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■ "■ , ■ \ ::1rtBITB).."--..v';" " UTiAXTED-i a. smart■■ Office, .Bor :i —Apply WiA-NTED, '■ Krranfl- Hoy. — Apply. B. Crocier.l Qaeen-st. ' ~"'' "' - •Vx/'ANTED, Boy:—Apply. Wami A ; Sous,. 'Ponglas-st..; , :'■-, TXjIASTED, a." Boy to ride for orders: — ITVI tt: K-lndei". Bntclicr," Welllngtoit-str Girl to assist:--Apply Mrs vTV Teed, Ist.-htinse, Owen;s-rd. > vKpsom. a good Woman Cook.—Apply 'JfeW Suffolk Hotel,;; College -Hill, Ponsgnby.. riTAS'X'BU, .Garde tiing: or Tree KalUng.— *»■• Address Gardener, iP.O., XewaarUet. T*7A> T TEI>, BoyT JCor .. factory. — Cosslett ™V' Bros.,- Cabinetmakers, Freeman's Bay.v a CoacSsmith.—Apply J. :> r: Hill; Coach- Bullde.T, Karangahapc-rd. VXTASTED, Boy fct> attond to shop and" -'"'fclephoiie— Address H.fcV 572,- Star Office. \ ' . iTX7'ASTKD,- a , :smart- Mess'fEe Boy for •>V.rnews room-—Apply Manager, Star ftfflce.- ,~ ■■_"-; *;,-*; 1..J "\ " itXTJANXEO, Mathematical CoaCh to B.A. •)rVp-■ standard^—Address- Math., \55» Star ■■ \ XJtTAKTED, a respectable Boy-to-assist on!»Y a baker's cart,—Apply. J. Parity Eden terrace.' 1 -'•'• . ' ' .' *■;.• ■; .' XTST'ASXED, 2 Plumbers;, also Rpy. *c\r of-■*-V ! flee work.— D. and J. Miller, W.feUee-:|gy-Bt.'E:: -. ■:. -■■ ~•'■ T .' : ;" . \X- : •OiMNIED* a good Yardman, used to , classing-" timber. — Macklow- ■Bros;. Bay.- . ■.. .- \ '..<■:. jftrANTED, .a. General SerrWJt — Apply .I.Vy. 51-s Hanna, "Melmefly," ttt. George's ■ Bay-fra.,' yarhelLj . \ - .-. f (TSTANTED, a smart Milliner as'first iaxsA/, ■»,"' in--work roon>.—Apply'if oncfe to j<Aat Gonrt,-Qneea-gt. ~~r-- .\ ■'. ' EtTANTED, a emart, actlTe Boyl.toT tM !»T Stationery ; Department.—App.fe' 31**j»ger," Star' Office. - ■ ■ V »' : CtSAJfTEIJ, - a respectable Womiira jfpr '»T- '.washintr and cleailnj;.—Apply - :Mrgr. J. Marks, Mt .: .'. ■ Girls for the stationery :?*»ae, yy v' esperiencefl -or o£heTwise.-rTAppl»OjjC°K Hns~ Bros., Commerce-st. ■•'". ' -!' £;\ <■ . {rarANTBD, reliable Man as- Ca«iras.>er, ?»■»,! jd'od selling liberal comfflisstotv — Applycas, City Chambers. - *' I TXTAIsTED, -an old Man to <k*etgarde f !»». tMy, etc-., 10/ and paxtt-i culars to Bata, Star Office... , j . . /N RANTED,' for Grocer' Ship,, fa Yonps ' :"'■ Mffn ; about 20; refern'ec9 r ßequired.— Apply Olesen's Storey Eposm:-' ' ' / a Boy.—Apply^fcfc•'• Etstwopd, "'. -* - '^Bamboo j -and Cane Futniture iMahufactoTor; Xo. - 177 X '•'■' \- ■ ■•■■ T\fXSrET>i Man ifftr ITgflt xnrden !»■».' wort, '12/6 and fonnd*pState 'exiperTonce to .Kioteon, Star Ogee. : jrX,-JAX-XJ!li>j-: Situation -jfr [ Wheeler, ■ one i* »i nsed : to jobbing lioJlyni»kin£, towA or country.—T.t:. '571-StargiOffice.- ; ' \ X7iANI£D, v aa experienced.. GariJener t \ 3 F-J- days'i>er week;— State wages: and pastien)ars to Garfleld,. igtar. Pffi,ce. ; . \ 7TTANT£?D, capable itvomaD' f or> ; washingT :.? -;and' Cleaning.. 1 flay :a- week: permaa- , , cntly.—Apply Hwrs^P.O.:-Bok' 132. ,' XfiASTED, Genefljf; sleep- at nome.—Mrs !"."• Kobp, Mt- Eden- (Ist hopse.;ou rielit, iApa .; iimi~Yitw-T&.): , - ■ ' jrtMSf .TED; Lftd'f'Help,• aboint-30, for-2 »»•' in family; nft chlldrenr references ■ re-. qnired.—^Address/Fraend;, off.). Stair Office. permanent, by; the, -day," ';'''- Cleaning; , goo4"afelerences.—Mrs T\#ifer, Opehpnga.. XjTANTED, / * Male Ghef - tor , ■ -ana : .". Oyster,'^aloonj. nbce?llle; ' yi °TK;, -good/ iwayw.—"Herald, *'" \y«i^nu'i." TXTASTEBj- -Smart vGirf v tor Housework, lys o **,****? fn.d/i!o«Jjhome lor suitable g>rj. ; *'Star'"'"Offle'e^ iSft*S ,, 3B£.''". General . r«otente» — Apply/Mrr G: St-Baeley Maniikaq/- rd ;> farneli; --next Tennis Lawn. IJTrANTBDi Sewing by :esperieuced Dreae- »*■ inster, 3/(J ■ per day .-.Address' Dress? mater/ /q/o- Mrs Tteed,. Buehiman-st' ;Gleii-i ißwre.'/-..' :• ;■■ -' '....','...'. „ \ JtXTASTEI>,. MA*_ Chet . lor Z Fishi and"' - " ; ££? ll ? r ~ s * ,(wn '' "»-?rflJs;~uo. Snndar worti. Wan-' tanui. — t~': -~ ' "" v ': ' •TAINTED, ..Topng Girt $o mmbit In House-' Iff' work; 2-In-family-;--no- waehinc.—ApBUI Mrs Ewj6a_r AU3tm,;"jfln., ■ ao-Ana^ Fort-st.- ' ' • ' Lr - : ~ *' "■. ' " -p- • General Servant; ,15/ to y.-T .eompetent'uglrl;. references required. r=Mrs- Alfred Chatield, BrHgewater-rd., ?axne]l.' ; . .-. . • i- • . JX7SANTED, a. Young Girl to'make herself »*?. nsefnj abovt-slwp: one gust left sthoot Mrs Bncnaoan, syyoa<ls:st. " ~ ' . " :.•""'. . ." smart Waitre«, most be ex-' . perienced, 14/; no Sonimy work— spntehea4, Silver. Grid Dininr Booms Jprham-stXES , ."....:. ".;"■'. . ' rS7!AJ(TBD A a. General; -references re--5»-7 uutred.-T-Apply before lSniewi or" after 6 • p.m., to Mrs W. oX. Heather, SecEpwun. ; .-,'. _...7>-; ' re7tANTEP. thoroughly experienced GenT £■*-.] eral.-- gpoa - wages.—Apply mornlor or erenlßjr, M«i Idchtensteln, ftartc-avepye,; Eppotn.; : : _•■■ ' ; -_ .-..-. CTJiANTED; iMdy, or Geiitrenian: to travel j»»' CoDcArt .Partjv must, hare £100; £3»er week" apd;. expenses Concert to ;s74 t Starl-Offiee.- -. ~ _,----™^ |rrrA3«TED,\ experienced . General, no SJ -washing-, or ironing; housemaid kept. Sirs •Lucas. Bloomfield, ' St. alien 'g-arenne. •ParneM: ■" ■■-■-'. ■•■ :•-■ . \ fTTAXTED,: aience, 2 good Benchmen, i- »»- g o, !*.finistfcr:l-flrst-class-MacblDW;; : foofl.Vwages and\ constant-- wori.—Apply ttoore's'Boot Paciory Onehunga. .- TXTXSiTEV, t -J Fi»x : Paddoekers; also, ;?.* Beedersr. G«neraljs,-Bonaemalds.- etc:— Central' , Registry an 4 Kcsidential Agency' 15,. Extfcange Lapp: hbnfe 19C2...: HMKOTD, XaeyV-to- teach 2 y<mn ff chW :* 7 drett an* help in honse ctaMes; &>mfortab\e 'home "by 'sestsMe.—Mrs! Wood-liqng<?,.-Awarpa. P.O.,...Waiftet:e : Island.. ". . ' CraAl>?raS>; rßoshfellets, unaerscrn* y .» aiia -fall about.; 700 • aenee, np to : 3ft; it.25/'an acre; store* pacfcetl to camp at p-per .ton: : meat 3d - lb; rewarewa, maire; poketea. and toUra left Ktandtag; five snrrtyed sections, Hβ ".' ti> : : ' 130; iarek—Me--Leod's > .'■ • " for Offlc* *f .Slonntilß Rlma ' • llmber_":Ce., X*., Mannkat, a GOJC-. PE33ESST -^^^CMa!|Krr^arri^), 7r pace,- /with locil: ireierefiew, to •. SECRB-.' BASK >T4b BtritDtSGS, VaitJCK-. |r|7ASTEDr;-'l,e«wiS in= Tennlet—Apply; ;"» -..siatins tenn»rto Ifceima, SW, Star jjMttee.;';" ;'. . : __■■-.•■;-. ■'.-■'. : r; -. an Iron Fireproof Safe.—Full r» »■■•■ -partlcalart'as?to si«e, : make, and'erlce [to Security, 540 Star Office. .. .. . ~ SraTtANTED.- a Shetland : or .small . Pony 8 Hl r\ Mare, in foil .'.preferred; ialso,l.Shet-: ft lland Entire. —Address Shetland. Star Office. • «7iANTBD, Ladles to. inepect oor Special 'T»' Line'of. Gem Hats, Black-or White, at * 2/9 each;—M. , A. SteTeafi, Draper and Mii- .. itlner. T&i- -Eden-rd. -■_ . : Boyere i» try- the Sβ jjW Deposit Piano 28. Hlxhrßt. , IjjITT'ANTEi), a Cow,-jest about--calrlßg.— _ {jf y' Apply A. 8.. Star Office. '>'•*■• _ tirrANTED, Offer for qnaiitity of Wire Ifei :.:t.5».V" j ting. Fowl Honaps." Chicken' Coops,' -|j»tc., for' BemoTal. Also, -Minorca Pol-j t-lets and-Boosters, as. a -whole or sepaxate.rifjy. Given up on..account 'of Ul health. "tfJapply '.'Star" Offi«;fc' : '''"-_■' •' ,'' '• i Croete, Tableware. Tβ*. ani jßjpV.' Coffee Sets. Bicycle parts, beantlfnlly BBpnzinjr. l4Usjnettng.—^T J e j Petit. , v|»nd Shatr,,epp. HJt Theatre. 172. Queen- ! mkxMJfTED. good Second-band Otf«Me" rilrV , d*s Larope. latert pattero.—"Writ*, (tj%latins parUcnlaxs an.a sritej Jo 4.T.T.,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVII, Issue 95, 21 April 1906, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XXXVII, Issue 95, 21 April 1906, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XXXVII, Issue 95, 21 April 1906, Page 1