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CCSS rS'DSS CONTROL. - igg Berlin "Tageolarf' publishes parti- | , jJs - s ef a etrans-? in-ident at the Court J j 3f*n£jeotmrg , -^-awpr , !n- The rrtgnin? i Cnice: B^ s "- o* M-cklenbnts-Scirwrerta has 1 fc-atf a d *" r °'* nn Duke | prd ?7iedr*>'3- nf control of his own , *^ 2 er^T, aa<i P'a-" in S "~ lm and T -he Dncaess j tse FipprT : =foa «f a !e?al curator. |to ■■H-"'S^aS ,n "? Official GazetEe'" < tfiat tne haiiits of the =r» ;s* "a of v? 'irsnd Duke's I The D-iks -nar-i-d P-in.-ess Marie j .{ winii!s'*li?Ta»rz. i Cs-holx. and j bis w*;> "iiar rh*ir i cieoia w edn~at~<i is Roman Caxiwlics. i FqrtiiiE "is L'-:k= «15 expelled t'ae~Pr-;s- j JJ23 Ar™7 =" Tie Kaiser. • .- i 5 slid. "-'- c i *o --:-ii— martial tie j>354. srr b< , wis dissuaded. Th<* | -res a?r°- -p-appoinred ro rfc* Prussian j irE! T. and. ii-f -n.7 ra..i is ;u; -if a ileci- > Jeaonnr ??"-"'■ v ;:j ~ ~°'» :aj h a'jroad. I J tusete was former.j mentioned as a pro- | jjgiie bri-ie for King A.'foaee. SEIZrSH OF BALL DRESSES. According 7n the St. 'Noi rota? lad? '•*"- '"•* °t the '-ira ! fan<-y . I fc*£s baiit r»X"-it-»l universal oommefir.. On i 1 ac franc, til* wnra •R..,~siya'' was em- , f Sraioerpd ia .arz- 'llarai-t»rs: the rest .if J piemen of * oatur». The rady. | I iiowev»r. did 3->r ia}ny her rriumpa tony. . I fern a zivr. monism she wj; -urroundi'd : ! iy seer»: dete--ires. ■β-to ■■ondneted her j j Some, tae dress h-s, i3z Nota- ' I fee daunted, sv 3.pp e ar»d ri" n»xt even- j I lag at aaorier bail ;a a bia. k dress. the I I oaci of wbioh wa= witn tw~> • I nigs' heads wearing ha:* .md .-itreaniens I 3?ar:as ~h# '"s*-\<is. aesi- ' j are m shoot" sni No "nan's ••arn-idges." | TSe frier of th<» Iress wit.a I artaons of Riisaidj -rutesmen. This dre>s ' } <3i= wear"" d 5 -, l' ririzt- j A TWO SEIRTED PHENOMENON. j Soaie "TonsiiicraWe It may b< 3 I 1 K-iaHed. i me.i'-a! iaetita-e o* New Tori ; I β-eaanted —::i J3 F-aiian aamed Giuseppe ! I a a ■■fr»afe" .if j I 'aears. -Sa: :n •-? a "asii j I paraen; of £ietKi. his bony a: death ihon;d I be-ome ra» property oi r'a* in=T!tTite ft I ci==eor;iii VT;-j ;ius nioiit"T. Ci I ilarrlo sPTt'.»d lowu ; .n N'api-»s aad \ I asfrrf'v on ais ■initii. was ~ooa i J fiwar. r ionoii i -iiparT' > 'i on- then \ I Tenoßd himself inro rhe •-onndenee of a | \ weslthj iaadowaer. wiiose sisrpr ac pro- i J io narry. linder th<s pretence that ac ; | raected a Urge =urn from riie medical I'ie. cf course. The fa.'t j t&E" be iad sppnr. all a< , pn-it!f*d to I I fcmn taaL qaarcer. Morporer. he borrowed j i money right and left, and ri-aily showed I a forged ■■abiejrraru. purporrlng !o - I from New York "o t*enje over I «aa r=c=it-e tsh<» £l*ino eh» sr-ength I ef tins, be borrowed more money from Ills I prp=n»~TiT-e bricie and iJTOTier-ia-iawr. and I disappeared, so far he Has succeeded in A CAN'TSE MTCGGLEB. Tie dffloial organ of rhe r-ostams I mentions rji«" ■lear.ii of :i aoio- | Bo\i? iai'igg-W? 'log ei-jir-i for ft 4is masi'T a niLHie.-L i.-ompeteni'e. T'ae lat- j I ter it nrst made f'e(]u*»nT iaaocent tripa i I Kith, bis Big ro'igb-enatwi '-oEaaaaion across j t £iie iTontier. natii :ne ■.■usconis offi< - «*rs aad i | bef>me qoii ,l irieadiy wnta him. Then his I CiEe for aerion He shared rhe do?, I I *euad Bnss'is aad Meehiln Uee tigaciy ! I eacnd its bodr. and put over this a skin a eS9?=iy r&=embiia4 rile d<»? a own. For aye j I 522TS ia= Aag almost daily trotied. with a 3 *a-na.!>;e aidden 'ourtien of across, "iie I into terrirory. and probaalx ! I lie fraud would still be nifrriiy goin;; on ! ; ; cad a'" , ' a "friead" rap secret. ! j Tie faiiiirjil dan i-aaf ro an untimely | I ] r°'.--MT?r bullet. j Doss orten it. appears, to ran | I wltii sooti.s .(«-ror--s tne Franco- j I Belgian froarier. TViis rhf-v arp tausiit. to I 4o ij a of rrainin?: which includes 1 saend zarashings i" regular iatervala by 1 JEsi dr=s*.?"J a* *Ti? offifials. so Tiiat die I foor aaimai? ran ax.iy -err'T-irricken from f I fee agi" of i aaiform.

A BOHEMIAN'S WANDERINGS. ' Aα adventurous career was revealed in Se pniice '■onrt at where an *fi man named Sari M-attaucii was As a ?.iuth of 20, Matraireh left his native Bohemia and made his way on foot ia France, wnere he en.isted in the Effrezga Legion 2ad toofe parr in the Sjrht- '■£? in A!;r°ria and Next he teeaine a rruier ea board aa English vesei aatf !eit .( seafarins life for six years. after w*iir»"r. Ho ..rjjgi-ofi Dutch colonial I emee and rook oarr in various expeditions *?ainst rhn A--ttiaese. cinrins which, he was WoOnSed. His ir"n •-onsiinnon finally BZcemsQeq r o riiar dread disea.-ri 3 .■ beri-beri, *&kb. an tint Willed "aim. lie was. m**M. beileveri to >><» dpaii. and a burial cerBSesie was issued, when ar the ?aat moi companion in arms accidentally "■wavered mar 'ife was nor eirinet. Evenne rwevtrtwi and took nuto nrmself Haraaes* wife, with whom he lived hapWl for twelve y<>ars. Discharged with a I *Saii pension, borne sickness* seized him. ™? sold ai:-. native wife ro a soldier, and re''Eneii to Europe, wiiere. In hia narire of Hirscanori. he found hi? tnor'aer, *S*!i 93. etJll aliTe. Here an napleasam R! awaited our hero: he was arrested radius mUitary serric?. bnt rpceiTed «■ Imperial pardon. Hia smaii pension bare!- sufficient ro keep him from I aarrstion. iiattancb tnofe to bogging, for I *-.c& offence ac aiust onderffo a short lCa i «£ imprisonment. *BBBBltepß ATTACK ON A (JEKMAS BA&ON. *2e &ennaa fourt Chamberlain, Baran "JKhn Ton Ziwewitz. is in hospital seriwotmded. a« the result of aa attack npon him in a rrain. Hβ was travelr 2 * by a 'ast t?ain from Danaig to Berlin * first '•ompartaient of a corridor Near Biesenthal starion a young ; J ll ' wilo was the only other ocenpant of MmpartaiPiiu drew a rtfvoiver f 3 Sred at - 3 » Ba-on. Thp billet strncli * ta the head, bnr, despiw his wound. was able to elese with hi? assailant. 8 aian, however, fired four mare shots, r* of wiijca struck the Baron. The ter - however, who ie 65 years of age, a** strea Sta enough to throw die man falUag upon him. The young man 7 taitew a knife, but tine Baron escaped «ie aeif compartment, in wftiea some I nar ses -were traTellin?. One - woande - anotner frallea I " ';ord. Directly tie I j 3 * stopped mc mi jumped out and ran. g train officials eonld not 3ton 1 'Oγ 5 "^ 508 iliia t3T ' as aaociler i raia was 1 'te^ 5 Gle eX9ress - Xile bullet which. 8 jZ? 2 ' tila in toe head catered taa I :^^Sae2sss-6Ksaaa»ai&asfeae«e3KC^J

SEVTVED IS HBB COFFIX A. young gi-f} o ; 'EiTrizzano-, ta 'S'orthertt Italy, -was found apparently dead in her j bed recently, and a docor, after tbtjimiirate examination, certified that she nad j died ot h-earr faiJnrp, and issued rite rreeesi sary Aocoments for her burial, is the j last screw of th* coffin lid was Deing , I rfreted down, the supposed corps? bejan to j iick violently and to cali for help. Tne j jtrl was at once removed from tne eoffia, \ iid was found to be in almost normal j aeaia afsec a cataleptic St. j j 3HIDET3 FATAL LACGH. > While walking to th° vaiage ennrch it j Simmentnai (Switzerland) witi. Mitt fiancee ' che other day, on the way to ?ne!? wedding. 'l zhe bridegroom sliaped in the snow and : fell. His bride, instead of being syaipa- ; "Jietic, bnrsT intc laagliter at "ills discom- : 3 tore. White with ang»r. tae young mn-n ax onca j iroke off the match, and "he sorrowing. I onde had to continue her way alone and j matters to th* , crowd ot relatives md friends who were waiting to witness -he wedding ceremony. 1 SAVED BY A FOX. j A cnrioas story <-omes from La Brerine, ; a villa-ce in the canron of KeuehateL. A. n'amp. pihansted with walking- in the i ieep sa<rw. fel! down by the roadside and J went to sWp. and would hay» been frozen I ro df>arh had nor a fjniiehe-t fur, whii-h j iad siented the meat and cheese in tlie j rr.-ixcp's harersat?k. attempf-pd get at rhe ?nod. The tramp, fueling tie tugs at his I waller, awoke, and was surpri.-=«Mi tn find j the fox standing n?ar him. He at once ; what had happened, and shared his meal ; with the animal, after whir-h. mnch rei *rpshed. he contimied on his ioamey. and j :he fos. disappeared ia the forest. j I j KIDNAPS A LADT. j Mmc Dv G-asr. tile famous lady motorist. I loxer. and swimmer. T>.a.? been captured by ! if> Moorish brigand Valienw. near Centa ' ~ay= rh» llilan correspondent of the "Echo ile Paris'i. lime. Dv Gast is one of the I jest known wo-men :n France, of striking [ ippearanop, aad only :;.". of as p - Sh« j s well known sociai'r. as well as for her I rreai success in sports. A fortune wad j eft her by her :at= husband. M. frespin, ; :he founder of great turc-purchase firm jti Dnfsyel. J F'ae brigand wta aas cap Tared aer is the I jrother of Va.iente. woo kidnapped Capt. . Sarrison and Lieut Crcrwther at the time :it the stranding of H.M..S. Assistance oft* Tenta. il2i~. Gasz's raptor vras released I "rom prison, in exchange far tae eapfain and j ietnenaa:. EUGE>"E ABA3J CHUIE , . A =tart;ing development, took place recenrly in rhe case of 3lr Tnomas Beid. a Scotsman, who disappeared mysteriously in • the Rhine Valley last July. J A prinrer. Arnold Sippe!. of Unz. who is iat present ia custody at Feldkirch iVorarl- | beri'. was on \Larch 1 =sazninp'i by :iie j Aaerriau exammin? niagistrate there and a majistra'e from Heidelberg. The prisoner j confessed rhat on July 30 iast year, td- | wards midday, he killed Mr Reid by saootI in? him in the back with a revolver, on, the j road between ZoHstock and Heiligenbera. He further admitted having stolen all his i :i<uaes and effects, and having dragged the I Dcdy j'3t.> the thjck andersrowth. where he , buried .z. iintier a quantity of L*>av>»» and i brushwood, after rhe fastiiou ot" Eugene j Ara-ni- id a resuit of Sippei's description iat rae scene oi the crime, a search, w-as I made, waen tie remains of mc murdered i man wern Qis'-ovßyed. Sippel had no ac:oTnptieed. His Cenzi Mlcka. who iiTe< at Heidelberg, was aor presenr jxr The time of trie murder, but ha 3 been ! irre<red en % .--harsre of receiving stolen J joods. iir Reid was a teacher in the Neilaon j- Institution. Paisley, and on July 16, rhe i school having broken up for the summer vacation, he started for a bicycle tour In the Shine Vaiiey. starting from Ant-

werp. At evpry mwa he visited he write a post-card to his Paisley friends, the last beinn posted in Heidelberg , on July 3).

I Nothing , mnre was heard of him. and his fbrieuda applied to the Foreign Office for lit! in the .«»arr , h. AIT tni» information that 1 ?ould be gleaned was tliat early <m rue morning of July 30 Mx Reid was seen waiting about Heidelberg. His bicycle and bag a-exe '.oft at his hotel. A brotner of ilr Seid spenr some time in the Hhine Vaiiey (earchin? for his lost brother, but without ivail. : MISTAKES FOB A CHIMIXAI* i The unsuccessful hunt by the German j loiice for the now famous murderer Hennig I -eniains productive oX the most extraordlnj try situations. ' la a S>-hleswig village a Traveller called j v the inn, and entering into conversatioo j vith tae asaembled company happened to ■ liention riiat he had jnsr come from Berlui. I Chic aroused suspicion, which waa increased ! in the stranger innocently asking if anyj iiing !iad been seen or heard of ' The vijjasp consta&ie was quietly fetched, ' md the aatonaded traveller was summoned ! o follow aim to the police sratian. Oa the ! oad r'aey met an aged cottager, who manii ested ais surprise and delight at aeeing the 1 tranger. "Do you know this man?" the i onstable astPd sternly. ""Of course,'' waa be ".fs my son John come home j again."

HIDING AN AVALJLNCHE. i Nine Italians—eight men and a woman— i vho attempted to cross The Grand St. Beri iard Pass oq foot, in order to search for i york in Switzerland, had a narrow escape j .if bPinz overwhelmed on their journey by 1 nn avalanche, writes a Geneva correspondi .-nT. la spite of ftvery warning they started j ip rho iaternationa! route in the hope of j -eaehiag the hospice, but were soon In dif- ' lenities in the deep snow. l; Wlien about half-w-y up the Italians :vere struck by a moving mass of snow, .vhich carried them about 50 yards down a i steep slope. The avalanche, however, had i raveiled far. and lost its farce, tie snow ! roming to a standstill in a wooded hollow. The parry managed somehow to rSde on i , op of the moving mass, and though they i :nade many involuntary somersaults, none ! n. them were seriously injured. One had j .iis coat and shirt torn off b- the branch [ .if a tree, i They picked themselves up and started >n taeir return journey to Chiavenna. vhence they came. DOG'S FATAL JTjMP. A stranje accident, which unfortunately resulted in the deaii of a child, is reported by the Bilbao papers to bare taken, place S at Seatac In a farmer's cottage a grandi mother was nursing a 14-monras-old baby. "he farmer's loaded shotgun was standing I :a a comer resting against tie wall, when ,L dog came boondiag into tie room and i iccidentally jumped up against tie gnn, I iriici fell over and went off. T&e caajge i filtered the child'a bodx, killing it inatantjly, and gravaly injured ,t&e pli scraad-

OCrOGiBIfABIAN MTSEB'S DEATH ON HIS VW fcii>D-£N& EVtX A •coppersmitii at Vox Tillage ot Saaaea, a«ed eisity-rwo. died (says the Berne correspondent «f the "Hom'ng Leader") on the eye of Ms wedding with a twenty-year-oid girl. H<» passed for'aT poor, queer oid fellow, dwalx in a solitary dilapidated Jnit. and was ilia own coeis. His heirs and remote relatives have now discovered in the nnt a. hidden pile of gold and Ijankaotes wortli over £4060. The yonae brtde-to-ha-ve-besn ia said zo be that tie old man did not live at least twenryiatiT noxire Iflttger. MARRIED IN PRISON. Q3e of tae Paris maines aas jiist been tie scene of the marriage of two young con-rices. The bridgegrocm. named Sebastien Gregoire. was tie first ro arrive, artended by two warders. A te-w moaienis later the bride, Alice Clot, made her appearance at the mairte. with two of the female attendants from t!i? Women's Prison of St. Lazare. Before, the actual ceremony the mayor read an official document authorising , the marriage, but aa it did not jive the couple permission to go off on a honeymoon, tiey were taken back to their prisons Immediately afn»r they had been proclaimed man and wile

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVII, Issue 95, 21 April 1906, Page 13

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CONTINENTAL CRIMES AND SENSATIONS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVII, Issue 95, 21 April 1906, Page 13

CONTINENTAL CRIMES AND SENSATIONS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVII, Issue 95, 21 April 1906, Page 13