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Scientific Examination of MIGHTY " ALOK" TT^TT (C? 2" TT TT TF^ TTT) CO) /fot) /f(f^\ 9 THE MOST SUCCESSFUI< By the most Eminent Authority in Australia, and for many • | — ~A\ >w*****"S. / / I I r^^TV r-\ "4~^ __<X.\ A I 1 I \ Nis^ \) l^^"^ years Professor in Sydney University, De. HELMS, M.A., [ **A -»_. AI j ' l \\ /f\\ /\ \\ \\ \\ VJ N. /v^ry m> «c-i r-»* . F.C.S., Consulting ana Analytical Chemist. ' 1 \\ ( \\^A VV vV\ // Xj l\ TT^TT /f^TT ¥ 1\ OTH TTYTH\ O !M! ,^ S^, 11 a^^Jil lliWli\\ loAx k^a^Ao o> °U) ( / \\A C Tip 9 Ist February, 1898. I _. \\ W G=3' Messrs. FISHER & CO.. Ji ILM^Jill AVJiIL^ VJJ Ji GENTLEMEN, —I have examined your preparation, Mighty y, * "ALOK," and find that it contains, besides Kola Nut, only pure __, „. _ _ , f\ f\ s^rs^ *—r *• vegetable drugs, havng well-known Tonic properties. -Yours VT TT TT /7^\ TT TT /aTT^ VT TZ U U WAS" TT A/Z~Z\ TT flfl J A v • a. helms. fWU [ (fZI Li IIXV & /j\ flp\\ k\ and Appetiser GUARANTEED NOT TO CONTAIN QUININE OR IRON, /1 \/ \ \ \\ \[ I I | 1 j ( /( \\ V V )/ f\\ OR ANY OTHER INJURIOUS INGREDIENT. Zl V 11 il X^J-j Li il JJL il Zi il LL=^7 V^=^ il U IN THE WORLD ,! — ■ — ■— ■ ■ ; I 1 i I FRESHLY PREPARED FROM THE FAMOUS AFRICAN KOLA NUT (Cola Acuminata). Tine Talk ©ff tine Tcdwi I ~ ""intoxicating! Tine Onik ©ff HHue Seas®!! AWARDED GOLD MEDAL BY THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, SYDNEY. FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AT ALL EXHIBITIONS. ,• • ' ~ • • ' — - , t . . , . . -'•"-• •'■,-. I i

UNSOLICITED TESTIMONY. MADAME ALBANI, THE QUEEN OF SONG, AND THE FRIEND OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN OF GREAT BRITAIN, WRITES UNSOLICITED THE FALLOWING TESTIMONY :- "The Australia" (Hotel), Sydney, March 29th, 1898. DEAR Sirs,—l shall be much obliged if you will send me two bottles of your preparation "ALOK." lam very glad to tell you that this Tonic was of great service to me on the sea, and in helping me to recover from the effects of my long voyage. IT IS OF GREAT BENEFIT IN STOPPING SEA SICKNESS, AND OF GREAT ASSISTANCE TO ANY ONE WHO HAS FATIGUING WORK TO DO. I am, yours very truly, E. ALBANI GYE. ttf There is no greater believer in Mighty " ALOK " than Madame Albani. It is her constant companion.

IT IS NOT A SWEET BUT BITTER DRINE^ ""* Cleansing the Palate,; Reviving the Liver and Brain. THIS TONIC ACTS WITH THE MOS^ REMARKABLE RAPIDITY UN-RESTORING A WEAffßlfr STOMACH, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, TORPID LIV^B, DEBILITY, AND IN REVIVING THE BBAIN FBOMI -? THE EFFECTS OF OVER-WORK AND FATIGUE. IT STIMULATES AND STRENGTHENS THE ENTIRE . . MUSCULAR SYSTEM, ACTING LIKE MAGIC, AND ROUSES INTO VIGOUR AND HEALTH THE WHOLE ' PHYSICAL ENERGCY OF THE HUMAN ECONOMY. TO ENABLE ONE TO ENJOY A MEAL, A DOSE - rAKEN AN HOUR OR SO BEFORE IMMENSELY SHARPENS THE APPETITE. WITH SODA WATER. BEFORE BREAKFAST, IT IS THE MOST BENEFICIAL DRINK-IN THE WORLD. IT HAS A MOST MARVELLOUS EFFECT IN CHECKING THE CRAVING FOR ALCOHOL. IN MANY CASES HAVING RESTORED INEBRIATE? TO THEIR NORMAL CONDITIONS OF LIFE. _>!#*«'- . ■' v _,"■". '':'■ '-■''':. ■-'-''-.-..■ MiR. J. L. JACOB3EN, Champion Chen Player of Australasia, forwards unsolicited tbe followiag Teatiaioaial, which speaks for itself :— School of Arts, Bydiiey.:; Dear Sirs,—As a cure for brain weariness and lassitude, I have proved Mighty "ALOK " • marvellous Tonic. A dose before commencing enables me to endure the arduous strain of match play with tittle fatigue. I consider it a boob- to brain workers, and heartily rpoonkaend it to all cbees' players. J L. JACOfiSEN. REMARKABLE MENTAL EFFORT SUSTAINED BY MIGHTY "ALOK," Messrs. FISHER & CO. Gentlemen,— Having proved the efficacy of your preparation, Mighty " Alok," aa an invaluable Brain and Nerve Tonic, I havo much pleasure in stating the circumstanoes turner which I came to use it. On August 17th I noticed an announcement in tbe " Herald,? of an examination in law for tbe office of Police Magistrate, to be held in twfc mouths' time. The subjects prescribe^ were books oontaining nearly 10,000 pages. I had undertaken a " big job," with less than nine weeks to do it in. After three weeks I found I could not continue the intense marital strain -without having recourse to some artificial stimulapt. De«lining to use alcohol for this purpose, I decided to give Mighty " ALOK " a trial. Tbe result of the ttrstbtfttle was so remarkable that I purchased a dozen, and by the use of thie invaluable brain and nerve tonic wps able to continue my studies without any break for nearly three weeks, at a mental strain sustained at the highest pressilre for 134 hours a day,- with the result that at the examination I successfully passed in all subjects except ona, and in that I was only 3j marks below the minimum, and for which I have been granted,a future examination. I feel confident that lad I not '..:..' _. used your Mighty "ALOK " I should have broken down. ~...5 y_t_ _ y_y'_.._.. Aiiwiiitii Yours faithfully, . "; ; . ....■.■■, ~'_."".- : H. TENffANT DONALDSON; J.P., ,"; ' " .* ". • 24th February, 1898. . Late Private Secretary to the Eon. Sir George Dibbs, K.O.M.CK . WHAT HENRY BRACY, ESQ.,SAYS ABOUT FISHER & 00*3 lIIGHTT "ALOK" Hxinit Beast's English and Como Ops&a Company, Stwtw. Messrs. FISHER & CO. Lyceum Theatre, Sydney, March 6th, 18S7. Gentlemen, —It ib with mnch pleasure that I testify to the merits of your Mighty "ALOK." In my professional vocation I am very often tired and fatigued after long and worrying rehearsals, and I find great benefit at tbe time from a dpse of your tonic, with a little coda water. It invariably baa a most reviving effect, and I have got quite fond of it— Faithfully yours, ; . a,JBRACY> . :■_■■.■■_. .;./..' AN ENGLISH ATHLETE'S TESTIMONY , :'*•*',' Mes*rs. FISHER & CO. Thickthorn, Moow Park, January 7tb, 1898. Gonilemen-It is only common gratitade on my part to let yon know tha great benefit I have derived from foot KOLA NUT preparations. As an old and successful athlete in-tije country, I have naturally tried many strength conferring beverages, but consider your latest production, Mighty " A-JJuK," to be peerless.—Faithfully yours, O^ARLBB a DAVIS. WHEN OUT OP SORTS DRINK MIGHTY "ALOK." ' Actual Facts. ■■■'■'■.■■ A leading Sydney lawyer called on ns and stated that after a very merry night he felt so bad and sick the next morning it was necessary to see his doctor. The doctor, advised him to go straight to Fisher & Co.'s and get a draugbt of their Mighty " ALOK In half an hour he was brighfcand fresh enough to condoet an important law case, which meant J250 to him. He was quite positive it would not have been done without the Tonic. The gentleman naturally will aot have bis name mentioned in tbe papers, but it can be made known privately. This gentleman la most enthusiastic in his praise ot/ Mighty "ALOK," and will now have no other medicine. * WHEN RUN £>OWN TAKE MIGHTY "ALOK" ERNEST GYE, Esq., Madame Albani's husband, thus writes nearly a month subsequent to MAdame Albania letter :— "The Australia," Sydney, 17th April, 1898. Messrs. FISHER & CO., 337 George-Street. Dear Sirs. —Would you please write your Melbourne House to send 8 bottles of your. Mighty " ALOK "ob board th| r ss Nairun« /Land Line), for the use-of .Madame Albani. Tbe shin left here yesterday, and will leave Melbourne on th* 22nd. -Youra trujy, BENKST GYE,

IT CUBES INDIGESTION AND MAKES YOU E&T. •; A SPLENDID PREPARATION FOR STRENGTHENING THE ItfEftVES -AND SUAE?. « * ACTION OF, THE HE ART.—Professor Heckel states that Cola, by Sic Caffeine and Theobromine' wMcb it.(?ontai__t& Is a tonic of the heart, whose pulsations it sfcoelerates, while it increases lis jk>war and regulate its oehtrsicfioas. Proffeswr Heckel further points out that the principle, called Kolaine, contained in Kola, prevents rapid waste, of, tisane dicing fatiguing exertions, whilst the Caffeine stimulates the ma«cles.PNEUMONIA.—Worry kills business area. Heavr-io&Ks and hard tsnes mike then* dep^es^edjin spirits. Th? Main and body become weak: unknown to them they are debilitated. It is than-that tbe least ,ch£lL Strikes them, and pneumonia • carries them off. To fortify the system, and make the ap'irfts buoyant, nothing can equal Kdier: and 'Company's Mighty "ALOK." It is the most remarkable invigorator and irajrtaiaer known. DIARRHCSA.—Dr. Durain and Dr. Cnnio bate both reported cutps in rebel&KM diarrheas under the übb of Kola. A rwent issue of the " Planter's Monthly." contains a description of this remarkable nut and its uses:—Kola has the property of staying hunger, whilst supporting the struggle fo* existeoce. If a supply of nuts-had been included in Mr. Stanley's outfit, his men would not have suffered so t^mb^y for want of animal food. As might be expected, the value of Kola increases as it maked its v^py into the interior of Africa, and some of the tribes,furthest removed icon) the sea pay for the dry powder an equal weight of golddnot. Ina despatch from Mr, Gaorge Alexander Steyens, her Majesty's Control'at Bahia, he calls attention to the great powers of enSftranca in lifting hejavy loads and transporting them to long. distances in the tropical climate, attributed to the free use of Kola Bean. An old African, after biting A £ieee of the magio ; bean, lifted 179 English pounds weight on his bead, and carried tbe same for a distance -of four miles. " Still another merit is named, however, which will, interest the temesrance party. The n%roes who chew Kola Nut have no desire to drink rum, and hence save money and retain strength. Dr. LEON ERNST MONNET; Paris, reports: — •■' I gave a strpng infusion df Kola Nut to a railroad track layer, whtf was suffering from ' bine devila' (hypochondria) extremely, and within terohaurs he fait like going its bis hard duties, and laughed and talked." ■>ii n ■ i CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF KOLA NUT. From n paper read before the Union Scientifique dcs Fbarmaclens de France by Professor E. Heckel and F. Schlagdenhanffen ("Jour. Pbarro. et de Chimio" (6), p. 663, viii.,p. 81, 177), " Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions," Jan. 26.' »SB4; "Therapeutic Gazette." June, 1884, p. 276. The entire compoaition of the Kola Nut is compared by tbe authors witfc that of tea, coffee, and cacao, as follgw|,j*« r* mrmmmmmmm.mmmmmmtf^^mty —mm— ■ ■ i i m■■ i ■ ■ Cacao Coffee Tea Kola "*■ "* i (BBUcherlich). (Payen). Green Black (Paligot). (Authors). Fat . .. .. 68.00 13.00 0.28 — 0.555 Proteid Matters .. 13.00 13.00 -3.00 2.80 6.761 Theobromine .. .. 1.60 — — — 0223 Caffeine .. — 2.25 0.43 0.46 2.348, Essential Oil .. ' .. 0.04 0.003 0.?9 0.60 undet. Resm .. .... — — 2.22 8.64 — SsSt :: ::i "-) | "•» ;. - - '{£$. Gum .. .. ..j — — 8.38 7.28 3.040 Celialose ..| — 84.00 17.08 26.08 29.83t Colouring Matters .. j — j — 17.24 19.20 . 2.661* - Colouring Matters .. 6.00 j — 2.22 1.84 1.29 ft Extractive .. — ' — 22.80 19.88 j — Tannin .. .. — . — 17.80 12.88 1.618 Ash .. ~ .. 860 ; €.697 6.66 6:24 .8.895 Water.. .. .. 6.00 12.00 — — 11909 - IdO.OO 100.00 100.00 1 100.00 100.00 "' , We particularly direct attention to the Professional Analyses sod Certificates. The Purify of our Tonic is the reason why thousands and tens of thousands all over Australia drink oar preparation, the benefits arising froni so deiag being incalculable, as proved by our numerous splendid fceatirhbnials. We further warn the public against tbe aspersions made by unprincipled men, who, with old-fashioned tonics, find themselves crowded Out of the market. MIGHTY " ALOE " is the most modern, scientific, and successful fconio ever placed before the public, and will outlive all jawlons opposition. KOLA is a remarkable power prescribed by medical men throughout tbe whole civilised world. Tea, coffee, and many: other drinks induce biliousness. not so with MIGHTY "ALOK." which, with sodawater, in the morning, is a most refreshing and healthful drink. Stimulating tbe Stomach and Clearing the Brain. In face of all this learned testimony, the man who says that Kola is a dangerous and useless drug evidently does not: know what be U talking about, and is quite ignorant on the whole subject. He must have some sordid end to sain, sad casts all Commercial Honour and Principle to tbe wind. ■■'■■'' _ BE SURE THAT YOU FIND THE FULL NAME— FISHER AND CO., NOT FISHER'S, OB ANY OTHER COLOURABLE IMITATION, BUT FISHER ahd CO., ON EVER? BOTTLE. ALL OTHERS ARE BASE IMITATIONS.

1 ——. _ — ,—- ————— ' . ; ..■■ < iw SOLD AT ALL HOTELS, CHEMISTS AND STOREKEEPERS WITH SODA WATER, 6d PER GLASS, AT ALL HOTELS IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. 2/Q and 4/6 PER BOTTLE. ■ ■ ' ::_- :; ■'■■"".'; • \ _:i:o® ■■■* ■ '.■■"'. c y..^'.- "■-,* JLL JULv^yi-l LA V__-^x_l v_-j— — jj^ y V - TIEXIES STTSrST 3S^-^l^Bff, TJ3EH^LO'^TlT]E^_i:_lff FXXfc-XUE, : _ ,/^ FITZG-EBALD'S AVENUE/WILLIS STKEET, WELLINGTON, N.Z • fij& V ■^Sl^^-—IB -~..»- .Mrt^-i- ftimnrnnrm c< mm/ i\ fl r(I n " l/MAU/M agents for new Zealand: iHR' 'Su^V * , ' lli^^s^fc3P COUNTRY ORDERS FAITHFULLY ATTENDED TO. #^^LLv|S^^ DUNEDIN - - Messrs. SCOULAR BROS. & CO. JT / ■ f %i/(^^^^^ — - * '^^S^fe^S^^* CHRISTCHURCH - Messrs. JAMES SHAND & CO. V r J j J \ I SAD MEN AND WOMEN ARE MADE CHEERFUL AND HAPPY. Messrs- KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER & CO. W / ----- m I IT MAKES THE WEAK ACTIVE AND STRONG. iK"^L_^^^^^^^ "' Messrs. SHARLANb & CO., and all Wine and Spirit Merchants. ~Z==^^^ g^*^— FlsheP and CO.'S Tonic with Soda Water before meals is the Most Beneficial Refresher and "^^jf FACTORIES-SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, BRISBANE, ADELAIDE, PERTH t« ™* Am^onv t*™*m>™wt™ Armdtoar in the world. Cyclists, Singers, and Public Speakers " swear by it." Dunng sultry and In the APTEKNOON- ~ .£-» «*- •»<■' am. Boon so the wis, !*______** v*. «___, it whe. B wp__, g J™?SL" ASSK- ' And RtWßrald's Avenue, Willis Street. WELLINGTON, N.Z. A*SS3M£. fc" MIGHTY "ALOK." in Town.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 6, 9 January 1899, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 6, 9 January 1899, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXX, Issue 6, 9 January 1899, Page 7