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I ■■--;.•■ * - +*&**& Medical. Medical/- Z \ors \\ \ if rel^ve ™™sh heat, , I \i / \) p4? B prevent fits, VA=y convulsions; etc! TOM —— I^«£_s___2s' / j^~^,btl!^!fJE-^ Preserve a healthy state of the cm , ■ TENDER-SKINNED MEN stitution during the period of / ' Shave with Cdticura Shavixo -Soap, and • Teething. before cleansing the face rub on a bit OiCUTJ; words "JOHN STEEDMAN :- . cuka Ointment, the pcreat skin cure. A»ash off the morels oi^mAfl, with CUTIOURA Toilet Soap and Hot CHEMIST WALWORTH, SURREY." This Simple, inexpensive treatment will mais l/iifiAiioi, mau , . shaving a pleasure and comfort to tlioae vita Are engraved on the Government Stamp affix.ij tender, iniiained,^.sjly irritated s_m. ■ to each Packet. Sold everywhere. Briti£;i depot: N.itbbkt, London. . - Poisbb C >.Bi> C. Corp.. **. r-—« • "•" '■«.-. "^-^^"^^^^^ EOSOrS CHEMICAL . A'. bbtjes." ESSEMCE, \ '•virig__^i^i E^Ai_ ALlj WILL CURE /I;;' Head What MH -^DELL, of CBOT- LAMENESS If. HOISES. SON ROAD, CROYDON, has Reported WIIWHII I IMIIIIL to AN Anxious -Inquirer.About __m^mi,\ T ifflii, ''"■: "VITADATIO":- „ . pillillllftll" "IllllllW when I came home last April from "t 1 Western Australia I was a great suf- J \ ferer from DIABETES. No one tnouglit / rn??«_Ks'Q N_ '< that I had any chance of getttagwell. S tU&UH 9 - Tha doctors told me it was HOP.-——~». *tp^ , „„„-,„--TV I. _^fes-VS'™s __. iPHEMIGAL ESSENCE^ <aT<"PT,v.TON and I fully expected that 1 fi v**"•"* loSd die I commenced taking WEB- || FO R LAMENESS IN HORSES. BER'S "VITADATIO" at the.rate_ of B _ extC n s ively _ed to one bottle a week. The nrst three bot- || this essence,^ s rtero f accntur&an . ties did not appear to have much effect i |»KVi>rovedit«elf one of the most efficacious Hone on me, but while I was taking the fourth IH'SSESTSiSt it i» mild in i.t_op«ratior, buut . bottle- One day I was taken With Severe |to mmc Umc in >^eeU^\taM pains! and I then thought my time had f h "»«*«l^ _%™ £_£\S^_S3fiM i some. I was so weak up to this time || ■^"^-Tto *• B_r. and cannot blemW that I would havo to lie on my back for | however often .pj>lM. ... .'■;-, hours, and the perspiration would. rolli f d Ktal?_^W«* ! off me. I used to drink as much as eight || Jf'^.^'SJ. f„ct that 1U» entirely free from gallons of -water in 24 hours, ana my l| ™™££ „ c Ms and all preparations of Mercury, lyesight was so bad that at times I § SLUd it asitha bait aw\»S,Sffl,_^™ft. i. could not distinguish small objects. Now &«#_?.S_tlrtUonX G__i_^-5 I can drink as much as any ordinary man IB S?™"S^C_od^loaierdfaM^i«4iu_a|i would, and my eyesight is as good as t j sweatog or bU S tenn ß application . ever it was. Ido not even we spec- v^.S-rtSH^^^SSTO'rfS tacles. From the time Iwas taken with |j ei^b-- s&^ V " the very severe pains all through my || 0 j the io_ts, and other injunesof a»iu_l ~y body I have steadily got better, and M __t_„,i_ht actual blistering is not required. now lam certain "I AM CURED," and I M ]„ RnnLES AT 25.. 3s. 6D.. AND ss, EACH. , am growing stronger every day. My lass—__ _ weight has risen from 9_ STONE to tfsti mONlA_ FROM N. MARQUIS.-. OVER 11 STONE since April. lam still iJ ESQ M R.C.V.S., LONDON. V taking the medicine, as I wish to make CONSIDER IT GOOD, AND CAlf . perfectly sure of a complete cure. I for- A X-KJI ° RE cOMMEND IT. . got to mention that I increased my doses Tima'-u June 3 IS33 V' from ono bottle a week^ to^ two bottles jEd chemist,' Auckland,-' as Mr Palmer advised me that it would ml J- ff p „ ' sir _ Ree-ardin_ vmrt ! act all the quicker, which I am sure It ntTm/T „. T DS™h F fift„ £«J_ i hn<s done I will be only too ffla_ to CHEMICAD ESSENCE., 1 beg- to stats, answer any more inquiries, and* I am that I have Had the opportunity of test< sure your friend will be cured if he will ing, it in several severe cases of Splint,, only give the medicine a fair trial. Curb, and other bony exostosis, and have ! found it entirely satisfactory in every in. rTTAr)A rr. IO .. th G r EAT hep-raL stance. I have also used it in enlarged has^een^oretho^eo- Parotid glands and it acts In a simHar j pie of New Zealand for over four years, manner. 1 may state that the remedy and has been PROVED BY THOUSANDS must be applied properly, or benefit wUJ TO BE THE BEST MEDICINE THE not follow its Use. I consider it good,, ; WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. .- and can recommend it to such as may, ] CALL AT VITADATIO INSTITUTE. require a remedy of the nature of youC ) And get Pamphlets about the Wonderful ESSENCE.-(Signed) NEIL MARQUIS, | Cures Brought about by VITADATIO, M.R.C.V.S., London. ■ -s I THE GENUINE HERBAL REMEDY. N.B.—Should there be any difficulty Ask your Chemist or Grocer for it. in procuring supplies in your district. Head Office for N.Z.: kindly communicate with the proprietory ! 39, MANNERS-ST.. WTSULTNOTON. Posted to any part of the colony for-'_#■. ; VITADATIO INSTITUTE, extra. Sold by Chemists and store^eep* 350, Queen-st, Auckland. . ers everywhere. • . , J. EDSON, ; .j- ---•~~— ' ~*~ ' Chemist and Pharmacist, ' ' ' TO MEN.—Write for free copy ot valuable Medical Hall, 261, Queen-st., Auckland book about yourselves, your health, your happiness, your future It contains a full exposition of the i i ' _i.i»_ii._i _m_ _-j i , n, , - mmmtf: nunian system and the remedies adopted. No need . " ~r to consult doctors. Posted free in sealed envelope. T>«*.li_» kt«+*„ d - Every man should read it. Address—G. SpeCiflO, JrUOIIC JMOtICeS. - t 539 Elizabeth-atreet. North Melbourne. ... ■ ■ ''■{- TO LADIEJS.—Is. need to oonsnlt doctors i •'■■\ ■''■■ ■ ■'■_ :or chemists. The remedies you require in your own ;■ hands. SVriteforfreecopyotvaluablebookaboutyour : v selves, your health, your welfare. Every woman should ua_"'i.u» rend it. Posted, free in sealed envelope.. Address^ IV 8 K-I_ L? •- '>il' ''. Gr, S_J3C_fiS, 639 EUsabeth-street North Melbourne. ~ : . SiKS-IS^iS SSI hats and caps KEATING'S POWDER KILLS "FLEAS TO SUIT ALL HEADS & POCKETS.-J MOTHS *;' ;■ Z: - BEETLES :'-■'' ~)\ - MOSQUITOES - ;' J HARMLESS TO ANIMALS -. . CJTRAWS, Newest Bands, 1 HARMLESS TO ANIMALS ' . *_> 1/ to 6/6 ■ ! HARMLESS TO ANIMALS ' ' .:' ' , SPECIAL LINES, 2/11 and 3/11. ' . but is unrivalled in destroying PLEAS ;i: BUGS, COCKROACHES, BEETLES, TkR. JIMS, .I; MOTHS IN FURS, and every other -«-/. 3/6 tofilO/G J species of insect. Sportsmen will find ■~•_. this invaluable fdr destroying fleas in SPECIAL VALUE at 5/11. • l JJ their dogs, as also ladies for their pet dogs. TTARD FELTS , • 1 The PUBLIC are CAUTIONED that ±1 . , /n t . q/P packages of the genuine powder bear "' ' " the autograph of THOMAS KEAT- SPECIAL QUALITY 6/11. '& ING. Sold in Tins only. KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. pAPS, . . , • ' „Z KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. Z-' ■ '' "-' KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. NEWEST SHAPES, BEST VALUE. J A PURELY VEGETABLE SWEET- _____ f] MEAT, both in appearance and taste, .-;'. ■ .''.■.;. ZZ; furnishing a most agreeable method of administering the only certain remedy I _"_ ATI P for INTESTINAL or THREAD WORMS. I X \ r I P It is a perfectly safe and mild prepara- Ui 111 ULLI i '•■ ' tion, and is especially adapted for child- ' ren. Sold in Tins by all Druggists. Proprietor, THOMAS KEATING, London. HATTER AND OUTFITTER QUEEN-ST. ' ft WONDERFUL MEDICINE. "OEECHAM'S PILLS. .. /^^l_P^|_ g__e___M_ PILES." -1 *~ - EEUHAM'S PILLS. ~ ~ J^^^^W^^^^m^ WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. Wa^^%,. Ail /*V^_«_ BEECHAM'S PILLS. M_W%\ y_J~~^<( . For Bilious Disorders. . /^»^l __v^,^ cl<w*^\ _-_JwS\u&< BEECHAM'S PILLS. ti isi^^JrK. >V^WiM'' For Nervous Disorders. fI aCff §\. __s*-** Mil ' EECHAM'S PILLS. ~ \ I ||fife_^| ' jgr"**>^Tte^3_M: j ____^ For Indigestion in all its forms. Bl SgW \ _T^\. I' Vasß ■D_ECHAM*S PIfSK ' ", MM __4\V^ ■> A. iILW ' _J> For Wind and Pains in the Stomach. 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SOLID SILVER CENTRE SECOND j Will Restore the Rosebud of Health t4i ' STOJP WATCHES, or a Ladies* or G«nt« SoM | Everyone who Uses Them. i Silver KEYLESS HUNTER to every B«^ OEECHAJVI'S PILLS. = ~7*l %____~ tho CorreCt ??**' °' **' _~ .-, For Blotches on the Skin. CONDITIONS —That your ani-wer '*»■_*■■- EECFAiVTS PILLS. ~~~ Puz_eißoorreot,_idthatyouftt^«rundMtei^ j For Disturbed Sleep and Frightful Dreams, it correct, to pur ohase one of our SOLID SILV *» F rr PTTAl v rc; ptt T d ' (Single or DotaWe) CHAINS. Send Bt_npe« | ____.AMb Jr-ILLb. addressed envelope for reply. For Coshveness and Scurvy. ADM _ Bg __ T H_> MANAGER, THE GLOBE BEECHAiVI'S PILLS. WATCH COMPANY. L.D., 105 Ktt-streeti Are the Best Medicine for Femala Sydney. . ' :< ■.■■.' Complaints. Z-i B"' EEOT-^'A^'P^ PU T S '"' ~": — k^——' — • —w—.. i ... ■. —. —^ ____*■ The F&Bt Dose giVes Relief in 20 minutesJ T IFE OF " SIR GEORGE GREY< BEECHAM'S BlCds. "" : Z~"': ' , ~,-" ~ Are recommended by Medical Men. Popular Memorial Edition, 5,00 ; pagef» EECHAM'S PILLST ' ~Z ~~ Illustrated; price 2/6.-"Star" Office and "" -§? _? __c Largest Sale^^of any Paten, all Booksellers. __— Medicine in the World. ■ — '■- — ~^T EECHASTS PILLS. " ' OINDING of every description requited f« In boxes, 9_d., Is. l.d. and 2s. M. each.; •*? . bank' mcroantile, law, insurance _\f_ ■-—- -■ a' mining companies executed in best style »v 1 -'. . _^___, '- — lowest rate with despatch, at the ' Star Offl o*. d

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Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 277, 22 November 1899, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 277, 22 November 1899, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 277, 22 November 1899, Page 6