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-uck'.nud Star" Office, Thursday. January 19.

, „ repotted a- fairly good for Business is "y v a (ime the-tiuitf w <■' • ih0 ,.,. is n better inquiry Sultana 3 * 1K ' tuc , 11tu ,.,- ; lai ,u. the d , Ue jars Is dtsuppoiutiug this iK.. of prejerJn. J wil| haY( . , arg( , *"?"•( cam «vcr. Thetc is little tlestocta to cm i storii (|[ . tiJ urr | ve _i_utl for £■ Turp -. u tluc is a little -rmer. ?* 1 "he prl-e has auvunced. uud wP , k fare held. A fc-yUii.-y cinuB tockb art- n ,,.-,js supp.y is smaller isr says: « liua.ish crops tban (» r I" 1 "* ,?, .„ fibur... vh„ b affects iire almost a California choice 1»04 •'"""Tn n .Pint.. I at l,ii_ f.o.b. Mel- ,.. rop bulk, art w^ it IMM wave ,„ Vlo . L,oUr "t;,- irlouslv damaged our crops." lo ria na- - -j tUr . ii o size is rather t !_aon is at..i - ■ e( 'l r< "'l- FrancU-o trade circular states:— iSU i th. lilst..rv of the dried fruit VVel iv cilifotnia have the available iuil! |r; S of .-v-ivthin.-. In.-lr.di_g raisin i 51-: -1 ". i,o v .;.- i.-.w as at th. present and prune* »* : -j_ vu _.-y will see not to time i- ~'loads .if ie:t. hv- lit the ttt- **!» 1 .v.l the.- -Uoul-l be -MO cars. :lIV - ,rs m U-car* :,r ■ practical"*- rxhaust-r'-vt th" ':■!:■ "' -' P ?r - - ," f th " " 1,, ml that [hern were _t the end i-ins on uuno tu.ii iii- l- -«•'"',„.,, ~•■ ii..|.i\v nuv in rk that '' l: "'"" _ ~„',,'.', .. ' T.> ::d.l to the einb.trn " a ' *■''''- ;,„k"' in tt..< hands of the jobraS,m the I'uii-d lte - *"" 1 " ,;,,, " r Iting trad' »» lu Ys„allv th market is very 80 *- .1 It o .it t'ii-= sea's .'l' the y-'.-ii". Mtt ' l ' ml '-". . ; ;._;„„1 .lemau'l for cv rythlii? -i'<l prl-'«- ■■•'* -troiiirtUeiilnis --■ „ j , ,-ii.i t \ clrcumstauc.s. they would I'C weak"!-"-. The ,, N little r.!reran,.it to report in the -urtcts ior timber, tlax. uud yum this )h!. "local'demands for limber for Oui.diug furnosps. the erection ef houses lietug "aili s'w-tdily pu>h.d lii v.iv,. in spite vi :, urge unuib-r built during the last few rear* This is evldeti.e of popnla- «_„ itcaiiilv I'omlug In to Auckland. rue _„ barter is steady, and a little better Easiness is imported iv th ■ superior grades of kauri _nui. . . Tn- prit'i-fniil interest mis week on the Eichane*> -a- rentr v i" Thames stocks. si_i'-es iv the Waiutahi Company continue ; fl-j'-tt'"'- i- ;1 tiiauuer that is perfectly ;.„_,,: _to iP'es;..:-s. Ihe fact is that v 'j.h ily O'"'" shares ill a ■•uuipnny, and I.; m:.Jotity we.i UWd. if a buyer wants ...,, - ; L . pats the price up a pouud a !i,_ rt ": .-iii.- oii'.y aid to s cu.e lots of rive T'i■,' j_.'.res. S:i!es this we«*k have taken n'jrv as "lew" as id 1- '-' ai:d up tv £8 10 . At fiehite call yesterday sales wen' made a . ,"- ■■ ; -7 .*. . :i:id --T L. . while in the _'..,~i';a_ a trans:t(t:<.:] was repotted at £8. The tirst retorr;:i_ from the crushing now proce-Jiiig r suiti d in tc'loz of retorted ,„1U U'lua obtained. At tltat rate another jlTiUeMl <h-uld easily be paid by the end v ' the couth. May Queen F.xteudeds advauced I.i price tLis week, as some really ass speeiiaeii stone was obtalrjed ;;.,_; the reef ao*v i-.;:i_ - wo:ked upou, and ■ ■.. ~'.t!cn_ :■ reported to be a guuj one. .\V.r Jiiiv ys--'i < <-asO'l iv prp-e. as did also S.-ous. .Aibtirnius had a run up to . '•) cue day owrn_: tv a repvrt that a reef !_ ! been curt «ith ii. the drive, but. no "I- ---_...,! co-tfraiatii.ii navii.j: been receirea, si.. ,res r-r> tied 10.-tiin. Thcr-' nas tieen a u.tle iiuiet iui|uii.v f.r Kurauuis during tht t_.t couple Of days, whb h no doubt llidi-i-stes the'y < :' the Shotover reef once mere. New Eelips ■ shires advanced dating th- j w v ek as ih ■ tuit.e is reported to be \ery well. In Ohiuemuti lines. T.ii;--: :\ bad steady iDiioiry at 11 7 to 11 '.'. 'our Crowns v.-er. _■".:!,'• tr'i '•'•':.i-i shares had steady sales up tv a<J 17, and Extemleds were wanted at 7 r,. I:, standard Hues better prices -;,,.„ 0 _ r ,.,i |~r .Vdtional l:ank. New Zeat.i_.i U.-iinu.'••:•. chiie Auckland C;s sold at £13 17,. New Zealand and Uiv-r Plate stares at 26 ::. and L-O'Lt. .TituLer at 40/. lD<iairy ivus made for Westport Coal yesand Ijuyers of Hikurangi shares .'i-iineed tb< ir r,r rs to I."'. Barter and ettts show tin change this w»-k. Dnrhtg December 31.393cwt f,f butik was c.ported from the colony, value £-_..SSO. t-'hese.—The mark t lias firmed during the tnvfc oiring to an upward uioveraeut in Lnndon. Those factorhs not bound by mntract are therefore asking higher fignres. The c.port of <he se from the colony fr. r December totalled £19.._-!1. Maize.— The market has l.een very bare of maize during the past we»-k owing to e-'vptionally light arrivals, which only totalled :;_o sacks since last report. The pri".' iv coaseqaeace has firmed 2d per Potatoes.—A heavy glut is reported Iv potato market, sro ks iv store ueing very heavy at present, v.-ith no apparent ei-tlet. as the majority of the country districts ire well supplied so far with potatoes ? rown thpiv. while th- Government r-stne„ou tmainst shipping outside the Anc_._nd district ~n „.•< mint of the blight __ii, o,lt marktt!i at X.-w Plymoutn and where a ready market could be found for the surplus. This throws «J| we potaio.s un tile local in. _>>(. which vnunut ausorh anything like th- o,uantitv «ot in at present. Priecs range froii -■> w , p,, r ton ~,. , h „ j t( ,_ fl only obtainable for really first-class -■Pi* Th- crop in th. Auckland dls- ' tor, r „ S ° f " tunif " l " ut «ry satisfacjwlly a number „f diseased potatoes stilt nd thetr way t „ n]al . k - t . and rhosp tha . L- 5 ,! i"._ " HU SPIlt iv appear to develop ' matter fn. e /h" S . to ''"' w ' hl, h is B s,>rious *p T,T free X-.« do P not Wbn p',7 f h,: ?'" ts b - r i** kanaka were dis- ' t2 d „/' U " ;V ' this market Se nrw t! m , timP Is w "" sn,,plled. and ' ZJ : tJ^ the same as noted | ast -W_» i , EuSterU b «" , "«-*« <s hang- . Ils tUou!lht sti " "keTy ' manl •or a f ! "„ ho!,lers are n, ' n ' hi thir dem\ Va.'",'?' N ; pw canterbury oats , »*'dm 'T O / nr ? ftet , iD ÜboUt thr " C I out the eol.H.v i :1 midel ' oats througha"e rhu-l a considerable short-o-ts to mn,lf 0 !'„ b;it tb " area »'"''•■• early : toJttl" <!,me a * ««" year's, but has made n " thP " Dll of last lUODth ' ui3 <j_4':,r st - rnw ', " 3bter thaD usual - ">ui th. f„ '"South Canterbury Is earlier Mlllr,,re " orth * auterl.urr. ECttom Tea. eat ~ Grower3 lv tv « South deto the n?/ l 'u' e f ° r the upw cro P' la ? dune tl,m„ P a l", ns wet weather hay- , M <l it is fl ,if. ? hons , :ln "Pward tendency. •Juipataetic _,?" ted by powers that a =how nn Vit-Jr.. ur - however, prices here D « be rpj? o "' lllP " eW wbPat "'lll »»ts -.„ aUJ f " r market for at least six —eat present. ■ h " thewor. " t,J ° btal "- Tbe Pn« this week. Ced 011e penn - r P er ( ta^r'bnt"onk!'V growil chaff : - j pomfrom '' na i>"«-". Reh.g ~ " v . m the stool;, it has „ot the '» heat h% V tlr aU^ s - ** " '- »«bl* Jftehes £4 in ~ ° d ' |„ -~: chaff , b *rr 4ree P r " ;,:! - v Soo.l i-hilff « prim, ~?,'. b,J market is very bare , *'•* ■'.■adily ai'n"-' '" uff ' wUk ' n sti " f's thronthnnr n rbf In , prirp this weok - *£y !6 ; ,f"; u - b aying been , Bra " is slow ~-- to price. SU ' H - with no change rates mr '~ StPa ' ls ' S! are reported at late 11 onions are now «*qn«£n? . '" lar?er luantitie.. and t0 'iualitv. ' ° U f er cwt according . Snares.— boasJ ust and ls quiet In e ßt . al «l other manures just at presGrass an j ~, "Minth of «;1 l - 10T,, r Seeds.—Another sreas of ' . n « weather will enable l ars e wh « Uiwrfr ."r 811 t0 ! >e burned off. ***» an,idot UW bP v big tlPma ° d fl,r i bn «a are fe e neT e(ls ' , Ver - V lar * c aroas ?•«• for «;,„„ cd . awaiting suitable wca- _ Pa «ienLH7h SfU ' bur " thls >' ear ' This nght throng v P _ asp fro '" the railway a "d in the I, , N ° l ' th -- nd SlJ,lth Kawhia. Ba <»n and b n dlst ''''t generally. ?S* conaWir 8108 ' —Supplies of bacon are Were In short |_ i bacon and hams


en^ ar ?n/ nd Dalry Produce.— Butter: Facdalrv bSti? "h lb; ta " ne »' separator oT p£L7 b .M ' <d , : aecond I«ality. 6d; fresh eggs, 10d per dozen, wholesale; cheesp, farmers' 3d to 4d lb; factory, large 4d M medium 4id; loaf, 4Jd. • Lpio l0 R U /,i Ma '^f l — Plour - loea '. wholesale, | £10 5/ (less discount); wheatmeal, £10 5/, I bran. 160 b, £3 10/. 1001b, £3 12/6; sharps ■i -001b sacks, £4 10/, oatmeal, £10 10/ per ■ ton. 25 s ; ! fJ?, ain ,T" oats: B s rafl e, 2/. c.i.f.; f: row 1 wheat, 3/11 ex store, sacks included; • milling wheat, 3/S. f.0.b., sacks • I extra. Onions—Local, 12/ to 14/ cwt. • | otatoes—New potatoes, £o to £7 per '"haff—Southern. £5 15/ ton, ex store; local. £4 10/ ex wharf. ' ■n-Ti° al » and Fll "<?""ood Markets.—Newcastle „. ', at yard, 26/ per ton, delivered 31/; "pstport. 30/; Tauplri, best household, delivered, 12 sacks to the ton-tons. 27/. discount 1/ for cash; half tons. 14/6. discount Gd; quarter tons. 7/3. discount 3d for cash; hundredweights. I/O, no discount. 1 lolled steam, 12 sacks to the ton—tons 24/. discount 1/ for cash; half tons 12/6 discount 6d for cash; quarter tons, 6/9* discount, 3d for cash; Union Colliery, 23/ I per ton delivered, half ton, 12/, quarter ' ton j 0/3 cash; steam coa', 21/ ton. 11/ half ton and :>, 9 quarter toil. Firewood: Uncut at | wharf, cargo 7/ to 0/ per ton; delivered, 12/, uncut, cut 13/ to 16/. J* ull «"us .Material— Boards and scanting, undressed. 100 ft best, 16/b"; medium, 13/b; 2nd class. 30/6; best plaued, tongued and grooved. Ist class, 18/6; medium, 15/6; second class. 12/6: mst-caied weatho-. ; boards, Ist class, is/0; medium, 15/6; 2nd ■lass. 12/6; undressed boards, .in thick. best. 13/6; medium. 11/0; 2nd class. 8/; tough lining boards, gin. second class." t/; lining boards, planed, tongued, and grooved, best. IS/6; medium, 15/6; 2nd (lass, 12/0 (specified leugths, flooring lining, and weather boards. 1/6 extra); boat boards, specially selected, IS/6 for .ill, 17/0 for Jin; Unuri palinss. sft sap. 0/: heart. 11/; ti-tree rail, £3 10/ per 100; puiifi posts. 1/ to 1/6 each; shingles 15/ per 1000: Ilobart palings, oft. 11/; Gft' 19/----ails. SO/; dry pressed bricks. 62/6 per 1000 : ordinary bricks. 60/ per 1000; fire bricks 2.iv. £8: and 3in, £!) per 1000: tire clay 60/ per ton; hydraulic lime, 2/ per 'cwt bag; drain pipes, at works. 2iu drain tiles, l_in lengths, 50/ per 100O; 2ilu, 70/: 3iu DO/; 4iu, 130/; 6in, £15 per 1000; 3in socket pipes. 2ft lengths, 7d each: 41ti, 9d: Gin 1/; L/in, 2/; 121n, 3/; loin, 4/0; ISIn, 6/; 21in. 11/; 24in, 13/. ' ' KAURI GUM MARKET. '•Auckland Star" Office, Thursday, January 19. The kauri gum market shows little change with the exception that steady business has been done in better grades, of which supplies are coming iv much less quantities. The total quantity for gum of all grades sent in for the is days of this month is 356 tons. Most of trie diggers have now settled down to work again after the Christmas holidays. CHRI3TCHURCH MARKETS. Messrs Laery. Macfnrlane and Co. report: Since the holidays the market has quietened down, but now shows signs of reviving again. riums: Sydney. J-gins. black. 10/ to ii ; green. 4* to C : J-casea. black. 7/ to !>, :. Auckland. Japanese. 8..' to 9/ box: Ne's.'ii cherry plums. 7- to 9/6 i-cases. Apricots: Nelson. 10/ i-case. Peaches: Local. 1' per lb: YVhuugarel. Od to 9d per lb: Nelson. !» 1-case. Cucumbers: Auckland, boxes. U. lo . Tomatoes: Local, hothouse. 7d to Sd: Nelson. 8-' to 10/ Joase Crapes: Local. 1/6 to 1/9. Lemons: New Zealand. 2 to :t '. Strawberries. 9d to 1" ?, lb. Gooseberrl»s: Large. 2d to 2id pr ib. Cherries: Black. Pd ~to 1, ; white and ether varieties. Oil to Od. Vegetables: Cabb:iL-PS. up to I's; rhubarb. 1/6; lettuces, radishes, spring onions, carrots. 8d: all at per dozen. Peas now about 6d per peck.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 16, 19 January 1905, Page 3

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 16, 19 January 1905, Page 3

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 16, 19 January 1905, Page 3