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___>ICAI_ | iVlEli, DC ITiAliLii 11 Look to your Health. I 8 ea canM * a *fortl to let physical weakness | * m^ 9 sSiße - mbH!on and mar y° ur fo * urß «? 1 J^^^^^^^^^^^M% : A MAN starts out in life with bright prospects: ambitious. viffON&s, full § £m\ of energy. Ho wets with tin- usual obstacles aa b« battles -efif.i the ffl /_> '1 « < **2 r*\-' * > vft world. At first he .Mirmounts t_ow s_d pushes ou renewed tifrour. j$ •■' i. .* ■-' '" '- % ' "t$«A Aft_-a time those obstacles seem harder to overcome. He is lading behind, i Bjtiyi.; ,_.-'' He loses energy. Bis couraee is kiekins. His nerve weakens. His eyes R K*-hv*k>. * ' ' V -''"J grow less brn-bt;. Tiie manly Ti?or.r that was once his characteristic a B one. M f '"", " ' . , He g-ivtis up ia despair— disheartened- gloomy. S J' ~*.'" ,_• T -.' ~ ',>vf What a condition for that mun'. Wha! has bronp-lit about, flu? ojaarjjre? | A K{'-/!\\\\ 1 'Wj Lr '™ m^ l " r - is " fe " J'«n wis; f *h"t l.c bas wasted his strength : thsre has § l; "' \<js*Cj?|Ww been a st*_'!t dxai:.i en his system. This has beeu s'.owiy sapum* aiay his | '-""l-"£/;S /. 'iVj> \ strengi.b :m:;l hie system to.ii no keep no. and I)-* is weakened, tee has §j >_$£h1„/ ' !os ' l '- : ' vital irr. He" has triaii everviLicr. —>d timed :he has yiv.-n up in despair, g „W_ Andyet Nature is kind. Sr>- rwp provid. d a fi>r -neb eases. Electricity 8 N jfc_7 S * R ***^^ l " > H the hope of a. Bran in this r-oiidtkm. By its use he can snutch victoiy from X Wi \ks* despair. Dr. 3_ol_up_in has made it possible to use Nature's reaedy in a (fc rjc?" | a.s(-'Lstii.e Nature by means of his wonderful Electric Belt. p M & // Mr. E. Hvras, Hokae_oe. write?. Juiy 23rd: —"1 have received greet benefit O »«M. JJ from your Celt ever since I first wore it. I can go to bed aim sleep-well an* <j risr in the nwrnitiK fit for my day's work, and as for my ailments, they left mi $ § little by little a«d very sure. As for recommending your Belt, I have alreadj g done so, not only ta one, bat to several, aad I can never speak too highly ij X ftfae praise oi it." | SI, MATOHLII'S ELECTRIC 11LT | The Most Marvellous Invention of the Age. Is the one and only remedy to chick this 1 decavinr power 111 men and roswra strength .-.nd pn&Tj/x. It cures all weaknesses oi mc" — | NKRV'OUSKKSS, KIDNKY, LIVEK. and STOMACH TBOUBLES. WEAK|BAC_, I BHKU.V.ATISM, SCIATICA, LUMHAGO. STIFF JOINTS, VARICOCELE, ft is the | most naturei cure. It helps Nature to mend aad build up the system. j | To men who have wasted the fncrpy of youth: to men who have found tiie spark of vitality growing fainter,,ind who I haTe, while yet young in years, found the spirit of mr.niy power lessening:, as if iive had come on and brought wife it the 9 decay of all physical aad vital energies-, to Mich men and to all mra wh" fe-1 that their vital force* are slow of action, and 5 lackiuir ia tho fire of youth, Dr MuLanghiin'a Electric Beit is wonh its weight in gold. | A mmnß of restoring yotithful vig-our is prio.oless. Nothing in this world is worth more to a man that lacks thetilement. | And yet, here is a remedy"which thousands of mon need, and they foil to grasp it because of fear that it might *g It is hard to believe tliat our Bait will do what is claimed for it until you sp-ak t» someon? who has tried it. Ysnr most | intimate friend 3 are nwinjr it and cured. They don't mentiou it. because fuw men r.-ant anyone to know th»y ariin need S of such a remedy. Let ns know where you are and we wiil send you the name of someone you know who has been curet, ! I < Mr. J. Burrows, Grey Lynn, Auckland, writes July ?th :—" ! luve uracil plen-iure in thanking yna for the gaot '< results that t h*ve received iror.l the u.'»e of your vrocderfu! and Belt. It lia* tio!i<- mc more jtroai! ia < three month.*, tban all tlte doctors Uave done in ten years. I am well sittisiied with tbe Belt, and nm now enjoyinjf | good health, ccasiderinj my ajfe, which Is 66. I would rccomcacnd »ay person who is *uffering jrom any lonjj. j standing; internal complaint to give your Belt c trial." j p_3S p^E—J 0 Q!jp EsOOSCS coa '' :a^n all information about t'ds world-wide remedy. Tlipv |p_f E^ Ea §$& V teil of the ai'.m nts that are cured and beinjr cured daily by its _ _i KSSSS _ 11S0r anl * P' ve photos and names of many mun and women who have gained health by its use. They sJ»o illnstrat<? how the llelts and athtchmeuts mc worn. We will forward then to you FREE, and POSTAGE PAID, to any address. Wo specially ask you to call if you can do so and obtain our FREE .ADVICE, and have the Belt explained. Hours —9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. i I The BR. MGiAmnim 00., "' WEiiis St., WeHington.

PUBLIC NQTI.-3. PERFECT SK3HT FOR ALL. %3bff MV I_ __T" 9 Unless discaso exists OUR GLASSES restore ' If there is disease we will tell you. If you don't really need Glasses, we won't supply them. CONSULTATION FREE. CHARGES FOR GI.AESES REASONABLE. SAMUEL BARRY, _».*,_*, 31*. BUSH STREET. AIiCXUNS. EYESIGHT SPECSAUST READ BROS., Manufacturing Jewellers /^S^^\^C*^_^^^ Direct linporisra of MARBLE CfTluS, ELECTRO -■ P -ATE. JS .V ELLJCKY, Etc, )\_l uiuble for preccutetiou. 4td&} ' C$ B dH» inS "_™ CAJ—:KUF.LT TESTED arid GLASSES ACCTTTiATKLY ADJUSTKD I B "«■«■'' defects in Kefira<:tkjn. Our Optical Room i? the most ut»-to-d_• _ " ■ " »n *w Zealand. beinK thvronghlT c-miippod with the latest OptoaljaoTneter, Hotuvmcope and other for Fci—itillc. Testing and propel fitting cf Glat-onl t »r Astwi/mt_m and other defect* hi Kcfr-action of the Eye. Consultation free A trial solicited. iSalictaetion KUaraat-aed. Cb*rs_ uiodf.ra.Co. N_S.—Addre.*!-SY„OND ST. «_d KARANGAHAPE RD. Op!i<_l Roo_o—KARANGAHAPE RD. ——b I—_M_nnriTsTirrTiTigrwHaMMiMMßMMML-i__1 —_M_nnriTsTirrTiTigrwHaMMiMMßMMML-i__ ■■■■ , _n_Maa__M___MMN_-_«____Ma-M___w___ba____■■___■__» SSLE AGENTS AND BOTTLERS TOR THE AUCKLAND DISTRICT: HIPKINS & COUTTS, Elliott Street, AuekSand. Q_3 F BSST HBQIISH CO_2tfGATED ISOK \sft. to 10ft. Shoots). }JT»_ k>tt_£,. Lowest Market Prices. 1 Lead-edse lycteine, O.G. GaJvoojsed IroaSpatrtin?: jmmmmwsmm w.w._i yfv Iftfl shapas anrl sisaM. Dnww Pipes raid R,_gha<j- ©p raa _ssa__*Bß^ >B_?V V^ 06 s ' !iC - silßCt nad P 'K Lea « - K«_k Tia. Tir. >%&% X Pf*t«i. Solder acri Solderine Tr*n*, Cast Imn X Embbcllo* Battle. !*afcs, Jew Boras, 10-valor; W£ KsaSfiE^ B,_in9, and all kinds of &—i_ —' Ware. ipg»——BßßaßßSK^^ O/recf Importer of all Pltunisrs' Trade Saqafailes. Great Iteductbonn in Corrugated TatiLs—Cheaper thiin SBC * BI <- fcEifld - pte-3Bsaßa_s#-% S_kJH Uemofeetarer •/ tfrn Patenr Mirfeiiiag Veatlttter. ffi&Baw_«____l!_ T } //so tAeC—ptatrierf Cap?r<S-Lroil-ttcKdur ttniU. %i*Z _TT^_Sr «*_-** ;> " tjgfe-____g-jf_;.% . A3 GEORGE McCAITL IS a BTRKCT CASH IMPORTER OV Tj-i3C UAvV MTJiSIAL A>TT> HAS THE MOOT' UP-TO-DATE MACHINERY IN THE SOUT_i__< HEMISPHERE. HE IS IN A POSITION TO MASTU FACTO R.K AND S'OPPLY A SOPKKIOB ARTICLE AT BED-ROCK PIUCES. COUOTRY ORDERS PRO_PTJ,Y _TTi_—>ED TO. **»__. No. m. C£ggQ£ EA3T PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, QUEEN STREET.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 199, 20 August 1904, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 199, 20 August 1904, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 199, 20 August 1904, Page 16