road. It was poiri'te'd: out'that the recent, alterations to, the-M*- Eden Road, bridge- had simply been out" at the -wish; and- expense of the 5 -Tramway Company. Further th'an-this; the. Minis, "ter stated;.it; would'be the near, future to re-arrange the. Mount Eder'.' station,.- and; when', this- was,, done. it -rould be necessary-to rebuild: in-a new position; The-. %ew; bridge; would .then- be. made the j full, width: of. the road: Accordingly,. it would., not. be, wise to spend' money" needlessly on the 7 present structure; Th'ri "Mayor said that the Minister had. got, "slightly mixed." The Council-.had made, application for. the widening ot-Itorniiiiono-oad bridge; and the Minister for - Railways persisted, in ■treating, their .petition as ■. having: refer-ence'to-Mount-Edert Road bridge; Mr; Potter spoke strongly ori'the'subject, arid said' there had- been, af harrow* escape from-a serious-accident omthe DbminibriV road bridge only a night or two previously lb wag;-be> said, the-only dangerous place in the district;- The'-Mayor said the engineer's estimates for the widening of the approaches to the bridge was £3500. Mr. Warnock" referred to the bridge as a menace to public safety. It was resolved to agairr'communicate with the Minister,, and.;point out the actual situation. ' .. ' ' "- ' Mr. C. B. King, grocer, of Rose-road, Grey Lyhri; was ' driving' a" trap from Karangahape-road into Cobden-street yesterday,- wheri he \fas' thrown on to the roadway through the horse falling on the tram rails.: Mr. King, was hurled over the- front of the vehicle, and sustained a-nasty bruise on the nose,,.which was struck by the harness.. .He deceived first aid at* Mr. Mclvo'r's' shop, and was aiterwaros taken home. Dr. Kennedy, iff a-lecture- on bees 1 delivered at.Hastings,:said, thatrit was a peculiar" fact that beekeepers-were never subjected: to rheumatism. This- : he- accounted' for by. stating that" wheri a. bee: inserted-, a sting the poisons-injected, formic add',,had st-direct counter' influence upon the uric acid in the body. He- ; had- been; a- sufferer" from rheumatism before he became interested in bee-kee-ping, but sinriet then the rheumatic pains had completely Mr. Hopkins, the; Government bee expert; recorded a : similar: eS-perience.. - -- A vivid forecast' of the" "Yellow Peril," in which, apparently, he. has fiilL belief, : was giyen- on- : Sunday;"evening by the j Bxv - . Gi HI McNeiif, of the" Canton ya-Tages-mission, at ohe of the-Presbyterian churcheiitn Wellington. Mr! MeNetir, who was sent to': China six; years ago las the first missionary- of the New.Zea- | land' Etesbytefian Church- iri. the. Canton j district, said that at least every fourth I person in the world -was ■-■ a, Chinese. ;What- a tremendous problem, the world : would have to face with the awakening of the East. Against it the ; army of no single' European Power would; be able to stand. Off all colour questions, Japan would be allied with China; and' the . speaker doubted .whether India- would be found outside the compact, for India, ; too, belonged 1 to'"the" East.- The whole matter was' of burning ; JJriSv' Zealand arid Australia, which lie in the gateways of the* East. - That China had already a wakened,. .Mr. McNeur declared there could be possible doubt to one who had lived in China. He knew that an immense garrison, one of several; had. been gathered; at Canton during the last f ova;. year 3. . China had hardly touched her immense, mmeral resources;- when she did there would be an industrial revolution such as could hardly be conceived. The whole empire was rallying to the cry of. "China for j the Chinese." The necessity for numbering the houses in the borough of. Grey Lynn was again-mentioned a,t the meeting of that Council last night by Mr. G. J. Garland. The Town Clerk-. (Mr. Irwin) said that he hoped to have something definite to lay before the Council at its next meeting. He said the need was very -evident •of something ibeing done, as he had received 75 letters back from the' dead letter Office, of which probably a large, proportion would have been delivered if the dwellings had been numbered.' ' ' " ; '-'■ After a most enjoyable season-, the D'eepsinkers' Fishing Club decided to have what they termed a "Bohemian," or "Ladies'," trip on, Sunday/ the 12th of April last. The s.s. Pitoitoi was engaged for the occasion. . Arrangements had been made that ladies and others who did not care . for fishing, could be landed at Kawau, and called for in the evening. A number" availed themselves of- the chance of roaming over the beautiful island, where a first-class dinner and tea were procurable a.t the Mansion House. Those who chose to tackle the "denizens of ,the briny" had'a. catch;, of 1500,. Mr. "Rbbihsba, of "Marring the largest number. - ' ,

The ■ re-opening of. the: Leys Wtitute gyrnnashun, fOr. the.: winter, season-,. utidS Professor Potter, last everiihgi.attraijtoH / a', large attendance, and ; - an eajoyaku; night's exercise was' experienced, uhfe the guidance of: the director, : L.; McCarthy, last year's hoxing ; representative;, from the -SoutV The'first: meetmgs. of" the school' boys take place on Thursdaiv afternoon- arid; Saturday mornmg. ; :.;W> director is at, the gymnasium every'aftkf. noon, and "evening except Wednesday to enroL members of" the -variousT clashes: To-nightat 8-Pfofessor Potter arid'puniij give demonstrations in physi<b,l» wrestling,- boxing, fenoing, batt-pnachW -etc;' ... Hr .., Some interesting; facts. ' concerning ; economic conditions in-Russia-''werweUcit. Ed by a "New Zealand Times"' reporter from Professor Vladimir' V. Be' Syiafc. lowsky, who occupied; the chair, ofpofiti; 'cal economy at the imperial" UnwersitV of St.- Petersburg;, To-day' there, are 400,000 organised-workmen-in Russia 6f whom 60",000"" are in St; Petersburg , a " o a 45,000 in Moscow; 900 inuring in the country, but the chief strength of. trades unionism: is'aniDngsfc.theisnsp assistants, the printers, tailors,makers,, carpenters;; etc ~ The'result of the ; movement, the professor/ sitatest-ia an increasevof :vcages ajid'iii.many; bf'the trades- the- reduction of' the*- hqurst'rif wbrk to eight.per dayj Sfaag: ' lowsky would, not .commit, himself."to saying that-, the- recognitionvofJ trades unionism had much' improved''the.'lot of the. worker; The' law of 1906 recognises, the. trades union as; a legal, combination; but it had been- considerably.* momfied by the Cabinet OfcMimsters: in the; flret r place ; and. the. Stat«s-.Gouncu;.(tlie.'upper: house-.of.the.nouma) in. the) it is not so* liberal, as was* intenaedV Touching on; the; system, of* Eaiji^^ ■"■ ary Government, Professor Sviaklosrskj .gave, the,-: impression;, that; her was-snot ;veryhopeful of. future- prospects; under ' present, conditions.' "The; question', just now," said the: professor,;'is, th'e>navyi < The Government wishes, to have new* bat tleships, but the majority of-the Louma • is against that, there is:a conflict.; There-is' the possibility of: the'G'overn''! ' ing to the old condition.'? : " : • - The-Marine Department will-this', year undertake the'- picking "bf' all' the'-North Island'oysters;- arid, the-;Gollector'fofeGas- • torus will not th'erefdre' issue ..licenses to pick to anyone, as-iteirttheiintentidniof thp; Department to employ, men to do this, work. ' The beds.-whictt 'the Denarfcment propose' to;work.are Waiheke'iPakihi - (the; Sandspit) ■ and' Great - Barrier. Island in the Auckland-oyster fisheries; and;.those-iriithe the Northern fisheries;: AH. the-'beds in: Island wilF therefore' be closed to outside pickers;" ;!'' . _ Considerable,: .entertainment, wasprovidecT. to''the s;s;. on: its' passage fronr.-l'few; Plymouth to Onehunga-'last: evening: ht witnessmg the pugilistic: capabilities of ■happy, pain- ;andi',wife),: who were voyaging to Auckland": RSlatidns' ' s -PE feaT: .t'P have' becbmfcsoniewliat*;strain> ed after and during the early: hours Of this morn-, ing, whatr.bne/ passenger i.deserihes as. "quite a circus"* was . enacted. '-It isstated;'; .however," .tnate,when:...theyashore, peace had again been declared. The- CainbYiage- BoioTigh-'Conninl: last ■ nightr resolved"; not: tovaccede: to' the request ofthe petition of Leamrngtori residents to : takfe';pVer,:'cohtrbl-. Waikato bridge;, Petitioners asked ■thati the' bridge be reiadhed'<as ai-foot-bridge and', a? pa'ssage-wayi reserved for stock;. .Ari; insurance;cOnipainy:Bad; offer? take-the\ risk:'.. The;CbunriLd'e; cidedthat the upkeep and;'liability;would;., be too: great,: and that there' Wa*Y; ho necessity for repairing: tlie old bridge now the new one was' erected; ~••-.' : • Intending; exhibitors': at tbri: forthcoin* , ing chrysanthemum;: show of the" alterarionvoi.datefxnmi ApTil; April:23. Entries will close witti! the-sec* retary, Mr W. W; • Sntc'e,, at. 1"2 o'clock.' irisfc . . An. invitation, has ; beeri; extended- by the. 7. Onehunga- <*""brigriga4ionat. CKnrcli; through its secretary; (Mr.. J-.;. Jtiakirig)>. to the Court Pride of to- attend: divine; "service! at: the corirch; . on the: mOrtiing.of, the.first Sunday' in . May. The-invitation was; unanimously accepted by the" Court:, last evening: The service/wili be a Ebrestera'. qne, r andvWUl be conducted by. Bpo. the Rev. J. °* Mackenzie, of Mauiigatnrotq. . ! A general meeting of the Birkcnhead- : 5, and "NbTthcote; ;branch, of the; and Labour Federatibn-wfll- be heldj-uv the Foresters' Hall, Birkenhead,. %mpr.-: .-■ IroW 2 evening.. < . ■.'-'.' "'::." : John O'Donohue. a ied; as-. a> stoker;-scfe Itric-" light- works, ha* ft leg, brokeri • *m» : playing football yesterday. "■ '~ ' 'English Mail,- via.' Vanconver,-: Wedties* day. Picture Postcards j largest variety"; in New .Zealand. Local Weeklies,and.• View Books..— Spreckley's,, right.- hexS.. post Office.—(Ad.) -IV Petersham Belting;—AlL sdiades,. h> eluding-pink, moss, myrtle. Smith* arid' Canghey, Ltd., TJa"ce D'epartmenfc--<A£)f -, George Court-arid Sons,' Limited;: tha; Big Store, ' KafangaKape i road, will bei ' ;open all day to-morrow (Wednesdayj; ;dosed Friday.-—(Ad.) ' -'" ■; : •"'.. I Easter.—Our premises .open, to-rnor* 'row (Wednesday) till 6 p.m., and on Saturday till' 9 . . Rustibroßk: a?ii' '■ Bridginan.' Just .above .the; Grey $tatu% j (Queen-street.-— (Ad.) Superior- read-to-wear- su-it*—grand-new stock, latest styles, to fit any size-r-, at\ Rushbrook' L and* P>ridginan's. Just above the Grey Statue.—(Ad.) . , George Court and Sons, Limited, the Big Store, Karangahape-road, will. be. open all day. to-morrow "-^(Wednesday)> ■closed Friday.—(Ad.) ' : ! For shirts, hats and.cap's, collars and', ties, sweaters and unshrinkable underwear, high quality at lowest prices,; ga, to Rushbrbok. and Bridgmaris, Queen? street."'Just above the ; Grey Statue;-^-Ad. George Court and Sonsj Limited, the Big Store,,- Karangahape-road,. will', be ,>.. open all day to-morrow closed Friday.—CAd.). '~'."_- '' . . - .. Cheap rugs and blankets for camping out—grand selection and very special value—at Rushbrook, arid above the: Grey Statue.^—(Ad.) : George Court and Sons,-Limited, the; Big Store, Karang&hape-foad, wilL be>open all day to-morrow (Wednesday).v closed . Furs! Furs! Necklet's! Boas! Muffs' 4 —Don't pass Eushbrook and Bridgman'si: the IrnporteTs. Biggest stock and best' " value m Auckland. Just above the Grey Statue.—(Ad.) ; George Court and Sons, Limited, fcri& Big Store, Karangahape-road, will open all day to-morrow (Wednesday).j: closed, Friday.—(Ad.) Ladies' jackets and raincloaks; ready-to-weax dress skirts; smart .underskirts - new stock, special valuer—at Rushbrook and Bridgman's,.'Qne«w*i .' I Open till a. pja. • Wmorrow 'r ffledakt i

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 90, 14 April 1908, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 90, 14 April 1908, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 90, 14 April 1908, Page 4