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PSBSONAIi. j MR OLIVER, lately from Sydney, please call at "fctar ' Office, as early as pos-M siDle. *j i(J Whom It May Concern. — 1 will not Li J- be responsible for any debts contract- '1 ea in my name without my written aniiiomy. — Joseph Salt. — Waiui, J-_n_ 1 srh, IUO7. \OUNG Man employed iv city warehouse i\ would like evening employment, writ^ ing preferred; bignest credentials.—Address "" Euergy. 01.1, .Star Oifiee. ' \ ,"i-j.Olh„lt. come and see the Big Sale -it 1 xix. Syuney Bazaar. I'itt-st. l_uildiu-''« ti _irangnnape-rd. Great Reduetious iii ' iui-ses. luys. Fancy Goods, China a; _ _ Glawwai-e. " Com. early and get the bar- » gainu.—A. J. Ueunif. } "Y'IONEY TO LENO ou any approved se- ' -"•• entity—Land, Furniture, Promissory ■£ .votes, interests under Wilis X o Wii- \ liaiuson, Solicitor, \jctoria Arcade. ' ,' ErNERGETIC Cusiuess" Mini, having £150 „ xx wants working interest in estaolislied « ■city And lonccriiig i-.usiuess: nrinciuils only.—liu.ncr. (ii-4, Star Office. ""-'Pais F LjAVtl you a letter to wnrer Business - LJ - testimony, introductory, reply to advertisement, or of any nature.—Addresa , Literary, G.P.O. ----»i.,_ !p "jWIE Ladies' Man—Cos, the Hatter Rex- i>:oc_ Ladies Pelt Hats LatcatShapes. c I)U XOH WAN I' MU.NL_V_We Ua,e I xx Large and smail Sums to Lend on % .viortgnge at very Low Hate of iutcres<- — cwuiston aud oaker. Estate Agents. , j"NOiut._.ij> positively cured 1.7 KIA E , OJ i A ' 2/8 aurt VB.—Hasiett, Cnemi.-t, , iLden lei-race; Vase, Kiu.siaud; Mac_ui- ' lusu. Nwtiin; and an CUe-usts. M U -, -?■ *"' ~ X _ cau liorruw .vioncy 0 _ "• •UU- i-irst aud Second Mortgages, on i bliaren. or other approved security, trom C. \ R. Wuliamauajiud Co., g^jjueeu-st. ACCOMMODATION for Ladles" d__Tg ( -doucuemeut. i'erms muuciate. Out- - dour nuise pi_viUcd.--Nu._e Grace. Sussex 1 Uuuse. Viuceui-at. lelcphoue 1129. "\jISS COLE.S, of The Lacger Dress- ? -*-- cutUii_ ccuool. win be at uome at her j i-iuins, ii..v. Attaue, an Tuesuay Ne_t, tne ' nib inst., and will be pleased to meet 01a puplis and menus. £ •W-LPEIU'LLOIS HAIR, - ilolesT" Warts - **^ > etc., permanently removed.—Miss Ba- ft cv, Hair i-nysiclau and Complexion Specialise, Strand Arcade (i'nd noun. I i SONSI'LT Madame Ingham, Palmist. " >-- business prospects, hea.ih, eti\ Advise \ laithfuny.—i-ciii_uui>y-rd., few shops below , Paviuss Banl:. 1 IS LEP IT DARK. -Clarke's Hair Dyes ■ -«-V restore Voutnioi Colour to Black or i fcrown Uair. fiea, 1/tl. — Clarke, ciii-mlst. Hu, Victuria-st. l 1 ADllis.—Your f«eTt "llals Re-blocked - xt Latest . _apcs.—Coi's Hat l-'uetorv, r>„hnpe-rd. ' ~\ rf -J.O KLION COLEMAN, Occult Student. ,v -« Clairvoyant. pß,VCtlo_i"tri_t. Letters, ai-i teles I'sycaoiuetiised. Gorrcsuondouce invited, l onsuited daiiy.—_j Housou-st,. opp. St. Matthew's. ViBYL, Clairvoyant and Psychoinetrisc, >J No. (J, Severu-st., Ehyber lass-id. Hours: 2 till S p.m.; Saturday, 2 till ~i p.m. _ I' IA OKA Pile Ointment. Sure cure.— xx- Sold by Hasiett, cnemist, iideu Ter- \ race; i'age, Emgsiaud; Mackintosu, Nctvton; and ail übcmists. "A/S ibS AicEL\Vj.lN testauiisticd 12 years;, xxx __j_ and Uair specialist, Removed from \lctclla Arcade to _3_, Qucen-st 1 near Savings Bank. QualUied Assistants! 1 eisonal supervision. Telephone 234. p, j _i:i_i-.o Solemnized quietly and at - -'- snortest uoUce.—iicv. .M. Walker, :, corner V, ciiingtoa and Howe sis. ' STAMMERING cured pcrsouslly or letter; I *-» Elocution t-nglit.—Oswald Metcalfe t Mutual Lite r>ui.u. l . r ,a, uo, «i. r |-VON"T FORGET WATSON'S is a THREE ] STAR Whisky. J — j w»L'i'_ fciitEKS »_u have failed in their t-J eiiuiis 10 obtain lerief irom doctors or - iiMidicUie, wnl uu wen 10 uunsuu Jill Ll.m. 1, Meup-jsiclau and Mt-ntai Heaier, bll. bUIVLIi WULLN-bl. LallliiN'S Nursety Hah- Lotiou.—One . appucatiou ucsUcys all parasnes. Price, 1/ ami i/is. - v». Li. WouUaius, cnem--Ist, (.ueen-st., Auckiaud. 'L>E\'- 11. WALKER (Regisiercdl" MetaX&s physician. AU Diseases successiuny treated. Nervous disorders ausoiutciy cured without drugs.—Corner cllingtouHowe sts. < W. QRH3BIN J^DAMS, Grad. New York lustitute, IW2. (In charge of G. Buxton Hewer's practice.; SPECIALIST in treaiiug ALL OISEAaES Dy Magneiism; no Meuitiuc. CUL.-ri ois-EAbi-3, Llli. EAii. AObL. a.nD THROAT ANO NEK\uUS DiSEAbLS. Dahy. 10—3 p.m. lei. 203_. , 317, YlC'lUlilA ARCADE. Shampooing nail Mauicuriug. Physician. MISS JOHNSTON IRVINE, Student of Mrs Auair, London tsuci.essoi lj Mrs 'luoruiou Lee.-), UuSruilbd 'lIII.S, PALLING, LUSTRELESS, A.SD GREY HAIK. : The Latest American and most up-to-d-ie mclhod of Complexion 'li-cutnicut. Hair 'lonics and Skin Foods lio.n tue pres«:rli(tious of an Eminent Physician. 20 H.jl. Ai-.CAI>I_ (take Lievatui-j. luoue me-l. Tr> HEUMATISM. XV' GOUT, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, And All Other Uric Acid Ailments POSITIVELI' CURED By the world-renowned Remedy, ■r-\ LORIA - rjpONIC. Price. 4/6 a box; course of 5 boies, £1. Can be obtained at Woollams", Chemist;' •Sharland. Chemist; Eccles, Chemist; anu|, who'esale, at I TV Lj rj.ROVE, 27, CUSTOMS-ST. "T~vR. BAKEWELL begs- to offer his most I-* cordial thauks to the numerous frieiids I who have written to him expressing their appreciation ot bis articles, and regrets ttiat ihe is nuable to answer them individually. He has resumed practice, aud may be consulted daily at bis residence, from 2 to •1 p.m. Arthur-st., Onehunga. GREEN- BLUE. RED. VyiLLIAMS ANO p EEES, THE COLOUR MEN, At the Blue Shop, Top Grev-sL Ts the Cheapest Place for PAI'ERHANG--ING, PICTURE FRAMING. MOULDINGS, Glass and Painters' Requisites. Estimates supplied for ail classes of Signwriting. Painting, and Decorative Work, Glazing nnd Paperhanging. All orders in these Departments promptly executed. Telephone 545. READ THIS and it will be RED. WAGE WAR WITH TIME AND NEVER LOOK OLD. "V7"OUR skin is the best witness that there x is only ONE MILOS. When friends tell yon of something just as good, remember there is ONLY ONE MILOS. Mauy other Skin Foods look the same in form aud colour — the same in packing but your skin is witness that there is but one Milos. MILOS is the only Skin Food which will banish Wrinkles, nourish tho tissues and bring back to the face the health and beauty of youtb. It is prepared entlrely from Nature's own products, and is guaranteed freo from mineral salts, or animal fats, or any other hair-producing agency. Soothing and healing, causing no irritation, but beautifying in NATURE'S OWN WAv'. Price 3/0; by post 4/3. AU chemists and stores. Interestins booklet, "Beauty is Duty," FREE. Wholesale Agent: Miss McELWAIN, 231, Queen-st., Auckland. i ]||AL'AME,Do not fall to see the Beautiful New ' Winter Models Just nnisued and now on view in the windows of the LONDON-AMERICAN TAILORING CO 77, QUEEN-ST. (ucar Smeeton). " Highest Award for Bespoke Work at Christ«_irch Exhibition. Phone 19b3 t Q.SXP-CKS STAKE J?BQ"tt 5 G._N_-&.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 3