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Tips of My Fingers/ 7 k DOUBLE PROOF. THE CASE OF Mrs7j. BOYT.

A Most Marked Effect upon my nervous system. I felt somehow , as though I had had something like a good j strong dose of brandy, and yet not the same feeling as the stimulation caused by spirits, for there was no reaction. I felt as though my nervea had been stimulated and invigor- j ated. When I took the next dose I wm | overjoyed to find that I was not mistaken, i Clements Tonic was at Work, \ for I improved with every dose, and I thanked my husband most fervently for having at last found me a remedy that was able to strengthen my I Weak and Debilitated System, j I never missed a dose afterwards, and im- J proved every day-—was able to eat with a i relish once more, and could sleep as soundly j as a top. Under the influence of Clements Tonic I soon threw off the cloud of melancholy which had been afflicting me. I grew lively, and was able once more to go about my housework cheerfully and with a real pleasure." " And you owe that pleasant change—?" "To Clements Tonic alone. Withont it I don't know where my complaint would have ended, or what would have happened to me. You ask my husband and he will speak more strongly than I have done on that subject." Our reporter then turned to Mr. Boyfr, who was present during the whole interview. " What is your opinion, Mr. Boyt, as to your wife's recovery ?" " I give the whole credit of it to Clements Tonic, he replied, aud I can endorse every word of what my wife has told you. You could actually see that remedy doing her good and bringing her along towards health. I know the Virtues of Clements Tonic myself, for many a time when I have felt a a bit down or out of sorts, or when I couldn't sleep or eat well, I have taken two or three doses of that remedy." " With the same result as in Mrs. Boyt's case ?" " Yes, it always put me right quickly, and I never knew Clements lonic to faiL Do you know that if I want a pick-me-up or stimulant I would rather take a dose of Clements Tonic than a Whisky. It props me up better, and its effects are more lasting." STATUTORY DECLARATION. Wr, John Jamm Bott and Elisabeth Mart Bott, of Collins-street, Marrickville, near Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, do solemnly and sinomly declare that we have carefully read the annexed document, consisting- of ten folios and consecutively numbered from one to ten, and that it contains and is a true and faithful account ot our cases and cures by Clements Tonic, and also contains our lull permission publish the same in any way, and we make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act made and passed in the ninth year of the reign of her present Majesty, intituled "An Act for the more effectual abolition ol Oatlu and Affirmations taken and made in the variout Departments of the Government of New Soutli Wales, and to substitute beclarations in lieu thereof, and for the suppression of voluntary and txtrn i 'lieul Oaths and Affidavits." Declared at Msmekrille this seventh day ot July 1886, Wore me. fc Q B___lON. J.P.

{by ottr special reporter.) Our reporter having safely made his way past two ferocious-looking watchdogs to call it the residence of Mr. John Jamos Boyt, Collins-street, Marrickville, Mr. Boyt opened the door and our reporter explained his business. " Walk in, please, and I will introduce you to ray wife," said Mr. Boyt, v an d she will tell you all about her illness herself." In the diningroom our reporter found Mrs. Boyt, who required no pressing to unfold the history of her complaint and its cure. " Indeed," replied that lady, " it always gives me pleasure to tell people about the remedy that pulled me through v A Very Serious Time." "What was the matter, Mrs. Boyt." ; "I overworked myself. In addition to my household duties I had undertaken the care of a sick friend. I attended to her by day and by night, till at last I got into that itate that I could hardly crawl over to her house. At last I broke down. A continual weary feeling was upon me, even to The Tips of my Fingers. It required an effort even to raise my hand. When in health I have always a good appetite t but then I didn't care for anything. I dreaded the night coming. Lying in bed was a torture to mo, for 1 could get no rest, but tossed about, wondering what ailed me, and trying to force myself into slumber. But the more I tried to go to sleep the more wakeful I became. In the morning I felt I couldn't get up, and when I at length managed to reach the sittingroom I felt too languid and tired to do more than sit back in my chair. I became very despondent as time went on, I got so ill. 1 can't describe the terrible feelings that used to afflict me. I felt I •would like to get away somewhere all by myself, where I could see and hear no one, and there be still. I Was So Irritable and nervous that if anyone spoke to me suddenly I should tremble and shake all over." " I presume this illness must have pulled you down a lot?" •J Of course it did. I was not like I am now* but was not nearly so ill looking as might have been expected from one who suffered as I did; but then my complaint was seated chiefly in my nerves, and I am not one to show much change in my appearance when lam sick. lam perfectly satisfied, however, that if my nerve affection hadn't been properly treated in time it would have ended very seriously for me. As it was I got into an awfully low state. My nervous 0 System Was All Unstrung." " But you recovered from all this rather quickly, I am told, queried the reporter ?" " More than ' rather '—extremely quickly, replied Mrs. Boyt most emphatically. My husband was very much concerned for me, for nothing—and I tried many medicines— seemed to have the least beneficial effect. In the end he got me some Clements Tonic. 1 thought it would be like all the other stuff I had tried—about as useful as a glass of water ; but to humour him, or rather because I wasn't strong enough to resist his pressing, I took a dose." "You hardly expected to receive any benefit from one dose ?" " Now that's just where you make a migteke, replied Mrs. Boyt. Strange as it may jeem to you (and I must admit that a good Jnany people hardly believe me when I tell them of it) that the first dose had

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Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 145, 21 June 1899, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 145, 21 June 1899, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 145, 21 June 1899, Page 7