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j MEDICAju. MEDICAIi. When you are weak, nervous, and If \ I f\ I 1 I\[ II \ J all run down, everything seems to "go - mm ' ■ ■ ■• » wrong. Ayer's Sarsaparilla will build f\ 9 S | f\ .f^'f^ you np, make your nerves strong, and iilllflfiil If give you pure, rich blood. Here is eH* 3 I If if 1 1 jf* %% what a nurse of large experience says $ 1 i $3 £i If X §1 about it. I U I 1 y &*S| ! Is HASHX3ESS to Animal I-lf«. I I £\ Mt I 1 [A MOTHS, (ll I\ i ? I II BEBTLBS, 'i.* Wli l/§I I A bugs l m M m(\\ ■ 1/J I I V 1 r l^^*. WL-W -J|!r*\ 1 1 cja I I MOTHS j *&> ■V 3 I ' |\ 111 Ij - BEETLES, - , L. \ ¥m\ *■■»%# MOSQUITOES. . [M I rhe Genuine Powder bears the autograpli **—**■*- Mih >f THOMAS KEATING. Sold 1h Tics only. i||l||l',,t., -r. JmP-- - KEATIWG»S WOBM TABLETS' KEATIKTG'S WOkM TABLETS' . A PURELX VKGI3TABLE BWEETMEAT, both la appearance "and taate, furJ^ 9 * *£ B. caioppell, Stawell, Victoria, uisalng a most agreeable method of adsends usher photograph, and writes: mtnisterlnß the only certain remedy for "I have been a nurse for thirty-'flve years, INTESTINAL, or THREAD WORM-S. It Is and I take great pleasure in recording-' my ; t perfectly safe and mild preparation, and m . sgHfr&lg&mZ ( * ldreß - Bold different parts of the world, both for myself jl ° 1In «; J? * v Drusglstfc and my patients. I have hid great success | ™- 'eprietor, with them, especially in cases of nervous THOMAS KEATING 'London* prostration, impure blood, shin diseases,and weakening illnesses in general. I most ' heartily recommend these medicines to all .■ ■__ ~ sufferers from any of the above-named dia- | j ' . AVER'S KatEojl %JLb llbSa Renowned prescribe Grlmault's \ ... 0. • • .- Matico fas Uie most ac'tivo and at the snruc tlmo __ ... „ ,„ • the most inoffensive remedy in tho treatment of There are many imitation Sarsaparillas. Acute and Chronic Discharges. The Capsules, Be sure you get "Ayer s. unlike Copaiba, do not cause eruptions on the Ayer's Pills cure constipation. Sugar- skin or produce nausea, coated, mild, but effective. MATICO INJECTION Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. " flk Is used ln reC ent —-w-: MATICO CAPSULES ' in the more c h ron i c ca=es. i j savArfssf's Full Directi ° ns - [ d<m>:|. .ml ,> C rm. m nt can ! -1 OrtWHIILOOL O AUChemistS. 60 HUNTEIi ST., SYDNEY, ior p»a- .. J .> A Nil AI VVinil] Mil Wsl phl*t deicrf--lpf rh »ntiro!r Mir Mil. I H WHIIUjHU IVUU'U UIL. '■ *PP ,letl method whh-h -vil b« ■•ntpoot t 'I OAfIOIII TO ij Not made of Gelatine; most tfficacious, because —— a absolutely pure English Oil. T AYBDRN'S NURSERY HAIR AND \\ Inslißt on Savstroua'B. Ii L NIT I. g LOTION is absolutely tbe Safest and Quick- TO LADIES — Ko need to consuli est Lotion for Cleansing the Hair of all doctors or chemists. The Remedies you Parasites, etc. Price, 1/ and 1/6. require in your own bands. Write for frei' ■ Procurable at copy of valuable book about yoursefves. RATJSN'S TJ.HARIIACY, your health, your welfare. Every woman Jt should read !t. Posted free ln sealed QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. veiopes. — Address Mons. Gourand, Country orders promptly attended to. Flinders st., Melbourne. I It is often a matter of wonderment how quickly pale, flabby, weakly H infants and childreifgain flesh, strength and vitality when they are given t| Angler's Emulsion systematically. It first of all soothes the irritable I* stomach and intestines, digestion is strengthened, and the child enabled j» jj to assimilate his ordinary food, so as to derive the greatest possible n benefit therefrom. AH children like the Emulsion, and take it with real |jj pleasure when other medicines are out of the question. It is pleasant, p 1 simple and safe, and does not contain an atom of anything that can be R \ harmful to the feeblest infant. That it is Just the kind of medicine fe j delicate children require no one can doubt who has observed the W increase in weight, strength and vitality that invariably follows its use §? I in scrofula, rickets, anasmia, malnutrition, and the many other forms i j of wasting diseases of children. It is also of the greatest value for | coughs and colds, whooping cough, and after measles, fever, or any i illness that has left the child's system in a weakened run-down condition. Angier's Emulsion i I V/ (PETROLEUM WITH HYPOPHQSPHITES.) 1 THE MOST PALATABLE OF ALL EMULSIONS, \ I AND A GREAT ABD TO DIGESTION. | AUSTRALIAN TESTIMONIALS. 1 \ I "SHE IS BETTING PLUMP ANO STRONG." '§] y ■ " Hazeidell, Crossover, Gippsland, Victoria. X m 4 , " Dear Sirs,—lt affords mc extreme pleasure to testify to the B hi efficacy of Angier's Emulsion. I obtained a sample from you, H M and afterwards a large size for my little daughter. She was H WAQTINO suffering from weak digestion and simply wasting away. After 9 p iWO I 1110 taking about a quarter of the bottle there was a marvellous j j m change, and by the time it was finished she was quite a differ- H ) 'fi AUf AY ent child ' s^e now ahle to eat and digest anything. It h 1 i '.J All All appears to have quite, restored the digestive organs, and she KJ Q ' is getting plump and strong, whereas before she was just a S j! #\ skeleton. I cannot sufficiently express how grateful lam for J t l\ the benefit, under Divine blessing, your Emulsion has been. i 0 ■ You are welcome to make what use you like of this acknowr i . j ledgmient. I should be pleased to be the means of inducing I " I pJ others to try it for their delicate children. % •j H (Signed) "EMMA NEALE-COX." I J I ~ "HAD A VERY BAD COUGH." | li I r ' Public School, Pai-kville, N.S.W. 1 9 |_|TT|_F RflV "DearSirs,—Will you please forward a 4/6 bottle of Angier's i " H "" , ■ ■ ■"" Wt Emulsion as soon as possible. lam very pleased with its q ' I £| soothing effects on my little boy, aged three, who had a very S3 ti IJ APCII Q bad cough, but since taking your Emulsion lam very pleased l'| i! . I NUhU U. to say it has given him great relief. Please find enclosed I 3j |g postal order for 4/6. (Signed) (Mrs.) "W. BULLCJCK." I • I "MY LITTLE GIRL LIKES IT." 1 5 L~ " Hemlock House, Bank-Street,'Botany. I | " Dear Sirs,—The bottle of Angier's Emulsion arrived safely, P j | B for which many thanks. I have found it very satisfactory, and fc I | Lf my little girl both likes it and says her throat is much better. >! S AFTFR J fin< * llle mflammat ' oll almost gone. I must tell you that m ' H s^e as a ulcerated soft palate, left from diphtheria three 31 ll years ago. I had her under several doctors, and also at B PJj mmiTlirnn the hospital, tut she is getting more benefit from Angier's B I' Eu\rn\u£,l\\P> Emulsion than from any other treatment. I wish I had known fj || ' of it years ago, and my little girl would, I believe, be now ffl II i completely cured. I shall hereafter never be without your m hi I Emulsion in the house. " M Ij I ; (Signed) "MARGARET COLENSO." g I A FREE SAMPLE I ■ On receipt of for postage. Mention this paper. fl 8 PAISTifly — Dono{ rsk disappointment op worse by trying imitations made with | , m UnU I lUHi ordinary petroleum. Atk for Angler's and be sura that; yon gtt It. B M Of Chemists and Drug Stores, r/3, 2/9 -H 4/6. • m [5 THE ANGIER CHEMICAL CO.. Ltd.. 7 Barrack St., Sydney, N.S.W.; I' 3 ' Boston, U.SA.; and London, ENGLAND. . ~ m For the LUNGS, the THROAT, the VOICE. jjKX|gJaikk%fu *" Th * Lar y ßx i °- o*E»n of Toict:. ::AT ANTISKPTIC l^ffl[^^|^a^y B. The TraohM, «r windpip.. » nsT C. The Bronaklal T»>»» of«. 4i— < at»i t«a g . D ' lobe of one of the laao. COUGHS I COLDS 1 HWi .. iSDITED FOR IiP.ONCHITIS I and OLD AND TOUNG, INFLUENZA! rNVALUABLE TO .'.ndthePrtTtaticaof 111/ BINQERB AND PUBLIC Consomptioa. - SPKAIKBS. IUDSON'S EUffIENTHOL JUJU *^ 'T!F.f?TRTT;r(F.rt>

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 94, 20 April 1904, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 94, 20 April 1904, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 94, 20 April 1904, Page 11