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KARANGAHAPE ROAD, NEWTON. l____ff__F FI1R_I!TIIRIP - - Large Show Rooms. Handsome Suite? of nWUgC runr-MUr... Furniture, Chest Drawers, Sideboards, • •eeoQceeeesottCttseoooosoi Tables, Chairs, Hall Stands, Duchess Pairs, Bedsteads and Bedding, etc. FUMSS.If.G DRAPERY- - Inspection Invited. New Carpet Squares, jLViI"IO- U-U.rEI.I Rugßj MatSj L i no |eum.s and Floor Cloths, tC9(ie'"«oto«.eo«o«s<ioces.i Lace Curtains, Quilts, Sheetings, Hall Curtains, New Window Blinds. IROHiOHOERY - - - « Bed Rock Prices. Builders' Tools Orion lliwmnw"vi*-»i a Ranges, Fenders and Fire Irons, Mincing j«*e--- • oesoo.ooeo . co.ocu Machines, Mangle*', Wringers, Garden Tools, Dairy Utensils, Bamboo Verandah Blinds. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE j^_fiX_yaM_, £5 Cutlery, Lamps, Filters, Glass Dishes, Tumblers, etc. HANDSOME ELECTRO-PLATED WARE FOR GIFTS OR PRESENTATIONS. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN. PF J& ? <? /"<?/^ It > * # v. _&• /$? /> / >> #y j? * v <$v* <$ £ v ° s ? & G <. <p V ; -a-MM----* _.___«____. __■____-_» Cable Address: "BEEHIVE." Telephone 953. The Gampkll & EhrenMed Co., Ltd. CAPITAL- _» £300,000. Established 1840. 43, Queen St. Wharf, and The Albert Brewery, Queen St. J. Logan Campbell, Esq., Chairman. Arthur M. Mr_Rs, Managing Director Secretary: Alfred S. Bankart. BREWERS, MAI.TSTERS, BOTTLERS & GENERAL MERCHANTS. 18-PRIZE MEDALS-18 INCLUDING CHAMPIONSHIP OF AUSTRALASIA AGAINST ALL-COMERS, FOR OUR CELEBRATED Bulk and Bottled Ale and Stout BREWED FROM THE PUREST OF WATER, OBTAINED FROM A DEPTH of 1,200 ft., and the BEST MATERIALS ONLY. ♦ VOSLAU - GOLDEC, HUNGARIAN CLARET, 16-YEAR-OLD SPECIAL LIQUEUR WHISKY. VERY OLD COGNAC BRANDY, "OLD PALE" WHISKY AGENCIES: Buchanan's " House of Commons," Watson's « * # # Glenlivit," Pease's " 8.0.5." "Canadian Club," Walker's "Kilmarnock," Dunville's "V.R.," Power's "Irish," " Braemar," Etc., Etc. THE CAMPBELL k EHRENFRIED COMPANY, LIMITED.

_^^__ PUBLIC NOTICES. Frequently request us to give them some idea of what articles are necessary, and an approximate cost of the same. With a view to assist such, and especially those who cannot conveniently call on us, we beg to submit the following ESTIMATES, and will also be pleased to send our Illustrated Price List and Bedding List POST FREE, although these lists by no means represent our enormous stock of Household Requisites of every description, an inspection of which we cordially offer to anyone desirous of looking through our MAGNIFICENT SHOW-ROOMS, without being asked to purchase. We will be pleased to vary these Estimates, or supply Estimates and Designs of a Superior Class of Furniture, Floor Coverings, etc. -Estimate No. 1— J-O I|J l_a«_« t__.Ua /_^_*/^ j Estimate No. 2- /#%7 Double Iron Bedstead ®^* H W a W Estimate No. 3— | Mattress, 2 Pillows Woven-wire Mattress JO "1/I*l o__* IH_O Washstand, Towel-rail, and Table | "4r § UQ| OUIh Cane-seat dhair DRAWING-BOOM. «* Chest of Drawers Snite in Genoa Velvet and Plush, i Carpet and Curtains or Tapestry, 3 Pieces WTVr Pf . n , f Roller Blind, Pole. 2 P. ett.r ? att, an Chairs DRAWING-ROOM. £0 8 4 Polished Table Suite in Tapestry or Genoa (5 pieces) _ „ _ j Tapestry Carpet, and Rug n Occasional Chairs SITTING-ROOM. Overmantel Polished Table, Overmantel n ,-1 t t,i anu ■ Whatnot, Music Stand Brussels, Carpet, and Rug 4 x 3 Table, 4 Chairs Fender and Firebrasses Whatnot, Music Stand Polished Chiflbnnier Blind, Roller, and Pole Fender and Firebra.scs Stuffed Couch Curtains, Coal Vase „Q,. n Blinds, Boilers, Poles Floorcloth and Rug _, £19 14 S° r.t?' in ?>„ C?* 1 V* 86 v , j, ~ , tjt i BEDROOM. Polished Cabinet fender, Roller and Bund _;-_-' Pole, Curtains, Tablecloth Brass-mounted Bedstead DINING-ROOM 7 3 6 Wire Mattress. Kapok ditto KITCHEN Bolster and 2 Pillows Snite, 9 pieces in leather * ' Handsome Duchess Pair Sideboard of Superior Design Table, Safe Wardrobe, with glass door , Telescope Table, Bx4 2 Chairs Linoleum, 2 Chairs Walnut Overmantel I 110 2 Boiler, Blind, and Pole Linoleum and Bug 1 Curtains, Commode ! Brass Rail Fender and Firebrasses | . _ _, i • _. . ... 15 15 3 ! Dinner Waggon 1 A better class, with two or three Bedroom, say 80 0 Blinds, Polet Curtain additional articles, about £710s. Coal Vase, Tablecloth J extra. HALL. 47 15 0 I Best Bedroom, say 25 0 0 I Polished Hallstand Spare Bedroom, say 10 0 0 f' Linoleum and Mats 30 0 I . HALL. | KITCHEN. Polished Hallstand, 2 chairs to | Say 3 10 0 match | .... Curtains, Linoleum, Mats, etc. I 11 5 0 ■'-.* KITCHEN. Dresser, 2 Chairs, Meat Safe, table Floorcloth, Mangle 8 0 0 SUPERIOR FURNITURE In Antique Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Tasmanian Lifrhtwood, Cedar, Rimu and Puriri, Rimu and Hungarian Ash, Kauri and Mottled Kauri, Rewarewa, and other New Zealand woods; also, in Art Green, Enamelled in Art Shades, and in various Imitation Woods. Superior " SHERATON," " CHIPPENDALE," and other ART CHAIRS, etc., in Silk Tapestries, Genoas, Art Velvets, Silk Plushes, French Cretonnes, etc. Exclusive Designs in Rattan, Bamboo, Rush, and Wicker-work, both in Auckland-made and Imported Goods. Bamboo Verandah Blinds, from 4ft. to 12ft. wide, Fly Blinds, Folding Draught Screens, etc. LOWEST CASH PRICES. UPHOLSTERERS, CABINETMAKERS, AND GENERAL DRAPERS.

oe9os-9Q_eosooe*oo«9o . SPECIAL QUOTATIONS. TELESCOPE DINING TABLES from 35/ to £10 10/. WARDROBES v/ith plate glass doors and fancy New Zealand woods from _S4 17/6. HALL STANDS with mirror from 38/6 upwards. DUCHESS PAIRS with bevel glass and fancy wood fronts 58/6 pair. OCCASIONAL SUITES from _S4 17/6. RATTAN CHAIRS from 9/6 to 35/. oeseooooooooo-Ooeo-O* JUNCTION OF QUEEN & GREY STREETS. \ . ' ' ■*! " .**_. - - // \ JUST LANDED- -©& -*I3__ **©__ /V jsy /V 188 Packages YjpJ NEW SEASON GOODS. // &Sl^ J? ® LATEST DESIGNS. /7 J^TfebS SY Ar & _<*y Ti -i Japanese Works of Art for Xmas, Hand Ar**£■& y^ I llPllltllPß i Baxs, Firo Screens), Portmanteaux, Ar %-. %v •%•""' Jy Lace Curtains Toilet Covers, Art AT '^Q J? HOUSEHOLD and Muslin. Tapestry Cover^, AT j, <fy ,A> BUILDJSRS - Carpet?, Hearth Ruga, Door Ar . *%& jy Mats, Linoleums. Bamboo /^ J? TUnMMfITJP _?B V Blinds, Glassware. Y£K^YY^ l_iUMUl.l____il Toilet Sets ___^ _.'>i>_i"*' ■'% v_^ Electro-platedware, // "fev^K Nfew v^ t..,. ,».,.,-„-„ _JsO%_>k^ j*x we receive ii.nan_-.lwaro. /_r _Q^_w-*r>_ yi _y /Yjm&%T V REGULAR SHIPMENTS , FOR Boyb— /_y // from BEST English DAIRY yy y^' and American Manufacturers, AIR Ar jy and can guarantee Quality, GUNS. // fe^, \is* yfx^ while our Prices aro at YSfY BED-ROCK for GASH. <y .«V_ y*x * &y — **Or JV WE STOCK ALL LINES REQUIRED in a well-appointed <W Jy Home, and invite INSPECTION and COMPARISON. WS I O f*\ X I 267, QUE^N STREET, I LOw I 1 AUCKLAND. D.NNERWARE, *T^s2^,lZtt^%P&^#s& 1 LANDS" are special ralue. Some real bargains in slightly defective sets. TE-" A ©UT© <0 Pieces, from 10s. 6d. Lovely goods, coloured and __-_*•$, OL B <__>_■ ■ gilt, 13s. 6<L-a few left. See my GUINEA SETS for ——————————————— value. Heavy stock of better goods. Damaged sets must be cleared out. "ITOBI IhTT la__ SETT'S. Special value (Doulton's). 13s. 6d. Best stock must be _ *V^iß__--- 8 __j_—fj_j__ jj *■*' reduced, so be in time for bargains. (F& H AQQ Mf _8_ B5 BE" MASON'S FRUIT JARS at bed-rock prices. Cruets, yil-M-JU Ww #**%re.-___ ■ Biscuit Jars, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Lamps, etc. XMAS GOODS, foreeaßoU'BtradeexTomoana WEDGWOOD- _ Aa%Stt MtoftheseßoodB'noww ■" ■*■* N.B.—China, Glass, Cutlery and Table Decorations Lent at Lowest Rat__u OartageFrce. NORTHERN HOLLER MILLING COMPANY, Ltd, ENCOURAGE LOCAL INDDSTRY, and Build up the North, not the South. As we purchase aU the LOCAL WHEAT and OATS we can get at Full Marie. Rate., and _s_ only LOCAL COAL for .team'purposes, also rive employment to a large nnmber of hands in mannJacttirms o_r well-known braids of Flour, Oatmeal, Rolled and I_aked Oats, Germina, eta, if thic mOustry did not enet. What would our Grain Growers and. Coal Miners do ? So, when orderiac Flour, Oatmeal, Rolled ..« ___» w~* oaJ^ et(i) j_ eep t - _ f oregoing f actß before you, and O. INSIST OZf HAVING gkk "PREMIER" OR "CHAMPION" FLOUR T?J "STANDARD" OATMEAL, Rolled & Flaked Oats (feJUp . . . *W_iic_i Kemain TTnbeatcn. . . All _m Tiianufacturod from the CHOICEST BLENDS OF GRAIN that New Zealand can prodnee. We jnanuirutoo oTueal, Kollcd _ud Flaked Oats DAILY, so the pnblio may rely on bavin* a I?___SH ARTICLE, and v U_ B "Standard " brand is known by its Freshness and Sweetness. Wo also recommend our Patent Germina, well adapted for thia climate, and Semolina and WheAtm-al. ALL OUR GOODS ARE PACKED IN ~, -y___'Sr 'Uß. Manaser. SIZES TO SUIT THE TRADE. B' "*«•* «*»• «**«*B«-

I /$ g A N F O R D, FISH & OYSTER MICRCHANT, COLONIAL FISH MARKET (Opposite Custom House). Registered/^ jg^^-* 1"'/ Trade Mark FOR SMOKED & FRESH FISH TRY THE FACTOR-, CUSTOMS-ST. Telephone 661. TTuMMED Tickets, in books of from 1 ; VJ to 600, to be obtained from Star Offlce.

KOTICE OF REMOVAL, i. J. PE+FORD Liegs to intimate mat he has .Removed to bis new Premises in AL.B__-.T-ST., Tw. Doors above Star Hotel, Snouting. Ridging, and Tank Manufactory; Hot and cold Water; Gas and Electric Bell Fitter; all Sanitary WorK done, a Specialty, and Up-to-date System. Estimates given ror all Branches ol th* Trade. Repairs of all Descriptions. Telephone 711. MUSIC. Chant, Hyrtn and other books eknaply und exped-tiou-ly bound at __. '.Star' Olllco.

R TUDEHOPE Is the PLUMBER, GASFITTER, etc., Whose place of Business is In WELLESLEY-ST. WEST, Three Doors above Elliott-st. Where-all branches of the Trade are carried on ie the Most Modern and Scientific Style, at the Lowest Remunerative Prices. _ > j i ß._'*A Good Job always brings lasting pleasure." TUDEHOPE CAN SUIT YOU. Telephone No. 208.

Ou^-niA\i 11 11 JPuJiIMnUI li UllNiiU , • ■• DISCOUNTS, 3s, to ss. in the Pound. |f ©W FKOSIqIgDIWIS WILL CLOSE IN A FEW DAYS. DON'T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY. , . . .: : ' ' ' '* ■ *"■./• . , T/iItMM ItS^fr^U M^IK ({2^ MUM MY ; U UMHTPII)' OI^A3(OA\. 11 0 lL_-__vii_ 11 ilslp 1 ©i©ci .'Street, HincMaidlc .. \ 7:7: a777\ ■ . ■ . .. . ■ ...... . , "• ;■ ■~.... - , ' ■*■•.'.'"'.'• .. t', '■ ' ■ ■■ y A<y\..y:y:,y:,y,,A- At,

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 48, 26 February 1901, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 48, 26 February 1901, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 48, 26 February 1901, Page 7