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The distribution ol prizes won during the year by pupils of the Mount Eden Publit: School took place yesterday. Following was the prize list:— HONOURS LIST. Standard Vl.— Doris Gaze, dux (silver wav-li, presented by Mr J. S. Prince): Doris Caze 1, Ida Pitiethley 2, Dorothy Scott 8. Itolf Adams 1, Geoff. Bca'.e 2, W. Woodward :!. Standard Vl.a.—E. Simpson 1, V. Fletcher 2. Standard V.—Gordon Fordyce 1, Mcrvyn Aler:i!idei- and Conual Kobb a. Elsie brownlee 1, Mora Cunningham 2, Annie Urinarou 3. Stiiudari! IV.—Jack Blackburn X, Erie Sims 2, Eric Morillenu 3. Myrtle Calderwuod 1, Gladys Burton 2, Dulcie Shepherd \i. Standard lll.—Edgar Bartlett 1, Noel Hackle 2. Douglas Kobb and Kric Prince y. Mny GaUowav 3, Kdna Jacka 2. Gweneth Burrow 3. Standard ll.—Charles Calderwood 1, Percy Cross 2. Louis Ross 3. Marjorie uot.per 1. Mildred Rowlings -, Doris Jacques and Doris liiggott a. Standard i. —Herbert Ashby 1, Leslie Jacks 2, Keitli Kowlllugs a. Dorothy V/hittou L Myrtle Harrison 2, Meta Breckhelt V..

Primer IV.—Dorothy' Morgan 1. Ina Wilsou. May Lomai, and Edna I'irrit 2. iluriel Auger a. IleggJe Wharton and Reggie Marriage 1, Jack Woods 2, Norman Patterson 3. I'rimer 111. —Arthur Alexander 1. JU'Arcy Alexander jind Tom Mitchell 2. Olive Meteaife, Violet Harding, and Winnie Cotterell 1. ITimer ll.—Leslie Rimmer 1, Norman Taylor and Willie Mouk'.en 2. Winsome AIouL-ur l, G. Carinichael 2, E. Bralthwaite and L. Parker 3. Primer.-Vemer Prince 1. Albert New-m-au 2, Arthur liodley aad Lloyd Cremer 3. Ucagsou .1, Muriel BartieU 2, Elsie Louiiun ii. Lower Primer I.— lran Peek 1 George Hickey 2, Thomas Grey 3. Kutu Hatcher X, 1 ranees Sanft 2, Sesta Brain 3. GENERAL PRIZES. Standard Vl.—Edna Arthur. Maggie San-der-san, Hazel Clemens. Mabel Powell. H. -isiidsrsou. iicnaJd lloss, Koy Ellyett, Jaaes Pooley. H. Wilson, M OJesen, 11. i'liUUps, L. Gordon. K. Shand, O. llaliday, W. Barker, H. Bentlev. Beat in the School.—lda PitkeLhlcy. Standard Vl.—Sewing: Madge Scott. Cooking: Ida I'i'tkethley. Special prize lor general improvement: Arthur Bartlc-tt.

Standard V.—English: Harry Reynolds, Connul Robb, Mona Cunningham. Spelling: Gladys Court. .Sewing: Gladys luslay. General excellence: Clias. Ueiatt, Arthur McArthur. Elsio Harris, Gladys Rowlings Wil- rson, N.icolai Brownlee, Cecil Adams, Fred Grayson. El-nest Ilunt-er. Martin Mathieson, "Wallace Young, Keith Rimmer, Mona Allen. Nettie BJxkey. Alice Brudgens. Ernest Clark. CJanoral iniprovcm-ent: James Bennett. Violet Rimmer.

Standard IV.—Diligence and condu-ct: Clara G=ayson. Dorothy Ewon, Connie Cooper, Doris Kendall. Ale* NLsbet, t:iive Auger. Kenneth Gorric, Arthur Hi-cks, Alan Davis. Gortio Welch. Doris Pitkethrley, Eleanor Knight. Matx?l White, M«rle Smeeton. Oral work: Tv'illie iltXeill, Madge Clnlton.

Standard Hl.—Sewing: Dorothy Dray, 3laps: Douglas Robli. Writing: Ellen Crosby. Muriel Child. Arithmetic: Albert Bridgins. Spelling: Willie Hodgson. May (Jalion-ay. Diligence and conduct: Melville Jlacauliiy, Leslie J lawk.

Standard ll.—Sewing: Mildred Rowlings, Ivy Woods. Diligence aud conduct: Myrtle Burns, Evelyn Smith. Nellie Lord, Alice Gi-indrod, Una Crocker, Jessie Warnock, Sewing, FJora Sadler. Special: Eileen Rirdcl, Jack Cook.

Standard }.—Sewing: Victoria Townshend. Dilisence: Joseph Clarke. Hazel Abbott. Irene" Harris. Gordon Hawkeswood, Robert Irving, Esma Donnelly, Herbert Sinclair, IMith Woods. May Gohlsworthy, Ethel Newman, Beryl Thompson.

Primer lll.—Diligence and conduct: Doris Storey, Dorothy Ward, Mabel Crudge, Doris Xicholls, Cyril French, Philip Snrman, Douglas Brimbiccombe. Willie Stewart. Lower Division. —Given Woods and Nan Robb 1, Ella Webber 2, Hita Harris and Mavis Gash 3. Willie Moor and Kelvin Dodson L Francis Marriage and Gus Kamps 2, Keith Darrajrh 3. Diligence and conduct: Maud Shepherd, Alice Tovmshend, .Tame Canning, Grace Warnock. Keith Buttle, Kenneth Kirwood, Cecil Hamilton, Robert Maouiay. Primer lll.—Diligence and conduct: Roy Vercoc. Hector OiUespie. Wesley Vaughan, Lucy Skinner, Esme Jack, Myrtle Davis, Alice Green.

Primer ll.—Diligence and conduct: Clarence Semadevi, Cieorge Nelson, Frank Reid, Grace Rowan, Ida Guthrie, Averil Frith. Ruth Prith.

Primer I.—Diligence and conduct: Charles ■ Dickson, Douglas Faris. Walter Skiuiiei', Jack Morgan, Sydney Ashby, Alton Uigcott. Arthur Grove. Hubert Fallwell. Owen Collings. Lorna Storey, Amy Bainbridge. Myrtle Preston, Alma Sayers, Doris Crombie.

Lower Primer I.—Diligence and. conduct: Stanley Dick. Harold Cnudall, Cyril Cremer, William. Russell. Roy Searle. Frank Crocombe. ' Edmund Ev. en, William Parker, Hylton Stanley. Bvelyn .lenkins. Dorette Kretschmar, Lizzie Mitrtx?!!, Mabel Brecheldt, Rita Mills. Edna Cundall, Marjorie Somerville, Ida Uayle, Edna Daisley, Margaret Ross.


The "brcaking-up" of the Ladies' College took place ou Wednesday, when the principal's report was submitted as follows: — This closes the lSth year of our work in Eemnera The health of the pupils throughout the whole year has been perfect. The roll has been qnite full, both iv boarders and day pupils. With but very few exceptions,, the pupils have worked faithfully ai their studies, and their yearly eiaminaiiun attests to the fact that the work has not been wholly lost upon them. The English studies have been prominent in claiming attention, and have been most thoroughly pursued under able teachers. French is studied with avidity, but the enthusiasm for German might be greater with advantage. Both languages have been Uingiit by native professors. The technical and physical education has been consistently carried out throughout the year The musical studies have been regularly pursued, under their several able aud persevering teachers. Some good passes at the Eoyal College practical examinations— senjor. and junior—were secured and we hope when the list comes out to find many have passed the theoretical exams No pupil has been sent up for matriculation this year, for those who are ready are coo young. The art studies have been conducted for two-thirds of the year by Air Horace Moore-Jones. Specimens of the MessmaMng are Been iv tho dresses the cider -girls are wearing. In elocutionary exercises, hlglier literature, history an 1 tie study of the Scriptures the oimttan Zulu"' 1 ;\- (1 ': h!lracter >»•» Wn earnestly Bought, ttp sincerely thank all the nrofes SSnS"^^ 1 f ° r their <™t P w f ofk

i Form Lb.—Gold medal: Preida Tucker Jtorui ILb.—Silver medal: Ethel Sinrt= Geography: Dorothy Spence General tlim Form lll.—Highest marks for geoTanhvReading and spelling: Doreeu Walsh Pompositioii: Eileen Cnllins. Arittmetic:' Emily King. Science: Eva Hennings. DrawingLorkin- a General progress: Addie

oInJZ , ni --^eedle W orl;: Nellie Skeen. Fo™ kn ? wlea «c: Eva Hennings. mart™ Hilda M XI history: &ann| McKenr DS an « T arawin May Aldred. s^'eSss'cSigr , '- General pro - exaSi«^ rn,e^'lte W—Hlsheet rear's Science: **n£is£i.

ledge: Gladys Court. Drawing: Gladys Souester. Writing and poetry: Norma Moon Jones.

Form V.—Arithmetic: Marsalo Hawker. Geography: Marsale Hawker. Drawing and Composition: lima Page. French: lima l'age. Writing: Rita King. Arithmetic and geography: Lettie King. Arithmetic and reading: Esther Brown.

Form Vll.—Scripture: Grace Fletcher. Spelling: Erica Eamsey. English: Eileen Pittar. Wilting: C. Leicester. . Writing: I. McPherson. Reading: M. Tilley. General improvement: N. Clark. Heading: D. Boult. Arithmetic: R. Winstone.


The anuual distribution of prizes in connection with the Marist Bros.' school took place at St. James' Hall last night, when there was a large attfmlauce, over which I Bishop Lenihan presided. An enjoyable! entertainment was contributed by the! pupils, the physical drill being particularly good. The entertainment concluded with a , comedietta, entitled "Blind Obedience," in l which the parts were sustained by Masters .1. O'Loghlen, A. Smith, C. Browne. V. Foreman. E. Carver, W. Fischer, W. Dickson. Bishop Lenihan distributed the prizes, prior to which the Rev. Fr. George read the annual report of the school, which stated that there were nearly 200 pupils ou the roll. The general health of the boys was good, in point of fact the school had been singularly free from those epidemics which caused such ravages among the children of the Anckland schools during the past year. The examinations conducted in Au.crust last by Inspector Crowe were highly successful, aud 14 candidates secured certificates of proficiency in standard VL SPECIAL r-RIZES. Campbell gold medal for good conduct, presented by his Lordship the Bishop: Won by F. Mangan. Gold medal for Christian doctrine, presented by Rev. Father Holbrook: Won by W. Taylor. Gold medal for regular attendance, presented by Mr J. J. O'Brien: Wou by Leo. . Fischer. Gold medal for best pass in standard VI.. presented by Mr A. kohn; Wou by A. Smith. Prize for writing, presented by Rev. Father Farthing: Won by U. Foley. Standard Vl.—General proficiency: E. Carver 1, n. Foley 2, F. Foreman 3. "Christian doctrine: J. Earlly. Arithmetic: W. Monoghan. English: C. Browne. Standard V.—General proficiency: K. Taylor 1. G. A'alvoi 2. W. Whiternan 3. Good conduct: 11. Taylor. Christian doctrine: W. Alder. Regular attendance: J. Santo. Arithmetic: W. Dickson. Knglish: G. Bryant. Geography: F. Lennan. Standard IV.—Catechism: Oliver Mason. Good conduct: Michael Hendron. General proficiency: WflJla— King 1, Bernard Mullinn 2, Michael Hendron 3. Knglish: Thos. Morris. Arithmetic: William King. Read- j ing: Edward Moore. Good attendance: Michael Sayegh. Writing and good attendance: James Foley. Standard VII."— Good conduct: John O'Loghlen. General proficiency: AndrewSmith 1, John Foley 2. English: Johu Hogan. Arithmetic: Wilfred Taylor. Standard lU.—Proficiency: Joseph Hayes 1. C. Clarke 2. A. Page 3. English:'u. Hart. Arithmetic: S. Trapani. Catechism: L. Cullen. Good conduct:- G. Clarke. Attendance: Johu Hsyes. Standard ll.—ProHeieney: W. Par" 1 J Smyth 2, A. Woods S. Christian doctrine: M. Rogers. Good conduct: E. Moran. Attendance: T. Anderson. English: W. Parris. Arithmetic: A. Hart. Writiug: A. Keenan. Arithmetic: M. Rogers. DrawingF. Anderson. Standard I.—Proficiency: G. Anderson 1, L. Ly_-h 2, B. Monaghan 3. Christian doctrine: G. Anderson. Good conduct' T Neville. Atteudance: T. Neville. Englisii: J. Moodabe. Arithmetic: L. Lynch. Writing: E. Saycgh. SACRED HEART SCHOLARSHIP'S. The results of this year's scholarship eximlinatious in connection with the Sacred Heart College --5-ere announced by tho Rev.' Bro. George ut the distribution of prizes of the Marist Bros.' School lust night The boarding scholarship, open to all the pupils |of the Marist Brothers' schools in the I Dominion, was won by Master J Coleman of Wellington. For the day scholarships' I open only to the pupils of the Marist Bros.' i School, Auckland, tbere were six camlidates, of whom Masters A. Smith aud .1 ' Foley were successful. The scholarship entitle the holders to free tuition at the college for a period of years. MOUNT ALBERT SCHOOL. The annual sports in connection with the Mount Albert School were held on Thursday, December lSith. in the Eden Park. The following is the prize list for school work: First-class Attendance Prizes.—Standard VII.: Alfred Battersby. Standard VL: Kate Pye, Mildred King, Erie Kayes. Leslie Goldsworthy. Samuel Danrell. Standard V.Harry Brown, Samuel Griffiths, Albert i Nightingale, Edmund Paltridge, Bertie Wakerley. Bella Battersby. Olive Sheddan, Myrtle Stewart. Standard IV.: Frank Scarrott, Percy Dipseombe. Roy Ellisdon, Roy Cunningham, Enid Olney, "Lilla Pye. Phyllis Roberts. Trilby Yates. Standard III.: Allen Astley, Alfred Dadson, Harold Miller, Arthur Powell. Ross Pye, Alex. Ste- , yens, Florence Nightingale, Dora Turley. Mabel Willis. Standard II.: Alan Dadsou. Roy Griffiths, Clara Nightingale, Jeanie Sheddan, Lucy Willis. Standard I.: Clifford Stevens, Landley Pye. Primer: Tom Yates, Doris Nightingale, Fiora McDonald. The Hon. George Fowlds" Prizes for Composition.—Standard VI.: Alexander Elder.'! Standard V.: Eric Hooper. Strindprrl TV-.: Ernest Small. Standard III.: Ada Poulton. Standard II.: Flossie Wheeler. Standard I.: Frauds Drum—. Prizes Presented by Mr F. J. H. Ellisdou, Chairman of School Committee:—Sewinrr: Elsie McGeehan. Most popular boy: Jack Mansell. Most popular girl: Doris Eckley. 1 Prizes Presented by Mr H. C. Small for ; Arithmetic.—Standard VI.: Amelia Mon- j they. Standard v.: Daniel Kennedy. ' Prize Presented by Htid Teacher.—Tennis championship: Elsie McGeehan. Throw- ' ing cricket ball: Douglas 8.-adney. Medal Presented by School Committee for ■ Shooting by Cadets—Charles Duckring. 'i

Class Teachers' Prize 3 for Special Work. —Standards VX and V.: Harold Small, Eric Astley, Saiimel Griffiths, Edna Mohr, Elsie. McGeehan, Mildred!' Kathleen Jackeon. Standard TV.: Nellie Dowker, Ales. Stanton, Leslie McAdam, Maud, Henderson, Standard III.: Linda Mohr, Dora Turley, Lizzie Connelly. ■ Standard II.: Hoy Griffiths, Bertie Morris, Eileen Tyke. Standard I.: Bessie >*ash. Primers; Leslie Gladding, Hazel Matter, Alex. Tetteraen, Vera Moor, Eileen Corr, Howard Grnzelipr; Eraest StaccT. Alma Hewsnn. Charles Elder, Jessie ifciaehlan, Alex. Smith, Tom I'ates


On Thorsda'y morning. Just prioc to the closing of the ParneU School for the Christmas vacation, several .medals 'for shooting, were presented to the successful competitors by ,Mr Wni.' Thoniaii, ciiaii-hian of the School Committee. Four medals, presented by the National Defence JLcague for cotnnetition at the miniature rifle range attached to the school were won as follows: Lieut. M. Forgie and Cadet P. Wcstbury. silver medals; Cadet G. and Cadet .7. Clarke, bronze medals. Lieut. Forgie also won the silver medal presented by Mr Darraw for best shot in ' the No. 1 Co. I'aruelJ Cadeta, while Cadet G. Longdiil also won a similar medal presented by Mr Hare for best shor in the No. 2 company, these two medals being competed for on Penrose Range. Lieut. Forgie, Sergeant Bines, ami Cadet Praaer have qualified for marksmen's badges. Mr Thomas has generously offered a gold and a silver medal for comnetition during the coming year.


The day school conducted by thp Scripture Gift Association in the Eden Terrace Primitivi- Methodist Schoolroom celebrated its prize-giving on Thursday afternoon. A varied programme, consistingr of hymns, dialogues, and recitations, was pleasingly given by the scholars, under the direction of Miss C. Clarke, the teacher. Rev. T. 11. Lyon acted as chairman, and Mr. D. Goldie presented the prizes. In addition to each of the 58 scholars receiving a prize 2G of them received an additional prize for pro,ci,ency iv the Scriptures, and four sowing prizes were also given. At the close a hearty vote of thanks and appreciation was accorded Miss Clarke by the parents and friends present for the able and kindly way in which she had fulfilled her duties. Refreshments, which had been provided In a liberal manner, were then served, and added to the success of a very pleasant afternoon.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 303, 20 December 1907, Page 2

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DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 303, 20 December 1907, Page 2

DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 303, 20 December 1907, Page 2