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!. n< word anibi.le«..-n: y has almost , f nnrhin" -oun>! or Mesopotamia or. , ifiSlnJ and -o ie Us J Ktion that a society h.i« b*n form'for Us eultiiatK-n; But perhaps *-. d0l « not ni*>an much nowaday*. ■ "T enrienes an , founded upon tli>- l«--a*ti i owtion- «•- I— - ba'i «r»>"lw in : ! fißurttuted nr-nthli.- pointing out J ~it> > • L was :i iam«ii> at one, I tickets «irh both hands, and return , Jcorrert chan?.' t.. ; -a-a pun-hawr. j , nrP rapid'v than r.-uid two ordinary, } in ti... ordinary way. The; ; Übrip *.-«-• -\<. l*.-r a prophn, f !fdfstnirti\>D>'.-.- 'in* an-n. urn! Bishop; jS, n .in tn- ■•nri.W. Mndi«l .FourI"lib wndemned tin- whole busmen, i- tbat. hy lon- enturies of ' «rti<y man's ri.'/ut band has become r P^:ana.:. r h,hHdr; r tou« ! C left haiid equally with it i- only w detract from th.- .nuu.y oft!,, riyht , ritboirt paininar Ml -kill with ti..- left.', i. {act. by u*ii!2 l)"th hand-, ym fall ] ' «-t-ro. Tin, is ,nitv for many p. op!-- haw bwn tau-r.-. a /aWd=-l"'ol. ■■ l ou<- their h-it." su »d njrefficariuu* ha- i!ie practice at tirno« It i.- hard to di->T-?dit a Msl'iop. ve t the "■nospittP th" firm iajrittim that thy s-noral iidoptioi, 01 training wnul.j (>.• of, unjjijfd b<-nofi; m the community. The Empress r.f .):ipan nnd he- : =uiTf fpre once prevaiifi upon tn hv/- n-id i •heir q.wini i<Kturui-.- a-n-I :i iri-i! I toran=i:in piwn-. TUoy quieAly returned to the i.l'l order nt thirpr-. limy- • rer. K ,T European 'ir>—- -♦■om- -to tvi-<-* Hts't- i'a" " M> cf ' ,! '." i 'or*«'t. a-a.i .Tannn«s TvoniPn thoroughly npprr- , c-ii\t<- ih , iibcrtv eiTPH to th-ir \rai~i~ l.y pretty national drPsw. Th«?r< ■i~ nn ditnction raaii- in ilu- sfylr- of ilro— nt the TroiDfii " : -iapun—all t* r-ar tho ki- , mono—and ono '-an only i aia^im ,, th.ikh position and wnnlth •'■■ ' tin- woar.-r X die quality or' rh-- mm , ' rial and itembroidery. Th?tall hei bii- now bof n with v- for ins hundred yoar-. Ir- < cnt4»nary wa; anted the other day. Th? inventor wa* em Mr. John m. a habcrchtshcr in the Strand. Heth*>rinirion iras actually brought bpf ore Lord . Jlayor and chared with, "a breach of the peace and inoitin? tr> riot, in that n< Won the morning of -It rauary 10. 1707. niked down tlip public V ng-hway wfaring upon hi? bead what h*> . billed a silk ha; -a tall structure having a lujtrc. calculated to irightrn tf people' Hie annual ball of t/ he hou-io ?urgoond the Paris hospitals ■ iva? thi* year mor. jniesome than over ■' ootorp morbid. inLict. that many ot v i? dnraiU are utterh iadescribabtr. It iva- a saturnalia of srimly surgical wit. in rhict ail ih-- liurru rs uf the ilisscotini: and tho <ipcrj vinsr tablo w-tp >_-ari aturwi anil the. L , Lte?i di.-;eovcri(>> in { bacterioiofry %vt'rf f mpcrsonatr.l. Pγum | midnight to bronki ast timo the ballroom TOiiUrging mai of microbes Hanoi rsiisrum-. <\irf ;i>al insTrunii-iir~ with .liaainieal ?hJjjm t>. and a medley of lit tie at once. Bloodhound.- ar « somotimes io ffldc crirr.iniJ ,Is. bur. the. ' iot replac-i'd in . ;in Italian town by a 'iiood donfcpy."' A jrood many falsr buk nntps had rei-eiitly U'Pn put int" analation. The police lx-lu-vpd rliat tiicy nre fabricated in ,i eertiiin ho-.i-f. --. tsrr entered it. There they found thro. , er tour mpn. ar«l a donkey attached (.■■ »C2rt in the coi jrtyard. rhr' tee donkey had come from som* , neighbouring nllagp. thf.v led it into the str-'-t ladleft i r to . ; t-= nwn dfviee?. The dm:by. after thin kinir the matter out. walkid down the -trcfr. pa.s-ipd throuirh a pteof the to ivn. and then trottr.' ntt Jo J rilkge ab« it thvep miles distant. L: t» rilkgt tb c re-t oi thf crarg were dinraed. Here L= ti P lawt in dojr storiei: .\ «ilie dog. ! javing hem annoyed by a Mighbonrs dog wh-i was in the habit "t %ill£up ai, htn-i.-il trpa~ure-. hit upo'Iβ* iuilowi r.g method uf rru-Trating 'i he 'iief. Oni ■ ihiy uf:.-;- dinii.T hir. nia-i.-r »Wm i Jibing .( hole unusually deep, admit ho pur : , large and highly de Srable bone. Then ho .-wvc-red'it* wo , ! wh can ji. fur a rVw mill I J* ;, nr i. i-anii- ba.'k a -mailer nn ,, . i •"Bhe-iawiully laid on the earth which j *watal the big onr. and then eovep 1 "■ 'Jp- Next, ruornifig i!v thief arri\c' ! un x!jp v.orthk>.«- hone, and ran >m[ "Ail- Later in Hie day -Don" .-am.' tevxre'.y iiiidt appropriated lh .■ "*■ lift of a iu>»ji-rri war correspon- , m (lepi.-te.! i r Mr. Of-rge Lynch. I* little Bo rei-oin uirrnl it. In an arti-- 1 -' 'The Fintiri- t..r War 1 orr.-«pon..'.- \ **•' 'Mr. Lj-nr-h \Binnly defend.? the two i-one.9-r.pd 'fur th"fflewnaorship flney impo-nd. and int.: i his opinion, that in th.- future ii i 2* "M in '"--' I.r*mn.,a«Hl. If.- teh.| moijh- nf th- way in whir-'i ! -■mc correspond-in< in ih- j ?"S(KJapanEs-f ;uid the Doer war, ! ! -«rpreted thfir "üblipiti.)!!* to honour. ' ! with 6V- .t.-flaratimi that "all I weon-tspoTj.i.gif, .h.attd bo mid-r strict j law. xtf.ih iiabiliry of the -v | irE ffie ,„ , i ,. ji ,., j hot .. What i JWMr. BrttiM Burkigh say to thisv j l u -'-' new experience for him to : ! r^ al - enwJ ' 1 fc' dnath. He twice; : We in thai po-ition in th- .Vuieri'-an . ' it War ' L ' Ul lhtu " r >Vli3 a ~ a CPmb - i " ' I *icW 03 a ei-nturv -in- the waltz i lnt .., Knaiuh --i-rv at a I la- Devr, BS ' r , ir ,, H , jU> ,, ~„,, (p : v „.,,,- ---1 , arriu -d at the waltzing n-enrd. lil , c -°nipetii ion .it Uk.-stori. i.romot.d lCvn kesrCn D - Arademy. for a I-in I pmp ' t0 fouipl.i who waltzed ! I^tzn'l 1 "" cou P They begin to I ■ •■ill-jn p ' m " at *' ' Kep;: on Jancillt -' ' ■ Wihout - ;1 >cnp- when the- emut0 diva * lhc P riw " Tui " ' ■ tot J , J ' tnp achieved hitherto. : lW 7 by *"«Jta?r?. bur by the.; Mortal V ,- Notlllr P appro3c-hin<f it i~ ; I a** b- ? aat horn 0I Teiltu » I----"' 1 - B »ftei-l,» v ,llann - ot ' ' wh,J " l »'■ read that. I% "H i " lp,l offr ut !iii ,SM, "" bart . v " - v H(f:mina Schmitz." "he ■ 'fta as if he > - shtill. 1 solsom sLmiU-.-' ■ <?f ~ * ■ ?!3rs of ■ a younc Londoner. 30 iorrupd a -'igantic ■^biJJi trilst - H p -a. juet opened ■ hall in London, the B "* alW 6 -u , performance. e l *^^;-t ' a>l,seui "- and The stage

Stoll ha- succeeded in getting control ot the "Moss Empiv-e Company." whichowns and manage- music halls in nearly ever}- city in Tlngland. The capital : ('presented in /.his huge vaudeville tru«t is nearly £■ 2,,300.000. Mr Stoll neither smokes nor drinks, and he i≤ the only vaudeville manager in the world who has written a book on the immortality of the soul. His entire life is ppen: betweea his office and the "hall?." when' he vraccbes hi.-; performers more elo-si'ly than the house manager. Collecting -money from Turkey is a heart-breakirjg enterprise. A "distinguished Arjerican once went there To oollcrt a <Vbt of £ 100.000 owing to an Eriirli«h -;yudicate. which included two members of Parliament and a. Cabinet Minister. Fie expected to see the business through in two or three months. But a foreign Ambassador undeceived him. 'Say three or four months and then -enn will a<! far otl from obtaining y;nur money as you arc to-day." he rorn-.ixked. M<-n had gone out there to prasreute claims, he added, whose hair ha/l Turned prey with the strain to w'lich they were subjected and who had r'iDo home thoroughly broken in health, i.'uable to obtain a Turkish lira to show '.■or of fruitless labour. One victrim of Turkish duplicity and procrastination died in :i lunatic asylum. One of the embassies luid been twenty-five veurs prosecuting i-laiin , *. svithuiit rea[i.=in_' .•! c-t'tit. Tuttletown. in the United State?. has a ■•buried treasure" story that has b"eu revived of late, and the finding of which would make someone eomfort.ihli- for life. In the eariy fifties, when till , rti.-h of jrold seekers Socked to Mormon i reek, a drifted into ••.imp known as "'(> id Man C.'amp-i-ell." lie built a cabin at the point w lif-r* 1 I.uiip i«uli"li meets the i-reek. whii-h ar that time wu. r very rich, nnd ; s >iiJ 10 have yielded t'oOO.OrtO. The iill man who remained on the i-reek >i\vY forty years, "wa- industrious, allioiiiL' ;it work. ;in>l very thrifty. :i--. !■]■ -pcndini: uuythins more than for .Int'ii's and 1 :ii' n.-v-pssarics of life." -;i-\ ~ The "Mn-jN't Manner." ""From hi- cabin lie had a view up and down the reck a quarter i>l a mile on rath .side. ir.d v.iicn ;-t work lie nevt-r put beyond ;'ii' limit, always keeping the buildiiiff in -iirhr. it anyone upproaehtd ir he •.voulcl >to[» work, return home. ;in ! kc*'p watch until the party left. Abou: Tea u'ars ajro he was found dead i' his cabin. After his dfjth ir was reported that he had i. - 14.000 worth of COM b\irici{ near his plan-. He is said to have shown one nuprjrei that weighed .'VJ ounce?. His ,-nbin was torn down and 'hf ground around ir sluiced and £600 worth of gold found. (>f late r"?\"eral parties. >nme of them with divining rods. hnve >>een working around the siic of the old calnu. trains: to run on to the balanr° of the b'.iried t reaaiirp." In' ( hina. as in Japan, custom requires that on* , who has |w?rformerl a mprilorious service belittii- ir. und ene uho has been -elected for honours l-hould riei-lare himself unworthy. Who j ran imagine an En.irli-h oiliep-holder I writiDjr >uch a letter of arwptnru-p this, whii-h the biogi'apher of Li Huncri'li.insr quotes from Kwofan. appointed Vii-i'roy of Nankinp: "Boinir nf r<l a'wlitv. and havinjr. notwithstanding. ben cntru.-tc!. with the most important duiies. 1 have. :i?> 1 toftorpirl along, faileu" to do anythlD.c: meritorious. Wln-n. some years back. I went io ShantTUiji, I did not siK-ccod in subduing the Nienfol. ; but returned to N"ankin-_ r . and was ever irt<T ashamed of mv-elf. Last year 1 iva-i nominated iccroy of Chi-li. bur I mart'" unsuitable appeintnirn's. niiriiiiauugoil the army, nnd failed to do any pood for the Yellow River. 1 Memble as 1 think of ray blunders, and in con-.POjiience 1 am overwhelmed by th' , ■_'iacious order which directs, mc to resume my f inner important post, and riitls rli-please yoi»r Majesty's fonfidence in mc. in-tead. a:< would be just, of reprotx»tins :iip |t my and mc." A- i" bappene.l. this u.T.s from one nf the mnsr honest and b'-"r-r beloved I'hinese who rxcv Xanking , . and wa? almo-t wnrshippty] by the pe.>pie of that pro-vine.-.

The right nf a dramatic clitic to -uri> admission to a public theatre, j even when be pays the regular admission fee. i- tieiri£;- contested in New York■lf appear- that Mr James Metcalfe, "a dramati- newspaper editor." was deemed L'uilrr by the Amerieau Theatrical Managers' Association of malicious c-ri-tii i-m. ami they decide<l ro keep him out of their theatres. He presented himself] at Daly'- Theatre with three reserved | tickets, whi.-h he had purchased in the I o.dinary way. on the occasion of the iir-t performance of "The Duche-s of I Danrzie."' but: was told that be could not be admitted. He i- at present unI able to sain a.-ee-s to a -ingle theatre in New York. His lawyer is bringing j an action against the management of! I Daly's Theatre, bur the Managers' A.-so- j ! r-iarion are -anguine that he will be tie- j I bared. They cite the dictum of Judge j Patterson, in the United States Appeal , i Court. "<>f I'■'"■'>. when it was held that n ! I theatre ticket i- merely a license given I Ibv the proprietor of a place of ent/>r- | t.unment to the purchaser to enter upon j the premises to witnes- the perform- ! ati'-e. "and it i- a revocable license." j i ! ! — l ! Kiif.' Vi.-tor Emmanuel, with (pule I I biivish gaiety, ha,-* been indulging iv a j surprise hunting party. in which be tried his l>e-t ro induce the Queen to I jt .lll. bur in vain.. The parry went to ' ; Lico'.a. near Naples, which place has sen- ! timental recollection- for his Majesty. ] which he explained a- the train bore 'them swiftly along. It seems that when 'he wa* first married, before tlie glamour lor h'-iftu- alone had worn on The young Dcnrde. they one 'lay went shooting at Lieola. driving there from Naples- On x'-.v i.-t urn home, after a hard day's shooting, one of the axletrees or the carriage broke, and left them helpless in the midst of the country. The coachman wanted to telegraph for another j carriage, bur the Crown Prince —as he • tben was —saw an opportunity for "a ; lark." and to be alone with his bride. I They walked to a farm-house, and for a goodly sum down were allowed to go off I7n a kind of superior country carriage. ' with two wheels, drawn by what was little more than a pony. It was market j day. and the road was full of country 'people returning home: so Prince Victor, '■who was driving, had to pick his way, , and came in for some abt*c in the dome- of it. while the princess's pretty face called out some boldly complimentary ! remarks. That their incognito might ; not be discovered they adopted tae count rv- cry in broad Neapolitan of "Give way, give way'" -All went well ' until they came to the city itself, when ! someone "recognised them, and they ar- ! rived at the palace with 500 or so of the i Lazzaroni of Naples as an escort, which j amused the prince, but was leas agree- . ÜbJe to las consort.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 66, 18 March 1905, Page 9

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NEWS, VIEWS AND OPINIONS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 66, 18 March 1905, Page 9

NEWS, VIEWS AND OPINIONS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 66, 18 March 1905, Page 9