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MESSES AT"lj_3_ BUCKLAND AND SONS' REPORT. Horses: At the Haymai-ket on Triday last we hid an exceptionally large principally of the heavy class, which were keenly competed for. Active, young heavy draughts realised from £_ 'io,, .0 of-,*, aged, draughts, _£2S 10/ to £44: medium draughts, £2/ 10/ to £33 10/: hu_ y horses and good hacks, £16 5/ io £2b": fight harass and ordinary backs, £7 10/ to £19 15,; weeds and gig class at all prices; pair of Shetland pomes, £30. Eight draughts from Taranaki averaged £41 12/0 each At the clearance sale held on account of Mis Rumbul at XVaipipi on Friday, there w.-itc a large at tendance, aud very Satisfactory prices obtained. The milking cow's made from £5 lv/ to £0; heifers "•;( in/ to £ "> 10/: ™lve_. £1 XI to £1 e/~: chestnut ■--cr. ng £23 10/: bay mare, £n . iple- mnieTit*. furulture, and sundries brought ful'

Ihe -flaiuku Yards on Saturday were moderately rilled with stock. Those met with a slightly better sale than the pre-v-i-iii me.mb. Springers. £3 to £5: empty cows. £1 15/ to _._ 15/: fat ,ows. £:: '<■)/ to i.5; tliree.year steers. £4 17/ C. year . lings to IS-ni.Lth steers, £1 15/ t o £2 Hi/: st'-o-.ig e-alves. £1 1/ to £1 S/; others, In/ io 17-; small pigs, 7/6 tr. 10/: potatoes, 13/

Slock, of all classes was well r-etircspnted nl Peuiiu-ra on Thursday, met with a ready sale throughout. Dairy CTW s -old from ij4 :,/ u> £X acc-nrdiug to aire and quality; snore -ows. c- t „ c ; > Vy . ,;„ ■„,„,,„ yankd. Pal ami young calves, in full supply, were required at from 2' to 37/: 10G sold. The :,..ef pens wrro .filled. "!K> being pruned, a Isrgi- belu-r rows. Prices were 0.-m ihroitghont at recent quotations, "x beef being silently better. Steers ranged in price from in lv/ („ £11 5,': cows. £3 10/ to £G 15/. Sheep, penned in full linniliers. sold freely. Best wethers were from -1/ to 23/:\. lighter- weights to 20/, beavv ewes to 31/0. others 16/ to IS/; best lambs, ro 17/. lighter sorts 12/0 to I'd: store lambs. 7: to to/::: ewes in lamb. £1 1/0. Tlie advertised store wethers mostly fat and s-.ld from JO/ lo 2-7; 2510 of al! classes sold. Pipe, -j, f a i r numbers, i-old well; porkers lo 33/. baooncrs to £" 11/ wehners in 10.'. small 7/ to 10 ; iSS sold.' Rollers, 'J 1 each. Hides. Skins, "allow, etc.: —Hides—Ot, •->d to Sd; cow. 4jd lo oid: kin. 40 to ."idcalf, fid ;,, r.-cl: stags'. Sid to :,?d; bors»! ! " :| : damaged hides. ?.*d to 5Jd: tallow. 27,6: bnnos. 4 0 to 5/. Skins—-Best butchers' 4/4 to :,/:;, medium 3/2 to 4/, small 1/3 to 2/11. C. B. KINCRWELT. AKD CO.'S BEPORT. On Tuesday iff sold a large catalogue of hides, skins, tallow, etc. Hides: MarL-f Una. >Vc quote: Extra stoul, ,/d to Sd: stout, 6£.d lo r,:;d: luedluni. lid lo i-.'.u: light. r>Jd lo ."id; coy,-, "..'.d to 55(1; kip, .->;. dto iijil: calf, (id lo K'-d; stag, SJ<l lo Sd: damaged bides. 2d to ::.'.d per lb. Sheepskins:: Loci I butcher* - large 4/0 to 5/, pood 4TI to 4/7, small o'(i to 4.': country lines. 4-:; to 4 , 0: small, 3/ to SV,-. damaged. 1/4 to 2.0 each. Tails. I.'B per do?-.. Tallow: Casks, good 26/6 lo 27/, seconds 2",/ t" 24/6 per cwt. ttongh fat. 1-Jd per lb. Bones, dry. £4 15/ per ton. rnuiT and produce markets. Business on the local fruil and produce markets has been fairly active during the past week, supplies liulng generally well up to requirement.--, in potatoes business was almost entirely restricted to supplies •wm Tasmania. A moderate quantity <>£ .oi-a! »ecil was received and met witli a .-lightly better demand, bur. only at medium values. Prime local chuff was somewhat miner in value, whilst grain aud other fodder held about hist week's ntcs. Pumpkins were in very largu supply, and were practicaUy unsa.cubic. UUicr vegetables were in moderate supply, and sold weiL the onion niarke" was i-atbcr bare of prime samples and slightly advanced in value, nut sprouted und inferior kinds were- neglected. ivuinarus improved in demand at good prices. The better market was dull. Modelaic quantities ~f farmers' make were sub- ! mitred at the auction sales. Primp, fresh I qualisy aieu- .viii. HaUsXacuiry prices, bur ! ouik was sold at unusually low rates. Both Iresh and pickled eggs wire scarce, the I demand heiug strong. Cheese, hams, and uui-rm were unchanged in value, Poultry -:is in heavy supnly. the demand ,/"ing satisfactory. The fruit lnar- ! »«t was well supplied, including local j apples, wliif-h realised about Inst week's .ates for prime quality. Lemons were in ■ m-Hvy supply at lower prices. Shipments also came troni Sydney. Queensland, aud I the Cook Isiands. Mandarins and passion .itiit from Sydney soul at low values. The lOilowing were tlie ruling rates a; tne auction Kales:— Field Produce.—Potatoes: Loral seed .ai-ieties. -1/ to 6/ cwi: Tasmanian, tank-, ;£5 lv £5 10/ tou. Kumaras: Local, 4/ to o/ cut. Onions: Local, prime, £.1 to £5 It'/ ton; medium, 3/ lo 3/0 cwt; poor, unsaleable. L'nali: Local, prime, £5 5' to juj 10/ ton. Dairy Produce.—Farmers' and separator luitter, Uid to lud lb; farmers" bulk, ;>id io ud; miileil, in bulk, for export, pastry .'.jd to Ud. Eggs: Fresh, 1/SJ duzcu; do.. pickled, 1/3. Cheese: I'armeis'. -Id to rid lb; do., factory. Hid to 7d: do., loaf, 7id. uacon: Factory, iiauis: Factory, Sd. Fruit.— -Appics: Local, dissert. o.< to a/3 "Use; do., cocking, ti/ lo 7/0. Crapes: Superior. i' 4to 2/lU lb; do., medium, 1/ to 21. iirauges: Local, Poor Plan's, ."/ to 4/ ease; do., Island, 4/ to 5/. Mandarins, Sydney, 3; to 6/. Lemons: Local, prime, 4/ to 5/; •io.. rough and coarse. 1/U to 2/. Passion fruit: Sydney, 3/ to 5/ box. Peanuts, 2*d Hi. Bananas, 2/ to 3/ bunch; do., repacked, Ud lb. Pines: Quer-nsland, 3/11 lo 10/ case. Coconnnts, 32/ sack. Poultry.—Hens. .1/ to 1/9 each; table roosters, heavy, 2/ 10 2/ii; do., meilium. 1/0 to 1/10; ducks. 2/ to 2/l>; geese, 3/ to 3/6; chicks, f'-d to 1/; turkeys, gobblers, 4/ to 7,0; do., bens, 2/JS to Cv. Till-. J. .Tonps report.-,:-Poultry: Roosters, 2/1 to 2/10: cockerel.;. 1/1 lo 1/8: bens, 1/3 to 1/H: ducks, 1/3 to 1/U; turkeys, golv biers, 6/ :o b/A; hens. :'./8 to 4/I'.. Potatoes: Prime Tasmuniaus, £5 lo £5 10-. Onions, £4 12/6 to £5: pumpkins. £2 to £2 13/; butter, keg and box, 7d Lo Sd; pats. S'd to Sid: eirgs, fresli, l/7i to 1-'BV, preserved, 1/ to 1/1J: checi-.'. 4d to od: faciorj'. 6id; bacon sides. 6d ro Td: hams, bid to 7Ad; honey, r.,'6 io 4/ kt-g. Fruit: Choice desert "app.ies. 7/ to S/6: others, 5/ to 6/; cookers, fi/ to 7/1: lenions, 3/6 ro 4/0: pears, 4/9 to 9/fl; maiv:c, ?,'0: whear, 4/5; ootc. 3/5: sharps. £o' 10/: bran. £5 10/; Algerian seed oats, 3/8 to 3/8; chaff, £r. to £5 5,', ex store. LONDON CABLE. 'By Cable. —Press Association.—Copyright.) (Received n.4" p.m.) LONDON. June 7. The nraounl of coin aud bullion in the Bank of England is £33,502,uu : >, reserve £34,181.000, proportion of rewrve io liabilities 46.W0. iv circulation £2'.i.048.000, public deposit £0.046.010, other deposits £11.----557,0(X1. Govenrment securities £15,124,000, other ■ securities £:'.0."04.0'K>, Tln-ee months" bills 3'i. Consols SoJ, New South Wales fours 10C. three aud a-halfs 00}, threi-s SSJ. Victorian fo.urs 101, three and a-balfs 08. threes S6A. South Australian three aud a-halfs 100,' tUrcus BRSd. Queensland fours lOCli, three mid ahalfs 07i, threes Ss:\. Now Zealand fours three and a-halfs Osj, th:-ees SU>. Tasmanian three and a-halfs 07. threes b7. Westrallan ih:-ce and .-i-iialf.4 '.un. threes ,s".. Copper, spot 071. three months OSj Tin, spot ltrfllj, three months itjjj. Lead. 20i. i='!lver. CO 13-16 Iron, f.O/7. Spelter 24J. Sug.i'.-, Oerman 0/U. lirst narks 11/.".

At the Bradford sales woo) i_ firm, 'out business is qniet. Prices are nuch.'.iig'il.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 7

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 7

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 7