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Moon's Age: New Moon, June ]_. 5.2. ! _>.__. sunrise. To-morrow morning, 7.0. _u_.__t: This evening, 4.-9. HIGH WATER. Auckland: To-morrow morning, 4.47; to-__-u_w axternoon. 5.13. ou.-nuuga: To-morrow mar_in£_ S.SS; tonioirow evening, _z_. j Mauckau Reads: To-morrow morning, I 1..,_; uo-mcurow evening, ..._:. | Kaipara Hu-ads: To-morrow morning, I .._; fj-uiorrow evening. !i.27. ' AItRIVALS. - _."E~s_.____-Al". K.reru, n.s.s., isnno-, trora Gisborne, via | p-lls. -(.. I . Da_.e. u__em. iji__u_.i_i, e.u.t. s.s.. .i-u_ Isollous, frum | \\ auu vie i_,ast coast. Ng.iuawa, '_>...., i-. __ dciii, from the _U-i.u_ __atrier.—.Northern Co., agent.. vi ;.lia__i, s.s., 2 .__, .\ . SlcVCus, lmra the Suulu auu l_ris_<i:lie.—Cmon Ci>., agents. , j_ll-.s iiii. I'aeroa, s.s., J. law, norn Limestone ISluuiauvi i, _._., ____, miiome, from New _. i_ ... ' _!', i.o..erlou \VuioLiihi. ...... (: Hopkins, from OpotikL __'-___-_&.-__: Mis _-euu, Mr -and Mrs Morris aud six chiiuren, __cs__s '!'■ ale-. Gievey. lirowu, .. Xewsnaui. Harwell, Doiuuuson.— Northern Co., agent... Ma.iapuini, s.s.. 3_US_. A. I>. Chrisp, from the &oc_etj- and look isiauus. i-asseugei_. _-._.Si.s _o-te, U.. j_.__u_e. i_itcm, i_awton, K_..-iai<l..-U. _!*■__.■: Me__rs Kiiysou, vi ounor, l'ori-i-,____i_i aud 3 Chiuese.Aupouri. s.s.. i. Haultain, from Wlianga I IV. -Al M ,-s--,,u IS i..__a__e. i _=r,:S MlsScS _L_j-ei_rr. u...\iiril. i_c__u. _ic_-.___.= ';- l _ a ' Kit. ~.;._-, -i ,<_:ua. .--_.:-•-■ _iu__u», -- • j , . ■_~ __ euuau, .uc._-!-'"u, L.....;.'f_u! row. '!_:_-_■__-, ~i;aiu, _x_sou, M...,.„. i oiu-i-tt. el.-i.u-us, -i-i-cuuau, _. J. t_..ni_u, _ic. aituii, .J. Uouuuue,, Thoiui.'sou. Wain-, iiiumuaraa, De.icfl, 'taa _evi-u steerage. —IxuriUeru Co., agents. C a___iuu, s-s.. Mi-__H_i, from iiaugouui. Wii__4,_.roa abd _'a__eu_«*'*: e -=- ---da- E. lrviug. U.-biustm aud c_ud, laylo.-. uarker, Nafru. It. Hows and child, x ,:,:.,.,.; w. ltuiTiiv anc 2 children. _-. '",.. "u«r.- '• 1 K'nai_.on. Mioses etanton, I'NCc l-.i.-nuey U. .-uepherd, lToudtoot, V, ~i.i. _i<-ssrt K. r-tau. Uiruie, Payue, G. Loiiai'dsou J «.i:;_u. Cautv.ell. MounLaiu, 1, ~ ....- -, v nrvdcn, .1. llurnwald, LesU., u,:n\X V _ U- L. Mat. hews, .1. WilkJns, fci.vrus. T. U.-iriicy. 1_ B- Bei-na.-kie Tavlor K. McLeod. Howe, Gamble, T I'la'rU. Major It. \V. W. -Ibnes, Rasters Liaru-uau, br.-tt. faisons. Taylor (2), and 8 utM'iaee.—Norrliern Co.. ageuts. Taiuue s.s.. 2i»'.S. J- Bcruech, from Duneii'n vii ports I'aasengers: Miss.s Deau. ,\v ;. "M.-i.:i.irin. Jb__-twood, Mesdames W uiuie aud infant. Carter, Ross. K_m, Gi-dd_nl. M.rrisey, Logan aud four childn:i ilajwood, Kruse, Chrip and child, Lu.-a* Mes.-S-A. K. Graham. Williams, T. 11 ii_tcs. Evans. Mui.iueeu, Collier, Spier, li"- .per, C. Clark, Wadsworth, White, Rev. I u'-k, liod'lard, Morrisscy, llatchison, Hu-mii-.i He-arts Co. (21 Udults), Washer. Hogg, J-.viii- Logan. Tomliusou, Cox, Scott, Silk, il.'v.-ri'l Walsh, Butler, Hunt, Kirkland, Dsut-:, Kruse. Sedgckin, Butler. Clark, Wiis.iu. Fowell, Newcombe. McCutcheou, Mclierras, Rocco. Owens, Traliord, Smith, and 20 st"erage. —L'niou Co., agents. DEPARTURES. YESTERDAY. Eravo scow, 'J. O'Dowd, for Gisborne. K.uieri, s.s., T. Meyers, for Whangarei. i'eii-i. [~ s.s., W. Gardiner, for the North. 'EXPECTED AREITALS. Miowera, s-s., from Sydney, due Sunday. Navua. s.s., from Syauey, Fiji, Samoa, and Xouga, due June 20. Eakaia, s.s., from __ond_n; sailed May 8; due about June 27 Deha_..., brigantine, from Newcastle,' sailed May 27. Gowauburn, s.s., fiom New York, via Melbourne and Syu_ey, sailed May 12. l_raug_, s.s., h'om LlveiiKiol Melbourne aud Sidney), sailed May 2 Onyx, barque, from Melbourne, sailed May

___-_re, s-s.. from Loudon, via Melbourne and Sydney, to sail Juue 4. lndraiema, s.s.. fiom Loudon, via Melbourne and Sydney, sailed; due about July- __ Slur ol' Australia, s-s., from London, via Melbourne aud Syduey, sailed April 2_, due ai _>ut June 2_ (at Melbourne, Juue 6; ,Iliai'_gl_ui, s.s., ironi New _orl_, via Melbourne aud Sydney, to sail June 22 Lai-:.- Law, s.s.. rr.__ New York, via AnsCntiia, sailed April 19. l_ui__ __o__r__, s.s., from New York, via __.usli-alia, sailed _iay 10; due about July ZL ' PROJECTED DEI'ARTUKES. FOR SVD.NEI"Walkare. S.S., Monday Casablanca, barrie, via Hokianga, Saturday Navua, t_s., via 'louga, tjamoa, and Fiji. Koruiern Chief, barque, via Kaipara, MonFOR NORFOLK ISLAND AND MELANESIA— Southern Cross, s-s. 7 Jnly S FOR NOUMEA: Onyx, "barque, to arrive. FOR' LONDON: Kaipara, _._-, via the Sonth, abont June ID* Hatatna, s.s.. June 30 Star "f Japan, s.s., abont June 27. 3_._ui_.ri, _.s, via the South, ahout end ol J cue ' _ _■__ FIJI: Mr.i!-i«>uri, s s.. Wednesday FOB COOK AND SOCIETY ISLANDS: Hauiuio, s.s., Tuesday VESSELS IN I'ORT. Pioneer. H-M-S.. in stream . j i. ..Luetheus. H.M.s., in stream. j Al'antoi. s-s., at Calliope Dock. Kuuudi, s.s,'at Hobson-st. wliarX j Wanaka, _-_-, at Queen-_t_-e/_ t wharf. | Aupouri, s.s., at Queen-street wharf. Ngupuii . s-s., at Hobson-street wharf, lndrad.vl, s.s.-, at Queen-street wharf. liiuc-moa, s-s., at Queen-street wharf. MuU-ipouri, s.s., at Ilobson-strcet wharf. T-iuui-, s.s., at Quay-street jetty No. — I'aeroa, s-s., at Qu_y-_treet jetty No. 2. Clansman, s.s., "at Quay-street jetty No. 3. Waiotahi, s-s., at Quay-street jetty No. 3. Nfaauu'wa. s.s-, at Quay-street Jetty No. 3. Casablanca, barque, at Hobson-st. wharf, a.s.s., at Quay-street jet-Jr _So. 2-. -■ Southern Cross, s.s., at Queen-street wharf. Star of Japan, s-s., at Queen-street Wharf, Korthern Chief, barque, at Hobson-st. Wharf c NORTHER-. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. To-day—Clansman leaves for Whangarei, Marsdeu Point, etc., at 9.30 p.m.; Kanieri arrive-; from Whangarei Towu Wharf; Aupouri leaves for Tauranga at 5 P-m.; N_uia_-a for Tairua and Mercury Lay at 7 p.m. Saturday: Clansman arrives from Wha-n::ur-i about 11 p.m.; Rarawa arrives at Onehunga from New Plymouth about S a.m.; llangapapa arrives from W____at___e at _ Sunday: Aupouri arrives from Tauranga about S a.m.; Ngatiawa arrives from Mer-1 f-iry Bay, Tairua. aud Whangamata about 4 a.m.: Kunieri leaves for Whangarei at 8 a.m.: Rarawa leaves Onehunga far New Plymouth at 3 p.m. (train 2.30 p.m.). Monday: Clausman leaves for Russell, ..'liaHgnroa, and Mangonui at 6 p.m.; Nga-. pubi leaves for Whangarei at 8 p.m.; Ngati.i.v.i l.nves for Tauranga at ". p.m.; Kia Or;', i-aves Onehunga for Raglan, Kawhia, smd Waitara at 1 p.m. (train 12.10 p.m.); Kauieri arrives from Whangarei about '5 p.m. - - ' - ■• __STON _.£.' CO.'S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. . nt.urdav: Talune sails for Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin _l _ p.m. Tne s.s. Wanata arrived from the Bluff Tia ports at _ p.m. yesterday. IMPORTS, prr TTanaka, from the Bluff. Oamaro, .sn _ Timarn— 15,0.. sacks oats, 12,000 sacks ■wheat, and a quantity of flour and sundry -. From Gisborne: 1000 sheep. Per Talune, from the South—36l sacks oats. 607 200's flour. 350 100's flour, 768 50's . flour,' 347 sacks bran. __£.3 sacks wheat, 150 eSses meats. 174 sacks potatoes, 133 sacks bark, 240 sacks oatmeal, and transhipments 1 r "'«t Warrimoo, from Melbourne. Per Imlradevi, from Sew _(____• 1420 reels toa.b wire, 5_;7 kegs nails, 27 organs, -31 ; _ijses _Ud 40 casks oIL,. 25 casks slaster. 1640 • plain wire, 98-'rels. paper, 60 casks ; ; .S___. m ' cases t0b.,00-. -75 cases • turps, .-.'; ,iu 'J Jyo ' cafees Kerosene, and stmdrles...., ■-, ■■ V-^.-.-- ; '

Par __ereru, from East Coast ports—loo bales flax, 2o bales tow, 6i i sacks maize, and sundries.

Per Manapouri, from the Society and Gook Islands-—10,72i3 gases oranges, 1241 cases bananas, 6_>S bunches bananas, 222 kits bananas, 31 cases pipes, 38 sacks coeoaiiuts, 1&2 cases kumaras? -53 packages hides, 25 cases vanilla, 135 sacks, beche de mer. 51 sacks coffee. 1631 sacks copra, 652 cases shell, io barrels shell, 7 sacks shark fins, 2 cases coin, and snndries. The barque Northern Chief leaves for Kaipara and Sydney ou Monday next. The repairs to the s.s. Squall ate expected to be completed on Saturday after-, noou next, when she leaves Napier for .. _an™arei direct. The s-s. Mlowera,' due at Auckland ou Sunday nest from Sydney, has 122 passengers, including nine Chinese, and 840 tons of cargo for Auckland, of which 114 tons are for transhipment to Tahiti. THE HINEMOA. The Government steamer Hiuemoa arrived from the South last evening. The -linemen sails or to-morrow morning, for Tiritiri, Lime Barrier, and MokoIr.nnn, and returns to Auckland in a few days. She then proceeds to the Northern lighthouses. THE WEST COAST TRADE. The s.s. I'uteeua arrived at Onehunga at 7 a.m. to-day. after a good passage of 10 hours 13 minutes from New Plymouth The Patoena will be retained in the West f'oast service for another week, as the Takapuna's overhaul at Wellington is taking longer than was expected. THE INDRADEVI. The Tyser steamer ludradevi arrived from New York, via Melbourne and Sydney, early this morning. She left York on March ____h. and had flue weather to the Cape of Good Hope, after passing which she ran h-to _ .hard gale, with heavy seas. The sale ii;__ed for 24 hours. : and the heavy S'-..s which broke on oo_;i ■_ '. sua-hi'd tltp N railins round tlie ;..wer brid.e j aud a few movable stanchions about trie j dei-lis were brnt. Tbe reuiuiudcr of the! passage to Melbourne was marked hy flue weather. After discharging at Mc.ibourne the steamer proceeded on to Sydney, aud left the latter port on Saturday last for Auckland. For the first day but strong IS.-V. winds and heavy seas were experienced, thence flue weather to arrival. The Indradevi sails for the South about Tuesday next. THE YSABEL. A schooner, which is almost certain to be the Ysabei- from the Friendly ; Islands and Niue to Auckland, was sig- ! ualled this morning, At 1 p.m. she was about six miles outside the reef, and should make the harbour about 5 or 6 o'clock this evening. * THE COUNTESS OF RANFURLY. The Government has decided to invite tenders at once for the purchase of the auxiliary schooner Countess of Ranfurly, which was specially built for the Cook Islands trade at a cost of about £5000, says a Southern exchange. The Countess of Ranfurly is. now In the Islands, and will not arrive back in Auckland until August next. *. THE KERERU. ThQ. a.s.s. Kerei-u arrived from Gisborne and East Coast bays late last night. The vessel was detained for a week at Gisborne on- account of stormy weather, and sailed on May 21. She was then detained for several days on account of the weather, and then. left for Cape Runaway, in the Bay of Plenty, the wind having dropped to a calm. After loading at Cape Runaway, the Keren] came on to Auckland, meeting with dead calms on the passage, the greater portion of the journey being accomplished with the aid of tho engines. THE MANAPOURI. The s.s. Manapouri arrived from the Society and Cook ' Islands at S o'clock this morning. The steamer had a rough passage from Auckland to the Islands, which is referred to in auother column. On the return trip the Manapouri experienced moderate _!seas, variable wiuds. aud line weather. " The Manapouri sails for Fiji ou Wednesday nextTHE TALUNE. The s.s. Talune arrived from Dunedin, via ports, at !) a.m. to-day. after a fine weather passage. The Talune's departure for the South has been postponed until six p.m. to-morrow.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 135, 7 June 1907, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 135, 7 June 1907, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 135, 7 June 1907, Page 4