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FELLOW CITIZENS, " The Auckland Public should understand that a contest for the Election of a Licensing Bench for the ensuing three years has been forced upon them, owing to the demand of the Liquor Party that those elected should be in favour of keeping hotel bars open until Eleven o'clock p.m. For fourteen years prior to September, 1898, Ten o'clock was the closing hour. Since that time it has been proved beyond a doubt that the extension to eleven o'clock has led to a considerable increase of drinking and drunkenness, and that thereby the best interests of the Community have been increasingly jeopardised. It is important also to point out that the attempt of the Liquor Party to secure the return of a Committee to specially conserve their interests is one that every good citizen ought to resist to the utmost. Happily we are relieved of the necessity to discuss the virtues or vices connected with the use of alcoholic drinks; neither are we called upon to reason re the advantages oi* disadvantages of total abstinence. The issue is the simplest, viz.: At what hour of the night shall the selling of liquor cease? By the interested ones eleven o'clock is demanded, since it is declared to be easier to keep the law at that Hour than at ten o'clock. We, however, consider that ten o'clock gives every reasonable facility for the Auckland people to satisfy their wants in this direction, and we are quite unable to see what hinders well-disposed persons, who are capable of keeping the law at eleven o'clock, from keeping it at ten o'clock. Closing at ten might inconvenience a few—it would perhaps reduce the returns of the trade—still, all who ela-"..n to be citizens of this "no mean city" will surely be prepared to practise a little self-denial for the sake of others, especially as the tendency everywhere is to reduce the hours of business. As citizens we should rise above small and sectional advantages; we should prove ourselves to be too broad-minded and too large-hearted to seek even personal benefit, and do our utmost, by every lawful means, to secure "the greatest good for the greatest number." This appeal is made by citizens to citizens, in the hope that nothing will be allowed to influence our judgment in this question of the hour save the welfare of the City. The Candidates entitled to your support are those who have declared themselves favourable to ten o'clock closing and the due maintenance of law and order, and are the following gentlemen, who have been duly nominated, viz.:— y y . Who stands as an Independent and Moderate Candidate and not connected with any party or section. The Poll will be taken on WEDNESDAY NEXT, 21st inst, and we respectfully urge all electors—that is, those having the Parliamentary franchise—to record their votes. xvm paptu^ON J- H- JOYNT W. HEADY (REV.) JESSIE CRAIG R. F. MACNICOL (EEV.) JOHN B4NBURY C. W. HEMEBY W. GUNSON . S ; A^^Y P-A. LINDSAY WILLIAM S. POTTER (REV.) CHARLES BLOMFIELD C.E.CAMPBELL G A BUTTLE CHAS. KISSLING WILLIAM C. DALDY LpPF T G-\RL4\D W. THORNE . S. C. BROWN JOHN PONSFORD ALEX. THORNE A. M. B. PHILSON - W. H. WHELAN PETER OLIPHANT £55™ Tnifci W. H. PARKES W. J. MACDERMOTT ALFD. W. G. LEQUESNE JOHN BitAME 15. J. WHITE S. STONE ' W. E. GILLAM (REV.) w A I'mKs EDWARD BEST (REV.) R.FRENCH A. DEWAR JOSEPH PARKER (REV.) GEO. ALDRIDGE A. H. COLLINS (EEV.) - ... WM. H. SMITH " r\m'pr T. McMASTER 11. R. DEWSBURY (REV.) G. M. MAIN .JOHN HENRY HOPKINS GEO. PLUMMER S. G. ROUNTREE A. C. CAUGHEY , . E. A OLAIUv A. B. SHALDERS ' THOS. J. BULL H. HIRST W.H.PHILIPS WM. SPEDDING J. H. HANNAN .-..,.,- J.PARKINSON ■ Liw^ffsPTV J. McDOUGALL JAMES ROBERTSON K. CALDER FRED BLOMFIELD THOS. BUDDLE THOMAS MILLEE ;E. A. BROWN ™*£™t7yv£ TT? . JAMES HOWDEN 11. C. HASELDEN D. G OLDIE (MAYOR) .JOHN BRIDGEWATER CHARLES SMITH J. J. BELL . , : ~ \. C, BROWN "^^SvTrß WILLIAM COLE LOUISA CRAIG GEO. WTNSTONE ALFRED CATCHPOLE JAMES E. HILL WM. CALEY D. DONALDSON McKENZIT. JA*lHJ?pt' wTTnTrrtfK ALEX. E. WARNOCK A. OSBORNE KNIGHT (DR.) ROBT. W. MARTIN W.MORGAN CHARLES MACKAY f T. L. CALEY , . .-. JOHN L. BYCROFT FR^SF t tt v^?fr ate THOS. B. ARTHUR EDWIN TURLEY X ELLIOTT C.NICHOLSON RD. WALTON COLIN C. HARRISON (REV.) 7 :WM LAYCOCK (REV.) R??SH> n atVt^PPOMBIE ERNEST VICKERY - JAMES MOIR (DR.) L. ENTRICAN DANIEL CALEY GEORGE RHODES WESLEY SPRAGG ROBERT ENTRICAN ' WALTER G ABLRCLOMBIL WISEMAN ROBERT BEDFORD (DR.) FREDERIC WARNER (REV.) P. BLAMPIED R. M. WALLIS H. E. PACEY : ' £ McNICOL FREDK. DAVIES W M . JAS. WILLIAMS (REV.) C.F.MITCHELL J. W. SHACKELFOBD MARY BURTON k ' / , This manifesto has been signed by a large number of citizens in addition to the above. Archdeacon Dudley also expresses himself as strongly in favour of the closing of hotel and public-house bars at ten o'clock p.m. _ m m . '-' • ,I,^=,=^=^==^

PUBLIC NOTICES. BYCROFT/ LIMITED Manufacturers of TULIP AND SNOWDRIFT BRANDS OF FLOUR, WHEATMEAL, PORRIDGE MEAL, SELF-RAIS-ING FLOUR. Also, ALL KINDS OF PLAIN AND FANCY BISCUITS. FIRST AWARD AT THE AUCKLAND EXHIBITION for TULIP FLOUR with Gold Medal and Special Mention FIKST AWARD AND GOLD MEDAL for SNOWDRIFT FLOUR, also FIRST AWARD AND GOLD MEDAXi for WHEATMEAL. FIRST AWARD AND GOLD MEDAL. ' for BISCUITS, with Special Mention lor Uniformity and Excellence of Quality. CITY FLOUR MILLS, SHORTLAND-ST. JAMES HUME Manager [A UCKLAND GAS COMPANY -**• (LIMITED). BHOW ROOMS....WYNDHAM STREET. GAS COOKING STOVES^COOL. CLEAN^ECONOMICAL. AND On Hire, Sale,, or Hire Purchase System. BOILING RINGS. GRILLERS, LAUN- „ DRY IRONS, and all kinds of gasusing appliances in stock. • GAS HEATING . STOVES— Many handsome and useful designs with .and without flues, prices ranging from 12/9 each. CONVENIENT, CHBEUT, COMFORTABLE. NO ASHES, NO DIRT, NO SMOKE. ASK FOR |gKa< CLEGG'S & Silk PERAMBULATORS ■ ■ JSlll' W- A- THOMPSON V^r^s-jEif 287, QUEEN-ST., fffiQTicJ Auckland. ■ Sole Aeents. N. C O H E IM. Late of Victoria, HAS OPENED . Next to Loydon's Auction Rooms, QUEEN-ST., With a WKI.I. ASSORTED STOCK OF WATci.KS, CLOCKS. JEWELLERY, etc. AH Repairs done on the Premises and Guaranteed. • . Repairs done for the Trade. PIPES AND WALKINGSTICKS. MADE. MOUNTED AND REPAIRED |NEUMEGEN'S HPE SURGERY ! Wellesley-street W^jst. 6 doors from queen-street (opponlto Opera Houe»>.

vrQTICE OF REMOVAL. E- ABERCROMBIE AND CO-, Corset and Surgical Belt Makers, ePIp« $$L ous customers o&jsm Vvt**f**i^th public that they fljffTi aTjEEy^-v a. rpp»T 'D'DTPTVI' FC K5// Kfi^^S&Z^S'^^T JLxlAij J. KrjJM lo- ■ \ Sv\ I V&Pt % \ /*• 17* CCJ r"1 i^ T? CITTI T1 Il^^Jlitfilli li^M^/ Se'f" mca sure" * * itit'm} ■■ — *~ * tion. Special Line AQPECIAL VALUE IN ° HEADSTONES, MONUMENTS, Etc. AT PARKINSON'S MONUMENTAL WORKS. W. PARKINSON, VICTORIA-ST. WEST. Near Corner HoDson-si., Auckland. Catalogue Post Free. Telephone 964. I — m r- : Afl BAN!F 0 » t>, FISH AND OTSTER MERCHANT, COLONIAL, FISH MARKET {(Opposite Custom House). FOR SMOKED'AND FRESH FISH TRY TIIJ3 PACTOET, CUSTOM STREET. Telephone £sSi< _^_ ' :— miNKS AND JJ AL L. CLEARING OUT SALE DURINCI THE HOLIDAVH All , Goods Reduced in Price. and 10 per cent. Allowed on all Cash Sales. SHORTLAND ST.. AUCKLAND. "j'OHN R. GRAY- " Importer of SCIENTIFIC AND ASSAY GOOD 3. including Microscopes by Zeiss anU Leitz, and Accessorly; Glassware, Plain mid Graduated for Scientiflc and Dairy Use; Itiectric'Bells Wires, Pushes and Batteries; Crucibles for Assayers, Smelters and Brass Founders; Balances, Chemical and Assay, Scales and Weights; Acids and Chemicals for Assay, Manufacturing, Photographic, and Scientific Purposes; Primus Kerosene Stoves and Parts. Agent for the Rochester Optical Co.'s PRBMO Combined Hand and Stand CAMERAS for Plates. Also, for R. & J. BECK'S FRENA MAGAZINE CAMERAS. i SHORTLAND-S'C. AUCKLAND.

TAILORING. By Special Appointment §to The Earl and Countess of \si^^s@ii& Ranfukly. WoCi&*s' P^nV\ TAILOR a%s*L f I \ MADE J%^Wlk \(i InOWIIS- I/ft I// Vf |i\ SEASON 1900. IPf I sjYLISH GOODS I V NOW SHOWING. V:Q|S|£|; • £> 1 £ Fresh Shipments Arrtvinc* ! ,sji A h Monthly. J I — fill f/////'A \V J Samples and Self-measureL.ont ■4- JH4:H il%tS'iift /M \\\ ■'& Forms Post Free. _ ,-^™|M^ /## 1 li i™» / 111 m m w i 53 Queen sireet -^fli' §1 :wt*

PUBLIC NOTICES. DR. J. OOLICIS BROWNE'S IS THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. fi ITTiOT^OT^'VWI^ is admitted oy the profession to bo tie moat \_JJLJLJLJ\SJLIj\J'AJ' X -L\ JLU wonucrful and valuable remedy ever discorerod. CTTTTT /""YTT& /ATTX^TT^TTTI is the best remedy known for Couglu, ConsumpMJuOliO JL) YJN Ml tion> Bl'onchitis, Asthma. effectually checks and arrests those too often CIP! IT (T^T^"\7"T^TXn fataldiseases:—Diphtheria, Fever. Croup. Ague. ,0.,.8 A\J ILh\JJLJ JL ±H Jill acts like a charm in Diarrhoea; and is the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery. CIRFTjO fROTI}~VWIR! effectually cuts short all attacks of Epilepsy. J.J_JLJ\^.IL^V/-iiL>' JL -iJ\ JLJ Hysteric, Palpitation and Spasms. <T"V TT) /~\ ST>>~^7"l%TTni is the only palliative in Neuralgia, Rheumatism, IJJLIJL\JJXOJIJ V J3i ii) Gout, Cancer, Toothache, Meningitis, &c. The " Illustrated London News " of Sept. 2S, 1895, says:—"lf I were asked which single medicine I should prefer to take abroad with me. as likely to be most generally useful, I should say CIILORODYNE. I never travel without it, and its general applicability to the relief of a largo number of simple ailments for its best recorumendation." Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians that he received a dispatch from Hor Jlajesty'3 Consul at Manila to the effect that cholera has been raging fearfully, and that the only remedy of a service was CHOLORODYXE.-The " Lancet," Ist December. IS6i. Caution—Beware of Piracy and Imitations. Caution-Vice Chancellor Dr. W. Pace Wood stated that Sir J. Collis Browns was unaoxibtedly the inventor of CHLORODYNE, that the story of the Defendant Freeman was 'Icliberately untrue ; which he regretted to say had been sworn to.—tJee "Times," 13th July, 1861. Sold in bottles at Is lid, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d each. None is genuine without the I -words "Dr. J. Collis* Browne's Cholobodyne" on the Government Stamp. Over. ' Medioal Testimony accompanies each bottle. SOLE Manufacturee,—J. T. DAVENPORT, 33 Great Eassell-street, Bloomsbuty, London, W.C, i ' "V" il|r a|i^\ii&a Fancy Drapery Emporium AJ w '&£' *w* S™. X™ I\s Oe he fau !u> a • \ li 4*^ / isHt°ifn&Tlr < Late of Dun edin) having purchased tho Lease from i. AAa^ L A iUI A W8- . the Creditors of C. G. DALEY, begs to notify that she has re-opened the above premises with an entirely NEW STOCK of the LATEST and MOST FASHIONABLE NOVELTIES from the best English and Continental Markets, comprising :— LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING, CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, UMBRELLAS, LACES, RIBBONS, SCARVES. Etc. Ladies are invited to call and inspect our CHOICE STOCK OF MILLINERY. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERCLOTHING A SPECIALTY. OUR MOTTO is: BUT! f\nn (\ m i "PayanOepatd. JJOU ' iaPBOB, 278 ({OBOII -uiiti iSsab u'oocl ios. infants and' Invalids in all Climates. ALWAYS READY. NO COQKINQ REQUIRED. iiOi/:sO' FDLL O S IO S ill Si el KOUEISHMENT. alwilfa I\J 1 \ %sJ _.__ TV PARTLY PUP"**1 MTljlf P^*t\ mm cm combined' p.jffl /I I W®® w\ predigesTED. bSy .IWI £11 Ij™ I I sterilizeh IN' POWDER FORI. mm | I | / . . KEEPS ' j 111 | I iC WOEFIWTELY. if 11 LnlVfl Of all Chemists and Stores.

CAPTAINS and MATES Of vessels are informed that Sextants Compasses, Binoculars, and Barometer: are kept in stock, and efficiently repairei by T. PEACOCK, OPTICIAN, 218, QUEEN^ST. (OPPOSITE THE CITY HALL). Also, in stock— Surveying Instruments Electric Batteries and Medical Machines Magic Lanterns, ' Microscopes, Cameras Thermometers, etc., etc. ■

Ip^ I $ CESSPITS ■ KO. CLARK was awarded the only First Prize and Gold Modal at Auckland Exhibition for GLAZED SOCKET PIPES. JUNCTION BENDS, SYPHONS, & CESSPITS. The Judges report: We consider this a particularly good and excellent exhibit of its class.— The trade supplied in all its branches. i A larse stock always on hand.—Yards: ! fiUSTOMR-ST., AUCKLAND. Telephone | fofl ■ mURKBIS, riEESE, T\UCI£S, AND TCTOWLS. A. B TJSCK Is prepared to make liberal Advances on Shipments of the above to London from ! the Government Grading Depot, at Messrs Hellaby Brothers' Premises, Shortland-st. For i'uli particulars apply to A. BUSCK, 26 FORT STREET.

f\ XfOR WATCHES ANI3 !: JEWELLERY ;R|sHb, louis, \ \4~'*^xir 41, QUKKN-ST. { Opposite Railway Station, | AND SAVE AT LEAST ] ' OA PER CENT. • THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN AUCKLAND. : E-L. BUYS FOR CASH ONLY Ais'D ! SELLS WITH A SHALL PROFIT. : "^p FLl' N N AND i- v.. ' COACHBUILDERS, . ' ELLIOTT STREET, , Have always on Sale a Variety of NEW » and SECOND-HAND VEHICLES at '•, moderate prices. \ T>ESIDENTS of Newton. Ponsonby and -*-1t Surrounding Districts go to FAULDER for Pure Drugs, Combined with Cheapness. FAULDER'S CUT - RATE i, DRUG STORE is the Latest and Most li Up-to-date Pharmacy in the District.— • Opposite Fire Brigade Station, Karangajhape Road.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXI, Issue 65, 17 March 1900, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXXI, Issue 65, 17 March 1900, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXXI, Issue 65, 17 March 1900, Page 7