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THE INDUSTRIAL DISPUTE. AWARD OF THE COURT. The award of the Arbitration Court la the Industrial dispute between tbe Auckland Bieotric Tramway? Company and its employees has lieeu received, by tli« Clerk of Awards. Tie award i« as loilovrs:— HOURS OF WORK. 1. The hoar* of work shall be eight hours per day for all workers, but the. euip.oyer ehall have the rignt to call upon any worker to work for one hour more- on any day, paying for tne time so worked cc ordinary rates. All time worked ueyond nine hours shall be paid for at time-and-a-nalf rates. l_cept iv special circuuistauces A worker shall not he required to work for more than ten hours continuously. All work done on Sundays shall be paid for at time-and-a-half rates, and all work done on Christmas Day or Good l-'riday shall be paid for at double-time rates. 2. Motormen and conductors shall be p-ald while wiitin- at sports, races, and other public amusements. unleES signed oli at a depot, and thvy shall not be signed off for less than one hour. 3. Motormen and conductors at outside termini shall be paid for the time they are waiting whiie traffic Is suspended during church hours en Sundays. 4. Motormen and conductors shall be paid fer time not exceeding ten minutes siieut in travelling to termini tn relieve snifrs, such time to be calculated from the time when their sheets are Initialed by the ei—crr in charge si tne rii.-p.ciL. They snail ulao be paid for the time not exceeding ten minutes spent in travelling ironl the car tv she depot ou the conclusion ef a shift. 5. The employer shall have the option of relieving any man for meal time for a maximum of one hour, the time of such relief to be deducted in the computation of the man's time. In cases where the option Is not exercised, j-e- ieviug-matcs are to be allowed to.agree to reii.-ve each other for jical lime; failing such agreement, the men shall work throughout the shift. SEATS FOR -MOTORMEN. 6. The employer shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, provide a suitable seat for the use of the niotorman on each -car. Such seat shall b' ;sed subject to such reasonable reguhit-ions a? the employer shall from time to time make In writing in connection with the use thereof. EATES OF WAGE?. 7. The following shall bs the minimum rates of wages paxnhte to the several cl__-s of workers respectively: —Motormen, XI per hour: conductors, lv.d per hour: switchmen, I. _d per hour; assistant switchmen (boys). ■ _ per hour; trackmen, 1/ per hour; car-examiners, !/<>_ per hour; firemen at power station in charge, of shift.. 1/I.d per hour: not iv charge of shift, 1/ per hour: all general labourers, including car-cleaners. 10; d per hour. UNDER-BATE WORKEj_. S. Any worker who considers himself incapable of earning tho minimum wa_ may he paid such lower wage as may from time to time be fixed, on the application of such worker after twenty-four hours' notice to the Union, by the chairman of the Conciliation board or such otucr .person as the Court may liv.w nine to ttme appoint for that purpose, and such chairman or person in so ti_iug ssuou w;ige shall nave regard to the worker's capability, his pa.l earnings and such other circumstances aa such cnairru.m or otser person may think fit to consider arter h-a.:ng such evidence nnd argnment as the Union and worker shall ofter, and. upon granting such permit, the chairman or such person shall forward to the Inspector of Factories. (b). Whenever occasion arises for so fixing a worker's wage. It shall be fixed for sucn period, uot exceeding six months, as such chairman or other person shall determinf?. :and after the expiration of the said period until fourteen days' notice shall have been given to him by the secretary of the Union ! requiring blm to have his wage again fixed }in such manner as prescribed hy thii clause: Provided that in the case of any pprson whose wage is so hxed by reason of old age or permanent disability, It may be fixed \tot euch longer period as such chairman or other person shall think fit.' (c.) It shall, notwithstanding (he foregoing, be I competent for the worker to agree La writing with the president or secretary of the ' Union upon such wage without having the same so fixed, (d-) It shall be tho duty of the Union to give notice to the Inspector of Factories of every agreement made with a worker pursuant hereto, (c.) It shall be the duty of an employer before employing any worker at suctt lower »vage, to examine the permit or agreement by which such wage is fixed. NO DISCRIMINATION, fl. The employer shall not. iv the engagement or dismissal of workers, discriminate against members of the Union, nor do anything for the purpose of injuring the Union directly or indirectly. When members of the Union and non-members are employed Together there shall be no distinction between them, and both shall work together in harmony, and shall receive e.nai pa; for _qn_ work. TEEMS OF ENGAGEMENT. 10. A week's notice of dismissal or oi resignation shall be given by the employe! or by the worker, but this shall not pre vent the employer from dismissing onj worker for good cause. This clause _al not apply to men on the spare list wlu may resign or bo dismissed at any time. 11. If any worker shall be dismissed bj any officer other than the general managet of tho employer, lie shall have a right ol appeal to the general manager trom suet dismissal, and to produce such evidence as he shall think proper for the consideratior of snch general manager. LIMITS OF AWARD. 12. This award shall come into opera tion on the first day of July. 190T, and shal remain in operation until the first day o: November, 1008. and shall thereafter con Untie in force until superseded by anothei award or an industrial agreement. lv -witness whereof tbe seal of the Cour of Arbitration hath hereunto been put ant affixed, and the judge of the Court hatl hereto act his hand, this 7th day of June 1*W"". MEMORANDUM. The Court recommends the Company: To try the experiment, as soon a. reasonably practicable, of having glas: fronts in some of its cars, with the view il the experiment is successful, 0 f puttlnt Class fronts into all the company's care." t-) To continue the present practice o supplying uniforms, and In addition, ti supply oilskins or overcoats to the motnr men, and mackintoshes or overcoats to tin conductors. (3) To gradually reduce the spare lis by not making any further additions to it ,so that ultimately all the men who art kept r,n the spare list may be enabled ti earn n reasonable wage. (') To arrange, if possible, to give met who have been iv the company's sorvi-i for at least twelve months, and who havi been faithful and diligent servants, a year ly holiday of eight days, and to pay thi men at least half wages during such k e [j day. Dated this 7th day of "Tune, _D 7.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 3

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AUCKLAND TRAMWAYS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 3

AUCKLAND TRAMWAYS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 136, 8 June 1907, Page 3