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Moon's Age: Last Quarter, October 29, 1.21 a.n>. Sunrise: This evening, 6.19. Sunrise: To-morrow morning, 4.00.


Auckland: This evening, 0.50; to-morrow morning. 1.17. . _ „ . Onehunga: To-morrow morning, 0.2, tomorrow evening, 5.30. Manukau Heads: To-morrow morning, 2 42- to-morrow afternoon, 4.10. 'Kaipara Heads: To-morrow morning, 5.7; to-morrow evening, a-30. ARRIVALS. YESTERDAY. Kanieri, s.s., T. Meyers, from Whangarei. Passengers: Mr. and Mrs. Teasdale, Mr. : a.nd~Mrs Perston and child, Messrs. James, Power Tooman, llbertson, Eccles, Lewis, Betta.' Griff en, Ellis, Thompson, Bronspier, Mavliii Honan. —Northern Co., agents. Greyhound, a.s.s-, H. Subritzky, from Awaniii, Houhora, and Whangaroa.— Master, agent. THIS DAY. Southern Isle, scow, from the coast. Pelican, s.s., Gardiner, from Wharekawa. Young Bungaree, s.s., Whittingham, from Mercury Bay. Niwaru, s.s., 6443, Hollis, from London, Melbourne, and Sydney.—Heather, Roberton and Co., agents. DEPARTURES. YESTERDAY. Mokoia, 3503, R. E. Smith, for Sydney. Casablanca, barque, 469, Heays, for Mercury Bay and Sydney. Xgatjawa, P. A. Stein, for Tauranga. Chelmsford, S.S., R. G. Sunken, for Mercury Bay and Knaotunu. Torgautea, Waddilove, for Tairua fend Lyttelton. Clansman, E. McLeod, for Russell, Whangaroa. and Mangonui. Passengers: Misses Lawrence, Kendrick, Florence, Mesdames Clark, Bannister, Campbell, Gibbons, Florance, White and two children, G. Ussher, Go;-se, Bryers, H. Wallace, Oliphant, Messrs White, Morris, Clouston, G. Usher, Bryers, Forder, Poppelwell, G. H. Dickson, Mieklejohn, Val. Vousden, P. P. Fraser, Thompson, D. Williams, Boulton, .Woodham, Willis, Hare, Davis, H. B. Johnson, Goldie, Gosse, A. Townsend, Revs. Pooler and Jecks, CoL Holgate. Ngatiawa, S.S-, P. A. Stein, for Tauranga. •Passengers: Misses Ludwig. Longland, Mesdames Meehan, Walker and four children, Messrs Longiand, Caruyer, F. GClavton, Loosemore, Brash. Ngapnhi, s-s., E. Stephenson, for MarsBen Point and Whangarei. Passengers: Misses Warner, King, Mesdames Masson, Ciark. Farmer, Foster, Messrs Armstrong, Starve, G. Foster, Leatherbarrow, Jackson, Thorpe, S- E. McGill, Masson, Fawcett, Pratt, Johnston, Robertson, Gilfiilan, J. G. .Armstrong, W. Shera, Wflfcmson, Master Ccrsin. _ THIS DAY. Apamrf, sa, B. H. Gibbons, for Awanni, JTCamaxara, and HouHora. Mangapapa, C Faulkner, for WhafegcfcSßfi KanierL sa, T .Meyers, for Whangarei. EXPECTED ARRIVALS, i&tna, s.a, from Sydney, Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga, due November 7. !Srs=er Cloud, banjneotrae, from Newcastle; Baited October 19. Hawkes Bay, from New York, via Melbourne and Sydney, to sail Oct. ZG Matatna, s-s., from London, sailed October j 10; one November 24 , jßeni, barqne, from Marseilles, via the BluS ; and Wellington; sailed Sept. »•■,___• Kew Orleans, s-s., from New York direct, - to sail about Oct- 30 Opawa. s s , from sailed September ; 10- due about Wednesday ; Orari, sU=-, from West Coast of U-K. ; ports; leaves Liverpool November 30; due j January 13 . p.i>.iia- sa .from London; to sail November 4; ana DecemSer 2S , Cornwall, from Liverpool; sailed September 21: doe about Nov. 22 jStar of Japan, s.s., from x,ondon. via Melbourne and Sydney; sailed Sept. 24; due Nov. 25 Habart, s.s., from Moji (Japan), via Bluff, ■ gtmarn, and Lyttelton, sailed Aug. 31; i (at Lyttelton Oct. 24} Serebana, s.s., from London, via Melbourne aim Sydney, to sail in October. Lord Stanley, s-s.. from Sew iork direct. 6ailed September 20; due about Nov. 15 Oriana. S.S., from New York, via Albany, Melbourne, and Sydney; sailed August 23; left Sydney Oct. 26; due Friday Kainara, s-s., fr<>m London, to sail Nov. 4; due about December 24 Star of New Zealand, s.s., from New York, via Melbourne and Sydney; sailed September 14; dne about Nov. 25 Star of Ireland, s.s., from West Coast of ' England ports direct; left Liverpool Sept. 11; due about Tuesday Fifesuire, s.s., from West Coast of U.K. : ports; via Capetown and Sydney; left Liverpool "October 19; due about middle of December Ervaston, s-s., from New York direct; sailed Oct. 22; due about end of Dee. Indradevi, S.S., from London, via Mcl- j bourne and Sydney, sailed October 1L Bippingham Grange, s-s., from West Coast U.K ports, via Australia; to sail Nov. 16; due abcrat middle of January. Zealandia, s.s_ from Sydney; due Monday iAeon, s-s., from San Francisco; to sail October 25. " I

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. FOR SYDNEY— Yeddo, S.S.. to-day Victoria, Monday Atua, s.s., via Tonga, Samoa, and Fiji, Nov. 12 FOR FIJI: Hanroto, s-s., Wednesday FOR COOK AND SOCIETY ISLANDS— Manapouri, s.s., Wednesday. FOR LONDON— Arawa, S.S-, via the South, to-day

VESSELS IN PORT. Iris, tt vp R, In. stream. Kiwaru, at Queen-street wharf. Morayshire, at Qneeh.-street. wharf. Manapouri, s.s., at Quay-st. jetty Countess of Ranruriy, a.s.s., at Qneen-st. wharf Bnceiitaur, in dock Onyx, barnue, in stream Squall, s.s., at Quay-sL Jetty. Hauroto, at Hohson-street wharf. Yeddo, at Queen-street wharf. Arawa, at Queen-street wharf.

jCNION S-S- CO.*S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. Tuesday — Wanaka arrives from the Bluff, Timaru; and Oamaru; Kaituna, from Westport; Waikare sails for Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin, at 5 p-m. Wednesday—Manapouri sails for Eastern Pacific Islands at noon; Hanroto sails lor Fii: at 4 n-m. Thursday: Tarawera arrives from Dunedin, Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier and Uisbome. Satnxday: Tarawera sails for Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton and Duneain at noon. ■VTEST COAST. Wednesday: Rotoiti arrives from Sew Plymouth, Wellington, and Nelson, and sails for same ports at 3 p.m; train at 2.10 p.m. Friday: Tatapnna arrives from -New .Plymouth and Wellington, and sails tor .New Plymouth only at 3 p.m.; train 2.10 p.m. NORTHERN S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day: Ngapuhi arrives from Whangarei about 8 p.m.; Chelmsford arrives from Mercury Bay, Wnaagapoua, and Kuaotunu about 7 p.m. ■Wednesday: Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei at 10.30 p.m.; Ngatiawa arrives from Tauranga about S a.m., and leaves for the Great Barrier at midnight; Kanieri arrives from Whangarei Town Wharf about midnight; Waitangi arrives at Onehunga from Raglan and Kawhia early. Thursday: Rarawa arives at Onehunga from New Plymouth about S a.m., and leaves for the same port at 3 p.m. (train 2.10 p.m.); Kanieri leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf at 2; Ngapuhi arrives from Whangurei. Marsden Point, etc • N°-a-tlawa arrives from the Great Barrier'aoout C p.m.; Waitangi leaves Onehunga for Kawhia and Waitara at 9 a.m. (train S ''0 a.m.); Waiotahi leaves for Opotikl at 11 30 a.m. Friday: Clansman arrives from Russell, Whangaroa, and Mangonui about 6 a.m • Aupouri leaves for Tauranga at 5 p.m.- N-n.- I tiav/a leaves for Mercury Bay and Tairua at 7 p.m.; Ngapuhi leaves for Whangarei Marsden Point, etc, at 0.30 p.m.; Apanni arrives from Awanui, Waiharara, and Houbora about 6 p.m. I HTJDDABT-PAKKEK CO.'S MOVEMENTS- ' Sunday: Victoria arrives from Southern P °Monday: Zealandia arrives from Sydney. Victoria sails for Sydney at 5 30 p.m. Tuesday: Zealandia sails for Southern ports at S p..m» -^fc*

The s.s. Mokoia sailed for Sydney at 9 o'clock last night. " I The s.s. Yeddo, from San Francisco, resumes her voyage for Sydney this evening. The barque Casablanca was towed to Mercury Bay last night to load timber foSydney. The s.s. Manuka takes up the AucklandSydney run in conjunction with the Mokoia next month, leaving this port on November 11th. The s.s. Arawa sails for Gisborne, Napier, and Wellington, en route for Monte to Auckland on Wednesday morning, and nounced to leave Wellington on November 7th. The island traders Hanroto and Manapouri have exchanged trips. The Hauroto sails for Fiji at 4 p.m.. and the Manapouri for the Cook and Society Islands at noon to-morrow. The s.s. Wanaka, with a cargo of produce from Southern ports, passed the East Cape at 6 o'clock this morning on her way to Auckland, and should arrive here about 12 o'clock to-night. The s.s. Kaituna, en route from Westport to Auckland, with a cargo of coal, passed Cape Maria Van Diemen at 8.45 p.m. yesterday, and should arrive at this port about the same hour to-night. The s.s. Oriana left Sydney at midnight on Saturday last in continuation of her voyage from New York to Auckland, and she should arrive here on Friday morning next. Messrs E. Porter and Co. are the local agents for the steamer.


Per Niwaru from London: 3000 tons general cartro. Per Wanaka—3so sacks Atlas flour, 556 sacks bran, 255 sacks sharps, 100 sacks fowl wheat, 100 sacks oats.—T. H. Hall and Co.


The New Zealand Shipping Co.'s steamer Opawa is expected to arrive from London direct about to-morrow. The steamer has 5000 tons of cargo to land at Auckland.


Messrs. L. D. Nathan and Co., Ltd., the local agent 3 for the Hnddart-Parker line of steamers, are in receipt of cable advice stating that the Zealandia has been detained in Sydney, and will not leave that port for Auckland until Thursday next, one day late. The steamer will thus be due at Auckland on Monday next.


The s.s. Waikare sails for Dunedin, via ports, at eight o'clock to-night, taking the following passengers: For Gisborne—Misses Lowe, Wilkinson, Beeson, Mesdames McPherson, Chrisp and child, Messrs. A. S. Trower, Graham, T. Harsman, Loisel. Wall, !R. B. Scott, Clauston, M. Smith. F. Lewis, J. McKay, W. Taylor, Dr. Levinge. For j Napier—Miss Curry, Mesdames Bebe, Harstow (2), Liley, Adams, F. Doyle and 1 infant, Roach, Messrs. White, Wilson, Clayton, Roach, J. G. Parker. For Wellington j —Misses M. Peacock, M. O'Bryan, WilI liams, Mcßride, E. M. Shand. Mesdames McKinney, Van Breda, Leggett and child, J- A. Hawkins and child, Messrs. J. A. : Hawkins, R. N. Barton, McKinney. Leg- ! gett, L. M. Browne, J. Laae, W. Bentley, L. Butler, S. Wilson. For Lyttelton—Misses Wilson, Lister, Oldham, E. B. Doherty, Mesdames Ryrie (2), Finemore, Ross, Mr. Gill. For Dunedin: Misses Adair, Caldow, Mesdames W. Higginson and infant. Hay, Messrs. J. P. Rooney, Sternfeld, Sellars, B. Riven, Abercrombic, C. lnverarity, G. Buddie. For all ports: 30 steerage.


The passengers by the s.s. Hauroto, leaving Auckland to-morrow afternoon, include the following, who have booked passages by the R-M.s. Miowera, sailing from Suva on Tuesday next for Honolulu and Vancouver: Misses Pasley, Clarke. H. Coggins, P. Kitzenberger. Mesdames Ayes, H. R. Dix and two children, Blois, Messrs. H. R. Dix. E. H. Ayes, Blois, S. Turner, Bey. A. Parker. Steerage: Misses Taylor (4), Mesdames Taylor, Renwick, Messrs. A. Tavlor, W. J. Clarke, M. G. Foster, H. Thomas, Moult, C. Carlson, J. B. Campbell, P. Carrigan, G. Kyme, W. Carruthers, Norwood, and Hucken.


H.M.S. Pioneer is expected to arrive :n Wellington or Lyttelton from Sydney about the middle of next month. H.M.S. Challenger, at present lying in the harbour at Wellington, will probably remain there nnt:i that time.


The Tyser steamer Niwaru arrived from London, Melbourne, and Sydney early this morning. An account of the vessel's trip to Australia has already appeared in these columns. She left Sydney, on Thursday last, and experienced fine weather on the run across the Tasman Sea, arriving at Auckland as above. On completion of her discharge the Niwaru leaves for Wellington direct, and after calling at South Island ports proceeds to Australia to load for London.


Commencing on Monday next, the s.s. Clansman will make two trips from Auckland to the Bay of Islands in place of only one trip as heretofore. On Monday she will leave for Russell, only taking cargo and passengers for that port. She returns to Auckland on Wednesday morning ,and leaves again the same evening for Ru<soll, Whangaroa, and Mangonui, faking passengers for all ports-, and cargo only for Whangaroa and Mangonui. She arrives back in Auckland on Saturday.


According to the "Chicago Tribune," Dr. H. Anschutz-Kampfe has invented a new form of steering standard, dependent for its operation on the principle of the gyroscope, which is driven electrically, "aud carries an indicating needle pivoted within an arc similar to that of the ordinary compass. It does net, of course, necessarily point north and south, but it tends continually to point in any direction : n which it may be set. and as it is wholly unaffected by magnetic influences it would prove valuable in warships, which contain such huge masses of iron and steel in guns and equipment. It Is not proposed to displace the mariner's compass, but to employ this instrument as an adjunct.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 258, 29 October 1907, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 258, 29 October 1907, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 258, 29 October 1907, Page 4