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foreign invasion.

Mr Rose, Collector of Customs, has been* notified by the Government that a neW order will be issued prohibiting the export of ostrea purepurea, ostrea glomerate ostrea mordax, or rock oysters, .shore oysters, drift, or mangrove oysters,, shore oysters by what : ever name locally'known. The new order is 'meant to include all oysters "in the North Island.

The many friends of Mr M. A. Philips will' learn with pleasure that his health is now improving, the attack proving only a light one.

A young man named. Thos Boyie, whose parents reside in. Hepburnstreet, was brought .up from Coromandel on Thursday by the■ s.s. Corohana, having met with an accident at Cabbage' Bay. It appears the unfortunate man was employed jacking logs on Messrs Parker, Lamb, and Co/s tram at Cabbage Bay, when by some mishap he was crushed between two logs, and his side and shoulacr injured. His mates—Messrs Wm. Evans, H. Calvert, and T. Dixon, assisted by Mr Robt. Holmes, of Newmarket, brought the sufferer to Coromantlel in an open boat, pulling a distauce of 1G miles, where he was placed on board the s.s. Rotomahana. On arrival at Auckland he was taken to the Hospital, where he is progressing favourably. At the Magistrate's Court on Thursday Mr Brabant, S.M., gave judgment in'the case Lewis Moses v. Henry Sommerville, which was an action to recover the sum of £0 8/10. the balance due on cash lent and interest thereon. Judgment v^is given for the' amount claimed, less £1, interest paid, with costs £1 16/.

The Hon. •W. T. Jenniugs, M.L.C., has been nominated as the representative of the two Houses of the Legislature on the Board of Governors of the Auckland College and Grammar School in the place of Mr W. J. Speight, who has retired. The. Maggie Moore-Eoberts' Company gave a saci'ed concert last night in the Opera House, before an appreciative audience. Miss Maggie Moore, Mr H. 11. Roberts, Miss Ada Woodhill, Miss Clara Williams, Miss Mabel Hastings,, Messrs C. Harper, Walter Rivers and Jas. Edwards contributed to the programme.

At the Police Court yesterday Mr P. A. Philips, J.P., presided. Margaret Williams was convicted on a charge of drunkenness and vagrancy and was sent to gaol for three months. Several other prisoners were remanded.

A cricket match was played in the Domain on Good Friday between Wakefield C.C. and a- combined team. Wakefield could only compile 35 runs against the bowling of T. Eoberts, who took six wickets for 20 runs, and S. MeConnell, who took 4 for 15 runs. The combined team made 120 runs. W. Somervell 40. (not out), S. .McCbnnell IS, E. Healy 17, T. Eoberts 10, being the highest scores for combined.

A cricket match between Prince Albert College and the Auckland College and Grammar School was played on Tuesday and Wednesday in the Domain, and resulted in a victory for Prince. Albert College by. seven wickets The winners made 61 in their first innings, (Jeffries 38), and 26 for three wickets in the second (Rosewarne, not out, 14). The Grammar School's first innings realised 30 (J3atkin 19), and their second 52 (Graham 30.)

A sacred conceit was given in the Choral' Hall yesterday.' afternoon by Mr Walter Ki'rby, there- b^ing a good attendance. Mr A. Tdwsey acted as musical director and played Chopin's 'Funeral March.'' Mr Kirby, who was in good voice, contributed 'The Star of Bethlehem,' 'In the Cathedral,' and 'The Holy .City,' recalls being demanded. Miss Ethel Mclntyre sang 'Refuge of the Soul' and 'The Children's Home,' and Miss A. Lorrigan gave 'Angels Ever Bright and Fair' and.'Calvary.' Mr J. H. Parrish rendered 'Jerusalem,'' and Messrs Plummer gave a violin duet. Mr Towsey acted as accompanist.

The usual Good Friday services were held at St. Peter's Anglican Church, Onehunga, yesterday, Canon llaselden officiating m the morning, while at the evening service the Canon read the prayers and the Rev.- P. S. Smallfield preached.

Professor Carrollo opens his IGtli season on Monday night, April 10, at his gymnasium in the V.M.C.A. Rooms,1 The gymnasium has been renovated. The Professor teaches gymnastics in all branches, as well as the defensive arts. Classes for adult.males will be held Mondays and Thursdays, for young ladies Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday mornings; and for boys Thursdays and Saturdays.

The professional runners' picnic was held at St. Heliei-'s Bay yesterday. About 800 people were present. The officials for the running events were: Starter, Mr iA. PearSSQn; judges, Messrs T. Foley, G. Donaldson, A. Byers; committee, Messrs I\. Keenan, A. Pearson,. Galvin, Healejr, J. Donovan. The events resulted as follows: Sheffield Handicap, 130 .yards. C. McCarthy, 1; J. Donovan, 2*; Gladding, 3. Old Professional Runners' Rate, 75.

.yards, W. Purely, 1; Healey, 2; Bullen, 3. Schoolboys' Race, 75 yards, Evans, 1; "Perry, 2; Senna, 3. Fifty Yards Championship of Auckland, R. Keeii" an,-. 1; McCarthy, 2; Summers, 3. Four Hundred and Forty Yawls Handicap, McCabe, 1; Foster, 2; Carson, 3. Committeemen's Race, J. Donovan, 1.

A cricket match was played 3'esterday at the North Shore between teams representing the s.s. Indramayo and North Shore C.C. The match ended in a win for the North Shore. Indramayo, first innings, 55; second innings, 81. Nortji Shore, first' innings, 50; second innings, .214.

On Good Friday afternoon, in the Western Park, an • open air demonstration will be conducted by the Helping Hand Mission. Addresses will be given by the Rev. W. A. .Sinclair and Mr W. Richardson, of Sydney. Selections will be rendered by the brass band. A collection will be taken for the benevolent work of the Mission.

A committee meeting of the New Zealand Literary and Historical-.As-sociation was held on Thursday evening at the secretary's office, Ranfurly Buildings. The chairman announced that Mr J. H. Upton had consented to act in the capacity of President of the Association if desired. It was deemed advisable/ as His Excellency has taken a great interest in the Association, to put off the open night until he can attend. It was siiggested that a literary evening for members should be held in the meantime, which will no doubt be done. .

An announcement- in connection with the art union/for St. Mary's Convent, Ponsonby, is advertised eisewliere.

The Ferry Company notify that, on Sunday steamers will run to the Fishing grounds, St. Helier's Bay, Lake Takapuna, and Motutapu. The trips for Easter Monday are also advertised.

The Auckland Endeavourers' Rally to be held at Beresford-street Church on Good Friday eve should prove an exceptionally interesting meeting. Special addresses are to be given by the Rev. H. A. Lapha.m, of Ceylon, and the Rev. H. Kelly, of Knox Church. Business will be res\imed by the D.S.C. in their new premises on Tuesday next. —(Advt)

, The following- telegram has beeu* sent to Captain Kussell, M.H.R.,. }>„ Mr W. C. Fraser, President of the ■ Trade and " Labour ' Council:— 'Auclo! luncl Trade and Labour Council expreses sympathy. Hope Mrs Russell will soon recover.'

Captain Evanson, who is an pijji Aucklander, writes us particulars of the Queensland hurricane, but his M I count contains little in addition "to , what we have already published., mm says most of the boats lost were built at* Whangaroa. The schooner Olive rode the gale out safely.

Advices from Matakana state that Mr J. T). Derecourt, a well-known settler of that district, was -found-; drowned in the creek that runs by ■his house. . A search showed marlCg of bare feet leading to the bank of the : creek, and the body was found in tha water, dressed with vest and trousers. An inquest was held before Mr G. Cruiekshank, Acting-Coroner. ft transpired that the deceased had com. plained of being unwell for some time and was noticed to be not in his usual manner. A verdict was brought ia 'That .the deceased. John Greavef Derecourt, was found drowned, but there was no evidence to show how he got into the water.' Mr H. W. Brabant, S.M., sat cm trie bench set the. Police Court this morning. Chas. Clare, convicted for drunkenness, was fined 10/, or in default 43 hours in Mt. Eden. Defendant was. fined CO/ for assaulting Eliza Nelson. Mr Lund on appeared for defendant.!, The hearing cf a chaise preferred- ' against Henry Addlington, iuai he assaulted Robert Hunt by striking him on the face with his hand, was adjourned until the 6th April, bail being allowed. Mr Lundon appeared for i Addlington. A man named Alex.! Me. Innis was convicted and discharged with a caution for trespassing on the premises of Mr Dymock, Loji.l- street. Jos. Winters was charged with using obscene language in Chapel street.. . Mr. O'Meagher appeared for accused,, who stoutly denied the charge. Hia Worship convicted acciised and sen- ■ tenced him to 14 days' hard labour. " Our report of the annual meeting of the D.S.C. will be found on page 6, with other reading matter

A most interesting programme appears in another portion of this issue, in connection with a concert, phonographic and limelight enter* tainment, to be held at the. Choral Hall on Easter Tuesday night, the proceeds to go towards the Grey Memorial. Fund. His Excellency the Governor will preside. Reserved seats : may "be secured at Wildman and Lyell's. The Stay-field (Birkenhead) Sunday School Anniversary concert was held on Friday evening-. Mr E. J. White presided. The reports showed that^ . the school was in a very encouraging condition. .In addition to anthems by the choir, the programme included items by the .Misses Burnett, Whitse, Miller, M. Crooks, Jackson (.2), Taylor, 11. Kendall, Dawson, Horton, Geddei?, and Mesdames Knight and Champtalonp, and Messrs Hayman, Downing, W. Cieddes, E. Horton, J, Clark, and .Sainsbury. The accompaniments were played by Miss Miller, assisted hy an orchestra composed of Misses. M. Freen, • 11. Jackson, and White (2), Masters Jackson (2), arid Taylor, and Mr Downing. At the tea, which preceded the concert, the-room w ras overcrowded. The three tables were laid out. and presided over |>y Mrs and Miss May Freeman. Mi; 3 Langsford, with Mrs MaeXicol and Miss Crooks, and Mrs Arch. Wilson with Miss t Burnett and Miss Binks. || The annual picnic given by Mr Jas. Martin, of Parnell, fo his employees proved most successful. Two large bi-'akes conveyed the men and their wives and . families to St. Helier'g Bay, and after partaking of a capital,; lunch supplied by Mr A. F. Stilhvell, ■■ the well-known caterer, the usual/ sports took place, the following being the. results:—Single Men's Handicap, Ist round: W. Menzie, junr., 1, A. Howell 2; 2nd round. A.. Howell 1; W. Menzie, junr., 2; Married Men's Handicap-: Ist'round. W. Menzie 1, W. Butler 2; 2nd round, W. Menzie 1, J. Clark 2; Single Girls: Miss ButUr 1, Miss Baker 2; Married Women's Handicap: Mrs J. Clark 1, Mrs J. Palmer 2, Mrs McGin 3; Boys' Handicap;! McGin i. Menzie 2.

Mr Mac'DufE Boyd, Professional " Violinist, Karori Road, YYellJogton, v writes: 'I have suffered -for year- from indigestion, dizziness, and headache* • 1 have tried everything in the shape of patent medicines and Lave found no relief. I have the greatest pleasure in saying that I have tried Nurse Woodward's Health Syrup, and found,' after using one bottle, instant relief, and would recommend it to ail those who suffer from this most trouble*.: some affliction, especially proffssidnaly musicians.'—(Ad.) Cycling hose in gTeat Variety atj Geo. Fowlds; also jerseys and sweaters; tennis shirts, 2/11;' good value.—• . (Advt,) , Amusements for the Winter.—You , will have nice long. evenings shortly, then why not purchase a nice bagatelle table or a combination billiard and dining table, you can have grand 'fun .out-of them; we hold a large stock at the present time. Call and see.— Tonson Garlick Company, Limited.— (Ad.) Mothers of Auckland, save your money, and have your boys lookinf nice by clothing them at Geo. Fowlds'. !—-Advt.) Just arrived —Splendid shipment of bedsteads, exceptionally low values, iron cots, rattan cots, woods cots,. > great variety from.—Tonson Garlick Company,.Limited.—(Ad.) Remember that Geo. Fowlds, bf a special concession from the makers,, has reduced the price of his standard hard hats from 4/6 to 3/9.—^(Ad.) Winter is coming, and you will require, extra blankets, eider-down quilt? —nefw is the time to purchase them, we have just opened up our winter-: stock,. beautiful range to select from. —Tonson Garlick Company, Limited. ;-(Ad.)

Easter visitors are invited to call on George Fowlds, who has a very choice' stock of neckties and sift handkerchiefs.—(Advt.) . Our prices are the talk of the town, lust fancy getting a pair of walnutcolour dressing tables with jewel drawers faced with fancy wood, bevy elled glass on turned pillars—all for 40/. —Touson Garlick Company, Liifl: I ited.—(Ad.) The new premises of the P.S.C. will be opened for business on Tuea* day next. —(Advt.) \ At Oliver and George's sale of He* ' Cammon's stock, bought at 7/6 in the £, you can get English blankets at 5/11 per pair; a good winter dress ■ length for 3/11; a fur necklet for I/6? a good pair of corsets for 1/11; !in" , j ribbons, laces, and trimmings at id * yard. For a few days only. —(Ad.) The s.s. Vivid runs an excursion to ; Riverhead to-morrow. ,„._._.—~'-- iJ j

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Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 76, 1 April 1899, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 76, 1 April 1899, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 76, 1 April 1899, Page 4