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MEDICAL. Stren^tliens tin Nerves. When tho blood is impure tho -whole nervous system becomes poisoned. It is impossible to throw off that terrible ■depression; and there is no ambition to work. But there is a way -whereby you may again bo strong and vigorous. Mr. Charles Richardson, of 87 Howick Street, Launceston, Tasmania, sends us his photograph and the following letter: t Sift mk H-fi%lfi <« Once my arms were covered with Sores that -were worse than boils. They were deeprooted in the flesh and caused great suffering. My blood -was in an aw/ul condition. At another time I tod a severe attack of influenza. 1 could neither rat, sleep, nor work, and I never expected to recover. cured me from both of these violent attacks. The first time It took all impurities out of my system; and the last time it built me up and gave me new life. Now lam strong, work bard, and sleep well." Ayer'D Pills arc a safe and sure enre for all liver troubles. Ihey are purely vegetable* Prepared by Br. J. C. Aver Co., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. /&=^ui TOBALINE —iajMsr—v f XxSirQk CTlfara tlio Pipes and H?| Saves the Lungs. (££s.. js\ iKfk At all Stores and of Xif^Fti^Vf* KICXTOX. Chemist, fwk V& \ M *<iwtou; KAYJEN, \fyt?\ •IKLJimhh t'lwmlst, Queim-Bt.; W/lh\!Aoffl%m WOOLIiAMS, ChPins './|S-. tl§)ffifj,oml I»t, Pousonby.; and COOPER. Chemist, Vlctoria-st. Are the aelcaou'lodgod leading remedy for atl Fnmaloeomplaints. Recommended by tho Medical Faculty. Tha Cenuina bflir tba signature o! Wm. Mabtin (rofrtßterod, without which nono aro ffenulne). ■ No lady iliould b» without thorn. Order of nil Gii*ini»ts throurthou t Urn World. Vroprietor:MAßTlN,Phai:m.Choml»t. SOUTHAMPTON. EHII Agents: TAYLOR & COLLEOGE, BRISBANE. LWUND: ".Sprinjj iilossuiu Ointment," J-. cures all It touches, 6d and 1/; "Spring Blossom Pills," Gd and 1/; "Bloomine" cures corns, warts, and bunions, fid packet.—..t Chemists' and TrnrMrppnerS1.

WADE'S WOEM PIGS are most effective and not unpleasant; children thrive after taking" them. Price 1/. (Ad.)

The Case Of Mr. H. M. KEYEY. ber and told her that the tortures of my complaint were driving me crazy, (By a Special Reporter.) and in the day time I felt so greatly run down that 1 used to say to niy wife, 1 All government, indeed every human suppose I will live through tjiis summer, benefit and enjoyment, every virtue and but 1t. 1, d0,, 1 a™ sur? J, wJI dlc dv"n B every prudent act, is founded on com- the winter " One night my condition promise and barter. To promote our ™». s» alarming that my wife went personal welfare we balance inconveni- flight away for the doctor who said ences, preferring to give and take in f, h»d a diseased liver and that my order to attain our ends. We remit Mood was in a terribly bad state, some rights so that we may enjoy Was there anything to show that others, and we choose rather to be happy >'ou£ bl, ood wf M?/Ti/ ~1 independent citizens than servile ten- R^ c\- T tell you and then ants; Great sacrifices are made by wor- 3'OU .T 1' know that my blood was poikers who aspire to become their own soned. Tt happened through wearing landlords for the advantages to be de- a soft vT°" ll'm hat' the nul9 ? f wh 1 1«h rived from the attainment of their as- used to (a. 11 down on m? ears,- J uf ed. to pirations. "My illness," said Mr. Henry wear a blue serge suit and my better Mcran Kevey, of Garfield-street, Par- half ,to' c] me ,* ough,t *5 g? fc a ha, t \° nell, Auckland," was brought on througl match the colour. As I always study working night and day at my sedentary comfort before appearance I bought the trade of bootmaking. The object I had *? ft: one alluded to. _ The result was in view was to purchase a home for my that my ,ear? were poisoned by (1 th 4C dy^ wife and family f but I stuck to my task °at, of tne hat: M^ ears. sw<; lled and co closely that it caused me three years' brofee out, and my agonies increased intense suffering. It is eight years ago ten-fold. I used to pray for death to since my constitution was completely release me from my sufferings; but no, broken down " I had to endure it. The tops of my ears "You look'strong and vigorous now," wero eaten away, as you can see for said the reporter yoursett, and even when they healed up "And I feel as well as I look. But [. believe I had enough poison in my there was a time when I thought I was blood to kIU iw,enfr P*?' * waS ■!,? going into consumption. My face was a on the. verge of death by now, without deathly colour, and my eyes were sunk an'"l atlon{. without hope, deeply into my head. You would not Was ™e, re anJ.Pene^ demed from have given twopence for my life if you youf T doc^ ors, mf dlcl neSx? jj t had seen me then. Before I was struck . Nob the, sl) Sh, te, st- did I redown I thought of nothing but work, C? 1V? any benefit from the many adverand I took my meals at all lours, some- tised; remedies I tried; but I was saved times going without them altogether b? fche ad? ce of a friend, who urged me I felt myself getting weaker and to give Clements Tome a trial. I did weaker every day, till I could *o. *ut l can honestly say that had it hardly crawl down to my shop, not been for Clements Tonic I would A few. minutes after starting work be a dead man now. I started on that I felt giddy and faint, and I was obliged matchless medicine with a feeling of to take frequent rests during the day. S reafc f^iety, as I knew my fate deThen my digestive organs went wrong pended on it. My anxious fears were a* shown by the tightness in my cheft soon set .at rest, as I felt greatly soothed after eating, and also great pain ,and «»* stimulated in a few days M^ case discomfort in my stomach, which felt as was t _a b*A one/. and * c°uld not c^ ect though I had swallowed some foreign to be rid of all my ills for sometime; matter which was turning sour and pu- but Clements Tonic proved equal to the trid. Indeed, my breath bore out tk great task before it. A gradual slackentheory, as it was most objectionable, m& A .f. of the sharp pains in my back and my mouth had a very bad taste d lo. ins ' beslde? the absence of discomcontinually, wliich made me feel sick. '^ ™ ray . stomach, showed that Sharp pains used to dart under my Clements Tonic was doing the work in shou/ders and down to the end of mj first-rate style. My appetite, which had ribs, and in a short while I was unable s0 long l«n dormant put in a feeble apto retain a meal on my stomach. As pearance at first and then increased soon as I ate anything I was seized with every day till I could eat a hearty meal violent fits of vomiting, and the pain My nead was af ln f£*/rom aches and and distress I suffered was beyond de- eJ^ morning I awoke feeling decidedly scription. I felt tired and miserable, better for the sleep which resulted being without enough energy to sit throiigh my continuance of Clements down and read a book As a matter of Tonlc-, Ms\ n. ervous 7^™ "** Bfcreng" fact, my eyesight Was too bad, and my the, ned and invigorate d by the same eyes seemed to have little spots daric medicine which eradicated all skin eruping before them, besides beiflV hot and ons and P«nfied my blood, besides swollen " driving away the raking neuralgia, which ■How did you manage to keep on has "ever,. sin£, e tro. ubl, ed me- . Eac, h working in that condition?" P da T J, S^ff? ™E h.\ a"d strength, ' "I could not do a stroke of work at last, meanwhile shaking off the fat of melanand I had to knock off altogether. I choha whl^ h has me for three felt heavy and drowsy, and suffered 5""1 "» , work WM undertaken greatly from splitting headaches. My with the same pleasure as of old. Clebowels were irregular For days they ra v ents Tonic gave me perfect health were constipated, then followed a Weak- when all else failed, etiing attack- of diarrhoea. I found' great ,' Was the cure a permanent one? difficulty in swallowing anything, even . Yes' *nd |am anx? ous *hat eVeTJ A such a simple thing as a cup of tea botV. .shou!d ,know that' such a «™nd making me conscious of the fact that medicine exists, so you- may publish my throat was very sore. My appetite these facte in any wa^ y°u llke< went right off eventuaUy, and my ncrvous system then collapsed. An addi- STATUTORY DECLARATION, tional complaint in the form of a vile 1. Henry Mohan Krvet, of Garfield Street, af-tapJr nf rpurolcria nnw pnrnmpnnArl tn Parnell, Auckland, In. the colony of New Zealand, attacK or neuralgia now commenced to d, • , and sincerel dec i aie that j have care . worry the life out of me. Shooting pains fuUy read ' lhe annexed document, consisilns of darted from the ear to my eyes, and ihreefolics arid consecutively numbered from one to thence to my forehead The agony was three, and that it contains and is a true and faithful <?n arutp that T pnnld oW no rpsr rlav nr account of my illness and cure by Clement? Tonic, so acute tnat i couja get no rest day or and a]so con(ains n]yful , p er mi Ss io ri t0 publish in fllgnt. 1 twisted and turned rrom Side any wa y my statements—which I give voluntarily, to side all riight long, and in the morn- without receiving any payment; and I make this me I was too exhausted to get out of solemn declaration conscientiously believing the b& This new torture continued for months, till at last I thought 1 was intituled "The Justices of Peace Act, 1882." going mad. A peculiar feature of my - .. dreadful ilness was the way my tongue wrs:"S>St ™v'^r?^'/v''\ used to swell. It felt too thick for my >ff ' 7*^ffo^SZ 0/Te/ij&i* mouth, and almost choked me. My O fo'&*>& f/J^!Z*/J^CF brain was full of evil-fofebodings as I (J lay throughout the sleepless nights in Declared at Parnell this thirtieth day of October, a state of nervous terror. Many a time one thousand nine bundn.,:, before me, I have awakened my wife from her slum- JOH2T HoOABE, j.p.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 132, 5 June 1901, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 132, 5 June 1901, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 132, 5 June 1901, Page 6