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MEDICAL MONEY TO lETO ; I ]I.rONBt"TO r LEXD on approved security "TJAED WORK TO FORCE IT DOWN" ■**■" at lowest rates. —Nenmesea and XI Elliott, SoUcitors, 33 Shortlana at.. A PTLY espressos the condition of thou- I -jroNEI TO LE"NT> We navre money. ■<— sands, who daily sit down to well lad- <Sm Q Len(i on Irsj . clasg Free boia Seen tables, but who have little or no in- ct , rity at Lowest Current Rates. — BAXcunation to eat. The appetite is often TEK an(l SHREWSBURY. SoUcitors, TT, coaxed and tempted by various dishes. Q ueen . st , (Smeeton's Buildings), Auckland. sauces, and condiments, - thun laying the , _ foundation of Indigestion, Biliousness, and "SXONEY TO LEND on good Freeholo Ulcerated Stomach. 'jXjL Security, at Lowest' Rates. Ever feel like that? and know the plea- „^-T~Z ' ' sure of beiug able to partake of a good ARCH. BUCHANAN, meal without after discomfort? No—dare Solicitor. VULCAN LANK. uot eat. or have no appetite, well, let mc Ty.fONET TO LEND on Approved Freehold say that generally speaking, WITHIN* ill. Security, at Lowest Current Rates. THREE DAYS of taking BAUME & MOWLEM. yon can "eat like a horse." and what is °- neen gtreet - . _ — of greater importance, digest what you eat. pHEAP MONEY. —Trust Money to Lena This is the most powerful botanic remedy V-/ At rery low rate of Interest. ever brought to light, and by Its use STOU BURTON AND HAMMOND. Sl— Solicitors, nearly opposite KOA." siring particulars, free on appli- Fort-st.. Auckland. __ catiou. fi.rONEY TO BE LENT on Interests vn--"-L der Wills, Freehold or other Approver Securities. In sums to suit Borrowers. —ApPLiXTEKOA. 5/: OINTMENT, 2/ (sam- ply to Mr P. A- VAILE, Solicitor, Leg*? pie bos. 6d>: SOAP, first quality 1/; sec- Chambers, Queen-street, opposite Ynlcan ond quality 6d. Obtainable everywhere. Lane. " ONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE OS vtw-i-m i- P1 ..-_ FIRST-CLASS FREEHOLD special An ent SECURITIES. - W.J.HARVEY, w COLEMAN. Rd. Sollcltor aDd yotgrj - FuhUc . IQ9 Q oeCT st. TADIES: NURSE DE . YOUNG'S TONIC ±J AND PILLS; quickly restore all irregu- ""* *" T , t iarities; price 2/6 each. Procurable at ...:.. ~, r Ratjen's Pharmacy, Queen st., Auckland. JACKSON AND RUSSELL. Country orders promptly attended to. Solicitors, Shortland-street. TO LADIES — No need to consult -»a- O NEY TO LEND on First-class Seen*doctors or chemists. The Remedies you jJJ. ity at Lowest Rates.—BUDDLE. require in your own hands. Write for free BUTTON AND CO 6, Wyndham-street, copy of valuable book about yourselves, Auckland. your health, your welfare. Every woman , —1— shonld read it. Posted free in sealed en- "vrONEY TO LEND at lowest current velopes. — Address Mons. Gourand, 72, ill. rates. —JOHN ANSENNS, Solicitor FUnders-st.. Melbourne. 12 High st - ~~~ USTRALIAN MUTUAL PROVIDENT! ._ SOCIETY.—MONEY TO LEND.— < ~———~ *"""■"• This Society Is prepared to Lend Money. __„ Securities at Lowest Current Bates. IMPORTERS OF übeni Mortgage Deed gives poweE PAPERHANGINGSj to repay portions of Loan anrlnGLASS, PLATE. SHEET, AND OBNA- term.—Apply direct to the Society's Branci* MENTAL, etc. Office, Wellington, or to any of the Society'«f GLASS SHADES. District Offices.—EDWAßD W. LOWE, WHITE LEADS, PAINTS, OILS, VAR- " IS 7T .. NISHES, AND ALL EXNDS OF Resident Secretary. PAINTERS' MATERIALS AND TOOLS, ' ARTISTS' REQUISITES OF ALL DE- -VTAPIER AND SMITH, SCRIPTIONS. AN V SCRIMS AND CALICO. EABRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. SPECIAL MAKE FOR TRADH MOULDINGS FOR PICTURE FRAMES. N.B.—MONEY TO LEND on Frwlielc? A Large and Varied Stock to Cihoose from. Security at a low rate of Interest. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. , ____ -Z Our Immense Stock of Paperhangings al-i VICTORIA ARCADE ways comprises the Latest Designs and all QUEEN-STREET. AUCKLAND.. SZERELMEY STONE LIQUID. ZZTZT 7TZT . _~-_ „„„ „„„„ FOR DAMP BRICK WALLS. T? OI S ND „ A - HA Pt P P+ WtFtZ IX?, We have Money to Lend at this rate —— j on First-class Freehold Security. Early „ „„ application i 3 requested.—VALUE BROS^. TT7 pHILLIPPS & iCtON. L^al chambers, opposite Vulcan Laae, T T * *• IVJ Queen-street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OIL AND COLOUR MERCHANTS, -» ; «- ONEY To DEND. NATIONAL BANK BUILDINGS, On First-class Mortgage Security - QCEEN-ST. At Lowest Current Rates and I UC'-irCDCnil In Sums to Suit Borrowers. J. ntriiUtndUN QAMUEL -yAILE AND fi° ss ; Established IS6O. - - PAINTER, GLAZIER. PAPERHANGER, Eff**** Zlnancfal Agents. SIGN WRITER, DECORATOR, etc Land HIGH-ST. ** QUEEN-ST. MONEY TO LEND; On FREEHOLD SECURITIES. ! SPECIAL BLACK FOR SCHOOL BOARDS AT WAkKt£ SCBXpf**' PROMISSORY NOTES, N.8.-The above Executed at Moderate OTHEB APPROVED SECURITIEI:. marges. NO RTHEEN ESTATE AGENCX AND FINANCE CO. (Ltd.), ESTIMATES FURNISHED. LEGAL CHAMBERS. QrjEE^t-STREE'C. Telephone No. 1213. *""^TT - EDUCATIONAL UfSXTRAKCE. 't^iC^ THE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE t &&B&S&e&stt COMPANY Ob NEW ZEALAND. "4&U&3^Of»SU* Capital Paid-up. Re-insurance, and General -nmrr »vn /wpjajvab o.r>jrnrtrReserve Funds exceed £365.000. A UCKLAND OCHQOfc FIRE AND MARINE RISKS ACCEPTED **• *"" — - AT CURRENT RATES. t._ Prompt and Liberal Settlements. ESTABLISHED A.D„ 1569. ? Local Institution. _—. f Profits Retained in the Colony. „(*.* pnT , .-v-r, r rF, T q - A. S. RU3SELL Branch Manager. FOX GIRLS. , ■XJEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COM- Head Master: J. W. TTBBS. M.A^^ IN PANY, FIRE AND MARINE. Oxford. Capital £1,000,000 Assisted by a Full Staff of UniTersit* Paid-up Capital, Re-insurances, Graduates. and Reserve Fnnds £535,000 TH E COURSE OF INSTRUCTION In-." Protection from FIRE „r MARINE LOSS clade 3 English, Latin, JFrench.- German. mo?S» \w d Company. Mathematics, and Commercial Arithmetic Claims Met with Promptitude and Science> Book-keepin», Shorthand, Meciacvnvtrv w PTPPnw >T»^, n ™«, nical and Freehand Drawing. GymnasticsGEORGE N..PIERCE. Manager. THE for of QatM term3r -vr a m-r/%A.T a t Under 13, £2 16/; over 13, £3 10/; reduced A. A. J-OJN Al; to £3- 3/ where more than o-oe of the same F. AND M. mSTJEANCB CO. OF N.Z. a^HhS^S^^SS Authorised Capital ..£2.000,000 J?.,^™ 3 0Z &nT Km ° wn-tever neina Accumulated Funds £263,124 ™ 5 „ ~, r * » * ~-,„.. iaiio to Total Premiums 240 ocr cent The Head fa prepared to advis* Fire and Marine Risks at Lowest Rates'. Parenta-ln tne matter of Boarders attendClaims Settled Promptly and Liberally. ID S the School. All Profits' Retained in the Colony. Application for admission shonld Be made NORMAN T. WILLIAMS, '*> *a c Headmaster, or Mr W. A. Cummia'fc , Manager. 315 v Victoria Accade. '- ■ The First Term, besan. Febcwtrfi ■\7ICJOEIA INSURANCE COMPANY, Bth. * ™ Ll ,¥t T ? D ,'„ „ W". WALLACE KXDD. Secretarr(Established 184 D.) - OFFICES 2L SHORTLAND-ST. ■'» Opposite "Star" Oflice. "O L E C T R I C I T V, Accepts Fire, Marine and Fidelity Guarantee Risks at Lowest Rates. ——— Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. CUggeg fflr the Practical Application Of Mana-er' Auckland and TaranakL Electricity are held on TUESDAYS and Manager foi Auckland and TaranakL FEiII) AYS, at T. 30 p.m., at 192, Qneea- ——— ■— "~ street (over Yaiies')-■o-rra-rTtn vnTTrva These classes will commence on the 16th YVBIM'. JIQi-XCga. Inst _ and wil i continue for a period of 49 ~ weeks. Special classes will be arranged (CARD.) for the Instruction of Tramway Motor Men. and a feature of this department wilJ W HART • be " rractlcal Instruction." WHOLESALE WIRE MATTRESS The Instructor In Electricity has had 20 MANUFACTURER, years' practical experience In Enjland, „. v South Africa and New Zealand. AND ALL KINDS OF BEDDING. AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCE, TRADE SUPPLIED AT LOWEST RASES 192, QUEEN - STREET. TJT O R ENGINE EBIN(J GUARANTEED BEST ENGLISH WIRE. X -' ■■■ eXAMINATIONs""^^ MM "" h -■ ■ SCHOOIi TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS, HIGH-ST.. AUCKLAND. 7 to 9. — LAND, MARINE. TRACTION AND PHYSICAL CULTURE AND WINDING CERTIFICATES. GYMNASTICS.—AUCKLAND PHYSI- Also, Machine Construction, Applied CAL TRAINING COLLEGE AND GYM- Mechanics, and Steam, etc, for London NASIUM FOR LADIES AND GENTLE- Examination. MEN. TOP FLOOR BLDGS. W. I. ROBINSON. Principal: PROFESSOR POTTER. Above by Correspondence. Classes Resume WEDNESDAY, April 6th. Address: MOUNT ROBKILL. Term begins from date of entry. Private Classes arranged. Subjects—PUy- ""^^~* Bical Culture for Health. Fencing, Wrestling, Boxing. Fancy Club Swinging, etc. etc. "TVROADWOOD PIANOS" are PERFECProfessor Potter will be In attendance j ' TION. —Sole Agents, E. and F. Piano every afternoon 12-3.30; to 0 Agency, 191 Queen st. (S. Coldlcutt, to give all information. ager).

r"l903; the Best Year yetl I § INCREASE OVER 1902 j 1 I New Premiums ... 8 £19,177 j £65,486 f I (Including Annuity Business) - 1 i Renewal Premiums £10,873 £182,702 | Total Revenue ... £34,930 £3 22,3 29 J Invested Funds ... £129,660 £1,768,600 J Favourable Mortality Experience, and Reduced Expenses. | g in the History of % M.L.A. j

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 95, 21 April 1904, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 95, 21 April 1904, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 95, 21 April 1904, Page 3