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I MEDICAL. -q A WONDERFUL MEDICINE ARE universally admitted to ac worth & Guinea a Box for Bilious andN'srvons Dis« ! orders, such as Wind and Pain in the istODiacij, ! Sick Headache, Giddiness. Fuir.essand Swelling | after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cola I Chilli. Flushings of Heat Losii of Appetite, ; Shortness of Breath, CoatlTenesi, Scurry and i Blotches on the Kkiti. Disturbed eleep, Frightful I Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensa. tions, etc. The first dose will giye relief in ' twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly I invited to try one Box or. these Pills, and toef | -will be acknowledged to bo WOBTH A GUINEA A BOX. i I For Females of all ages these Pills we invafa. ! able, as a few do^ea of them carry off all humours and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. Tnere is no medicine to be found c^ual to Beocham's Pilla for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions 1 given with each box. they will soon restore females of all aces to sound and robust health. i Thi; has been "proved by thousands who harj 1 tried them and l'ouud the benefits which are CO- | urod by their use. I ! For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion.and all Disorders of the Liver, they act liko magic, and a ievr doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the whole physical energy of the hum in frame. These an FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is— BEE CHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Prepared only by the P-oprietor, THOMA3 BEECHAM, St. Helens, England, in Boxes, Is lid, and 2s Sd each. •old by all Druggists and Patent MedicinO Dealers everywhere. ; N.B.—Full directions are given with ftns> MB, "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.'" Clarke's ISlood. TILE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PUBI* FIK3. AND RESTORER. IS WARKANTJED TO tJLEAR THH BLOOD from ail impurities from whatever cause arisine. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood Diseases Blackheads, Pimples and sores of all kinds, it it a never-failing and permanent Cure, It cures Old Sores. Cures Sores on the Neck. Cures Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads or Pimples on Una face. Cures Scurvy Cures Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood of all impure tm£* tec From whatever cause arising. It is a real specific for Gout au4 Rheumatic Pains It removes the cause from the BlocxS and Bones. As this mixture is pleasant to tb« taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicata constitution of either sex, the proprietors solicit sufferers to give It a trial to test its value. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS OF WONDTRFUIi CURES FROM AT/T, PARTS OF THE WORLD. Clarke's Blood Mixture is sold !a Bottles 2/9 each, and in cases containing six times the quantity, 11/. sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority ol long standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world. Proprietors, THH LINCOLN AND MIDLANDS COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, Lincoln, England. Trade Mark—"BLOOD MIX* TURE. CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE CAUTlON—Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture should see that they g«C the genuine article. Worthless imita» lions and substitutes are sometimes palmed off by unprincipled, vendors. Tha words" Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," are engTaved on the Government Stamp, and "Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture," blown in the bottle. WITHOUT WHICH NONE ARE GENUINE. A TIME when this shoe could hay« "^ b«en mended. There was a time when the* 150 victims of Pneumonia, the 40 of Bronchitis, and the 68 of Pleurisy, who died in New Zealand during th« past year, might have been saved ha* they taken STICKS' CURA COUGH when they first caught that little cold. Don't delay until you are in the coo* dftion of the old shoe. Don't let your cold go on until it get* past the curing stage. Stop it at once, and avoid .the chances of having the Grip, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, etc AU these troubles are the result of letting a cold have its run. You cannot aff«rs to trifle with a cold. SYKES' CUBA COUGH Will Cure You. It is the best Remedy ever advertised t« cure a Cold. It gives immediate r» lief when other remedies fail. Sold throughout New ZealaM by Ch«c*< ! ists and Storekeepers and Merchants, j Price, 1/6 and 2/6. MESSRS P. HAYMAN & CO., Distributing Agents for Auckland. TOWLE'S'sris^nui" FOR FEMALES. QUICKLY CORRECT ALL IRREGULARITIES. RB*X, MOVEALLOBSTIUJCTIONS, AND RELIEVE THE DISTRESSING SYMPTOMS SO PRHVALE-NT WITH THE SEX. Boxea, Is. l}d. and 2s. 9d. (eontaini tone times the quantity) of nil Chunista. Sent ujwtaM on receipt of 15 or U stunps by E. T. XOWUE 4 CO., ' JUnuiactttttM, Dryd«n Btro*t. Nottingham. . Bevxm of hnitatums. injurious and vorthlett. CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS MS ttire Gravel, Pains in the Back and all kindred complaints. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 30 years. In boxes 4s. fld. each, of aA Chtmists and Patent Medicina Vendon throughout the World. Proprietow: The Liteoln and Midland Conatiai Brug Conapaajfc liaeolo, En^aad.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 147, 22 June 1901, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 147, 22 June 1901, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 147, 22 June 1901, Page 6