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RACING FIXTURES. Fpplember I.— Amberley Steeplechase CTnb Pep>"tij;>er 7. S. - M.-irton JocKey Club Hack bep'.i-mber IT, 21, 2i. — Avoudale Jockey c;ub. Soatemia is now an iuinate of. VT. Smith's Btablo. Tho A..T.C. pommlitCP lssuPil '.icenses ! last week to ihe New Zealand rider;. L. H. | Lli'V lit and F. D. Joues. It is expected that Hinetapauriki and I.cml Optiou will cnuie from Uisborne to criU'pftc at the Avoudalo Spring Meeting. TV fim foaling of tho season nr Cauabrhi I'nrk took plm-p yesterday, nientnlaml, by" Cauoiran — ioaling a fine filly to Cyr -ninn. Alrljongh Auckland was well represented p_: the. C.J.C National uieetiup, her icpr?pea:atives did not succeed, lv winning a Biugie race. Returned vir-irnrs from Christchuroh Biati-that Tnliao would nearly have Grand Naliminl Hurrties but for failing at <hf- last hurdle. C-ospin fell at the same fence both times el tin' (.:.,T.C. National mcorlng. In the &ast fall he smaslKHl his ghoulrtor badly, and It \.as deeaied nii-rciful to destroy bim. On Monday n report came from CtaristcUliieli to iho direct that J. Qninton, who it...- lujureil through the falllivj; of Mncca:.;n in th.> New Zealand Grand National, era.' on the improve. A laige number of Anckland sports broke the i-Pturn journey from CUrletnburcli at iv nnli-i 1 t«< attend the meeting of i'.ir Hunt ClAb. which tak's place to-morrow (.Thursdayi. liy an error in these columns la--t week It «rs to appear that tho Otahuhu Trotting Clnb had already held their aiii.u.'il meetinc. This should have real "Otabuhn Ra'-iiiu' Clnb." Tlie Otahuhu Trottirr Club's meeting takes placo to-morrow. Frmtm.s enthusiasts are. rejoiced at the eu--c:;? of Slow Torn anj Thaetonitis. who rr",iv.-d their education for 'chasms in the hunting Helds. It Is wonderful, tho iuteres' they tako in matters pertalnlnp to the sport. Huuting has made many a good knr-P. The mi nun I mooting of the Otahuhu Trotllnr Club is to b* , hold to-morrow evening. 'Xhursday. -otU lust. A full attendance of n:.einbe!-s iH rpqntred, as in addition to the r:ii"pti"n of ihe report and balau'-.0-sheet tliVv is a !"t of inrerest being taken in the r :ection nt com rait teo. V 2. candidates hav--1..K l),'en nnmiuaied for the eight scats.

There Is a /rood deal of satisfaction in «,„•_„. iiu over iLf! success of Mcialllus in 1 he'd'rand Narii.unl Hurdle Rnco. lly the. ivav. Mr KirUpntricls, a visitor from that p.-,rt of 11n- colony, reminded rue of thp inct tlint Mednllhis'was beaten only n short viuip ,v_o ut Xnparoa, an Kast (,'oasr settlerncui. v.liifh nilis an annual rneot.i-ns. Barker* generally had the worst of the r't-iil <ivi r ihi> Grand National double and l'hr first ami s.rond day events of that m.••Hintc. t>"t they rump up in strong force mj Saturday niiirutug nud got on to the ;;oi a tllius--= tii su''li purpose rbat Ihe uiaj«>":ty j;nt back a lot "f the money thfy had iuV'ScrUi.-Ml. llippowiil's win was a boon to a lart-u numbt-r. Mysutf"! iiahavajah'a Cup of 4000r5.. . ITJ» at Bang»i=ca (lndiui =. i«e of laM ' L-oa-b rc.s'-Ua in a X*» vU the EugUsb t-.'- Ajrdaie, 8.1. the «ii>« places boms; by Wilrl Kaven. 8.0. aud Wallgrovv, ■ 111..1 'The unp'.area divijion included. Ku'o'ng othors, Goldsmith, au.i Kapid r;!;;im. 0.2. From India come? ivord that that good h"i uofoitniiato English-bred Friar Tii'-U has apniu been laid up with fpver. I.IKI is. ',■£ coars" , . oul r* woik. Tho Indian ciiiuatp appart'iitly dots not suit hls constitution. T!n*ro seems a fa!e highclass, hish-piiccd Kuglish horses for the noufi" — Kriar Turk. Carabine and bring cases in poiut. Thi- Pydnoy "Rrfprpc" is rcsponsihlp for thi statement that Mr E. R. Wbite lias ir-piirfhas" «1 the st.i!llon Daltnony from thf rrpresentat Itpp of thr Japanese GoTPrnini'iit. Ii ajiprnre ihnt Avhen Mr Wt'.itc said Dalmrny h< , wns nf opinion tbnt h? wonld experlonen nn difficulfy In finding another prallinn to tnke hia piane. but, failing to do ?n, be exp'ainrd the position to Di. Mnlra. who kindiy consenteil to allow b!ni to retaiu 1 he Enclish-brrri horse. The Melbourne ■•Spnrtinß Judge" says thai one of the hlggest winnpis over the f-iM'eet-R of Good t>ay in the Ooolfield CI.N. HiTfllrs was n sardeTier out East Rrlghton ■sv.i.r. For tin- wwb pr-vious to th<> lace lie was putting on ortrt fivers here and After he told a friend or hi? that he Intended fo buy a farm with his niniiings. He is nol a had sort, as he said to Ihe friend: "If you want the loin of f>o or 1.00 you know whore to pet it, aud welcoqe."

T.ast week a bill in favour of the legaliFni.ion of the tot:ilisator was introduced to 111.' Victorian Legislative Assembly by Mr DufTus. It provides that the use of the miirhine shall be restricted solely to clubs whns-' proflts are nil devoted to the improvement of courses, stakrs. etc. A deduction of 71 per cenl. on moneys put throughth* machine is to bp allowed the clubs Ics:? a third for the charities. Mr Lynch, nf Coromandel. was in town yesterday, and Kos FTcaton, who trains fov him. went hack with him to-day to see Golden Rope nnd Vlvindel, who have been Frellinp: fit their ownc-.'s place. The object nf Henton's visit is to decide whether Golden Rose is likely to stand training, and If ho, to bring her back to Aucklnnri. nud Vtvandrl will in that case be left for a.nrrier season. In the event of Heaton beintj of opinion that Oolrten Rose will Dot stand, she will visit Sotilt. and Vlvnndel will be brought to Greenlane and trained. Tbp Wnrjgauui brood mam Waitotara. •wlio has foaled a colt to Se<l™ebrook. owuod ly Mr H. J. Nixon, is to be mnted this yur with Enroclydou. si le j s ;1 grsnd•lnnjrhter of Bella, who lived to the age of rtii ,''enrs. and produced but four frvaln. the ):ist K-hen within :i duy of ."??» years oid. This was Lothair. wbo it wart believed in n-lie quarters was fonled on tlje T>Oth June, horses at thnt time faking their ages from the Is* of July. A Southern correspondent nfs .-onferaporary mentions that Waito-ta;-n Is 2(5 years old. This is a mistake, as the flnnphter of Gladintor is 22 years old this foaling. Apropos of Major Loder's wins w'th rp-tty Polly, and his present-time success on tfie t'irf. I can recnll (says the "Post f'otist") sn amusing incident three or four ,ri'r!rs npo, wh«n this sportsninn was tir.-t rlrsirons of lnnnchiu? out considerably In Inrf pv-suits. lie approached a wellknown Irish trainer nnd vet as to what he orlvlspfl ernhnrkliig upon—thr English or Irish turf! The answer, truly Hibernian, tvas: "Well, either v.-jll break yon. but if yon wish Io last n little longer, try" The plan was followed, bnt Major F.oiler is an enormously wealthy man, so we Bhnll hardly see the firsi part of the prophecy fulfilled.

«'. Weul had a mil of very lm«i luck dur- i Inr the proprrpsH of the f'.J.C. Notional Difptinp. jnpt nn tho cv<» of thi* meetinc AVi) Akn. who was firsl fnvonritp for the rlreplfrhasp, strnck himself, and jilthonjrh rt^o Wa s t stulter f °r the event, lie broke hurV^K DS the ''"""Ins of the rnce. and « "'I""" 1 »P. Bin ether Btrine. ■ Jaet straw, hoCr nnlng chance - The B JJnnoln Steeplechase fin * tart « In the ■ fences. aDd Injured hlmtSi." "J'^, 0 * *»>e ■ Jio lx»d to be destroyed? "° b * dl 5 r th »*

Jlr H. Wesl, the owner of Crespin. re- I turned from a visit to the C.J.C. National meeting yesterday, and in coarse of converi.itlon he informed mc that the fence at which Crespin and other good horses fell was positively dangerous. It was made out of new wood, nnd erected at a spot where the light was very bnd. and the horses did not seem to Fee it. The trainers as a body petitioned the C.J.C. to have it removed before the meeting started, but wpre not ; successful. Mr Weal was rery confident that had Crespin not fallen he ironlil have been returned the- winner of the Grand National Steeplechase, as at tlse time of his mishap he was coins stronsr. nnd Howard, | hia rider, had not moved on him. whi'.e Slow Turn and Pipi were both being hunted i \ along. Mr Weal is not enamoured of i Christehurdi. ! t visited Cambria Park recently and had ,ft look over the entire stud, and found the jma res and yearlings all in much moie for'>v condition than 1 had expected, reI nli'jiihering the weather we have had, and ias there is a fair growth of young grasses lon the fiirtn there is every prospect of the '18 yearlings that will go up for saie in J I>o . mber being sent into the r'ng in pood : condition. They are all b«-ing well done j without being forced, and are a sound lot. i -vith a number of very fine once amonjrst i ;nem. Them are ten cots and eight fillies. I Cyrenian claims eight of the co'.ts. and five iof tVe fillies. Sonlt and Eton are represent- ! e<l by a colt botb very nice ones. a;id I iho lar.t nauiPil by nil attractive filly: while i Tup Officer has two fillies that do him | I credit: while three of the five fillies by I Cyrenian have plenty of size, and are fuil iof promise, and all five should win ucfs. tho respective daughters of Hesf.ia, Kilmorey and Miss Annie being those that wil! enlace spteial attenlJon. Amongst the i Cyrenian colts are several that should do the defunct St. Slmnn horse n lot of credit, and one, if I mistake not, that with orcM-u.-.ry. luck will make a name for himself. This is the colt from the Goldsbrongh mare Melodia. dam of Melodlan, who would do credit to any stud in the colonies. I have seen fnw so promising at his BRP. He looks all over the making of a Dei by colt.

Crespin, who injure J himself go severely during the. rnnning of the Lincoln Steeplechase at toe C.J.C. meeting that he bad to be destroyed, was an aged son of Up.-Pi and Tamora. Crespin, if 1 remember rightly. was not raj?ed unti" ho was sis years old, when he compered unsuccessfully In the Maidei NYolters nt the A.11.C. G-iand Xato.nal meeting. He was then tried over the sma'l fences, and succeodod in earning a winninbracket tit his fourth attempt, and ran secoml in the New Voar Hurdle Race a( tin A.U.C. summrr meeting. It was docidrd ti try him over the big country, and at his first essay he won the Maiden Pteepleehas; at the Takapuna winter mooting. His urx! performance of note wns a good second to Iviiteio in tie Wellington Steeplechase, am' he was then taken on to Christohnrch, with tho result as above-mentioned. Crespin hud a varied career. Bred by the Mesar" Alison Rros. at the Motnkoren Stud, hi vi as. whon four-year-old, offered at the time of the war as p. present to the New Zealand Government by Mr E. W. Alison for a troop horse, hut was rejected as up suitable. He was then broken to harness and made a firsr rate harness Linrsc Soon after he was purchased by H. Weal, whi gu v e him to bis brothei to train, a.v\ ho 5.H1- owned by that gentleman whon h> nn?t with the accidoDt. Crespin was lookrrl ; upon us the making of a tl rstclass steepli - chaser, and It is hard luck to lose liiir just whon he gave promise of making ; return for the money expended upp-i him.

A VISTT TO WELLINGTON FAKR. The nineteenth annual sale of the W-i llngton I , ark Co.'s yoarliups is to be heli during the last week In December on ; day if, be nxi-d. A recent visit to this fur turned breeding establishment. durk. whkh I had a look over tllf> 33 lots to 1. sold, convinced mc, that n particularly fi:i collection will come under llie hacimti The colts number 16. I J hoel>ns Apollo bein; respousiblf for seven. Ilotchkiss for five. JVlonschikoff two. and San Francisco anci Hcatnn Uolaval one each. The fillies number IT. l'Uot'Uhu-- Apollo claiming; eight. He-tchkisß tiv«, Menschikoff two, and Sea *rti Debival and San Francisco one each , "* r l'> youngsters are all uicely prown, i. 3P i condition, and every one free fron ■jj^raish. THE FILLIES. Thr; niiies were tile first to come uuiir. notice, and a'most silapeiy durli brown I.;, i'hoelius Apollo—Hilda was lv the tiist bo. upeued. Hilda, who was a great pcrforan.uerself. has thrown some ulcc stock, aiuii.i,

the number Ijeiug Pulmeu, who ilc-u*. for (ho -New Zealand Cup, aud I'll i'l'i'our] in .mother, ami Antan-s. who win tuo Ancklaud Cup and other good rao :. The- filly uudiT notice should be a good oni , A dark bay or brown, with a b. Hotchkiss—St. Llyn Is even more takli., ttiiin Hilda's daughter, and as she is on sister to the speedy San Patricia, and i. most promising in the matter of size, con formation, aud points, she ought to be on that will come to hand early. A reinai k able record has been put up in recent y&. Ijy the descendants of Nordi-nfeldt mare? and First Love mated with Soult gave n iwo good ones in Lady Avon and Lnd.\ liobtf. A bigger mate in Uotcakis.s w;. found for Uer siuce going to Wellingto. Park, and the result of the union i 3 ; Bhapely aud well-grown filly, dark brov.. in colour, with n white star. With ill double infusion of t!ip MusUrt blood it yd. lie surprising Lf she doc? not turn our inoi than useful. A chubby sort is a brow, (illy by Phoebus Apollo from Cuiralba. Tfi tilly is a fourth foal. Cuiiulba's previou additions to the if.tud Book In Eudeainii and St. Alba haying each raced well. 1 this filly we fiud the St. Simon. Musket nnrl StfM.kwp.ll strnlns niii-;; blended, and she should have a doup: value for breeding as well as for vaci...

A big, lpngtliy dark bay filly by HotcUlU-' from Lady Kmily is one that attracts tin eye, and her good looks, racy proportions, and qnality generally will cause her to hi selected as likely to distinguish hcinelt. After the previous lot n brown shapely daughter r>l San Francisco aud Camp:i:ii;i looks small, and she is certainly not a bi.. one. and in this respect takes after hei half-sisters. Miss Delaval and Delania. What this filly lacks in size she makes up In quality, aud she may demonstrate Ihi, on the racecourse. A thick-set chestuu. Tilly by I'iicx'bus Apoilo from Lady Augusta 1* one that looks like comiug to hand early, nr.d there Is no fault to find with her Hue. of descent, although her colour aud mark Ings may not be quite so pleasing as hei breeding, brown Alice la represented by a bay filly with a white star snip and two white heels, by l'liorbns Apollo. She is one of the low-set type, and is closely reInted to the crack Australian filly Sweet .Nell. A brown full sister to Starsboot Is of fair size, and has plenty of propelling power, and if appearances pro for anything ought to prove n worthy relatiTe of her Illustrious brother. A small dark brown filly by Phoebus Apollo from Lady Wellington may likely grow into usefulness. The first of MenEchikoff s progeny to come tinder notice was a big chestnut fllly out of Creasy, and a nice filly Bhe is. The Mueket, Flshorm.i'J. Traducer. and Riddlesworth Ulood gives us a good comblnatiou, aud this filly should race. Aleger's brown tilly by Hotchkiss. full sister to Quiekiire. is a nice ont of medium size. I like the outline of the Phoebus Apollo— Antelope filly, her colour and general appearance taking after her hard-worked, consistenv dam. She has length and quality, nnd gives every indication of racing merit in her composition. The chestnut filly by Phoebus Apoilo from St. Amy is of medium size and of racing character on the chubby side. A smart-looking browu filly by Menschikoff from Queen Cole, who claims more than half-sistership to those useful horses P.aHlcnse, Tupars, Rambler, and Brown Bill, is one of the very promising sort, and may come early. The only representative Seaton Delaval has is the fllly from Real Blue. As a descendant from that corner-stone of the Stud Book. Pocahontas, and through a successful branch, there will be no surprise should this filly turn out a good one. for she has an excellent appearance with plenty of size. A filly whose breeding I like is the cbeetnut by Phoebus Apollo from Problem, for few pedigree* contain tht; names of so tunny good horses close up as hers. The fllly under notice io a very nice one indeed. THE COLTS. Turning to the colts, a bay or brown from Lady Marion by Hotchkiss is a creditable production, a good legged hardy eort that will be of fair size. The making of a seiviewable horse I should take to bo the Phoebus Apollo—Chrysolite colt, nnd lie will be a tough one if present appearances are not deceptive. The colt by Phoebus Apollo from Harpist is a big loose made dark chestnut, and Is, bound to receive attention, nnd 1 will be disappointed if he does not make a good horse. Menscliikoff's bay colt from Sunningdale is another of the good advertisements Stepniak's son haa put forth in his first season. There is i a strong probably of htm coining early. A proeietDg diuk brawn colt Is tDe oae bf

Hotchkiss from Gannet, and it -will be interesting to watch how he will turn out for a number of the fillies have not distinguished themselves as anticipated aft< the successes of Merganser. A dark bay 01 brown by Phoebus Apollo from Janet, hni brother to Scotty and Royal Fusilier, both ■winners, may want time, but is made likely lines, and his bleeding is of the best. A colt thac must come in for a lo"t of notice is a. brown by San Francisco from Miss Gladys He will roadily be taken for a cf San Franjsteco. has left his Unprcfes of qua.ity marking with siae. but altogether more length than he himself shewed. He is a nice colt. Thpre is a lot of the Castor about the Edith Cnretou cole by Hotchkiss, a dark bay of considerable length. Bred as he is. he ought to be useful. The colt by Hotchkiss— St. i£velyn is a chestnut of fail size, and weLl rounded np, and does his parentage great credit. Armilla, who has had two most promising foals, has yet to be represented on the racecourse, both her foals having met wltli accidents necessitating their destroyal. Her colt this year by l'hoebus Apollo is a promising medium sized one. A big !oose dark bay or blown colt by Hotchkiss fioru Simonias is among the likely oues that will be eagerly sought after by buyers. The sixteenth foal the Musket mare Vivandiere has given us is a red roan colt, as shapely nud as far as can be judged as full of good material ns anything the old a:arf> has given us. Sparkling Water is represented '•■>■ a nice chestnut colt by Cyreniau. ija<iy (Jnuton's colt by Mensehikoff fs sma.l. but oi fair promise, and if he Joes uot t,io>. over pony height onjrht to be a hummer. A tisetul .ookmg cnlt of fair size is the coit from by Puocbus. Apol o, ai;d a rvown colt by Phoebus Apolio completes the list. Tiie haif brother to Euioeiydon is one that will probably lie fancied by buyers when the time coices round for the salf. TURF TALK FROwl THE SOUTH. 1 CHRISTCHURCH, Tuesday. The failing off in tbe totalisator re- •. eipts at the Canteibury Jockey Club's lirand National meeting may be attributed a nio.--t entirely to the coin petition of the bookmakers. The fieiders who plied tlieir .lliing openly must have diverted a considerable sum from the machine. Uy his victory in tho Wlntor Cup. Mahutonga has brought his weight in the N't.'W Zealand Cnp up to 7.0. He is much .untied for the latter race. Narcissus injured two of his rlbe when ,iO fell In the First Hunters' Hurdle Race .t Kiccarton last week. Kaitere Is making a satisfactory reo\ pry from his attack of strangles, but ji" will not ho fit. to travel back to Auck..uid for another fortnight. The new scratching board at Ricearton vviis worked for the first time last week .md proved of gieat convenience. Two heavy falls in one week were too uuch for Crospin. After the second in the i.luco.n Steeplechase on Saturday, it was iis< overed that his shouidpr blade was iioken, and It was decided to destroy him. Previous to his victory in the Final lurrtlo liacc on Saturday. Tho Gnesser was -nrchastil by Mr 1-1. a recent .(Idition to the lanks of Canterbury racing .leu. He is now an inmate of Aynsley'F ,|jiblcr;. If the son of Enchanter stands ;o will win plenty of races for his now iwner, but the appearance of his legs is .oi. reassuring. Medalliuc' connections had a good win ivrr the Grand National Hurdle Kace. They backed their hors=r> in doubles with .lost of the daujrerous steeplechase candllalrs. Slow 'Join among them, and they iad also snpported him straight out. Muscovite's victory on y.atvnday is a tri■lite to his owners perseverance. The cor if Stfpniak has broken down enongh times ■) dishearten nine out of ten owners, b;jt .Sr Solomon lias persevered, with the re- ■■( t that ho has got another race ont ol lie horFe. Electricity wah, I understand he trcatmpiir to which Muscovite owK .is latest success. The Maetor flcoisc—Psyche mare Alcesis hap foaled a cnH to Forinosan, and wil .islt Koynl Arti!!cr\-. The hunter St. Reef has been sold prlalely to Mr 0. Bell, of Waikouaiti. A uuraber of horse? were offered foi ale at Tattursah's yesterday, the follow-charm-ing hands:— Lady youit. fiyrs. 10 •ou'.t —Hlpporinn, Mr W. T. Hnzlett, Tigs, sond'ifu:. by I'eikin Warbeck 11. — Liti; .VnaOpp, Mr S. G. Inrler, ilg.=.: Force, l>) lay Kiiig. Mr S. G. iTidiT. Mogs.: tln.v,-era y Oipsy King—V.iclUutton, Mr Sw.ilr Tirs.. cianburu. Anadeja, Andy Regan ii'l Martin OBrien were passed in. Private cable advice received is to th< ffect that C.ladsome wou the Three am our-ypar-old Handicap at Flemington «. aturrtay. Siho started at evens, and wo> aslly. The double-event machines were run las' ,f-i>lc at the Grand National meeting, an. andled on the lirat day. The win iag donl'li- was , not backed: on the secon< ;iy the dividend was £1119 Vij; and on th ..ird day was £88 4/. Onf. cScct ot the decision in th? Bag ipes-Petrovua caso Is to p!.ice Sir '.ifford at tbe head of thr winning owner (>v the last season with £5960 to his err it. Mr Stead being second with £5823. 1 lie protest pnfered against Petrovna o Lie ground that she was wrongly uomi ated is upheld, Sir Georgo Clifford's totii ill be swelled to £0 - j:ui. his horse Goldc; ?;n having nnished thia-d in the Criteria! laudicap. Lady Lillian is matins steady ■ wards recovery. The TnsmJin —Waterwftrh mare Remors :k slipped twins to the Government stal :on Lupin.

At the trotting meeting held at Rircarto: ,pt week many of the local two-year-old.-;de their first bow to a crowd. Quiiiton, vrho. was seriously Injured whe in. f.nsin fell lv the Grand National Stei . i :chase. is getting on as well as can bt xpected. The doctors cannot say yet vhether he will recover. Spalpeen left on his return journey to vnckland on Saturday, on which day Kremin. Comfort, Creusot, and la started home >yard. Elibank. who was purchased last week .iy a Christehnrch racing man, has gone ■ i;t,o Longlcy's hands. The unluckiest trainer who took part ii ; .asf week's meeting was C. Weal, of Auckland. Of the three horses which he brought dowti to the meeting, Aka Aka went amis* during the race for the (Jrand National Steeplechase. Tahae strained one of hhlegs when he fell in the Grand National Hurdle Race, and Crespin injured himself .so seriously in the Lincoln Steeplechase that he had to be destroyed. Miss Hutton, of Canterbury, enjoys the distinction of being perhaps the only female horse-trainer In New Zealand. She entered the profcr.siou some years ago as a trainer of trotters, but later discarded this branch in favour of the senior one. It was she who discovered the merits of the. Grand •National winner. Slow Tom, and she prepared the ?ou of St. Ives for more than one victory pr'or to selling him to his present owner. She trained Rattlesnake, the winner of the Tally-ho Plate on the flrst day of the Grand National meetiig.

AUSTRALIAN JOCKEY CLUBS SPRING MEETING. SYDNEY. Aagrnst 15. Tli? following acceptances were posted to-dny in connection with the A..1.C. Spring Sieetiug:, which opens on September 10:— THE E.PSOM HANDICAP, a handicap sweepstakes of 20eovs each, with lOOOeovs ad<led. One mile. To b« run September 10. St. Ib. at lb. Abundance ... 9 10 Laet Choice ~ 7 11 Emir 9 9 P.K 7 11 Sir Leonard .. !» 5 T.iWerdemalion 7 10 F.J. A 9 5 Pliable 7 10 Famous t> 3 I'ort Jackson 7 9 Sweet Nell ... 0 2 Elvo 7 9 Fitz Graf ton 9 2 Demas 7 S Ibex » O Saida 7 8 Contest 8 12 Balfour 8 4 St. Modan 8 9 Wlthian 7 7 The Palmist ..8 8 Osslan 7 7 Martian S 8 Kincumber ... 7 6 Australia 8 7 Sir Faust 7 5 KiUua 8 7 Gre«n Mountain 7 5 Fairy States .. 8 7 Jim Dorset .. 7 4 Lady Laura .. S 4 Ninyea 7 4 Blec.ra 8 4 AMas 7 4 Cherson S '_' D-anjrai 7 4 Chere Amie ... 8' 2 Fireclay T 3 Saraswati 8 2 Mohair 7 2 I Oversale S 1 St. Simmex ..7 0 Grand Rapids 8 1 Tartan 7 0 Bright Beauty 8 1 Dnmont 6 12 Haloya ... 7 13 Cakewalk 6 12 i Sylvanite 7 13 My Mnte 6 10 Incision 7 12 Manitoba 6 9 Ituenalf 11. ~ 7 12 Danny Man ..6 8 Bt. Mais 7 12 Diploma 6 1 HeMsa 7 11 SmiOexlamd ~6 7

MBLBOCBKE CUP ACCEPTANCES: MELBOURNE. August 13. The following is a list of the horses left in the Melbourne Cud after the first forreit to-day:— | st lb st lb t Abundance .. 9 s EKo 7 4 j IA. Cardigan !> 6 Sinnang 7 3 Wairiti l> U Berriedale .. 7 3 iimir v> 4 lianyme'de .. 7 •{ j F.J. A H J blliali 7 3 Fitz - Grafton !i o Mario 7 3 Sweet Nell.. 9 0 Dumont 7 3 . Gladsome ... 811 Cake Walk .. 7 g> Combat S U Lord Uiiin's ~ J Patronage .. 8 0 Daughter .72^ Long Tom .. S i> Sunderland .. V 2 1 ilarmout .... S 8 Tartan 7 2 t Sport Koyal. 8 7 Newmarket .70 Sojourncr ... 8 5 Hadrian y 0 Wiagaroon .. S 5 Sylvan King. 7 o 1 Antilles 8 3 Strathkillar .7 0] j Fairy States S 3 Holler 613 ! • Patronns fc 2 Heloise «13 ! ; Macdonoran . S 2 Murmur .... el 3\ ] Canteen 8 1 Impression .. 6 *"{ ' St. Modan .. 8 1 VVarroo a ' i Overdale S 0 Ballarfc 0 );; I Notuos S l> Blinder 6IS j The Palmist 8 0 Ninyas ...... Gl3 J Ueut. 8i11... 713 Zene n-& I Buckthorn .. 7 Its Discussion ... 6vz I Electra i l-'i Ossian 6X2 I Koupan IVI Gn. Mountain 6la Ironmonld .. 711 Zythos 6 "12 Meteorite ... Tll Trenwith ... 612 Si. Ambrose. '1 11 Manitoba ... 6 12 I Cherson 7 21 Claps 6 11 ! t-ylvanite ... i W Vice-Admiral t> 11 ; Sea Kale ... 7 I'J . Billingsgate .. f> 11 I ila.r King .. 7 l<> Position .... rt Ji I Playaway ... 7in The Hawker is id I The Belle ... 7 •• Hrigbt IMljrrhn f> 10 Oeinas 7 !) Stoimnway .. H 10 Falkirk 7 i> Cato 6 10 Debenture ... 7. !) New Broom. (5 io Khapsody ... 7 !• Cnonpalnon. 6 10 Tatterdemalion 7 it Port laud Hose li v . Bright Beauty 7 7 l".v'<l<»nd 1; 10 Acrasia 7 7 Kefug-e Bay. (i 10 Kieuzi 7 7 Proceed c ]o j Bewitcher ..7 7 Actor fi !) Highflyer ... 7 7 Mr.itier « j» I Kapbarn 7 7 Nardlp t; » 1 I'.K 7 7 I' <1 strf-ak.. r> <J Mcrrion 7 (i Munrieran ... 6 i> Gunstoct ... 7 <". Ntnirio (5 <) Kuenalf 11... 7 6 Fansliavre ... 1; i> Seaport 7 « l»n 6 7 Cznrovitch .. ' 0 Thd , Corporal fi 7 Bpp BeP 7 (! "*" 13 7 Lord Kitzroy 7 ii Langwnrrin . c 7 Uhaiiie .... 1 H Kectsfield ... c> ~ Step Out ... 7 .. H 7 Lamrock .... 7 " ''"-cc.... 0 7 «arto ~ 7 5 Carolga fi 7 Cypher V 1 : eville .. 6 7 I , liable 7 4 Fabric G 7 Blue Spec .. 1 4

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 202, 24 August 1904, Page 6

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THE RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 202, 24 August 1904, Page 6

THE RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 202, 24 August 1904, Page 6