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I fRI IP R A TERRIBLE. COUGH.' T illLwlw ULcg HI IP *H Commercial Road, Peckham, July 12. » llMasT llpa if! m 'Deat Sir,—l am a poor hand at es« Hi^m Ho pij B$ pressing my feelings, but I should like to Kg Hjl tajM® thank you. Your lozenges have done won- _% _%_ _Wm __%W ders in relieving my terrible cough. Sinca I had the operation of "Tracheotomy" Ft__ _$__ _M__ _f___ (the same as the Jat& Emperor of Ger. Iffla flaFHail Ulr^ fiiflßH many, and, unlike him, thank God, I aim Esak m las JB& wsk_ still alive), performed at St. Bartholin ®W_. __ Wh_ mew's Hospital, no one could possibly, M__ M- Hr^ bave had a more violent cough; it was so; «*s&_ SH _W \WI ___ J__ bad at times that' it quite exhausted m«. fH \l3toiy I^SSf Tg__w The mucous, which was very copioui 83 Ea Tqgglgpr ■•■ ___$ an{ j hard, has been softened, and I hay« i been able to get rid of it without diffl*. Rashes, pimples, blackheads, yellow, greasy, culty.—l am, sir, yours truly, J. HILL.* j, mothy skin, are tho result of imperfect action _« A TAnio -re-o-rituir\Ki\f of the pobm of the skin. A DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY. The only preventive of bad complexions is .Routh Park, Cardiff, South Wales, V Ccucdba Soap, because the only preventive ■ Sept. 28, 18SS. of inflammation and clogging of the pores, the .j have, indeed, great pleasure in addingcatiifl of most complexional disfigurations. my testimony to your excellent prepara- ' n c. tion of Cough Lozenges, and I have pre#2^. -JL S >™ny fiea ma ___k gf__ scribed it now for the last eight years in i_f ____ HT __ _f& _§ ffl la_® Wsk my hospitals and private practice, and fiiiillsffi £9 El «. IS tH si ds__ found it of great benefit. I often suffer 19 1 n ILlra lii i HUH from Chronic Bronchitis; your Lozenge i$ «& 'Sfefga, W& 'W '«§*§& fis> "ifflwH* the only remedy which gives me immediate ease. Therefore I certainly and B<ur fa told ttrowflwrat the world. British depot: r. most strongly recommend your Lozenges SS^rrorrfc sows, LKineKdwrnrd-st, London. . Ponat ■ t o the public who may suffer from Ca» piuai.iiDCnsn.coiip.,Soioi,rops.,Boi.toii,u.s.a. t airh Bronchitis, Winter Cough, or any kind 'of Pulmonary Irritation.—Tour* ■ " triA. yGABRIEL, M.D., L.R.C.P.' and L.M., COKE. COKE. COKE *£%£S££l£g&& THE " 'it is nearly twenty years ago' since Attptct A-wn .Ti'Aq /COMPANY KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES wer» UCKLAND QAS QUM^A _■*, kjua^^ ud ga]e ,„ larger - thatf .. ttmttfT) " ever .because they are unrivalledl mi the LIMITED. S and cure of Winter Cough, Asthma, Are now prepared to supply and Bronchitis; one alone gives relief. COKE UTTERLY UNRIVALLED. f>AS PER TON NET, J*, gg and HRO AT TROUBLES, ar* . AT THE GAS WORKS. sold in Tins by all Chemists. (23 Bags of Coke to the Ton.) j ~. • , ' ,„„;, „* The New Remedy for Cold in the Head, And can be delivered as required at Catarrh, Hay Fever, and Influenza. Of\3 PER TON FAR SUPERIOR TO EUCALYPTUS, -JU etc. PRICE 1/6. AT THE GAS WORKS. W. SHARLAND. Shortland-street. AUCKLAND /^tAS /"COMPANY, -afl"U3lO, Chaat, Hymn ani other book! XX \J JJX. «heaplyand expeditiously bound at &v« LIMITED. 'Star' Office. A Case of CHRONIC INDIGESTION. Terrible Fits of Biliousness MANY DOCTORS FAIL, But CLEMENTS TONIC Provides a Complete Recovery. THE CASE OF MR. F. BRUNICARDI.

From the Freeman. Journal June 18, 1898. (by our special reporter.) When* our repoiter called he found Mr. Brunioabdi .in the factory, 596 Harrisstreet, Ultimo. He was engaged in artistioally decorating a novel thing in cast picture frames, which he informeid. our reporter he had patented. On a shelf -inthe faotfory was plainly discernible a halfemptied bottle of Clements Tonic. ■' " I was informed you are. quite-^fcured," questioned our reporter, pointing to the bottle. "So I am, lam thankful to say," replied he, "but I still reckon to take a dose of Clements Tonic now and then as a sort of preventive, and to ward oft any ill effects that might occur to me through the peculiar nature of my business. There is dust," continued Mr. Brunicardi, " floating in the air of this factory finer than the finest flour. It is so fine that it can't be seen with tho naked eye, but it's there all the same, and goes freely into the lungs and Btomach and even through the pores of the skin. The inhalation of this dust causes great irritation and pain in the air passages, and sets up frequent fits of coughing which is very Trying and Distressing to a weakened system. Many a time I hay( had to keep away from the factory for 8 lengthened period on this account." " You have been ailing for a long time then?" , " Yes, for years and years I have beer ill on and off. A sort of ■':) Chronic Indigestion fastened upon my system. I turned awaj from my food with loathing. When J could eat anything it seemed like a Lump of Lead on my chest, and it would appear to li< undigested for a week at a time, oaosinj me intense pain. The digestive fluids of mj stomach seemed lacking in Solvent power and were unable to cope with the mos* easily digestible of foods. When tht oppression on the chest was a little reliever! I was often attacked with severe griping, Pains in the Stomach and .bowels, which would come on spasmod ically, and were so agonising as to fairh double me up, and I would have to sit witl my hands pressed to my abdomen till th< spasm gradually passed off. Perhaps you've heard qf Fepsine ; well, I took larg< quantities, and I think I made a mistake It gave me no relief. As the indigestioi became more settled I had what I might term general symptoms. My sleep at nigh! Was Very Disturbed and quite unrefreshing. It appeared to mi that I was more fatigued in the morning when I got up than when I went to bed a' night. I was' Dull, Heavy, and Languid in the day time. A great deal of the worl I personally engage in is of an artistii nature, and before my illness I took a posi tive pleasure in doing it, but after sieknesi got a hold of me it became a trouble, and j had to force myself to do even the lightes of my work, and then I couldn't do i froperly. Chi a doctor's recommendatioi tried physical exercise, such as long walki in the open air, but I soon had to give thL tip—it gave me no relief and only seemed t< increase the symptoms from which I suffered Terrible Bilious Fits came on at meet regular intervals. My eyei became a dingy yellow color, heavy leadei black marks became visible under the eyes my head commenced to Ache Very Violently, my tongue was dry, my skin was parched and the expression of my face changec altogether. A Sharp Acrid Taste came into my mouth. I couldn't see pro perly, and I was violently sick. Light o any kind irritated me, and the least suddei or unexpected sound would Violently Startle Me, For two or three days the fit would last during which time I lay stretched on mj bed unwilling to speak or move, and 'Unable to Eat or Drink with the exception of a cup of weak tea o: a little seda water. As time went on _ began to get frightened concerning m> lungs. I thought they were touched. * had a hacking and troublesome cough. Oni doctor thought it was the fleet

Stage of Consumption, I began to lose weight. My strength .and vitality were fading rapidly. Sharp, pricking pains began to. make themselves felt between the shoulders; The sluggish, drowsy . feeling I have spoken of Got Much Worse. I only now got out of bed to lie down on the' sofa I was not able to do any more work. I took so little interest in my business that I hardly took the trouble to direct my employees how to do it. I have often heard people talk of a walking skeleton, well, I was One. I don't think I have ever seen a man so thin as I was then. -My color was awful; my lips were blue, and I really thought My Time had Come. At last I was not able to get out of bed at all" ",I suppose you received medical atteni tion ?" queried our reporter '* I have been attended in the course of my illness . ; _, ;■..._■ By Many Doctors, and many pounds I have Spent at. the chemists' for medicine. I can't positively ! say that their medicines were useless, I only k : know that they Did Me No Good, Perhaps they were unsuitable to the par--1 ticular complaint from which I suffered. Clements Tonic, on tlui contrary, gave me almost immediate relief. It appeared to attack the [ Seat of My Complaint right at the start. By degrees it ameliorr j ated the, painful nature of every symptom. I "slept better and better every night, and 5 what is more to the purpose my sleep did me ' Some Real Good. , Under the influence of Clements Tonic my i> system became so invigorated that I was s able to continue my business in Spite of the I dust arising from my work and which does not now cause me any inconvenience; but I really believe that dust was the first cause of my falling iIL I lost my cough and breathed • '! -, Freely and Easily, » and I got. something like a decent appetite ,p 3 again. My head ached no longer, and my 3 bilious attacks ceased, no doubt through * Clements Tonic stimulating 'my liver to ..7 x perform its functions. lam t Not Now Frightened of the particles of dust, as 1 am convinced they will nob do injury to a healthy maiL -y 3 If I feel out of sorts I take a few doses of- , Clements Tonic and it t . Braces Me Up A grain ■' immediately. I must give Clements. Tonic its due—l believe it te be the beßt remedy c of modern days. If anyone likfes to call c here I will tell them the same thing." " Save you any objection to the public*--3 tion of full details of your illness and [ recovery?" ■ j. "Certainly not; I have no objection at' t all. Ia fact, I would be pleased to have the x merits of dements Tonic published to the; 3 world at large. To it I Owe * My Complete Recovery from a severe ailment. Doubtless, it would, be of equal value to many a poor suffering being. You can publish my case all over. ' s the world if you like, and for any length of, ! time you think fit. I hope it will have the effect of making the restorative effects of Clements Tonic more widely known." STAtUTORY DECLARATION. } I. Faurteno Branicarc. ot No. 696 B«m-*f4 1 Sydney, in the Colony of New South Wales, sculptor, ilo solemnly &ad sincere! v declare that I have oarefully, perused and have signed the accompany** doouweut emulating of the preceding eleven folwj numbered Ito li, and the same contains a true an* i I faithful account of my illness and cure by Omenta f lonic; and I make this solemn declaration, sx»-_ . % Bcleatiously believing the same to be true and or virtue of the provisions of an Act, made and W»e« in the ninth year of the reign of her present Majesty. intituled an Act for the more effectual abolition 01 Oaths and Affirmations taken and made mvanoai [~.., ~ Departments of the Government of New Sooth Wale*. , and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof ,an« ' lor. tho suppression of voluntary and extrajudicial Oaths and Affirmations. a Declared In Sydney this 28th day of Mtf, 1888 ■ btfore ma. Josmt Ban Oou__, J.P.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 85, 12 April 1899, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 85, 12 April 1899, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 85, 12 April 1899, Page 6