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MEPICAX. ' WM^^f"'' Grandfather -- ?bk \y\ 'Q. Jj Eged it over 60 ■ y ears sgo * 'Tfien tiio children, liria now the grandchildren. Ayer's fiihwtf Pppfnritl Ills Us sf] F pplHi 01 Tho oldest £U?-d best remedy for cough:;;, coldc, bronchitis, and all throat and lungtroubles. Eeware imitations. Jα largo aiiC email bottles. Avoid ccEiUn.-Uion. Hasten a, cure by the iw.i o* Aver-a :•:::-. - ...-.: γ-vmr, p. S. A. Look at the passing erowa That we meet day by day. They all complain aloud, And this is what they BayViolent, raging Toothache Nearly drives us mad, The pain, there's no mistake, Is utterly too bad. Barraclough, with kindly thought^ Has worked for many years, Magic Nervine he has wrought To eavo v ftll from tears. BARRHeLOUGH'S MflGie NERVINE 0t aU Medicine Vendors, PUce l/». 8e33E258522E53 S3 iSESS S3 eMBPe I ■ v I J A French Ramoriyfj" all irrau"larltle». E j Thousands of Lad,es uiwaya keep a box of 9 3 Martsii', 11J :a In the hoaM.BO that on the first I X sign of any Irregularitj of the System a Z fd timely djse ma. b« administered. Thoso who ■ V use than rc;c mme:;<i them, hence til air onor. 9 a znoas ale. Ail Chemists and Stores Bell them O t throughout *\e World, or post free 5/., H |j HABTiH, '~ Tiißt, Southampton. Bag. B I imartiits I 6e3B99e^BBeiHHsOe^uS^9eCSDISV TO LADIES.—No neea to consult doctors or chemists. The Remedies you require In your own hands. Write for free copy of valuable book about yourselves, your health, your welfare. Every woman should read It. Posted Free in sealed envelopes. — Address Mons. G rand, 72, Flindprs-et., Melbourne. CERTOS is a P ositive TOOTHACHE CURE. 1/ everywhere.

Cpmrnon soap is the friend of dirt, Sunlight Soap is the end of dirt. »« Phosphates are If nooessary to nature! f| nourishment and you || get them In |j From Bracer* tai Starts. S

Another Sufferer GIVES GRATEFUL TESTIMONY. The Case Of Mrs. R. BELL. It was dreadful the way my stomach swelled out with the gases that came from the food, . . and my chest seemed so tightened in some (by a special reporter.) •- way that I could scared^-breathe. My Interviewing has become so much a part loius ached so that I often had to put a ef our lives that it/is difficult quite to un- plaster over them, but the ease only lasted derstand what life without, it would be like; a little while, aud the pain always carao md when, the interviewer's work can cheer back again with redoubled force. Ido not the overworked or help the perplexed there think there was a medicine procurable that comes a glad sense that it has all been worth I did not buy, and all that resulted from While, and we are thankful that the oppor- them was tha I had to face the inevitable, tunity was given to us. In tlie following an <l give up hope of ever being v cured." instance the interview took place at the " 15ut you appear to be quite well now? " residence of Mrs. Rose Bell, Chapel-street, "Thank God! 1 am in the best of health, Auckland, who stated :— and i t j s o ,,i y elements Tonic that lam in- " Many years ago I began to suffer with dented to for beiu« like lam to day, for my rheumatism, and I can recall to niy mind husband happened to read about it in the days on which the pain< in the small of my paper one evening, and it seemed to ua back were so terriuly severe that I could both to be the one "medicine Ire (Uired, and hardly move for them. When the weather which had been overlooked. 1 did uot waste glass low the acony I had to endure was any time in getting a few bottles, aud as ► oniet'iiiiig too owful'for words. Sometimes loug as I have breath in my body 1 shall I was no better off than a cripple, as the speak in pr.use of Clements Tonic for saving pains in my legs made it impossible for mc mc like it did. Either iv the house or in to move them, so that I had to net some- the street I was subject lo giddiness, when body's assistance if I wanted to move from everything seemed-to spin round and became one pace to another. Independent of the obscured in darkness, un I 1 would have to merciless pains I was subjected to, it was a lean my head on my hand till the sensation terrible howto be brought to sucii a help- passed away ; but the use of Clements less condition as I was then in, and as the Tonic brought entire freedom to those turns, weeks went by there was every indication \ esidos releasing mc from the pains that 1 that I was destined to get worue instead of used to feel in my head. And palpitation ! better." really, it was a wonder that I am alive, for "V\ hat was your reason for thinking so ?" my henrt used to beat so terribly , fast that asked the reporter. , Ny l,r ea th seemed to stop in my throat and " I say this because I could feel that my almost choke mc, and if I exerted myself a vitality was becoming more and more ex- little or got excited about anything, such a hau ted every day. I felt thoroughly run helpless feeling came over mc that I nearly down, having no energy in any shape or fell to the fluor. Oh ! what a ble sing it is form, and i did not se- m ab'.u lo summon that my miseries are all over, for when I sufficient interest; in othor things to ei-auie | remember how nervous I was, it makes mo meto temporarily the wretched I fairly horrified. My own shadow made mc state I was in. That meant that my ipirits ! jump as if something supeniutiiral had apwere always at a low ebb, and can you -,yon- ; peared before mc, and all kinds of terrifviug der at it, considering that 1 got no relief rubbish used to come to my head; bat a"few whatever from any of the medicines that I ; bottles of Clements Tonic put so much vigor had taken?" j i nto my system that before I was much ' It must be very discouragiug to have ! older my nervousness Juxd g< ne completely " nothing to ease your suffeiings." •• How about the rheumatism?" "So all invalids must think who waste "Oh'! thank heaven, ihat went too- only their money like Id d. I consulted doctors : it took a little time to j,er rid of it' altoand took medicine to no end, and still I got ] gether; but Clements Touic eased my pa ns worse. My arms and knuckles became as ; gradually, tho stiffness left my joints, and greatly aflect-d by .. y rheuiimtic troubles . then I was able to get about like an active as my legs and I ack were, and sharp pains young woman. Ever since starting on shot up my fingers and made them quite Clements Tonic my appetite was improvinc powerless Ihings used to fall cafe of my nn d my digestion *as getting better, and as hands as if there «as no life in them: hut I all the pains about ny, body were greatly it was when I got warm in bed that my moderated I could sleep well, and in thai torture was at its height. A pain used to j way. by decrees, my strength came backrun up my less;hke a knife cutting mc, and \ln the end I was able to work and enjoy then it would fly to the knees, and at the j life like any oilier healthy body for I did back of my neck and along the shoulders not leave off takinu Clements Tuuie until I the pains were so intense that I could not was as free every kind of ailment us lift my head up.' anybody in Auckland." think °» w not get m p, d '' w » kirul of health have y° u had siDce t " S l ee? C e i acula, . ei l M™-Bell. " Why, * ""tfever had a day's sickness, so that will I went night after night and never closed how what a thorough cure it was •nd 1 my eyes, let alone sleep. Oh ! you have no trust that all sufferers may hear of 'it' and idea what it was like. At the back of my you can publish my story to the world in head the pain was enough to drive one mad, any form you please " and it seemed to affect my eyes, for when I ' * ' got up in the mornings tliey were swollen STATtttohv nppußiT.™ terribly. Some days I tried to do a little , *' A ™?, DECLARAiio.V. work butlfound I could not kneel or stoop °Lv tt' 'do tS owing to the pains that ran along my hip.s, -and rineerely declare ah.-Ct f,hfcve carefully" read and so I had to give it up in despair; while ~" * win » x «i ddcumrnt, 'consisting of" three often I was unable to go. oauid. the house for a week. Together with these misfortunes, account of my illness and cure by Clement* Tonic I had lost my appetite, and when I did sue- and alao contains my full permisnio'ii to puWlish in any ceed in taking a little 'ood, I found that mv w "7 my ? t ? tements - *•»'<* I ffivo roluntaniy, withdigestion a,t,ay.; A nasty slime used to run to my tnroat in the mornings, *m=. »■ Iby virtue of the provisions of an Act or and the taste I had was awful. My tongue 'JIS. G ?''eral Assembly of New Zealand, intituled was quite swollen, besides being thickly ' The Juet,cesof 18S2 " covered with a white fur, and I always felt at J/y /)/) feverish and thirsty. Ah ! dear mc, I would • >toO-o.e. I^zJOC.. rather die th:xn go through the same again t. 1 ..»,,,' with the squeamish feelin, after . &££** to little, »nd the wiridy spasms that followed. j H HANNAN J p

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 17, 20 January 1905, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 17, 20 January 1905, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 17, 20 January 1905, Page 6