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Tlie new motor carriage service on the Avondale line is catering to a class of passenger that the railway authorities did not exactly have in mind when it ■was inaugurated—the free carried patrons who come in to attend city schools. The young people have found "that the motor carriage leaving Auckland about suits them much better than the 4.40 ordinary train, and the consequence of late is that an extra carriage has been required on the' motor tram to meet the demand for accommodation. The railway authorities somewhat naturally regard this patronage of the motor train with mixed feelings.

After a report from the caretaker of Victoria Park on the persistent practice of Ponsonby residents in crossing the central portion of the park, the City Council have decided, on the recommendation of the Streets Committee, to close the two side entrances for three months.

In the Magistrate's Court yesterday afternoon, before Mr. Kettle, S.M., a claim -for £18 9/. the balance due under a contract, was made by S. F. Hutchinson (Mr. MooTe) against R. H. Daveney, who was represented by Mr. Burton. The plaintiff, a contractor, said that he undertook, upon a verbal agreement, to level some rocks on the defendant's paddock at Epsom, and did so, also allowing his workmen to do other work for the defendant, who now contested his liability, alleging that witness had not done all the work required according to the agreement. A witness was called to support Hutchinson's statement that the rocks had been properly levelled, and upon his Worship's suggestion the parties agreed to allow an independent contractor to view the work and give his opinion upon it. A week's adjournment was therefore granted, and the question of the terms of the contract were left for future decision hy the magistrate.

Florence Murphy, a young woman of twenty, was charged with attempting to commit suicide by jumping into the harbour. She said she was under the influence of liquoF, and did not remember jumping into the water after parting with some men-o'-war's men. Sergt. Hendry said the girl's people lived in the country, and she had come into town and soon drifted to her present state. His Worship cautioned the girl, and pointed out the folly of her action, and convicted and ordered the girl to come up for sentence when called upon, on her promising to immediately return to her parents.

At the meeting of the City Council last night JDr. Stopford gave notice of motion for the next meeting to the effect, 'That a depot for the preparation and sale of humanised milk be established in the City of Auckland." The executive of the Municipal Association has decided to embody in a Bill the proposal of Mr. G. Leslie (actuary), in " his report respecting a scheme for municipal superannuation. The Bill is to be prepared for the nejrt session of Parliament. It is proposed to make the fund self-supporting.

Exception was taken at last night's meeting of the Auckland City Council to the action of the Government in continuing to erect unsightly posts in the streets for telephone cables. The Council was trying to make a beautiful city, and would do so if the Progressive policy nowestablished were continued, but it seemed wrong that the Government should use their powers to frustrate the efforts of the citizens in this way. He understood that in Wellington the Government proposed to put certaXj of the wires underground. Mr. Bush, city engineer, said that the Government intended starting with Wellington to proceed throughout the colony with the placing of the wires underground. The Mayor said that meantime he understood that ferro-concrete pillars, far more sightly, could be obtained at very little more cost. It was decided to draw the attention of the Government to the matter.

With reference to a proposal for the setting aside of tramway profits for sinkin" funds on loans, the Finance Committee recommended night- that the Council establish out of the tramway profits sinking funds of _ per cent on all loans hitherto raised, but in respect of which no sinking fund has been provided, and that such sinking funds date from the first raising of the respective loans. This recommendation was agreed to. The question oi allowing the ratepayers to be present at committee meetings was raised by Councillor E. G. S. Keates at the Birkenhead Borough Council last evening. Mr Keates stated that he __- understood that when the Press was admitted the same privilege would be granted to tbe public. It was pointed out by the Mayor that there was no objection to the ratepayers being present, but that there were occasions when an important subject, involving a legal opinion or otherwise, might crop up. Then the committee considered that it would be in the" interest of tbe ratepayers if they would withdraw whilst that particular subject was about to be discussed. The same condition would apply to representatives of the Press.

A request was received at the meeting of the City Council last night from the Harbour Board to the effect that the Council be requested to reduce the price of water supplied .to the Board to 1/6 per 1000 gallons. The waterworks engineer reported: "There are many reasons why the application should be declined. 1. It is hardly fair for the Council to expend large sums of money on extensions, and another public body make an enormous profit on the outlay. 2. Shipping pays no rates, except to the Harbour Board. 3. The charges in Auckland are less, with one or two exceptions, than any port in the colonies. 4. The large expenditure on extensions, increased capacity of mains, and erecting new reservoirs makes the time inopportune for reduction." A reply was authorised in terms of the engineer's reportThin, pale, bloodless women need Steams' Wine to make new blood a_nd restore strength. Does as much good as eodliver oil and iron and tastes like the finest old port.—Advt.

When riding _ garei yesterday, -enson of Mr. J. I. owing to the animal takingfr«it*! V boy was dragged along the way, and then got his foot fr! _T* At the annual meeting of tW ! church Licensing Committee ______? Sub-Inspector Dwyer was i&_£__lf* expression of opinion from the Ml?* point of view of the effect ot the S}•' of conditional licenses to the ______T«ml. and also of the changing of I hour from eleven p.m. to ten p.mT__r ] officer said that from his oh__rr____» the refusal to grant licenses for t_e___ hibition was a very good thing. "*_l ten o'clock closing had done no !_»»_! ■ as far as he could see. It W : _j_2_i_ mised drunkenness in the s_t___r___- : ' sent people earlier to their h____i 52 had altogether been a _wA.'l_____^_J_\. the city.\ : ,'^T'_? The following motion was the Otago Temperance Conventiony__fei_ day:—"That this No-License Co-_£_tig|j Otago and Southland strongly _ni heartily urge 3 upon the ifli_u_.ter fc» : Education the immediate necessity .ol' introducing scientific temperance tutting into the syllabus of, our Stiti. schools, and requests the -New Z___u4 Alliance to use aU ita powers to 'i__k____|'.' every member of Parliament to aufmart . a properly-graded ana a _eq __.__ system of teaching of the. ; d_t___oiiJSt.'"•'.' effects of alcohol, even when ysed I* quantities conventionally deemed '____, ;:.-;/ crate." ~ . ' '=-"-.'_ ." The subscription list in aid of a fop. - ; widow residing in Bayfield, Ponßonby, mentioned in the "Star" on 'evening, has been closed, kind' irj____ -v. i having gathered for her about £57, _uy{ ! she is now on her way home to Eoglj^,

A meeting of the Worn_n*i_. __i_t)_ii| " League was held in the'-. Schoolroom on Thursday afternoon, Hit, . Kirkby, president, in the _____ T__fo--was a good attendance, antl. thnjj n_t■■'.' members were elected. It ink_td_t_f -.' to support the Auckland I______j Ccm. mittee in its endeavour "to employment of barmaids,. _S_t_ leiij so many m_re suitable occupations _j>^ ; to the women of New ZeaL___ M__, __.. hardships would be entailed by the .at. forcement of the committee's sngga&fc Two members were appointed to, _tte_| the next meeting of the W. :ja' : ; order to join that society' in a protciV against the action of the health __t_dr>. -'•--'... ties in the ease of the late Miss H_, Millan, and petition for an inquiry iati '!■:• '._'■' the same. Strong comments wen ____■ upon the amount of gambling as taking place weekly at th_ sports in Khyber Pass-road. A aotiat advocating the abolition of the totalij*. tor was carried. It was also -greed^fiit' ■'. a petition in favour of raking tie ig> of consent be drawn up, -and presasa__J to Parliament in the coming -se_____. : r In error it was stated in yest_-d_y%'-"'■.'■■'. isues that a steamer from South J_n_R rica was putting into Au_k__n_i' sho_f - of i_oal. This was the result, of a mi*. reading of the signals. -{ ' A five-year-old boy, son of Mr. G_*. ; " don Dallas, staying at the Vi(_*r_if Hotel in Victoria-street, was lostfop. }■'■■ some time this morning, and caused' 4 good deal of anxiety... His disajjpwf. ance was reported to the police, and i member of the force found the.•£<_&'-.'.' fellow on the Queen-street" *___r_J. whither he hadwandered without' mfaf hap. The hoy was _&_Aihr**. ' ents, who had begun to dread t_at Iff ■■■ jhad met with some accident. -•'.-'", j The aggregate balance-sheet «f ..tfc*.

Bank of New South Wales for the halfyear ended 31st March last is pub__h_4 in this issue. The profit and -p__ account shows that after allowing rebateon bills discounted not due, • t_H> ■> B-t'i' " profit amounted to £ 141,581' l_/il, W. which has to be added £27J32._1X/_iS~:. brought forward from the previous ___. year, making the total available fOrdk. tribution £169,31- 7/5, and this has Wen allocated as follows: To dividend at _» rate of 10 per cent per annum £l__M__y, augmentation of reserve fund £25-000, k -*;. \< the "Buckland Fund" £ 15,000, .leavM a balance of £29,314 7/5 to __._»rrii# to the credit of the current. tadf-year.V The reserve fund now stand. .-aV£1,500,000, and the banking capital «f ; £2,000.000, but this latter U shortly. ta» be increased to £ 2,500,CKW.-Che: __o»_ya£ call and short notice in London; anwurt* to investments in -]»_*»• and colonial Government ,_e«mtkj*, .. .■„ £2,291,723, bills »"% v ' advances £ 19,481,752. ' ■. \?;. At a meeting of the Birfcdale, Q-*5.-League, held on Wednesday,.it .maj »f; cided to repair the track, which to 8 . 1*" " lying in a state of neglect; __i_Af."J, past two years, several o£ the niemhem promising" donations towards- the ' of repairing the portion extending «m| Chelsea-road to Pine-avenue.- : - ; j;?J-f--v•-Messrs Kirkman and Deniaon, lers, Queen-street, have recent)? __m : extensive alterations to tb__r v pre___a». An entirely new frfont, including W™T date windows, has teen added." whik th* whole internal arrangement of the wat retail department has been altered an*

extended. ' ' .. The sanitary contract question _w»* discussed in committee by t ne .>*& Council last night at considerable &*&?•/. Finally it was agreed, "That, pr«vw» f the contractor is prepared to reduce «*.- price to the same rate as paid raj}". ! existing contract, his tender be In the event of this suggestion not ben"* complied with by Monday monungr« was agreed that steps be at once take* . to obtain authority from the ratepayerto raise a loan, enabling the Council t» undertake the service itself. Football Rugby Union Annual ** 1907 The only annual containing tM.:. new rules, and passed by the N-Z. Bugby Union. Now on sale at all stationers or at Star Office.—(Ad.) Please your boy by giving him. a we*", ] Sunday suit. We have the finest stylesimaginable here. Geo. Fowlds.—(Ad.)., You can get ties here to suit any an*;.., every purse. You can't bottom our *«•;. ection. Geo. Fowlds.—(Ad.) ;•;.., Ladies' belts, all shades and stor*^ Exceptional value, 1/ each. Smith Mf Caughey, Ltd.—(Ad.) > , ~~~ :■

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 135, 7 June 1907, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 135, 7 June 1907, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 135, 7 June 1907, Page 4