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■ ■■___——_M—^—— 2%-<3p> <rf^t^Wsl§^^ what real cocoa is? _lo fe ■ . .^CJ/* and wide-awake people generally, || #®®f the iwf cocoa and that of Van Houten are | fjjM synonymous terms. The cocoa manufactured |i by that well-known firm is a preparation *c ve^best | cocoa-beans, and contains all the valuable nutritive and sbmu g latino properties natural to cocoa. The cocoa-bean contains an | alkaloid called " Theobromine," which is the principle ot the rt " cup that cheers, but does not inebriate. m The crreat point of difference between the stimulating pro- M pertie i ofakohol, and that of theobromine is, that the use of | L former causes a subsequent depression, which is propoi | tional to the amount of stimulation it has P™* OUBJyJW* 1 about; the use of the latter (theobromine) is attended by | such unpleasant after-effects. Of course, only a fiist-class | cocoa such as Van Houten's, will work in the aforesaid manner. | Sthw been described as » A triumph of science! | /tt quite pure, extremely soluble and easy o ajsiimkbonand | di-estion by the weakest stomach. It costs but a trifle, being | fefs tan one farthing per cup ; and it is the.simplest drmk to I make ready, of the whole catalogue of possible beverages It | smells so pood, and tastes so delicious, that when you try it you | Will certainly ekclaim: -Ah!*. a triumph offence I | BE SURE YOU TRY 1 | VAN HOUTEN'S Eating CHOCOLATE. I | nsmaaw^'"**?^^ k

Putolie Notices. GROCER, etc., KARANGAHAPE ROAD, Opposite Tabernacle, GIVES THE BEST VALUE IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. FOR CASH. -VT O T I C E. CAMPBELL & NIAYSON Desire to Inform their old friends and the public that there is no truth in the report that they intend to give up business. "sunbeam bicycles are still to the front, repairs a specialty. CAMPBELL & MAYgON, Hob3on-street. FREEMAN'S BAY CARRIAGE -T, WORKS. CORNER OF CUSTOMS-STREET AND VICTORIA-STREET. All kinds cf General Work done on the Premises at Shortest Notice. AT MODERATE PRICES, FOR CASH ONLY. JOS. HUDSON, Proprietor. TVRETT'S r A UCKLAND f A LMANAC. TQIARY AND JJIRECTOIW FOR 1899 ]S[ ow- •:.;.-:•''. nEADY--900 PAGES OF MATTER. MAPS OF NEW ZEALAND. DIARY WITH MONEY COLUMN, ONE PAGE TO THE WEEK. MEMORANDA PAGES. RELIABLE TIDE TABLES FOR THE PROVINCE, 189y. DIGEST OF LATEST NEW ZEALAND STATISTICS. ACCOUNT OF THE PROVINCE. AUSTRALASIAN GOVERNMENT COM- | MERCIAL AND VITAL STATISTICS. EXHAUSTIVE POSTAL GUIDE, ENGLISH MAIL TIME TABLES. 1899. HARBOUR SIGNALS AND TIONSAUCKLAND, MANUKAU, AND KAIPARA. AUCKLAND GOLDFIELDS—COMPREHENSIVE ACCOUNT. DIRECTORY OF NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT AND OFFICIAL DEPARTMENTS. LOCAL BUSINESS AND SOCIETIES DIRECTORY OF 40 PAGES. CHURCH AND MASONIC DIRECTORY. PROVINCIAL RAILWAY TIME TABLES—DISTANCES AND FARES. A VAST AMOUNT OF MISCELLANEOUS MATTER. EVERYTHING CAREFULLY IN. DEXED. AN INDISPENSABLE PUBLICATION IN OFFICE OR HOUSEHOLD. Obtainable from all Booksellers, cr at the % ' 'STAR' OFFICE. PRICE -I S. POSTAGE, 3d EXTRA. [Established 186 i.] WILSJABVI EDGAR. DYER AND CLEANER, WELLESLEY- STREET EAST AND ALPHA WORKS, RICHMOND S^°E_BRANCHICa. TO RACING AND TROTTING CLUBS. MEMBERS' TICKETS, bound in either Leather or Cloth, PROGRAMMES in Sheet. Book or Folding Card Shape TOTALIZATOR, GATE and OTHER TICKETS. ENTRY FORMS, RACE CARDS. ILLUSTRATED POSTERS etc etc.. etc., executed on the shortest Kotice, at most Reasonable Rates. Country favoura receive prompt attention. Address MANAGER, "Star" Office. Auckland. T\IARV tor the Shop and Household is J-' in Brett's Auckland Almanac. Price One Shilling. Postage 3d extra. BINDING of every description required for bank, mercantile, law, insurance aad gold mining companies executed ia best style ay lowest rate with despatch, at the 'Star' Office. OUSEHOLDERS should not "be" wlth~ out Bretf s Auckland Almanac and Diary. ISP9. just published. Over 200 ™» of valuable information. Price V Post" age 3d extra. ,

ive for some small leaves, and gives a rich and pretty appearance, and the veins can be represented by Bullion knois, and Hie space between this and the edge lightly filled by dot stitch. Mmin'tmeliick embroidery has got more than one thing to recommend it, and, in particular, the fact that it is not at all trying- to the eyes, and can be very well undertaken by women who are utterly unable to master the intricacies of shading in the finer sorts of embroidery.. When the pieces of work thus ornamented are too large to be edged with buttonhole scallops or Vandykes, a knotted loop fringe can be made, with the aid of coarse steel needles and four balls of cotton wound together, so that the fringe is fuller and less poor than usual, and this can be washed and cleaned without fear of being spoiled. Medical. VITADATIO. IMPORTANT Notice to those who Suffer.VITAItATIO, the Groat Blood Purifier, cures 90 per cent, of those who give it a fair trial, so none need despair. Try it for yourself; it has been proved to cure Bright's Diseaso, Cancer, Hydatids, Consumption, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Rheumatism, Eczema, Indigestion, etc., etc. VITADATIO will cure after all yoi'.r eminent doctoral.five failed, so it is worth a trial. For testimonials of those who have been cured, write or send to the local agents, P. M. Do war. No. 51, Grey-street. No. 3, Cambridge Avenue, "Wellington, New Zealand, March 7, 1898.—MR "W, WEBBER, Proprietor of Vitadatlo, Launceston, Tasmania.—Sir,—l have pleasure in testifying to the excellent qualities of your Vitadatio 'as a TONIC. After suffering from indigestion for some years, I was relieved and benefited greatly by its use, and can highly recommend it to any one who may require such a helpful medicine.—Yours truly. A. P. MASTERS. DR. SPEER. The original H. J. SPEER. M.D.. has returned to the colonies after 10 years' absence. Chronic, Nervous, Stricture, Ail Skin Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Troubles Specialties. Send for question form with stamps and be treated at home. Address P.O. Box 339, Wellington. DR. SPEER'S Female Pill (Regulator), 10/ a box. Extra Strong 20/; send for it MINERAL WATERS OF KGTORUA ; or MEDICAL GUIDE." By Dr. T. HOPE LEWIS. M.K.C.S., England, US.A., London (Late Government Resident Medical Officer). DR. LEWIS, the author of the above Invaluable publication, was the first medical man who has resided for any length of time at Rotorua, and is thoroughly conversant with the thermal resources of this locality. To those who seek restoration of healtn and strength, the book is highly commended. To be had at the Booksellers, or "Star" Office. AUCKLAND. H. BRETT .. .. Proprietor. CHOCOLATE W©H!s TABLETS Children take them reafiily. Need no aperient. In boxes. Is each. PINK CORN CURE. Painless—Safe—Effectual. In large bottles with brush. Is. Prepared only "by ARTHUR G. KENDERDINE, Pharmaceutical Chemist. KARANGAHAPE ROAD. 1 Queen-street Agent, Chas. Ratjen, Chemist; Newmarket Agent, Geo. CawkwelJ, Ohemist. YOUNG MEN.'write to me ror valuable Free Books concerning yourselves.— Professor Robert Hermann, Specialist, Collins Place, Melbourne. raMJg NAKED TRUTH—Private Boot tot A. Men about themselves, 100 pages. Posted 6d, in N.Z. stamps.-Write, Professor C. Webster, Specialist, Exhibition-street, Melbourne. r pH E ■WIFErS^UIiSE AND FRIEND. JL A Book for every Mother, containing plain and practical advice on matters of importance. Post free, 1/6.—Nurse Lever. Great King-street. Ounedln. WANTED Known—lt soothes, cleansea, and heals everything it touches, thla wonderful "Spring Blossom Ointment.' Only 6d and 1/ box, at grocers and chemists. Wholesale Agents—Kempt ho me, Prosser. and Co. ' WANTED Cured, sunburns, chapped hands, burns, sore legs, sore eyes, skin complaints. Then use 'Spring Blossom Ointment.' Only Bd and 1/, at Chemists and Grocers. Wholesale Agents —KenxDthorne. Prosssr. and Co. Public NotleesmHE BUSINESS MAN'S VADE MEX CUM.—Almanac, Diary. Statistical Digest, Directory, Mall and Railway Time Tables, etc.—Brett's Auckland Almanac. Price 1/. Postage 3d extra.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 28, 3 February 1899, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 28, 3 February 1899, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 28, 3 February 1899, Page 6