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MEDICA!. EKBIGESTIOM. Tne torments which are suffered *-heD the aigesuve organs fan to do then wofe thoroughly ire. unfortunately so well Known to mosii o: as thai n is not, necessary fo> the various symptoms of indigestion or dyspepsia to oe given in detail nere. Indigestion has several sources oi origin, tne princioai being Gastric Catarrb, id wtuch the tood becomes covered witb mucus, and eonaea'aenily resists tne action of the digestive iuices> Gastric Flatulency ihe development ot wind or gas , Gastric Diarrhoea caused by the tood tsicg burned through the digestive organs unassimilated and Con stipamon Constipation is by far tne most frequent aad oostmate cause ol indigestion, md it must be recn6ed or digestion cannot be otherwise than imperfect Pood a;uv» oe eater, in sufficient quantity and musi ol digested, and be converted into olood Nature makes this one of her most imperative urn-a ol life During the process of digestion tood is entirely changed in composition oy the action of the juices of ■■he internal organs through which >t passes In the mouth -t is thoroughly mixed with the saliva I'ben it 13 swallowed, and enters the stomach. Caere it is acted upon oy the gastric mices. and becomes partly liquefied From the stomach it passes to the smaller 'ntestme —which .3 about IS feet m length—and tnere certain portions oi the food are liquefied oy the bile and other juices the toed" thus made tuid is in a condition to be absorbed into and oecomes a constituent part of tbe blood The indigestible portion of rfce food is discharged into tae larger -ntestine whence it is >o turn expeiied from the body '.ogc? with other refuse mauei Jum as certainly as that :i is necessary to ule that fooa mast oe absorbed, so. Lite wise. 11 is essential that the blood must be id a condition to absorb the food Torpidity ot the liver is tfie chiei cause of nearly every ease of indigest:on and when tbe liver is corpid the kidneys a,re always sympathetically afiecied to a grcatei or lessei extent The blood, which should be transformed cleansed and filtered bj the kidneys md livet. then contains urinary and biliary poisons and is therelore a ieeble absorbent of nutriment. This condition of the blood reacts upon the nervous system of the digestive organs, and prevents the tion and alters the quality of the digestive icices The entire rerve energy ol a person suffering Irom indigestion is weakened, owing to the contaminated condition 0' tbe olood and '.he general teeling 01 mental and physical depression, w'nicb .s eipenenced during an atlact oi dyspepsia, is due to this cause The biood must be continuously punned by tne aetian ol tne liver and kidneys, or good digestion cannot be expected to occuMany irom indigestion obtain temporary relief oy eating predigested foods or taking medicines, such as pepsin, which act as digestives 10 the intestines & course of such treatment merely encourages a slothtul action ol the digestive organs, and causes theua to become gradually weaker and less cap£ble 01 performing their duty, just in tbe -...J5 ivij tnat a person who takes little oi no exercise becomes incapable of re spending to any demand for exertion Otne' sufferers irritate the digestive organs into temporary v.nd abnormal activity oy tailing purgative medicines so frequently that presently -'he stomach and intestines refuse to act etcept under sucb irritating stimulation. The ! only rational and permanent cure for indigestion is to create such a con dition of she blood that each corpuscle becomes hungry for tood. and ready and eagei to absorb 11 The digestive secretions will then respond to the demands of the blood. and the stomach and intestines will perform then work as a mattei or course When the blooo 1* laden with trie acid and other arinary and oiHary poisons it .cannot ade quateiy absorb food, and makes bui a feeble attempt to do so Warner's Safe ©sire is not a purcative medicine ft permanently cures indigestion and dyspepsia, simply because it restores the livei and Kidneys, to bealth and activity so chat the blood naturally becomes iree lrom urmarv and oiharv poisons, ana ravenous to aDSorb nutriment freely Nutriment is then conveyed oy the mood to the nerves throughout the body The nerves of the digestive organs being properly oounshed the organs are in a condition to do then work etlicientiv Nature is merely aided in her efforts to preserve a balance in the manifold and complei processes o' waste and renewal by which life is maintained Remember. constipatioD or irregularity of tbe bowels must be overcome- Warner's Safe Pills should, therefore, also be taken id sufficienl quantities to ensure one free movement daily Do not »i-erload the stomach Avoid tea. coffee, alcoholic stimulants and neb or fat foods. Do not eat generously of any solid food Write for treatise on Liver and Kidney disorders. Sent post free bj H. B WarMr and Cc„ Ltd.. Australasias Branch. Melbourne.

life We can reduce your fat by fe" iSfVfe;--- y ,?A B fßllg§SS«Sß'? Sfa l '.' -' v from five pounus a week to Eg,.. ' ." ") h< \ thirtec «- a fortnight, !'■ I $7 : and to normal, without any &.;l llillffl "-cosivenieuce, violent ex- Wt ih ill W<f v f ercise < dieting or de- |i jP' _"'" '"■■'-"-"■---. . ofelSS \l tention from the ordinary jfel wkWl IS I pursuits of life. Thousands K--; X \? r -" C#? iillifi - V 1 ofoverfat persons have been I*l '■ f J'ZjgS? ** c/ilNllK-il - I successful:v reduced by our "Sffil ■ j.{3 . J 11gffl I hannlcss rernedv . . gSg" ' copies moM «ctu/u. pnoTocßAPiis--«ns . —a* _ "FATCURE" B [" F; "is absolutely non-poteonoUs, and'-prodtices -not the as"' east il) effects while successfully reducing your weight.- It strengthens jjR he system aud corrects the agents of digestion, thereby preventing a Sp -eturn to the old condition, and maiing tie reduction of"fat permanent, ip LET US SE.BT33 YOU A FREE TRIAL SAMPLE. Wi "•end us a 2d. postage stamp and we will post you a Free Trial Sample '%' if" Fatcure," and also our descriptive Booklet.' ..,._,.„ _ , %|j The Watworth Obesity Co., Castlereag'h St., Sydney. M M f|| 111 |rP^f For the LUNGS, the THROAT, the VOICE. , ■** The or organ of voima, TSZ a Th ß Trachea, or windpipe. •BEAT ANTISEPTIC O. The Bronchial Tube." • di» REMEDY aected lung. fob the Cure op D. A Lobe ot on« of the lunm. COUGHS! COLDSI * Jf* SORE THROATS 1 Suited for BRONCHITIS: and *t*mS*2& S ™ i ®%&&M$U Old and Youns. INFLUENZA I CI and " ,ld - Mt& Invaluable to the Prevention o» X?-. <■■*■ '.LVw qi„„„™ o„/i CONSUMPTION, Paou'sp^L HUDSON'S JUJUBES mDUW A TITI WHT Bur POOR COFFEE? Si 111 B W II WI I Ub G °° d Coffee ■"■''' make nearly a b.niiII Li ? I it 13 II <3red cups ' Le - costs les = than a farthins T usi, all Liver Troubles and Sick KeaaUV^R h piL b Zs. t^O D piIU E I N , TO * VS U ' n ' LJß , ™ THE * DBINK VILE COFFEE. FENTON, CHEMIST. | hea KABAKGAHAPE-RD. RDDIER'S * COFFEE HATISHC — A Japanese Remedy for IS G00I) ' > fold in the Head. eir.. 1 n bottle KING S LIVER 1-U.LS, fnr Hiliousnuss. „ „„ Headache, Stomach, and Lirer Com- rT IS • TI: ' ST LOTEI.T. Jlaints: 1' a bottle. j T ' Is , rfji CT-rvrr-r a \.-t KING'S WO-IM POWDERS, for tbe "-- LAlj STIMULANT, pulsion of Worms iv Adults and AND EVERY STORE SELLS IT. Children; U a par-ket. | RW PARKER, Chemist, Qneen-st. ' , . . „ * T' • x ' Yon can buy it Ture or mixed with Chicory. Ask for ,!fe .W- "D4JSY"' BHAVn ' 'Spring Blossom Piiu.'- \.._ -'nioomine- 1 AJ-.US3 A. ±3ltx\.JS D ?nres Corru?. Warta. and B-'rrnns ivi ~,.,. i >actet Chemists and Storekeepers. IS NET **"""=""*GET TINS. I

*T2_© Famous Remedy £o_» ---fil-rfs COUGHS, BEONCHITIS, ASTHMA, & CONSUMPTION Has the Largest Sale of any Chest Medicine in the World. Those who have taien this medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Its healing power is raarveUon., .„«_. c Breathing. Hoarseness. Pain or Soreness in the Chest, experience delightful and immediate relief - aad to t__ w_ « - r ° m *° y /° rm ° f Bron *i«s. Cough, Difficulty of effects a Complete Cure. It is most comforting in allaying irritation in the throat aad pvi ßg mammitsT tof__ v___,^ JeC - _ C *! lds ° a tbe Cta* it is invaluable, as it chronic nor Consumption to develop. Consumption has never beea koowa to east where " Cohens" «__"*?**** aL ° wsa C***". or Asthma to become should be without it, as, taken at the beginning a dose is generally sufficient, and a Complete Cure is certain. P r _»«*'y treated with this raedi=iae. No faeuse Sewage of Imitations! The great success of hearke-s brokchitis curf v of unprincipled persons to make imitations, each cailins his medicine « B *" JKE i ".as induced a number deceiving; the sirnpie-minded, and so g-ettmg a sale for an imitation wh__ h " >nohiti * Cur *V with the object of HEARNE'S BRONCHITIS CURE has. Consequently it has become necesaT t beneficial effects that and to request you in your own interests to be particular to -«ie *„- _«r__._!? W y ° Ur atten t»o»"» to tbis fact. for HEARNgS and te ace that you £c * i„ HEARNE'S 3RONCHSTSS CURE, Small Size, 2/6; Urge Size, 4/6. Sold by Chemists and m__i_ - ~ Proprietor, W. G. HEARNE, Chemist, Geeiong, Victoria- Forward _+0r,., nIZT Medicine Venders, and by ther -a to a*v Address, when not obtainable locally. SOXSCE—Hearae _ Sronciitis Cure No. la does not contain any poison within the meaning of _, a . „ - £«BSSeat Ckild »_l t_j „»_t aged sewMU "•W beneilcial for _|3 B

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 15