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MEDICAL. jp2s____*£ssrf <W_' S3 18-S ' Wa ara J ustified *° claimin S tha * far bronchitis and stubborn conehs there S gl_j is nothing equal to Angier's Emulsion. It relieves the cough _d br P || l l allays the bronchial irritation and promotes easy expectorauon whil» St t_ 11 J the same time it improves appetite and digestion and imparts a <_thu_ i II £ quieting feeling, which, even in the worst cases, affords much comfort to ! I'll the sufferer. If. as soon as cold weather sets in, Angier's Emulsion is taken I kicJ regularly, it will do much to prevent the usual attack of brSnchitis or I 11_| to any case, will greatly lessen its severity, of Chemists, 1/3, 2/9 and' 4/6* 1 (I A FREE SAMPLE 1 on receipt of <d. for postage. Mention this paper. 3 |l_i THS AIPaGSEa CO., Ld., 7 Eairacfe St.. SYDNEY, N_V_. 1 B ac, - s aad promptly, cleanses m m f*Wf^/! : & s y 3 '" e -* a S £EL % effectaaEy w&ea ffl B _y_3rai'''! bilious or costive. m 11' . California Syrup of Figs is a positively reliable and at W pi il'j t " :le same mc *^ c most agreeable family remedy for J| H !I^_i'_£s'.'!'' Constipation, Sluggish Liver, Biliousness, Indigestion, || XI j'iij Depression, Feverishness, Loss of Appetite, Headache, ia H . al - u "* ""**"* ki^ lo -* complaints, speedily restoring health, || _ (Tfl*. _^_6 iii appetite, energy and good spirits. California Syrup || M [LAslrSiMjij of Figs is strengthening and invigorating—not weaken- Xi M M *-*ewS__ *-- H j!['{ ing and lowering, as most ordinary pills and purgatives ||j 11 §' E u"S££*' g'i'ii are. There is no discomfort or inconvenience: It M Hf] j_+s. Bffilj simply aids and seconds Natnre, and its results are M g| _ healthful regularity and freedom from dangerous m 11 imparities in the system. Of Chemists and Stores, ra || I"'" " ESJIK in two sizes, 1/3 and 1/11. Jj| pf CALIFORNIA FtG SYRUP CO., 32 Snow Hill, London, Eng. Jf s^w _<uAai)^3gie-^/.'w , yjs«3e i MKES tne SK!_ -.£ * seeps the srsh | I as SOFT as <*<0?* fl/itst S9O - LAa - 3 I I VELVET. *5rt(%9 a ™ SHED i g. PRE¥EHTS 4 *_- mot weather, g I £*_& %J& "* entirel7 removea ' I H __"ffl*rW •* f AH R° H S hness » Redness, §3 I r\\\A\sW Tan, Chaps, Irritation, &c I I Of BOTTLES, I/- & 2/6. I I MO3QUJTOE3. Sole Haftm: M. BEETHSM &m. Cftritenhan, England. I a_?~*i~- , "~-""-"-'""*'---**^ I__¥F WORLD'S FAMILY MEBIGHSE* % A lainily medicine is a necessity. The human body is an intricate piece I' of machinery which is easily pat out of order, and unless the wrong be righted : 1 in its early stages a general breakdown is certain. Th_ wise keep the I World's Family Medicine always at hand, and this is acknowledged to/ b$ i M A dose taken when ailments arise will quickly Kfflfiß the cause of the f| f| trouble, and good heahh v/ill speedily bs restored. ' ' fa || They cleanse the System, regulate and tcne tip the digestive organs, and jM H stimulate the Liver and Kidneys to healthy action, ffl H Always keep BEECHAM'S PILLS in the house, and as occasion requires m II take a dose, and you will enjoy perennial good health. [;, 1 Worth a Gesiss®® a Box* 1. SoU emyiYbere ia bssss, price I(_. (3 $ pills) ///_ (** piZte) **_ (IM pills). jgj?' 5i J, COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLO_!ODYNE (THE ORIGINAX. AXD 02"_* GENUUSE.) COUGHS, I ,||« BRONCHITIS. CHLORODYS.E 's admittea by the profession to be the most wonderfnl ana PU! CiDnn\ valuable remedy ever discovered. l/nLufiODYNE *■ th< ' ve st remedy known lor Coughs, Colds, Consnmptioß, _~. „__ ' Bronchitis, Asthma. , • ohLORODYNE acts hi"*- a charm in Diarrhoea, and is the only specific ia .„. nB _ ChoZera and Dysontery. CHLCfiODYNE c "fl' e ctuaily cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy, Hysteria, nl,. rti_~ Palpitation and Spasms. l/nLURuDYUE M tue on _ palliative in "Neuralgia, Bhenmatisia, . . . Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, etc. - - spuriou^nf, ll . for " DU - J " C{ JLLiS BItOU'NE'S CHLOKODISE," and beware ot EEQAyxE-o ,?_. nds °t imilaUous. The bears the wordsi ''DX. J. COLLIS S . _HLORODYNE'* on the stamp of each bottle. *"* M Bottles (prices in England), 1/1%, 2/9, and 4/6 each. a - <o*"erwhelmin_ Medical Testimony each bottle:) Q Ote Manufacturers—J. _ -OAV*S*3CgOB*P, Xiimited, "LOSTOOJ"". |^ ij : : " fllllm_nA'j! UPTON & CO. - ..PI _M _ m_ H M 'H %\ USEFUL BOOKS FOX ACranXTANTSr m Wl__ 1 _"_ % STUUEKTS, AND BUSINESS MSN. ISI Accounting in Theory and Practice, Geex ka fm __ jgj \iy as £S %_a Accountants' Accounrs. Fox. 10/0 _ ' """"iCI B*r _ Cost Account?. Hawkins, 6/6 I F_li'L 1 Qh "^ a Ai,( "' oanta * its ' ciiu ' se "" ; ' i,i:tie7 - i_ ta »_ _ Depreciation, lleserves, and Reserve Fnnda, Sj RES.BEVE THE B3OST 1 Dickset-. 4/0 U ST-igßows, gtngiAu _ Executorship Ac.-counts, J. Ailcoch. 12/6 E COS»6rf. *| ExecutorshiD Accounts, VVhinnev. 10' m *S__ ~ _ Jlov ' to Be< -' ome il Qualified Accountant, 2/6 a § •"a"''' ,lle instant Alleviation and p3 Handy Bool; on Joint Stock Companies, kSB Permanent Cure of Couehs M F " Gtne Bruv, "*"e aud Win. Jordan, . Col^Bronch.,i sC ,r»--rh_,h_' I ilunicipal Finance for Students, 4/0 Koarsenc« 11 6 'V ', ' * ' _ Mnniclnal Accounts, ,T. Allco. X 12/0 U.n.i ti ; rr,t .'° nof, * ,eThro "- ! - 1 « te '' M-'-crmt ■•■ !._-. U JacS 11/6 "-itis, ana Consumption, g s*tockbrokers' Accounts, CaUaway, -l/C II '" | ra Secretarial Work and Fracti.-,-, by Nixon m _■■» /To. rf_ 13 ?- at * *?' c^a _ rrlspn - also Company Law, _ illa-i M§ll@H H Solicitors' Accounts. Bickspp. 4/6 ■' _ •€" . % -1 The Aeconntanu' Manual, 13/6 I_| 9h HIIs Sasii 1S _» rh ° Accom ' taat! '' "-'ompeadium, Dawson 23/9 1 I r Z~_r~7~7j- J -.,„,,- -1 i td'^?3£}^"";- | %\ --s o! Coughing or irriiaiioo. _i Let us send yen FUSE ear HaiT Order Cntnlngsm SI GEHtaiK _.-. _. (3. Curtains. LiP3iu, nailery. I!!oine_. Oeats' l«M- : '_ » ' F "ATARFI . fttir» ra „ loette - **Uea".Vashiooßoo*ileWßbi*»nd.S_.ieUifc v^i S SS_KS _ _fl3j»_! _. _ Buy British-inaOe Goods. Sturdy .iteli.MpmflSa. I .. S! 1 POPULAR' P^^Osi. : I TH -.o^c H^^d .^ 1 S p _rt_l_ 23/ft^glK--;'; ; H -* e -' a rUßed'«___ ast _:.. - H Contains:—2 pair, superb ninicgrrop. CnrSSI aisease Xi tains, 3J yds. lony. 60 ins. wide. "*.. - v; : HL—— —^ = * P a *"exquisite Dra-»-in_TOomCurtains,4 y«U..--. yj**^~^ 2 pairs choice Bedroom Curtains, 3 yds- 'M' ttf cLuustAi vnx-m *s_ „r_i,i v Tlitl Meril -. Taste and Virtue have increased the ' oq/« % _ „ ; " Sr «2» FRnk ted _ , Sales every your. Free to yoar home, f^/ 0 . _ ifciiDT,. "- 1 - . Box 584. X i™?.* 1 _■»•«■»»*» and Bup r i/ at lowest -. e% KEMP.HO&I.C ''uctland. ra In transmit n!ll»Me_-*o«l3, Tiact .. BH Wt". c - GROSSER &CO 6a ,„ inn the Ijiciiu it imlintFlal ",_._ *g ___ holc s»lg Agents S3 w e «">lielpyou. vs,\;* '.-■■ or.r CBtilojuM. *?w---- - PriciLiUs mr/ /)•• : nsilat'/iP^/ \ : SAY ' 1 - PEACH (S SON'S. Tho Looms. / 4 520 NOTTINGHAM, ng. Est.lßst_:.__

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 7