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Medical. Me_ieal. MR JOHN LOVED AY, of the Bulli ~~ ~~~~ Mountains, N.S.W., who suffered f-% P"^ Of"s ST™ P™ F"% for four years with acute gravel, writes 3 i f-c j^\ f-* §"" P* §"« to the 'Illiv,-ara Mercury,' N.S.W., that I— f «1 « W A —— a—. S4 o he had been completely cured of his com- The orig inal H. J. SPEJER. M.D., has * <&>&• i'vf "mSnTvi! p^W returned to the colonies after li) years' & SONS IiUCALYPTI EXTRACT. He absence . Chronic, Nervous. Stricture, also states that ho has found the Ex- skin Disea se.s, Kidney and Bladder tract (Bander & Sons") a cure lor rheum- doubles Specialties. Send for quesatism, ami remarks that n publishing t , f j th t s and b at these facts lie has no other object in """ »rlrlress F O Box -'".'J Wel'iT-rnn view than a pure desire to benefit suit- SPAR'S Femak P < Res uffi£ fering humanity. Dr. W. Osborne, Cot- 7k/ n bnx Kxtra Strontr 20/- -pn- fnr it tageville, Ky., writes:-! use SANDER 10/ a bOXI ■ fcjXlra buon& M/- ?end for ll- & SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT as a . spray for nasal catarrh, low fever, asthma, etc., with great success. • I find this •£ .^S&S&iS&jv "Common SettS^ "'• preparation superior to all others.' Dr. ; s /Jsn^ » l3►»,'**\ Fjtr nn ._.., rP i in ,,. S3 A. Bruegman, Hartwell, Nebr., says- ££f %W® N% K"^ Li i dS? I have used SANDER & SONS' EUCAL- §4Lk J^?»J*A Nofs™ Comfort.-be f' YFTI EXTRACT in pneumonia and in- |M PM F | N^vlro IS | cipient phthisis and have met with the 3°jpiMfi!&3 sPilfe hjlstrin» Re- £> most hapy results. I have practised over s»M MjJ §f^eMW fM comt^emiod by piiysi- '3 34 years, and 1 can candidly say this- .-» X*\« »ra « $3 cinns! Write for Ixfok •£ •SANDER'S EXTRACT is one of the rg mJflgT kffiJy F^e-Wilson Ear Drum Co § g-randest preparations 1 ever chanced to fg !V"'' ">', 1- Chalmers, Afy-nt, £* meet.' Dr. Stahl, Guthrio, Ok., writes— «g 229 Collins St., Melb. S^; 'I have used various preparations of Eu- J'-»-^s'i.«'3' r.'=»?SAvjs? calyptus, but I get better results from -^^"'^'"'^ ;;ii:: li !: L_____L SANDER & SONS' EUCALYPTI EX- " "T" » „»„,_.„. ™, „ „ _..,. „ m TRACT than from any other. These and jjl AD {Pg 15 MPU LS f^trUn similar testimonials prove indisputably! WLftn^C ©_> «*S iTBI_U&> ranted to the superiority of SANDER & SON'S" ', euro Gravel, Pains in the Back and all kindred EUCALYPTI EXTRACT over any other, complaints. Free from Mercury. Established and we suggest to the public to take care i mu l w i, n » w wa -, Tn ho-es t« frl ouch of nil to pet it—SANDER & SONS' . npv aius or ju j cars. 111 ooxcs>is. wi..ciica,or an _ .—: , _-J : chemists nnd Patent Medicine Vendors Y°^ S Ser^nTySura^" ' throughout the World. Proprietor,: The LinProfessor Robert Hermann, Specialist, cohi and Midland Counties Drug Company Collins Place, Melbourne. . Lincoln, England. §| I E| I $% s ai,J3, ft G!l ii It purifies the blood, prevents the bad effects of kot weatlier, girts a grood appetitej and builds up the whole system " I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla in my family for years with the most satisfactory results. . - . " During the warm, debilitating days of summer it acts as atonic and scem3 to build up the system and restore the appetite. " I have always given it to my children, whdse photograph I send you with this letter, for any disorder of the blood, and, in fact, for all diseases peculiar to children. " I have found it greatly improved their health by getting at the root of the disorder quicker than any other preparation." These are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Morrall W. Curran, of Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland. Mr. Curran sends us this strong testimonial. It shows again "why the people have named Ayer's Sarsaparilla "The World's Oreatest Family SMictn®." The old and young alike are cured with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for it is a family medicine. Give a few doses to the children any time they have indigestion, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, headache, or general weakness. If they are pale and thin, or have any rashes or pimples, they certainly need it. If you wish the cure to be prompt, and if you wish it to last, be sure and use " Ayer s. There is nothing "Just as Good." ■ , am ■' Thß It is a Blood-Purifying Medicine. L Ayer!s Pills act gently, effectively. They cure constipation. I A WONDERFUL MEDICINE ' § s^-jaass^^^ I \re universally admitted to oe worth a ' l®"Jr jr^ I -A- Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Dis- > * > orders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, ' RIIRFS WHFN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAiL I Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling ; "Un""""^ 01"""I™"^ rMIU I after Meals. Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold IT ACTS LIKE IV3AGIC . Chills, Flushings of Heat Loss of Appetite, < In relieving ALL PAIN & THROBBING and scon ; Shortness of Breath, Costivcnesa, Scurvy and cures the worst CORHS & BUNIONS. . Blotches on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep, Frightful '< It softens and removes all hard Callosities on the J Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Scnsasoles of the feet. If you suffer, Try a Box. . tions, etc. The first dose will yiyo relief in 1 ' Vnu mill aivtr reertt it ' twenty minutes. Every suflerer is earnestly . Youwrll nevir regnt it. , invited to try ono Box of theso Pills, and thej Boxes 1/iJ, of all Chemists. \ be acknowledged to be ' M. EEETH&M & SOW. Chamtst, Cheltenham, ► : England. \ \Mg%®YU A (f*SiJftllEfl A DflY Agents—SHARLAND & CO , Auckland. FELTON, GRIM WADE & CO., Wellington ~~ For Females of all ages these Pills aro invaluI'1..-,. .r.T" *"*""'"Jll^,' """ "*'i able, as a few dose.-; of 1 hem carry oil all humra??fif!ffr^Wf??fFf?PSa^ff^f^lJ oura and brhl S about all that in required. No SifflfflW^ypfiU^MSlliiSiSfiW female should be without them. Thero is no B4XO»LQSS£«i^aAAX^aIiiUH medicine to be found equal to Beecham'a Pills I 5& j?a Mt. oojfo3 Ej df3^ s*B^i t for removing any obstruction or irregularity of i'» B\ffH Msik. M 1 I m%. Jy the system. If taken according to the directions f HW H *^^ w H , given with each box. they will soon restore fc\tm^aa%^9X)3s^mis'^^^m!f^^^m}lsrT^fitTli males of all ages to sound and robust health. Sn«VV?^TWw^HM^SMwiß.s£llia Thls has been Proved fey thousands who havo l^^jJtH^jfeifeßamga^^Etey^aggg^ tried them and found the benefits which are en^ -^^^'r^ZTTx^Tx^x^T ured by their use. and at the same time the most inoftensive remedy in the treatment of urn on "mSSXI DiSCharf S- f For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion.and MATICO INJECTION is used in recent aU Disorders of the Liver, they act like magic, MATlf>n PAPQIII F<s ~*~£P tHS. nJ. oSf,«o and a few doses Tviil be found t0 work wondera MAIIuU O/lroULco CHaomc cases. | on tllQ mogt important organs in the human ' . machine. They strengthen tho whole muscular system, restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouso into action with tho rosebud of health the whole WFATTWfi'C PnwnTTT? ITTT r«j N physical energy of the human frame. Theseare VV A tiS?I pnS vit 11 ACTS testilicd cont,inuaJl y hJ members of all liiiAilmj t> JrUWURK KILLi classes of socloty, and one of the best guarantees KEATING'S PONDER KILLS ■ to the Nervous and Debilitated is— KEATING'S POWDER KILLS BUGS BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE FLEAS. LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT BEETLES MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. MOSQUITOES. HARMLESS TO ANIMALS, HARMLESS TO ANIMALS, Prepared only by the Proprietor, THOMAS HARMLESS TO ANIMALS, BEECHAM, St. Helens, England, in Boxes, HARMLESS TO ANIMALS, Bid. Is lid, and 2s 9d each. but is unrivalled in destroying FLEAS, Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine BUGS, COCKROACHES, BEETLES, Dealers everywhere. MOTHS IN FURS, and every other Slrt^^l W BSSSS& IffiJf Bi2 N-B-FuU directions are given witt each their dogs, as also ladies for their pet 1 *>ox' The PUBLIC are CAUTIONED that packages of the genuine powder bear the autograph of THOMAS KEATING. ■ Sold in Tins only. , ■^EATING'S WORM 'fABLBTS. fflpS^S^E^fflS^SH^ KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. I TJiltv ISfFlinnfi HEATING'S WORM TABLETS. 1 »^«\^ P &Uh$UU KEATING'S WORM TABLETS. | fOH JMEIi^AUGIf* A PURELY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT, I «, both in appearance and taste, furnishing a it 2 " PER BOX most atrrecablG method of administering the . '■' only certain remody for INTESTINAL or THREAD WORMS. It is a perfectly safe and , _____ mild preparation, and is especially adapted for l Children. Sold in Tins, by all Druggists. ■ ____ ---, --p -j- q Proprietor. THOMAS KEATING. London. QF Sl^TO ___X-."ra: A Seatise • # z — . f or Young-, Old, and Middle aged Men. TUE WI EC'S Pamphlet Posted FREE. Also NATURE'S HIDDEN TREASURES 111- ffßrtw It will teach you more which no married lady or gentleman than all the years you've should be without. One copy of each sent WEI £A DC ' Jived.—Write Prof. ROBT. SECURELY SEALED, on receipt of 1/0. WELFfiliEi HERMANN, Collina Pltce. Postal note or stamps. Address PARMelbourae. ISIAN AGENCY CO., SYDNJEX.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 29, 4 February 1899, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 29, 4 February 1899, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 29, 4 February 1899, Page 6