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i gg-ggia*-' , is by no means confined to schools. An Amerir-an i KrJ writin? bnrn". tell* of the "?Ktbe corhnmoro- of his r-nlle ? e. ! ■raptured him and .. number of | jSandh-nsl.-! .nr, off to be inI Tjiter bein? ••' i n:p» , !hvl to --r-rarnblp ; Swgs" in tb '" •v ,: "- r;in - : '"'->' wprp Vto "no ••' t!'" dormitnrioA Hero ; sa«njoyab:p P v, : nin- v a , ,r,o t u-in 3 h* -i.-.-rhH in tho letter: ■j !fiaßW ,; T': ,, ; 1 ;" 1 p." w ; 1? p.T s ed again and «?nin. _.ilthou ß !, with : L"fß* bo-w and .<■■:.,-.. while the fre*h- ■ Lr's fece t0 ,, !-" t' ir r,l "■••' or ' ih p applr. i in,p Washing;'"'■i ti-'k. tieorg-o WashJJn, cut down :, v hnl* on-hard of - jjpjTj- trees. t!i<* T ' n! - *o! ' cherry \ jfc.'aßd axe brinj- taken by fre-OimHii. J v addition to the main perform jii'*v, 5 «kin I laT( " ayomptPd m describe ■ -were a =»-rip- of sideshows which \ j P re no lew attractive. On* , fellow was • r-jt under the bed and told to roll out i jH; P a volume of .-»noke. Meanwhile a ! pjjtim in the opposite corner was doing I jiisßeft to develop like a film.' , J Some extremely interesting , figures I kave just been issued by the Board of S jjjyje deaiinp with the revenue derived I by different countries from the nianufae--1 tue and sale of ali-oholie beverages. It 1 «lere proved that nowhere during the years iSOs to 190-' did the taxes I n drink contribute large a part to I tie national nurse than in the United I alttiougli the United States Keanea in a good second, the amounts J mtribnted bfinsi 32 and 29 ppr epnt. A [ jj» drop occurs before Hollajid j aiwith 10 per rent., and then passing I tkrmijrh th p rlp-cending eeal* , Ormany i~ I toncbed at live- per cent., the lowest of 9 B il being Italy anil Servia. with only two I ifx cent, each during the five year- nniia revi n »'- Canada leads the way ; imong the British self-governing coloI nies vith lfl per rent. Chi the other I lard, the Uniu-d States leads Britain in • I the total amount derived from thp. salp of wine. beer, and spirits. th<» average I anntial revenue beinc: £' 40.070.000 in tbe. ! >tates and in the United | I Kingdom. Statistics, it i? mainiainod. : : 2iaT be u?e<l to prove anything, and certainly from !.!■«? above interesting set <<i agures there i- i> wide field opened for prohibitionist and apologist alike. 1 With thp exception of landed pro- j I pfity, everything that is to be had in I Ainerita is on sale at the department I stores. One may enter the front door : I devoid of limb<. eves, reeth. hair, mai- be I ragged, hungry, ill. rruiltles.- of jewellery. I photograph.-, inrmiajr implements, auto- j I aobile-. dogs. (.-at.-, piano-;, and hou.*t?Iyd furniture, and come uuc at the! :' other end of the store supplied -with all ' ii tiose thiiisrs. One may start ;* bank ' 4 Kcount. join a club, acquire scientilii* . ■ iaowledge, attend concert!- jriveu by ro--'ajwned artis;.-. listen to special le>> ; ■ arts, and t;ike lessons ia all brandies W pruditiou under the .same management rthieii further one'- interests in shoe X iatuer und iniiiinery. One may t-tcck : r aeV iarin. one's cellai*". even ocp'a p fennel! an.-l rarriajre at the de- ' jirtmsnt stores. Model furnished rooms ire on view f.>r the instruction of i tbottt to furnish their homes. Entire : : tmimer Lamps, including tents, sportins i unfits, and lantprus neaily sru<->ked an , r to sale, packed" for shipping. A furnished = fai of thrre. four, or more rooms may ; fee had for the asking. These mammoth _sretail mane are human l>eehires. In , : | Kew York. (Tjicapo, Philadelphia., and j other krjre cities thp of employI ees ill one uf the.-c -iiops i> equal to I ;he population of a fair-sizecj town. One I Apartment in New York has more ■ ■i "Jian tiOOo employee.-!. The acreage of I Joor ;pai.-c in ihese emporiums i< equally I J-tonishiiisr. One. if ii were aligned to I |cc depth of a w"t> lot. and if the build- ; ' I B2 were only ore storey in height, j ; I *oold cover idO dry -blocks." or. rough- | ' I ty speaking, several miles. i' i i liat ihe women of Japan are made of ' I tile same stutf a- the men. though ob- ! [ I iiged to take a lesser part in the prt-sent '. E conflict with Russia, is abundantly cvi- ! ' ■tot from an artk-lc contributed by the ! ' »ite of Admiral Uriu to "Harper's : c Bazaar/ -The rir-h and the poor, the i f -igh and the low. have but one object." •ays .Madame L'riu. '-to encourage tho-e i " v "no are at tne front, to help the dis- !'' JJ«'«i families whose supporters have j a been chosen to fi>ht for their rountry. Md, lastly, to help t!io.-e families whose ! tor ones have died lor the cause."' One '1j tfthe leaders in liii- work is a most in- i l toming woman by the name of .Toko I r "bimura. .ho nrsrani-er of the Ladww , | ' wtriotii; AsMwiiUioii. .Mmp. tucmnura,! not ;i ymnjr wr.inan. appears to f \ hy a -pirit of burning patii- ! ' »tism and love of humanity that know? i r 00 resi. Thf lemn- worshipped li.r, ■'' «A called her "Beloved Mother." Tne I society was r. r? an<<ed in time of pro- b fwmd pea-.-e. and before the present war ° jjTokeout, ha.i thirty thousand members, i " 1J "3 increased to more than forty thou- " JMd within a month aftei the. declaratwnof the V ir. f 1 H Shakespeare had ever been in l'oor in Rusai.i. nay. perhaps in, j "ales, he would never'ha-c « asking. "VV"bat\ in a name?" There b 18 so much in some "f foreign-.-as' names that m D < wonder- how they; 4 them on th.- s;:m. ? ship with lluva- [ «ayes when they ,-ross the seas, a.- ail 0 ?eat ausiciin- must do. l'adert-w-, t s m i< a xiaiae one mi_;ht g-o To churoh' v But 1- to he said about "kDoxat Kmatnos-.r.;: TTits is tijpj a nsical patronyoiio of a singer ""ho ]( 2 Part ii ;) reocnt performance of «. "agnert 'Tristan" in Vienna. One ~ ( the local criiH predict, that Irta : ), ■k- win "jnak,. a name for her«olt/' j? ( * ho Pe so: f,,r that which her nar-; . her godfather, and podtiiother jj, f v * her must have bern simu out ot ', oarbed wire: Theaecessity ..if r.ippin- with a lavish ti is strongly eoforced in a restaur- V near the station at Pompeii. In a O f aanent position is plated a gaudily 01 sketch of the inierJor of the din- D two r-iients taking their -c Partuie. « Jne 0I - th ,, m a Lx SmdiTiduai, is strugding into his !ac him n, Wh^e two waitPrs stand near ;?: lotW ,° ne smi 'in? derisively at th* Jtt j! Ijgt* w °° display? a tiny with a, ac km" fierce con;:e inpt." On the oppo- j pr ing Jg ded by three waiters, help- ire bis i lat * lt ' 1 s -oat. aaother brushing jis ,n d h w- bowing obsequiously |la ftoran, , g his wa!kia ? sfick - Th " c !es «r'thT ° Vlous ' bu t allowance is made le liiM- poTerbial obtuseness of North- st ie iasnS 1 !' **& underneath tne picture cr in lar-e levers, "The Re- vi g ™ Beaeaokncc- j f o is -

.At a time when the members of the ' F^. °A H ° nonr " c dictating ti, the I French .Government the policy which - honour prescribes for the proper punishment of certain members of that Order it a interesting to recall the fact that the Legion"' was not always recog- ! nised by most Frenchmen as the custodian of the national idea of the virtue ! whence it takes its name. Instituted > by napoleon, tbe Legion was scoffed at i : alike hy the Royalists and the uncon:- ---' promising Republicans. Moreau, the . of Hohenlindcn, is said to have : offered it to his cook as "a saucepan ■ox honour": Augereau refusal to answer to his nam» -cvhen. on July 14th. IS(M. the first public distribution of crosses took place on the Place dcs Invalids. Mmc- dc Stael made a pun L upon the fact that- an acquaintance of ' rlf \ as " df ' i; hoDores.'" but Necker's briliiant daughter paid for her joke when Napolenn exiled her from France. The opposition, moreover, did not lust. 1< nsr: human nature asserted its ingrained love of distinctions: and at the second distribution the recipients were the objects of unbounded enthusiasm. From that day tn this, as the French f»n:pmporan- ->ro quote puts it. membership of "thr Legion" has been the •Secret —ii not the avowed—ambition of most Frenchmen. Frinee Friedorieh. the German Emperor's second sen. was considered Vi'b°n a child to be the beauty of the family. But he was a very wayward beauty. Prince Eitel's table manners, at That early period of ids career occasionally left a good deal to be desired. dad he insisted that, the wing of a chick- j en w;is most satisfactorily managed if i it were held between chubby ringers and j gnawed by boyish teeth." Verbal ad- ; monition- having failed to convince the bey of the contrary, the Emperor one day let the yonn<j evildoer attack his portion a/tor this manner, and then said. "As you behave like a. little dojr you must go where little dogs have their place, under the tabic." And under the dininsr-iuble Prince Eitel went, to "repent at. leisure." Instead of the hmentation.-. and protests expected to be forthcoming, deep silence reigned—so deep, indeed, that at last the r-alied the child to come To him. The ! boy obeyed immediately, but appeared j , at his fathers side without a vesti<»e of ' clothing. "As I am a little dog. I "took i off my Things." he said, "because j don t wear clothing/ c , ! ~— ! For the determined dram drinker ; whose one idea is to obtain alcoholic: e.v-itement. nothing containing the poL-ou he craves is~too nasty for him. . This has been made very plain in the , j Isle of Man. where the practice of | dring methylated spirit has of late } spread to such an extent, particularly in I Douglas and Ramsey, that the insular j 'Government have under contemplation j the submission to the Manx Legislature i of a bill having for its object the plac- ] ' iriLT of restriction's upon its sale. At : present the spirit can be purchased with- | out difficulty, and at a remarkably cheap I ' pru-e. in the chemists' shops, and quite • i recently several deaths, attributable to ; indulgence in it. have occurred. The police frequently arrest persons under its influence, aud one peculiar effect of the drink is to mak o those taking it eventually imbeciles. Methylated spirit is made by mixing one part- of crude j wood >pirit with nine parts of ordinary ; ' spirits of wine. The idea was that it ' would be too nanseons to drink, though . usable iv the arts. Appetite has. how- , ever, owe more conquered science. ' Britain is now paying over £1,400.000 ■' for her ships-of-the-line: America, quite ' A'l.oOO.000; and Japan proposes To lay.. down a ship the cost of which, with the armament —including four 12in.. twelve ; Klin., and twelve 4.7 in.'guns—will ill- I volve still greater expenditure- The British ratepayer may as well realise n..\v as Liter that there can be no Lrnality in this matter, and when such a high authority on naval matters a3 ■ Mr Albert- Yickers foreshadows the. . building of high-speed ships-of-the-lmc, . with twelve P2in. guns, it only becomes ( a matter of months when such expert- j enced judgment will be carried into 1 effect by The British Admiralty. We ( may therefore look forward to the buildiug in tbe near future of battleships : , of The type indicated by Mr Vickers, rosting £2.000,000. Tbe same advance . in power and cost has taken place in i , respect of armoured cruisers, and to- j j day. owing to the necessity of high j speed in combination with efleetive j broadside protection and high-power j r guns—and plenty of them—we are j F closely approaching a cost of one a-nd I a a quarter million sterling. j | c One of the very few remainiug links j briweeu the present day and the time of j T the old penal settlements of Van Die- ! man's Land and New So nth Wales has ' j been severpd by the death of Colonel H. ' v C. ( . S< ■■merset, whose fnnTal took place ! j lasr month at Springfield, near ("helms- : ferd. England. Colonel Somerset, who p p.i.--ed away at The ripe age of eighty- n eight, could boast remarkable family s - crnnctions. He was the son of Pre- j f bendary Lord William Somerset and ifj grandson of the fifth Dnke of Beaufort. ' As an ofiicer of The 27th Foot he spent "* most of his regimental service with the - ; , troops in control of the gangs of trans- | ported convicts on their passage from j England to the penal settlements, or aiiardintr the prisoners at road work in i New South Wales. He married the ' daughter of Sir Maurice O'Connell, the I nirivernor of New South Wales, his wife being also the niece of Daniel O'Connell. I 1 "The Liberator,'' and granddaughter of Admiral Bligh. of the famous ship Bouniv. Colonel Somerset was also a nephew i af the first Lord Rafilan. and rode in o the funeral procession of the Duke of ' G Wellington. . a In addition to the great national Tel-j P' owstone Park, the United States are '■ m rhortly to have a National Game Pre- ' ° .erve on a somewhat smaller .-calc. Tnat ri s ;.. .-ay if the proposals for it. which rt iuve already passed the House of Re- : ..i srti tjiives. are also accepted by the ' r Senate. The district under considera- :Jl ion i; already a National Forest Re- °' ierve. so that the change will be com- ! ■* laralively simple to bring about. A raet of land twelve mile.-- square in the j ** iVichit-a Mountains, in South-western f i Oklahoma, is to be enclosed by j-t miles cl ■ I barbed and meshed wire fencing, b? Dams will also be constructed within it. cc o that 3000 acres will be turned into a *' .ike. Another tract of some .38,000 tt cres, in-eluding Mounts Sheridan and ,tl : ?Ott. two of the loftiest peaks in the ;tc Viehita range, will in all probability be h; dded. Within the confines of the pro-: tt 'osed preserve, which will, in effect, be 0\ national breeding farm,. there are al- d« eady many wild animals and birds ex- in sting en the natural products of the a ind° During the first year after the J* stablishment of the preserve the val-. pi ;ws will be sown with ■'Kaffir corn and ; w. unfiowers. which furnish an annual j lit rop without replanting, and will pro- jso ide * large additional supoJy of fuoj jth or the pK. r^

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 84, 8 April 1905, Page 9

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NEWS, VIEWS, AND OPINIONS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 84, 8 April 1905, Page 9

NEWS, VIEWS, AND OPINIONS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 84, 8 April 1905, Page 9