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The following is Captain Edwin's weather forecast for 24 hours from 9 a.m. this day: "Moderate to strong winds from between west and southwest and south; glass rise, tides ordinary, Sea moderate." The Auckland portion of the mail despatched to England by the R.M. s.s. Sonoma consisted of 25,000 letters, 120,000 post-ca>-ds, 3500 books, 15,000 newspapers, ana 740 registered articles. The total mail from the colony despatched by the Sonoma consisted of 440 bags. A Press Association telegram states that the Wellington police yesterday arrested Robert Grieve, alias Thomas Grear, wanted since January 1, on a charge of deserting from the Royal Garrison Artillery at Hongkonsr. and William Sutherland, who deserted from H.M.S. Phoebe at Auckland in December, 1904. * An accident occurred in the Waiotahi mine yesterday afternoon, by which one of the men named Alexander W. Burns had his leg broken. He was on his way to resume work in the Mary Ann shaft after crib, and as he stepped off the ladder on the. No. 2 level the old decking of the floor gave way under him, causing him to fall sideways with the leg bent under him. The injured man was at once taken to the surface and conveyed to the hospital, where he is now doing as well as could be expected. Burns had only commenced work in the mine the same morning. The following nominations have been received for .the secretaryship of the Waihi Miners' Union: W. Whyte, W. Clarke, J. Seanlon, S. Radford, G. Roxborough, J. Waters, D. Robertson, T. Heaps, R. McMillan, J. Fleming, W. Morton, H. Rea, Ed. Hannon. The election takes place on the 23rd inst. The case of Silveira -". an 4 another against Smith, in which the plaintiffs seek to recover moneys from the defendant alleged to be due on a fishing contract, was adjourned sine die yesterday is the Magistrate's Court

Tit* Choral Hal. being otherwise engaged on Monday evening, performing members of the Auckland Choral Society are notified that there can be no final rehearsal for the performance of "Faust," announced for Tuesday next, 21st inst. Although specially arranged for the concert platform, the opera is somewhat lengthy, the overture therefore will commence at a quarter to 8 o'clock. The following ladies and gentlemen Will sustain the principal solos:—Margarita, Madam Lilian Tree; Faust. Mr Abel P.ov.e; Mephistophcles, Mr Hamilton Hodges; Valentini, Mr H.

Lloyd Brett; Sicbel, Miss H. C. Taylor; Martha, Miss Montgomery; Wagner. Mr Farrow. This will be Madame Lilian Tree's last public appearance in Auckland prior to her departure , for London in February next.

We are informed by Henry Hughes, patent agent, Queen-street, Auckland, that the following applications for patents have been filed by residents in the Auckland province since the 30th October: Nicholls and Bennett, washing boiler; J. McCarthy, easy-chair; R. E. Smallbone, knife cleaner; E. T. C. Firth, pumice soap; H. Markwick, window cornice; F. C. Brown, slimes filter; W. Chappell, measuring sun's altitude; O. Paora, draining and subsoiling; M. H. Roe and B. F. Cranweli, motor cross cutting machine; E. Broughton, scoring machine; A. F. Balling, album.

Mr. J. Tighe, formerly principal of the Auckland Blind Institute, is endeavouring to establish a similar institution in the South- Island. He addressed a meeting of citizens at Christchurch yesterday afternoon. He advocated that an institution for the proper education of the blind should be established in Christchurch for the South Island, and that the funds at present coming from the South Island towards the support of the Institution for the Blind at Auckland should be diverted for the purpose. A committee was formed in order to further the scheme.

One of the crew of the wrecked barque La Bella, Writing from Emu Bay, Tasmania, on March 5, previous to the casualty, the vessel having put in there short of provisions, states-.—"After 30 days' hard battling we put in here short of everything—a proper cleanout. I have never had such a wretched passage across the pond as this has proved, nothing but gales of wind and salt water flying around. And, to make things worse, we ran short of food. We came across (from Kaipara) to Gabo Island in fifteen days, sighted Australia on the loth day, and we have been the other fifteen getting this far. Gales from S.W. to W. and N.W. We have been living on flour and water and tinned fish for the past seven days, no baking, powder, soda, or cream of tartar, so we have had what a bushman calls damper—flour, water and salt, like bricks. God job I have got a cast-iron digestion. BJo milk, sugar or butter for ten days.' Our salt meat was done when 15 days out. Peas and beans ran out yesterday. No spuds for a week past, and consequently no bread, as the cook could not make yeast without potatoes. We managed to get into Emu Bay yesterday, and had a good .' tuckin ' ashore. We were fifteen days barbound at Kaipara, so that is as good ns 45 days out, and still we are not at our port of destination."

The Mount Albert Tennis Club opened their season this afternoon witft an 'At Home" at the club's lawns, "Ferndale," when a large number of visitors and players were present. The lawns —-which were in splendid order—were kept busy with play all the afternoon, and a word of praise is due to the secretary, Mr N. Ashton, for his untiring energy and labours in connection with the club. The Mount Albert Band rendered a varied selection of items during the afternoon, and the ladies of the ?lub dispensed afternoon tea to the satisfaction o? all. A successful season is predicted for this suburban club.

The programme of the Auckland Amateur Athletic and Cycle Club's spring carnival to be held" in the Domain on December 16 appears in this evening's issue. It was first thought that the club would have to abandon this important annual fixture owing to lack of interest and public support. However, after a full meeting of members, such renewed interest was taken in the matter that the carnival advertised is the result. The committee have drawn up a splendid programme, and their efforts to foster this kind of sport should be successful. Outside the usual events, races for youths under 19 and a secondary school boys handicap (220 yds) have been added. A 1£ mile steeplechase also appears on the programme, and is open to any member of any amateur club. We understand that items of boxing and wrestling will also be added to the programme later on.

A respectably dressed man named James WiUiam Rawnsley was charged before Mr R. W. Dyer, SIM., in the Police Court this morning with having assaulted Joseph Guy yesterday, so as to cause him actual bodily harm. In asking for a week's adjournment of the case, Sub-Inspector Black stated that the complainant was taken to the hospital suffering from a broken leg, and Would not be able to leave for five or six weeks. Mr McVeagh, who appeared for the accused, did not offer any objection to the, remind, and Rawnsley was remanded on bail for a week.

Mr R. F. Way, on behalf of himself and Mr Aggers, drew the Premier's attention during, the Kaipara Flat trip yesterday to the fact that the workmen employed on the Penrose extension and the Newmarket works had one week of their pay held in hand, and were only employed monthly. Mr Way asked that the men should be paid weekly or fortnightly at longest. The Premier said, that as the matter was one for the Minister for Railways he would discuss the matter with Sir Joseph Ward.

The examinations provided for Auckland" candidates for the Fellows, Associates, and Students' grades in connection with the New Zealand Accountants' and Auditors' Association (regd-) will be held at the Art Society's rooms, Coburg-street, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next.

The Auckland Rowing Club and the St. George's Rowing- Club were holding trial fours this afternoon. The Devonport Yacht Club held their first cruising race of the season this afternoon, the destination being Awaroa Bay, Waiheke.

The following programme will be played by Impey's City Band in the Albert Park on Sunday afternoon: —Slow march, "Reception," E. Seconte; overture, "Le Deux Magots," Bouillon; valse, "A Dream," F. Mazart; selection, "Lucretia Borgia," Donizetti; gavotte, "Zerlinga," Jacob; selection, "Joan of Arc," H. Round; valse, '-"Blue Danube," J. Strauss.

Dr. Frederick Bell, of San Francisco, lectures on "Heaven and Hell" at the Federal Hall to-morrow afternoon.

The anniversary services of the AW andra-street Primitive MttfcoSS 1£ day-School are announced to h» : the Choral Hall ers for the public meeting on t2_£ evening will be the Rev., R. CathSS and E. Warburton. v«nerww4 tee of the Auckland Sunday Union, held last night, the VTteToT the Lmon's attitude towards the 11 censing and gambling questions Was eon". - sidered. It was unanimously resolved"That this committee desires to record its very earnest hope that the result 6f the coming elections may be in tha direction of diminishing tlie facilities for . obtaining intoxicating liquor and in gambling." . . - Miss Nance O'Neil. the celebrated at- , tress, who concluded a phenomenally • ' successful season in Australasia hurt week, went to America yesterday br the mailboat. " '• At St. Patrick's Cathedral to-mftrroi* special services will be held in thank* giving for the ninth anniversary ot ■ Bishop Lenihan's consecration to the Bishopric of Auckland. The employment book for the Ship I Yacht, and Boatbuilders' Industrial Union is now open at the Union a_ice, , P«|..i merston Buildings. Just look at these lines, ladies. Just what you want —folding go-carts, ' strong, light and '.heap. Tonson G_r-" lick Co., Ltd.—Ad. Gentlemen, attention!— Get. Fowlds has some leather belts for summer wear also plain belts and K races.—(Ad.) Exceptional value in lace curtains, slightly soiled.—Smith and Caughey! Ltd.—Ad. - , A special line in jardinere stands and hanging flower pots; just opened;- v see jut windows. Tonson Garlick Co,, - Ltd.- \d. ./, - Our linen section is noted for' damasks, table cloths, Berviettes, fancy _apery, etc., being imported direct' from best manufacturer. Value undoubted it J McCullagh and Gower's.—Ad. ~ ' For the boys on the beach Geo. Fowlds ,; has washing suits and blouses in era_ij' holland, drill and Galatea.—(Ad.) ' Corsets! All leading makes, size.and. shape to suit every figure, now in stock. —Smith and Caughey, Ltd.—Ad. -~, Morley's hose in great variety just opened. Plain cashmere, lOld, 1/, l/ 3», . 1/G, to 2/11; ribbed cashmere, 1/, 1/6, to 2/6 pair; openworked cashmere, l'/6, 1/11, 2/0, 2/11 pair; embroidered cashmere hose, 1/0, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11; lace lisle, 1/, 1/6, 1/11,2/6; all-lace lisle hose, 1/3, 16, to 2/11; open silk lace hose, 2/11, 3/11, 4/11; children's hose Mn "ribbed, plain, and openwork great variety. At McCullagh and Gower's (the hosiers). See window.—Ad. Bedsteads in great variety; a special line in . single and double sze, HOW . selling at very low prices. Tonson Garlick Co., Ltd.—Ad. Special: Ladies' 2-dome white washing kid gloves at 2/6 pair.-r-Smith and v Caughey, Ltd.—Ad. Extraordinary value: Fashionable white box dress containing ample quan- ; tity of plain fine lawn, handsome, embroidery for blouse and panel, 15s lid and 18s lid; with double quantity.of trimming, 26s lid; with bodice panel and 2 rows of wide embroidery, 35s 9d; better dresses up to 60s 6d; embroidered blouse lengths, 4s lid, 5s lld~6s Hdj 8s lid up.—McCullagh and.Gbwert—l4 : '-'- ---"Striking value": Ladies' £doi_evCel-' oured kid gloves at ; Caughey, Ltd.—Ad. , - Keep your "belongings together when travelling. Buy a travelling- trunk -9t Gladstone bag at Geo. Fowlds'.—(Ad.) Hundreds of curtains to choose from. , "Klever before have we offered such > value. Owing- to big job purchase, 1/9, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6,3/11, 4/6, to. £4,%. McCullagh and Gower for value.—At' Special value: Linen- costume canvas, all shades, 4id— Smith and Gaughey's. —Ad- 'J''Zisk% Special line of silk, eolienne, A/liir worth 2/9, in Ijtlack, cream, gray, and navy. Every fashionable'wool, and silk and wool, material, newest makes and colourings, in voiles, taffetas, etc., 1/3Ji ; 1/6J, 1/112>, 2/6, 2/11,. 3/6, ..'to 4/11;' new embroidered 2/0,-2/11;;. and)/ » 3/6; and big range of cream dress mate«rials, 1/0., 1/34, 1/6., to 4/11. McUul- 4 lagh and Gower .for value.—Ad. Ladies' white mackintosh . rslip-0B coats, just opened.—Smith _ and c f°-' p ,- ', ghey, Ltd.—Ad. * , ,i • : The best New Zealand wool ,is usel , in the material which Geo. Fowlds sells. ~ See working trousers,. 5/11.—(Ad-) .... Special line white fancy.muslini,3Jd ( and 52d.—Smith and Caughey's.-r-Ad.,r> Hundreds of styles in blouses, in cotj ton, voile, print, white, "embroidered linen, and delaine, muslin, etc.; 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, to 69/6. McCullugn M« Gower for value.—Ad. Fast colour English prints, -3|d and 4fd.—Smith and dress a> partment.—Ad. . ~. '•-•- '.-: --,- -■■'■> McCullagh and Gower for value. Country customers are cordially invited to walk round and inspect their fine stoclc of latest novelties without being pressed to purchase. —Ad. _ Full range fine navy canvas" voiles, 1/IU, 2/6, 2/11.—Smith and Caughtf *• -Ad. \-.y::.|. Russian, Eton, and Chesterfield eQM and skirt costumes, latest style, fIW tailored and newest designs. Great vafiev ty in crash, lineu, muslin, -voile, -ajw,-, eolienne, embroidered, etc. and Gower for value.—Ad- '- frtjJM. Double-width curtain good' colours, 4|d, 5Jd, 6|d.—Smith and ,Lau-. ghey, Ltd.—Ad- , Smart and inexpensive cotton ISWM linen dress fabrics. We invite tfgqgfe attention. Magnificent assortment nw est weaves in plain and fancy yog canvas, muslin, etc., 5Ad, fljd, 8?d, WJ> 10/J, to 1/115; embroidered spo.t,mor«£ feed lawns, all shades, 1/4}/ fcggg plain ditto, 1/4., 1/6*; zephyr gingham and linen crashes etc. Bfd, ibid, 1/0., to 1/11 J. McCullagh ant Gower for value. »■

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 276, 18 November 1905, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 276, 18 November 1905, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 276, 18 November 1905, Page 4