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Medical. Instant relief for skin-tortured babies, and rest for tired parents, in a warm bath -witn Cuxicdra Soap, and a single anointing witn Cuticuba, the great skin cure, the only permanent, safe, and speedy treatment for the most distressing of itching, burning, bleeding, and scaly affections of the skin asd scalp. SoldcTcryvrhere^ BriH»h degdrt J\M»«i!T._l» pE.A R S^_g OAR WHAT IS IT ? PEARS' SOAP is nothing but soap, no free fat or free alkali in it. Pure Soap— Pears' Soap. _, -. , t. J>BAR S^_g OAR BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT. PEARS, Soap Makers to Her Majesty the Queen.

mammmmmmmmmm^mmmmmmmmm^m^m^ Anaemia, Atony, Dyspepsia,' A VERY DANGEROUS CONDITION And AN ABSOLUTE RESUSCITATION. The Case Of. "Surely you tried some remedy?" n__nn_n._n. ._~ ______ ™.. _» ...,,.„. " Yes; I wasalways, taking medicine, MISS IRENE - PAYNE, from the very first. I took bottle after , ' * bottle of different thing?. They, were all (From the " Nepean Times.") the same. They none of them did me any (BY OUR SPECIAL.) j _ ~ j j on v ' " Have no doctors attended you ? Our reporter called on Miss Irene Payne, « y es . but unfortunately their medicine of Penrith, N.S.W. That young lady also failed to cure, although they had every opened the door herself, and on hearing of chance, as I always followed out minutely the reason of his visit smilingly welcomed the directions of my medical attendants, him into the house, and needed no pressing ■ . Desnair to relate the story of her. sufferings and her -, __ ;■ 7? n ******* . prompt recovery. She now appears to be in what to do. My stomach was in auch a the possession of redundant health, and of a state that it was with the utmost difficulty bright and vivacious temperament. On the th 7b, l J c. ould f r tai? \ ie lightest and most pressman saying so, she said, " Yet once easily-digested foods. _._. _~ ... .« __» ___. But I understand Clements Tonic came My Constitution Seemed to the rescuer Shattered. « Yes _ I had frequently heard of it durA long continued illness had quite broken ing the later stages of my illness, and it was me down." recommended to me by a friend; but I was " How did this occur, Miss Payne ?" very loth to take any mere medicine, as my " I began to suffer from what is scientifi- stomach was in sugh a tender and weak cally known as anaemia. My blood got state that I was extremely poor. My appetite and strength Fearful Of Irritating It. waned away till I gradually lost ,s\ tm ujtimately, after having read a book of healthy colour and became of a pale lea-lea £ . c lments fe Toni ' l Bent for a complexion, with large dark rings under my bottle » v«"««>«> J- umi '' ■*■ ny "x » eyes. My food no longer nourished my „ D | d ft , uifc „ system, and I became weak and languid. «MorteffeSrfy.UiflS some rf'.the. Very soon my digeshve organs began to p- ofche / meAicin^ to make me me trouble, and soon after eating amaM f^ . k dle ' ments Tonic at once had a sense <jf fullness in the chest was a regular. { . ' v effecfcj The fii . Bt inßtanoe o{ condition with me. As the days went by quali ' ies Wftß noticeab i e iv the I was Less and Less fact that it put a stop to able to properly digest and assimilate my The Vomiting of Blood, . . food. Often enough I suffered from wind, And w hat a blessing it was to be able to eat wmch slowly formed within, till the pain Bometh -i ng without being almost certain to caused by its pressure was almost bey6nd vomiti -§ ugi cleme ° t3 Tonic re gularly belief I always felt too dull and languid and carefully f aa aWe to again take to perform the light household duties which strengtheningfoodsandwasalsoabfetodigest fell to my share. I always felt too weary them with great advantage to my health and tired to move. When I stood up, m generall y, The bilious attacks in two or a very few minutes I should feel too weary three weeks wen nearl dope m ■ } a to remain on piy feet, and was only too glad sUght turn coming on now and again, andas to _, __ .«. _. J. continued to progress Throw Myself Down. ZZZ _ .. _A _. m ' mJL __. t. x. \;, •« ti.i t. ; Steadily towards Health.. on a couch, as exhausted as if I had been ...,,, , r 7 . , doing half-a-day's hard walking. At night *« me °° mo ** headaches my rest was always broken and unrefresh- **«» ha-mshed, and sweet sleep once more •J j. refreshed me at night time. You could « Surely this was the worst stage V almost see Clements Tonic filling my veins «Oh dear, no! This was only the begin- w'*h. *» mucft-needed red bloop!. My ning. Sick headaches now made tEeir checks began to fill out and displayed a ti^ge appearance, and these were always followed £* »<f- My hps and gums became of a by a-violent bilious attack. At such times I healthy, colour, and, once having got rid of couldn't approach the table; the mere smell "J7 W »ful, W*?™ 1 trouble^ I gained of cooking would bripg on retching. My and spirit*, daily, and I soon eyes ached with an intense pain, and my r?gainea tne eyelids swelled and were badly discoloured. Full Health and Strength My head which I now enjoy." Felt as Heavy as Lead. "I ask your permission to put this in the I couldn't bear to speak or be spoken to, Nepean Times V and I should have to lie down in seclusion "Of course you can," replied Miss Payne. till the worst of the attack had somewhat. > moderated. I never had much time after STATUTORY DECLARATION, one of these attacks before another came on, I, Irknr Paths, ot Penrith, In the Colony and every succeeding one became more 5 f ? ew Jto? ttl Yj^3' do solemnly and sincerely _,„,.;„„., v„„ j«„>f !_■«««, Ur,m " declare tbafc I have carefully read the anpexed serious. You don t know how dbcumeut, consisting of eight folios ' and oon--1 Used to Dread secuUvely numbered from one to eight, and that it contains and is a true and faithful account of my these attacks " - ■ illness and cure by Clements Tonic, and also contains ' «• 'Phpv mn^f have Wri TFPn.kemm> ?" m *. fuU permission'to publish the same in any way; 1 ney must nave oeen weauemng 1 and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously " They were, indeed. 1 grew thiuner and Relieving the same to be true, and by virtue of the thinner every month, and'my constitution provisions of an Act'made and passed in the" nnith became more and more enervated. f~ Some Very Da.ngerOUS and Affirmations taken and made in the various Syni-OtomS Departments of the Government of New South Wales, t and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and set in. Sometimes I vomited blood nearly for, the suppression of voluntary and extfa Ju&ein! all day. It's hardly necessary for me to Oaths and Affidavits, tell you how weakening this wag, or to * Q . . ■-. What a Perilous Condition HT I was then reduced. You could see by my ) QXXA/Vt,JL» drawn and pallid face that my^vitality was / n very low. My lips, which should have bee 1 " red. were a3 pale and leaden coloured as my Declared at Penrit'n this eighth day of August, cheeks, and if you looked at my gums you Jg tb°"sar,d e'eht hundred *°d *»**■****. would have found them white also." ■ w. FDDTON, J.P. CLEMENTS TONIC is entirely impartial. It will act in precisely the same ways for a prig or a policeman, aud have the same beneficial effect on pauper, politician, peer, patrician, prince or potentate. It is a distinct leveller of mankind; it makes no distinction. Let the highest or the lowest suffer from any complaint where its use is indicated, nnd it will result in the same success, no matter what the social status of the patient. ''wo-jenuy-halfpenny nostrums only appeal to the ignorant credulity of the plebeians. . 2 GALLONS OF DELICIOUS LEMONADE FOR A FEW P£NC« A Bottle of "Eiffel Tower" makes 32 Tumblers (2 Gallons) of most delicious Home=made Lemonade* It is by concentrating the Lemons in the orchards where they are grown that the "Eiffel Tower" Lemonade can be supplied at this remarkable price. It is made from only the finest Lemons that the world produces. None genuine unless bearing the "Eiffel Tower" Trade Mark. Ask for it at the stores. If you cannot procure of your grocer, send Bd. in stamps to ARTHUR H. NATHAN, Custom's Street, Auckland, Agent, when a bottle will ba sent by return post

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Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 8, 11 January 1899, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 8, 11 January 1899, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 8, 11 January 1899, Page 6