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♦ Moon's Age: Full Moon, August 26, 6.30 P-m. Sunset: This evening, 0.32. Sunrise: To-morrow morning, 6.32. HIGH WATER. Auckland: This evening, 4.24; to-mor-iow morning, 4.59. Onehunga: To-morrow morning, 8.44; tomorrow evening, 0.15. ilanukau Heads: To-morrow morning, 10-ixiorrow aiteruoou, T.oo. Kaipma Heads: to-morrow morning. S.-i'j; to-morrow evening, 0.20. ARRIVALS. SAT LED A _. Aldebaran, barque, Harrison Douglas, fj-'iui Newcastle. —James Smith aud Co., a^iuLS. SUNDAY. Defiance, brlgautlue, H. Smith, from Nc^ k _stu-.-- _Uf_uy, agent. Lrivy_uuliil, „u_. SiuuOU.r, A. Subritzky. [rum AivaiiLi, iujLouru., aud Wkaugaioa.— _~..,:.r, _gc'ul., ci s.. .'IOIS, Geo. Crawshaw, from b. ui.ey. Pu.ascu_.ers: Mesauixies E. A. t, .._.l, r. v. tvifiu, Worrali, A. uue and i.uiiU, Ulaud, Reuwick, Misoes b. .. .._J_su„, Jjavidoou, Stewart, iVliuneil, 1i.....00u, UcutticH, Messis T. tuum^er, V> . j... A,, ui-uoa, v\ . R. Oswau, C. ViulLUny, t>. MOWU, tilUalt, U»S''U_lS auu two uo>s, An_eif siniui, O Sunaii, H. C. Ciieiiucii, J. v. r'.uuutT. L. B. Sewers, Mooie. b". Grant. W. 1). Weirick. Keuwii-a. J. tioit, )i uarl/iin. Summers, audi„ ■teerage.- - Union Co., ageuis. -Uurajoa, s.s., 2-j!i... 1-. VV. Macbeth, from ScuLneru aud i,_si Coast ports. I'asseiigtrn: Mesdauies Ljggins, Speueer, Mcci-u----ric, Perhain, Liore, hawaius, I'ayue and Child. Misses Murluw, iViuum (2), Ultuule, Fi ifeie, Jouusau, Ldwariis, Lux, Aa.iu, M. .-.-, i„ A-cL>uuaid, Juuksou, Canoii, n.n----1.(1-, Davis,, OKiny, Peiuam, Fit .d, -surg'l've. Nur_ruvf aud luuiuy, Uiti;,, tiore, 1.-ike uuu fauiny,, WiiUauis, Liuiovleix, N.uuii nit. Ziiiier, I'ickio.d, 1; .Her, louug, Lunsp, Goodiey, Idusiers Perham, and Hi steeiaae.—Uuiou LV., iiaents. THIS DAY. Kalpara. s.s., iAi_4, Keddel, from the Scum. —New Zealand SUipplug Co., ageuts. DEPARTURES. SATURDAY. \>n.j.eii, s.s., Llnusay, for Westport. Am-ui-nblae, s.s., oSftj, Miar, for t'iji. Tarawera, 5.6», John Rolis, for Dunedin via ports. SATURDAY. Northern Chief, barque, Geo. Kassens, for Kuipuru and Sydney. Ann:;, aux. schooner. John n. Skinner, fo.- I'i.isi iiorts and Gisborne. l'akeha, s.s.. _4_l, VV. Burvill Holmes, R.N.IL, tor Londou. via the South. SUNDAY. Kaiiieii, s.s., T. Scott, for Whangarei. THIS DAY. s.s,. Richards, for Northern ports. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Zealandia, s.s., from Syduey, due Sunday inaragiun, s.s., from Loudon, via lielbourae and Sydney, sailed August 2. Miuuiro, s.s., fruui Glasgow aud Liverpool; left latter port August 2. Ntrvuu. new g.s., rrom Greenock; sailed July 16th; due about September 4th Ajiuiiuja, s.s.. from Ca.cuita, via Singaport aud Java; sailed August 4 Waiwera, s.s., from Londou, via Hobart; suiied August 0 Helen, barque, from Lyttelton, sailed Aug. 14 Indian Monarch, s.s., from New York, via -Melbourne and Sydney; sailed July 2«. Pendle Hill, barquentiue, from Newcastle; sailed August 13. Burgermeister Hachmann, s.s., from New York, via Australia; sailed August 4. Ventura, R.M.s.. from San Francisco and Ihe Islands; due September 5. Marie, ship, from Philadelphia, via Wellington, sailed June 9 Bue.-ros. si, from New lor*; sailed June 17fh_ due Suil-ey. s.s.. from West Coast U.K. ports. via Australia: left Liverpool, July 2nd; due about end of September: at Adelaide Aujrust lDth Anuora. barque, from New York, via Wellington; sailed June 14 Rakaia. s.s., from London, sailed July _; due about Thnrsdny VESSELS IN PORT. Bjarne. barque, in stream BLrotha, barque, at Chelsea Aldebaran, barque, in stream Kaipara, _.s., Queen-st. wharf Mnana, _s , at Queeu-st. wharf ! Mararoa, s.s., at Quean-st. wharf Detiauce. briguntinc, in stream Herald, s.s., at Queen-atreer. wharf. Psvi-he. H.M.S.. In Caltltope Dock Handa Isle, barquentlne, at Chelsea _elnie>ir. narque, ai Railway Wharf Barford, barque, at Railway Wharf Hauroto, s.s., at Queen street Wharf. ISeptuue, Daio.ueutme.nt Railway Wharf Taursnga. H M. triiinlng ship, in stream Southern Cross, s.s., at Railway Wharf Amsterdam, barque, at Quay street l«-tiy ijuathlamba, barque, at Queen-st. Wharf Elverlaud, barquentlne, at Hobson-street wharf Kathleen Hilda, barque, at Hobson-st. Wharf Southern Cross, bnrquentine, at Railway Wharf

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. P"iU S*DM__ — Hauroto, s.s.. via Tonga, Samoa, and Fiji 24 Mararoa, s.s.. this day FOR NEW YORK— Bjarne, barque, this day FOR LONDON--Kalpara, s.s., Thursday ludradevi. s.s.. about September 20 Barford, barque, loading FOR SAN FRANCISCO— Sonoma, R.M.s., September Z. FOR NORFOLK ISLAND AND MBLABouthern Cross, s.s., about September 7. UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS. Tuesday: Moura arrives from Fiji; tier aid leaves for East Coast bays; Moaua loavey for Gisborne, Napier, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin at 2 p.m. ; Rotoiti leaves Onehunga for New Plymouth, Wellington and Nelson at 3 p.m. ; Moura leaves for Wellington shortly afier arrival. / Wednesday—Hauroto leaves for Tonga. Samoa, i-iji, ami :\yuuey at ;> p.m. Thursday : Takapuna arrives at Oneh'lima frurn Lyttelton. Wellington, and New Plymouth; Taiune arrives from Dunedin, Lyttelton. AYellington, Nnpier. and Gisbirne : Takapuna lenves Ouehunga for Sew Plymouth, Wellington, and Lytelton at 3 p.m. Saturday: Wnlporl arrives from Westport (meantime i : Taiune leaves for Glpb.irne. Napier. Wellington. Lyttelton. and Dunedin at 12 noon. NORTHERN CO S MOVEMENTS. This day-TT?lllngton leaves for Rusrell and Opua at 7 p.m. ; Wanting) leaves i,n Tauranga at 7 p.m.; Kanierl arrives from Whaugarei Town Wharf: Terranora leaves for Mercury Bay and Tainia at S p.m. : Nsapuhi le_»es for Whangarei at lu.::o p.m. \ Tuesday: Rai'fwa arrives at Onehuucn from New Plymouth about 5.30 a.m.: K>, nieri leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf at 5 p.m.: Ngapuhl arrives from Whinir-u'• ad Marsden T'oict : Paeroa for Wha nraruru. Helena Bay, Tutuka_a, and Wha nanaki at 1 p.m. IMPORTS. Per Defiance, from Newcastle—4oo tons coal. Per Aldebaran, from Newcastle—6oo tons coal. Per Mninroa, from the South—l2oo bags flour. HID bags bran. 1731 ba:rs chaff, S5 sinks grass seed, 20 s.irks malt. 130 sacks o; is. 1246 sacks potatoes, 10 sacks oatma'. 44 barrels ale, 207 boxes soap, OS e;.M.y tea, 17 ranges. 150 eases fruit. 12G ruses Jnm. '<"> cases SO cases ti nlier, 2."i0 felloes. 20 casks p'nsfcr. 25 iij« starch, 12 boxes randies. 10 boxes b' hit, and sundries. Per Moaua, from Sydney - I"C,J> sacks chaff. 27. r i bags onions. '■'.' sacks polatoes,

170 basis tapioca. (W bug-s pojipri. 4iM> bAnedust. 233 ha<ra lniiiniip. 911 i •„ ;<-. frutt. tin i™ u . tea ; 127 vaHOti tnhn'-eo. :,:>, inpntS '• k.„„i ln Got» coppnr. 05 rnsp« marble l«-anvt a BftT 8 Peanuts, in hnlPs ■ 200 hags He.. «>»■_« hottlra. ■ cases apoii. onl._ d »P lrtt »i 30 I bilne, 108 bags o__MFi„£-"JS « P»ei in Iw Bundrlee. lton ' tr -^Mpmenta;

The s.s. Walpori sailed for Westport on Saturday evening. The s.s. Moura will be due to arrive from Fiji to-n>t«rrow. The s.s. Tarawera. sailed for Dunedin, via ports, on Saturday evening. On Saturday evening the b-s. Pakeha sailed for the South, en route for London. The barque Northern Chief sailed for Kalpara and Sydney on Saturday afternoon. The s.s. Ancbenblae sailed for Fiji on Saturday night. She loads sugar back for Auckland. A barqnentine, said to be. tbe Pendle HiU from Newcastle, was reported In the Gulf this morning. The s.s. Mararoa arrived from the South at. 8 a.m. yesterday. Generally fine weather prevailed on the passage. The barque Amsterdam, after discharging her cargo from New York here, proceeds to Sydney to load wheat for the United Kingdom or Continent. The s.s. Rakaia Is expected to arrive from London direct next Thursday. She has 3000 tons of cargo for Auckland. The New Zealand Shipping Co. are the local agents. The barque Aldebaran arrived from Newcastle ou Saturday afternoon, after a moderate weather passage. Tbe brlgantine Delia nee. also from Newcastle, arrived yesterday morning. Sydney papers are concerned as to the safety of the barque Acacia, which left Hort Esperance on June 30th for Adelaide with 113.000 feet of hardwood, and has not been reported since. The final arrangements for tbe purchase of the Union S.S. Co.'s steamer Wareatea have (says an exchange) been made by a Sydney shipping firm. The vessel which for some mouths past has been engaged In the mainland coastal trade, will be employed In the Launeeston-Melbourne service In place of the Australian, which Is to be withdrawn. The Wai-eatea is a steel vessel of 512 tons, and for several years was employed In the Lauucestou-Strahan trade. FROM 'SYDNEY.

The s.s. Moaua arrived from Sydney at b'.o'J a.m. yesterday, after a quick passage, ihe purser (Mr J. 11. C. Broad) reports:The time from Port Jackson Heads to Cap Maria Van Dlemen was accomplished In a days 1 hour 30 minutes, when the engines were put at reduced speed, the an c-horage being reached at 6.45 a.m. yesterday. The Moana left Sydney at 1.40 p.m. and passed through Port Jackson Heads at 2.10 p.m. on Wednesday last. Fine clear weather, accompanied by westerly breezes aud moderate following seas, prevailed crossing the Tasman Sea. The Three Klugs were abeam at 2.40 a.m., and the North Cape rounded at 6.13 p.m. on Saturday, the harbour being made as above. The Moana sails for Dunedin, via ports, tomorrow afternoon. THE KAIPARA. The s.s. Kaipara. of the New Zealand Shipping Co., arrived from the South at 7 o'clock this morning. She loads general cargo for London, soiling hence direct next Thursday. THB MARAROA. The s.s. Mararoa sails for Sydney at lv o'clock to-night with the following passengers :-=_tisses RulterUeld, Impey, Casey (3) Rev. Mother Ignatlnn. Sister Francis, Mesdames Egjriesto.i, Share and 3 children, Melville, Messrs D. Gouk, F. Freeland. Paterson, Vile, Crowther, Edwards, BedellSlvright. Morgan, Llewllyn. Sharland,Trail Stanger-Ceathes. Bevan, Harding, Jofnett. Gabe, Bush, McEvedy. Saunders, Swannell. D. Wylie. F. H. B. Ashwin, C. E. Wheel wright. McNeill and party, Eggleston. Shore, O'Neill, Beckltt, Meldrum, Marks, Rand (2), J. Beckinsale, M. Casey. Rogers, G. Brewer, Campbell, Hnlme, Massey, Hogarth, Dobson, Fisher, Massey. W. A. Williams, T. Beckingsale, S. R. Smith, W. H. Peeeh, Captain Hammond, Rev. Piquet. Lieut. Hovell. and 20 steerage. PORT OF OIfEHTJIfOA. ARRIVALS. SUNDAY. Rotoiti, s.s., J. Robertson, from Lyttelton, Wellington, and New Plymouth. PasRcngers: Misses Ford and Clark. Mesdames Vincent and Infant, Fox and child, Rndkln, Brennent, Field, Nunnelly, R. O. Clark, Tutschka, Mair, Messrs Lucas, Cottle, Morton, Rudkiu, Field. Richardson, McFerran, Newman, Shaw. Hitchens, McColl, Hutchings. Welch, Plleher, Shilllts, Clarke (2), Da vies, Hamlin, Shalfoon, Atkinson, Boulton, Linton. Gray, DearsJey, Walker (2). Prlngle. Cameron. Hutching* (2). Hickey and child. Reynolds, Eraser (2), Clark, Bremer, Cameron. Kennedy, Drs. Vallntlne and Molr, Messrs V. E. Baume, M.H.R., F. .T. Moss, M.H.R., and 20 steerageUnion Co., agents. DEPARTURES. SUNDAY. Rarawa, s.s., W. F. Norbury, for New Plymouth. Passengers: Misses Bottomley, Cochrane, Lawler (2), Holmes. Dodgesktn, Munro. Gilmour, Johns, Brown, McDonnell, Mesdames Fitzherbert and 2 children, Remiie, Tlsch, Smith, Lamb, Dearson, Hansen. McDonald, Messrs Molr, Pearson, Caselberg, Nolan. J. Ban-, Storne, W. J. Parker, Fitzherbert, Dewes.W. Wallis, Thompson, J. Hounsell, W. Forsyth, P. Williams, McMillan, Bennie, Phillips, Smith, Tlsch, Rowseile, Miller, Lovell. W. B. White, R. Hughes, Jessop, Jay, Hansen, Lamb, Gormley, O'Reilly, Feasey. Altridgor, Burley, Carey. Phillip, Churches, Grey, J. Goodsou, T. Arthur, Brown, W. C. Cram, Sir G. M. O'Korke, M.L.C., Major Whitney, and 20 steerage. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Gisborne, August 2d.—Arrived at 5 a.m.: Ururoa, scow, from Newcastle; at 6.30 p.m., Tarawera, s.s.. front Auckland. Napier, August 21.—Arrived: Silver Cloud, barquentlne, from Newcastle. New Plymouth, August 22.—Arrived at 5.30 a.m.: Rarawa, S.S., from Onehunjja. Hokiauga Heads, August 22.—Owing to the heavy sea on the bar, the s.s. Murltai is still bar-hound here. Wellington, August 21.—Sailed: Star of New Zealand, s.s., for Port Pirle. August 22. —Arrived at 11 a.m.: Delphic, s.s, from Auckland. Bluff, August 22.—Arrived at 11 a.m.: Warrimoo, s.s., from Melbourne and Hobart. OVERSEA SHI*-...G. Sydney. August it).—Sailed: Monowal, s.s.. for Wellington. Melbourne. August 21.—Arrived: Moeraki, s.s., from New Zealand and Hobart.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 200, 22 August 1904, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 200, 22 August 1904, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 200, 22 August 1904, Page 4