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P .The second annual show of the &vondale Fruitgrowers' Association opened in the Avondale Public Hall yesterday, closed to-day. In spite af she bad weathex 1, which interfered considerably with the attendance, the Association have every reason to be satisfied with the show, which is certainly a credit to the district. The opinion was freely expressed that the fruit and vegetable exhibits would do credit to any show, while the other sections were well represented. Mention must be made of the industrial section, which included specimens of drawing, painting- and fancy work. The officials of the Association are as follows: Patrons, Messrs. John Bollard, M.H.K., and A. J. Cad man, 11.L.C; president, Mr. E. B. Nesbitt; vice-presidents, Messrs. F. Bluck and J. Wymer; treasurer, Mr. E. J. Cairns; committee, Messrs. H. K. May, H. G. Oxenham, F. Walker, D. O'Ryan, A. R. Duncan, J. Tait (junr.), J. Neville, W. Latimer; secretary, W. C. Thompson, jSfew Lynn. The following- gentilemen acted as judges: Messrs. D. Hay and AY. Lippiatt (pot plants, cut flowers and fruit), Elscombe (vegetables), Walters (dairy produce). Thomson (poultry). Menrrie (jams, etc.), and T. H. Chapman (industrial and juvenile sections). The following is the prize list:

Vegetables.—Two cucumbers: Jl'x H. Bolldrd, 1; Avondale Asylum, 2. She rhubarb stalks: Mr McFettridge, 1; Mr Gerrard, 2; Mr D. Blacklock, commended. Two cabbages: Avondale Asylum. 1: Mr J. Motion, 2. C turnips, any variety. Avondale Asylum. 1. 6 carrots, long: Avondale Asylum, 1; Mr John Tait, 2. Six carrots, short: Mr J. Wymer, 1; Avonflale Asylum, 2; Mr T. R. Watts, commended. French beans, 20 pods: Mr Mason, 1; Mr Wymer, 2. Peas, 30 pods, one variety: Mrs Morgan, l;.Mr Wymer, 2. Six tomatoes, one variety: Mr J. Elling, 1; Mr J. Sharp, ..; Avondale Asylum,, commended. Collec* tion of tomatoes, not less than thre<; varieties, six of each: Mr Wymer, 1; Mt Sharp, 2. Twelve potatoes, round: Mr McFettridse, 1; Mr F. Walker 2- Mr Gerrard, commended. Twelve potatoes, kUXney: Mr 1.. Legge, 1; Mr C. Rose J t Heaviest potato: Avondale Asylum, 1; i T Tidd 2. Collection of potatoes, six or each: Mr F. Walker, 1; Mr McFettridge 2: Avondale Asylum, commended. Oolite tion of vegetables, six of each: Mr jmer, 1; AvondaAe Asylum, 2. Collection of vegetables, grown by boys or girls under 16 years: Master Max Robertson, commended. Six onions: Mr P. Robertson, 1; Mr C. Rose, 2. Six parsnips: Mr B. Senne, 1; Mr J. Tait, 2. Six beets, long: Mr M. Robertson, 1; Mr Wymer-2. Six beets, round: Mr W ymer, 1; Mr F. "Walker, 2. Twelve .kumaras: Mr M. bma, 1; Mr J Brodey, 2. Two vegetable marrows: Mr W. Knight, 1; Mr Wymer, 2; Mr Fransham, commended. Three pumpkins: Avondale Asylum, 1; Mr M. Suva, 2; Mr W. Knight, commended. Heaviest pumpkin: Avondale Asylum (621b), 1. Six maize stalks: Mr T. Robsrr.'on, 1; Mr A. P. Haslam, 2. Six mangoMs: Avondale Asylum, 1; Mr T. Neville, 2; Mr Brokenshaw, commended. Six cattle carrots: Mr Brokenshaw, commended. Six swedes: Avondale Asylum, 1.

Poultry, etc.—Orpingtons, pair: Mr T. Hutchinson, 1; Mr Brokenshaw, 2. L,angshans, pair: Mr Brokenshaw, 1. Leghorns, pair: Mr T. Tidd, 2. Andalusians, pair: Mr T. Tidd, 1; Mr F. Hutchinson, 2. Minorcas, pair: Mr F. Hutchinson, 1. Any other variety of fowls: Mr H. Denyer, 1. Any variety, owner not having won a first prize at time of entry: Mr T. Tidd, 1. Indian Runner duckn: Mr F. Hutchinson, 1. Homer pigeons: Master Batkin, 1. Any other variety pigeons: Miss Elsie Barker, I.

Jams, etc.—Sun-dried apples, not less than Mb, dried by exhibitor: Mrs Hepburn. 1. Preserved fruit in bottles, six varieties: Mrs W. C. Thompson, 1; Mrs Clay, 2; Mrs Robertson aJid Mrs C. Paice, commended.. Strawberry jam, 21b jar: Mrs) Lane, l; Miss M. Bollard-, 2. Strawberry conserve, 21b jar: Mrs C. Paice, 3; Mrs Lane, 2. Plum jam, 21b jar: Mrs Proctor, 1; Mrs W. C. Thompson, 2; Mrs Lano and Mrs L. Legge, commended. Apple jam, 21b jar: Mrs Robertson, 1; Miss M. Hepburn, 2. Quince jam, 21b jar: Mrs Robertson, 1; Mrs Proctor, 2; Mrs Lane, commended. Peach jam, 21b jar: Mrs L. Legge, 1; Mrs Bluck, 2; Miss M. Bollard, commended. Gooseberry jam, 21b jar: Mrs Lane, 1; Mrs Robertson, 2. Any other varieties: Mrs Lane, two firsts for damson, and a first and second for blackberry. Collection of jams: Miss M. Hepburn, 1; Mrs C. Paice and Mrs Lane, 2. Marmalade: Mrs W. K. Wilson, 1; Mra Levy, 2; Mrs P. Best, 3. Apple jolly: Mrs H. E. Sharp 1; Mrs Lane 2; Mrs IL. Legge commended. Collection of jellies: Mrs H. E. Sharp, 1; Mrs Lane, 2. Candied peel (no first prize): Mrs Lane, 2. Bottle of tomato dauce: Mrs W. C. Thompson, 1; Mrs Robertson, 2; Mr R. Harper, commended. Collection of pickles: Mrs Lane, 1. Three bottles of elder: Mr C. Rowe, 1; Mrs E. A. Davey, 2. Three bottles of horn e-mafle •wine: Mr H. Tatton, 1; Mr F. Bluck, 2; Mr W. Fricker, commended. Afternoon tea tray for two persons: Miss Ethel Cairn, 1. Home-made 21b loaf, made from Snowdrift flour: Miss Helen Allen, 1; Mrs? W. Thomas. 2: Miss E. Kennelly, commended. Home-made 21b loaf, brown: Mrs W. Thomas. 1: Miss Helen Allen, 2; Mrs W. Thomas, commended. Currant cake: Miss K. Bluck, 1; Mrs Proctor, 2; Mrs Hastle. 3. Jam rolls: Mrs Payne, 1; Miss X Bluck. 2; Mrs Robertson, 3. Plain cake: Mrs Mason, 1; Miss N. Hogwood, 2; Mrs R. Harper, commended. Ux plain scones: Mrs Hastie, 1; Miss Harper, 2; Miss E. Gittos, commended, aut currant scones: Mrs Hastie, 1; Mrs W. U ;Thompson, 2; Mrs W. Thomas, com"indStrial Section.-Bed quilt crocheted or knitted: Miss M. Hepburn, 1; Mrb.Hep burn, 2. Bed quilt, patchwork: Miss J. Barker, 1; Mrs Hepburn, 2. Jea-cosy, my kind- Mrs A. J. Latimer, 1; Mrs Walker, Z. Soft" cushion: Miss J. Wickham 1. Miss M. Farley, 2. Shawl, crocheted oi knitted: Mrs C. Grosvenor, 1; Mrs M. J. Brockliss, 2. Pair knitted socks. Mr j-. Best, 1; Mrs M. J. Brockliss, 2 Darned sock: Miss F. M. Harper, 1; Miss Etng Cairn, 2. Afternoon apron: Miss Befe^ie Brokenshaw, 1; Miss F. M. Harper, i. Tray-cloth: Miss Chivers 1; Missi E. L. Brokenshaw 1. Sideboard. cloth: Miss C. TCnteht 1 Toilet-cover: Miss Edith tann, Sss Emily Best, I Brush and comb Jag; Edith Walker, 2. P^-cushion: Miss F. M. Sr»vi? r 2Arrre«»"f3r iolm Poley, i: Rlniroae 1; Miss Grace Morgan, 2. Ex Seoi^cooking: Miss Winnie <£*%££ Brst model, any kind: Master uerut "*Da!l?y' Produce.-One ham. unsmoked, cured by exhibitor: Mr J. R. Wickham, 1. Fancy butter, best design, on own plate: Mrs Mason, 1; Mrs E. A. Da.vf-y, •>.: Miss Cantwell, 3. Fresh but tor, with salt. \Vo. imprinted: Miss M. Bollsrfi, lj Mrs Levy. 2; Mrs Davidson, 3. Potted butter, 81b or more: Mrs W. Thomas, 1; llr? Lane. 2. Honey extracted, 21b: Mrs A Morgan. 1 and 2. Twelve hen eggs, whif" Mrs Robertson, l; Mr F. Hutchison, 2; Mr H. Denyer, 8. Twelve hen •ggs. brown: Mr T f Tiad, 1; Misa Betty

Cairn. «; »»* *". WutcUiuaou, ». 'i'WOlve ducii cares; Mrs. lio&ertaon, 1. Largest ooUecuua of blaeicLiii us uud lufusutos eggs (blown), this soaauu'a; Master fciercte WuiKfr, i; Muster lurneat hoiiinge;', i; Mauler Bernard jtiiaoKiocK, j; ndascer u&vey, 4. Pot Plants.—One pot plant: Mr John BUing, 1. Fern: Miss Cantwell. 1, One coleu's: Mrs Batkin, 1; Mrs Siiva, 2. i.uberous begonia: Miss cantwell, 1. One balsam: Mrs WicKixam, 1. New or rare yiani: Miss K. Biuck, 1. Pol or dox <h musk: Mrs W. Tnomus, 1; Ml1 A. lnoin<i&, •L rot or bix mignonette: Mrs A. Moruut 'flowers. — Three sumlowers: Mrs Mason, 1. One suntiower: Mrs Mason, l. J.uree pulox uriunniunui. tnrue trusses «jl eucu colour: Avouuaie i. U&ueelioii oi. luuiiius: Mr vv. JUavy, l; Avouuuit iioyiuni, -; <ay beared, special, uwiecnou vi paatiies: Avonuaic AfayniUJ, 1; ivir iiiuiuas 'L Cuiiecuon oi. asters, uisunci: Avouuaie Asyuini, 1. aix unurrimiunw, uwunct: Avonaaie Asyium, 2. Couecuon or cut aowera, not inure man 12 varicues, grown out oi ctuoi;?: iur ueareti, 1; .w.v'Oiiuaie Asymm, z. liridal bouquet: Miss Jennie Kobertson, 1. Maule bouquet: miss G Harper, 1. Hand bouciuet: miss is.. iiluck, 1; Miss G. nurper, i. Collection of

Ki-u.sbes: Mr Walker, 1. Jj'ruit.—Grapes, -grown under glass, two buncnes grapes, uistinct varieties: Air h\ Bluck, 1 and 'J.. \\ hue, grown under ylass. one buncii: Mr F. .Bluck, 1. Black, grown unuer giass, one bunch: Mr Il'. Biuck, 1. JBiack, grown out ox' doors, two bunches: Mr J. Garsed, 1. Peaches, six dessert peaches, one variety: Mr John Parr, 1; Mr SV. Levy, 2. Twelve peaches, one variety: suitable for canning: Mr W. Levy, 1; Mr E. J. Cairn. 1. Collection of dessert peaches six of each, not less than four varieties: Mr E. J. Cairn, 1. Collection of peaches, four of each, any variety: Mr John Parr, 1. Six nectarines: Mr W. Levy, 1; Mr John Parr, 2. Collection oi! nectarines, six of each: Mr John Parr, 1. Collection of plums, European, nine of each, not more than 20 varieties: Mr John Parr, 1; Mr W. Levy, 2. Two varieties of plums. European, 12 of each: Cochrane and Son, 1; Mr John Parr, 2. Collection of plums, suitable for bottling or canning, nine of each, not more than 20 varieties: Cochrane and Son, 1; Mr W. Levy, 2. Collection of Japanese plums, nine of each, not more than 10 varieties: Mr John Parr, 1. Nine Japanese plums, one variety: Mr W. C. Thompson, 1; Cochrane and Son, 2. Twelve heaviest plums, any or mixed varieties: Mr W. C. Thompson, 1; Mr W. Levy, 2. Collection of apples, five of each, not more than 4S varieties: Mr H. E. Sharp, 1. Six varieties of late-keeping apples, five of each: Mr H. E.. Sharp. 1. Five dessert apples, one variety: Mr H. E. Sharp, 1; Mr W. C. Thompson, 2. Five culinary apples, one variety: Mrs A. Morgan, I; Mr H. E. Sharp, 2; Mr B. Johnson, 3. Collection of dessert apples, five of each, not more than 12 varieties: Mr H. E. Slharp, 1; Mr John Parr, 2; Mr W. C. Thompson, commended. Five heaviest G-ravensteln apples: Mr B. Johnson, 1; Mr H. E. Sharp, 2. Six varieties of culinary applns, five of each; Mr H. E. Sharp, 1; Mr W. C. Thompson, 2. Collection of pears, four varieties, five of each; Mr E. J. Cairn, 1; Mr John Parr. 2. Five dessert pears, one variety: Mr John Parr, 1; Mr W Levy, 2. Five cooking pears, one variety: Mr F. Bluck. 1; Mr W. Levy. 2. Heaviest pear: Mr John Parr, 1; Mr E. J. Cairn 2. Five quinces: Mr J. Garsed, 1; Mr W. Levy, 2. Fifty Cape gooseberrior: Mr John Parr. 1. Six lemons: Mr Geared, 1; Mr W. Levy, 2; Mr J. E. Murray, commended. Six oranges: Mr A. P. Haslam. 1. Collection of citrus fruits: Mr B. Johnson, 1; Mr A. P. Haslam, 2. Twelve passion fruit: Mr W. Levy. 1; Mr Silva, 2. Rock melon: Mr J. Elling. 1. Water melon: Mr Wymer, 1. Heaviest citron melon: Mr A. P. Haslam, 1; Mr W. Knight, 2.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 46, 23 February 1901, Page 6

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AVONDALE SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 46, 23 February 1901, Page 6

AVONDALE SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 46, 23 February 1901, Page 6