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T_E_E _E_ 1 Ijß^^^^^^^ 1 First Award- and oniy Golii W-V&& f°r Tea afc c Auckland Exhibition. .I- In conformity with New Customs* Duty, ' - • R w IfrSTftie&f . *.7 V XJ-^J~^ JL A -EX f ©-STJUCW L. D. NATHAN & CO., Proprietors. __i- ' l

J^AIRY FARMERS. ATTENTION. A- BUSCK, 26, FORT-ST., J iV Sa?^^,t?Jl^ER of SEPARATOR and DAIRY BUTTER in any quantity. Will undertake shipments of Butter on behalf of Dairy Farmers, and is prepared to make Liberal Advances. Consultation on all dairy matters. Latest and Best Kind of Dairy Machinery and Dairy Supplies at Lowest Cost. THE "COLERAINE" WATERPROOF TWEED OVERCOATS. This article, the result of a New System of Waterproofing, being subjected to a most severe test previous to its being made into these garments, is confidently recommended as possessing wet-resisting properties never yet attained in any other Tweed Fabric, while it is perfectly free from the universally complained of, uncomfortable, and seriously unsanitary attributes of the ordinary Waterproofs, for, in contra-distinction to them, the "Coleraine" admits of Free Ventilation, is entirely odourless, and is as eminently wearable in fine weather as it is indispensable In wet. With such advantages alone it could' not fail to command a very large sale, but when they are supported by the very obvious fact of its superiority of appearance, it cannot be reasonably doubted that the "Coleraine" will achieve a lasting success as the Coat of the Day. . PRICE-FROM £2 2/ TO 75/. B. J.M( KEMP. ' MERCHANT TAILOR AND OUTFITTER, 128, Queen-st. & Parnell, Auckland. Sole Agents for the North Island. J. H. M. CARPENTER, COAL MERCHANT, AUCKLAND & NEWMARKET. REMOVAL NOTICEDONALD AND EDENBOROUGH, AUCTIONEERS, FRUIT & PRODUCE BROKERS & ISLAND TRADERS, Have much pleasure in notifying their Customers and the Public Generally that they HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW PREMISES, QUEEN-ST., A Few Doors from Customs-st. We have the Largest and Most Up-to-date Auction Mart in the Colony. SALES OF ALL FRUIT AND PRODUCE IN SEASON ARE HELD REGULARLY, And with our Large Connection we can confidently guarantee Clients the very best results from Consignments entrusted to us. Goods received at both Back and Front Entrances. INSPECTION INVITED. DONALD _ EDENBOROUGH. . QUEEN-ST.. (By Appointment to His Excellency the TTIOR THE BET°TER°CLASS OF BOOT F WEAR MADE TO ORDER. Go to S B X T I E, 33 S-tor-land Street, Opposite Auckland Club, * and at PP DEVONPORT. ' p S.—Suralcal Boots made. —rj A. THOMPSON &' CO,, W- 2 87, QUEEN-ST. Th . -.ail known Sewing Machine ExT^ c -hT.. much pleasure in informing E? rt t S „? Auckland that their New the Ladies ot atckw "THOMPHand Sewing Machine, in , g sSncitT "self A rehires no teachP^ice with Beautiful Oval Cover £5 „, M q,,i P Asrents for the Genulr f e^S' StJo S Machine, inspection of which is invited. REPAIRS OF,AMINOS UNDERVSTANTED Known-Nlclioll's .Patent WoRB Cooking Ranges, with or with- ___. ./&. «*S- ss- fl-SP-Ssa a__3Sfa©3s«. k™' 426. Queen st. _ , -C.DWARD MAHONEY AND SON, P* ARCHITECTS, QUEEN-ST., AUCKLAND.

FOR SALJS. _i-hIT~ _P~OS ITI V E SALE. ji — . ..Wo Really Good Sheep Farms, one «. "Acres all In grass and sub-dlvidea, !L*._ etc., 16 miles from town; the ._* 380 acres also subdivided and House, V*l9 miles from town, both good pay2.'farms and cheap.—Apply to •^ ■ . JOHN SOPPET. Botisa and Land Agent. 24, QUEEN-ST. ■j^O~~~Vi S A L i ß— iifINIFiCBNT FARM, Hautapu, near ■Caml>rUffe' 300 acres- good Dwelling and Barns, Stables, Sheep Dip, Orchard, etc. Highly improved; well waterecL Price low. _'■acres,* near Cambridge, good House : 'and orchard, splendid Land. m acres in Grass and .Turnips, good House, 14 miles from Cambridge, £2 10/ per acre, easy terms. WO acres, J8 miles from Cambridge, 10/ per acre «so large number of other Properties, Cambridge and Ohaupo. Apply to -^SOUTER & CO., Grain Merchants, CAMBRIDGE and OHAUPO. '_'< - -:- ,- ' -— — — ' iO; : '. CONTRACTORS. MORTAR MILL FOR SALE. )VER-DRIVEN PERFORATED MILL. i reducing all kinds of Dry Materials j a granular condition. Mill when used Sir Grinding Mortar by using a Set ot Stild Plates in place of perforated grates. WBt» feet, diameter of pan. ■p pORTER & po„ "MACHINERY MERCHANTS, #SEN & HIGH STS.. AUCKLAND. jjil-IOS. ORGANS. VIOLINS. FIT--1 TINGS, etc. FOR'CASH OR EASY TERMS. fBHITONS BRAVE AND TRUE," And all the Latest Music. X _____ 11-L BOSWORTH. Ponsonby Rd. EDUCATIONAI,. If- T. EL B OSWORm TEACHER CV PIANO. VIOLIN. \ **. CEU O & SINGING. Address: PONSONBY RD.. • 7 Opposite Franklin Rd. ■ '■ii' J'" '"' . ' '-""■* CONVEYANCES. . • .ATE RSON & CO. 'S DEVONPORT & TAKAPUNA WINTER TIME TABLE. BUSES. leave Leave Leave boriport. Milford Rd. Alison's I -■_■■■ Corner. h»■___.'.' H- a-m----IBlm.Blm.Blm.8 lm. 7.45 a.m. 7-6b a.m. lUa.m. 8.50 a.m. ■ ; 9.0 a.m. -T-_.a.m. 10.10 a.m. 10.20 a.m. U.sop.m. 11.10 a.m. WW a-m----11-p.m. 12.45 p.m. 12-55 p.m. pp_ 1.40 p.m. 1-50 P-m-----Mam. -2.50 p.m. 3-0 p.m. 150 p.m; 3.40 p.m. 3.50 p.m. ilk- - *h° p-m- -- pnl 5.45 p.m. .6.0 p.m. U:p__7 $6.30 p.m. §6-40 p.m Up,m, §9.0 p.m. 9-15 P-m. SUNDAIZS. 1-a.m. - 9-P a-m----10.M a.m. 10.50 a.m. , U.O a.m. IM-im. 12 nooil .12.15 p.m. 1-p.m. ': - l.« P-ra-HO p.m - 2.20 p.m. ISO p.m. 8.30 p.m. t3.45 p.m. Ifflpm. 4.15 p.m. tMO p.m. 150 p.m. 5-15 P.m. t6.80 p.m. M p.m. 6.0 p.m. t6.15 p.m -.p.m. - i 7 -45 P*m •R-und the Lake. I Walls, at Hotel. 'Ofedtted Saturdays. llTff Alison's Corner only. [Saturdays only. ; _ . " ' i/yy FARES. iakapuna-«d; Tickets 5/ per Dozen. ii.a_-rakl-.lCa.-Tickets. 4/6 per doz. =£ Leonard's— 4/ per Dozen. , _ „,__ OSelll's Point Road-4d; 3/ per Dozen. i.torla-Fark-_d. «tra Night Trips, all fares, 1/ • Special 'Buses arranged if sufficient Winent offers. . _ . . .ftlundß of vehicles on hire at shortest !■%,- ■-. \ Time Tables cancelled. 7 JOS. CARRIE, Manager, '■h May, 1900. ■ '■■■ ]Mm HAIR TONIC onous •^Janteed to contain nothing poisonous ...or injurious to the skin. .OFT, REFRESHING, and NONi _ GREASY. . , I Mm Dandruff and Falling Hair. L^FROM ALL CHEM. STS-2/6 ■ W'the following Testimonial:— . |L . . Cuba-st., Wellington,' nnn ■MARKER, March 6th, 1900. ffl.J£ar Sir,—For a long time my hair JPfalling out. After ..rying many K*M.s.-I was persuaded to try a fcotPot your "Hair Tonic." After using KWttla only my hair stopped faJlin*? K*ma ..the growth was wonderful, l m safely recommend It to all my friends i-;*Jt; the. slightest doubt. You are at 17/ to make what use you choose of f»stiir)onlal.—l am, yours ofccdlentiy, HT.4-V MILL. :-, B-■■■■'■ Prepared only by § W. PARKER. CHEUTST, BSii.:,?' Manners-st., Wellington. ffiMlfS from A. J. Entrican and Co., W__M and Co., and I_empthcrne, Pros|^W. ae JVJON^ 1^ | ARCHITECT, I 8. MINIiTQ CHAMBERS.

HVBRY TIN M<s_ ~*~~:^y~****^^ f$f*YKT -PIPS. QOTi'q m f^Mi~<~ —zs7i "^"^ *** *Ut;_l.i-UU s3 /1./! 5 1 Ivs^ P:':''''"'' 1 y*-!t\ir'\«i The_ FOOD VALUE of GUARANTEED.

harbutt's "plastigi me;'; A MODELLING CLAY For ARTISTS. SCHOOLS, ARTS, AND CRAFTS, etc. Sole Agents for New Zealand, THE KAPAI CORN BROOM CO., LTD., AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. m X)G-_A_-R DYER AND CLEANER, WELLESLEY-ST. EAST AND ALPHA WORKS, RICHMOND. GENTLEMEN'S SUITS, etc. RENEWED or REPAIRED. and WELL PRESSED. LADIES' GARMENTS DYED TO ANY SHADE. DYEING DONE IN ALL ITS , BRANCHES. M. EDGAR Manager / DON'T GAMBLE f&t . WJTH L\ YOUfl EYES. V^__. For Perfect Fitting READ BROS, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS, MANUFACTURING JEWELLERS AND OCULISTS- OPTICIANS. SYMONDS-ST. & KARANGAHAPE RD.< AUCKLAND. A Large and Varied Stock of Glasses Kept. Charges Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. fVI H TRENT Begs to notify the Residents of Grey Lynn and surrounding district that she has opened her New Premises, Corner Great North Road and Grosvenor street, with a full stock of NEW DRAPERY at LOWEST TOWN PRICES for CAJ-H. Inspection Invited. Colonists Send Home for CMS POPULAR PARCEL QA S /. I Direct i'rem the Looms. /. I •*"dA CARRIAGE PAID. 4", A Special Advantage-All Curtains same Pattern Lnt Noa as per L'st- Cont»luing: 4 piirs I_,c_ Curt-inn, »pecially nia^e 'n s"m<! d:*H-n. Opy ™-^ Irlah Point, very choice, irith Knitted E-(?m, viz., I p_tr_v.ii. ;mi(r, 2yds. -wide, belt quality Drawing ro-m CiwUins; 2 |«ir». 4ft. 61n. long. OOin. wido, Dining-room Ciiitni.a; nml 1 pair :<yd>. long, fiOiu. wide, for lledri-ora; lien,, li S:uh Curta llilig i Cilkette Laco Tible Centrf, art shade. Kirn t«-nt if de«!red. Cariiage raid 21«. GIVEN AWAY WITH EACE PARCZSX.. Set of Oulpuro Dart Toilet Covern, fringed edgi'S; one i-In. long, 1-in. wide, ami liv^- sii-il!er. Th!* eniitnln.s the best deilgns the beat cotton, the beat -orkmunßhip. the best quality, and is the best " Popnl»r" parcel we. have yet sent out. <*010. nists sanding for these gooi.s will save EO l«r cent. Sent por Farce- Post, well packed in Oilcloth, direct to Cnstomers. for 26» Prico List post free, MO Uliistriillons of Lices, Curtains' Madras Jlusllns. Lace Capes, etfcNew* no«lery LM. "SUndhard Wear" factory prices. PKT2E MEDALS, Chicago aud Toronto. Estab. 18fi7. S. PEACH & "SONS, Lister Gate, Nottingham. England. __J"Friuo Lints can he had from th- offico of this pape JOHN BURROW. WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER. EVERY PART OF A WATCH* MADE ON THE PREMISES. 245, QUEEN-ST. (Next Albert Hotel), AUCKLAND. ■ 1 * A SK THE GROCER ' FOR H. A. COATES QE'R'M-AN ... SAUSAGE By appointment to B.R.H. Duke of ' Edinburgh. HIS EXCc eiS y y ffi °o_ §?^w HIS EXJOHN LEECH. CARVER & GILDER, PTrTtJRE FRAME MAKER & ARTISTS' uu COLOURMAN. SHORTLAND-ST.; AUCKLAND. Maps Mounted. 'Established 1&& A&r\*' a'°*^"*&A Z o" *\ _^^.-*^Sf,*_?»'<.'"•"••■• m PKACOCK, Ophthalmic Optician, 218, T. QUEEN-ST:, opposite City Hall. - The igleht* Tested by most approved ;Ctica a.1 iS 8 Surveyors' Instruments l_ Stock and Repaired.

k^hf CEYLON ESoii.OIAN ' CEYLON BLENDED INDIAN CEYLOH BLENDED INDIAN \fM TEA TEA • TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA ■ TEA TEA v3f\ SOLID \\X S^ gS|>^^ I" SOLID B 1 1 I^^ >i«^^^^W^ *^fl IFAn packetl^^ JnllfS SULJrI-.; I.IJ pwn^^o kgfch)FYLON BLENDED INDIAN CEYLON BLENDED INDIAN CEYLON BLENDED INDIAN fi^gW WW\ TEA TEA . TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA TEA |SggSj *fc_lllJj-Uiiaj-i----li*w"ssi'l »■' ii-wnfiiriiniiiiii iwn ii" i l "" t — ' "'' "'''***'™""™'*"",l*WM"*l**"M"*MW'''''"'"^^^ S<V\V.<i<^/ J Pain \%'V/Cl I ;-y «s'.'' j Suffering \%\\ \ i 9* ••• Is • il^on^ \ vx\ : 9° _&y ••' I ITS VP • Sleepless Nights \Vv s s-«Sr/ I A Al :• ._ . , -\<fs © •• l t4^lb/i.C_y| k • IHv*vou& Prostration \/ % % 9 * % Imperfect Mastication ©^ • %•* • °«c • ■ S Chronic Indigestion % O ALL OF WHICH * • • MAY BE PREVENTED 3Y USINQ •#•#••••••• ••• ••••••••••O* • • ' ■ 2 i __%fW -^ ■ -jC^il^l*- 1 ./I _T^ "11 1 Ifl SOLD EVERYWHERE. I - I • • * __on__3ti >___-__ i SHARLAND & CO., Ltd. , %_*# IwJLA ,W^P f-^J^Jff jj S • _. » t AUCKLAND. J 2©©»«_oee--O-»«fflffl9«»0O»»«®ewafflO®9oooaooo *ooooeO9OC®®080' 08®o' B*a9BOoeoooooos' <i' ooeo-3) BEST WITHOUT DOUBT./-«a.^ -TOBACCOa PACKED IIT S-ZECZE! O_RIG-IIT-A.X_ AIE-TIG-HT TUsTSP on moN poRSET TTousE. Best Food ' fos Infiuts and Invalids in all Climates, No. s; WEDLESLET street ALWAYS BEADY. NO OOOKIP.G REQUIRED. (Opposite Opera House). _ __. _ _ _,___ *.. CORSET AND SURGICAL BELT j| E| P635^ ($F\ 1# 5 FULL tOWN MATERIAL. WE jj™| ||W\l ,9 | .'- |C BOURISMENT. N.8.-E.G SUCCESS. PURB MILK, era on « on ISaqS'ra HSEjmi BfESK . -set. .: : -=,1| Al TC fIPBEBIGESTED. »ff^_i^^3£ ill ii I" .1 ri I STERILIZED • > ,^j Fig^ ceeasu™nt 1SSlips elt- . -™- I f .11 1 ■__■ 1 _l____. L# -^^^ To be had on application. | N |_QWDER F©Rl^_ B/| | I | / ■g AND QO, . KEEPS |M| 1 1 14 INDEPINIf iELY. If 11 In l\ ■ — ~^~ . ____a_a--_r_s_©-S __.^.X-3__ •sw tceoe] "S-aroKS-.©-AQPEciAi. taltje in Of all Chemists and Stores. / ™ HEADSTONES, ' J _____-_____»- — MONUMENTS, Etc. T 7^, ttenderson'S AT PARKINSON'S MONU- «J. *UT, Xl "Q TA R" AGENCY. MENTAL WORKS. -vrBURALGIA MIXTURE gives instant P „ ~W T> A__ TTTT-THr-TVr relief when every other remedy has \y. IT Ai-y___l_M OV/li, failed. Price, 2/6. Obtainable from MR Ft ROWE, of Epsom, VICTORIA-ST. WEST. j_ Q HENDERSON, „ authorise d to take Advertisements for Near Corner Hobson-Bt., Auckland. pharma - eutlcal chemist, Freeman's Bay. the . <Auckland star .» Catalojfue Post Free. Telephone 564, Auckland. |

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXI, Issue 209, 3 September 1900, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXXI, Issue 209, 3 September 1900, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXXI, Issue 209, 3 September 1900, Page 7