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The 'Star' will not be published on j Monday next (Boxing Day). Adver- j Users should arrange their announcements accordingly. . The Auckland 'Star' Exhibition i -Number is the best account of this part of the colony ever published, j Its pictures aud descriptions will give i fiiends at a distance a realistic idea j of the land we live in—'The Land of • Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers. No j Aucklander should omit sending cop- j ies to friends by the San Francisco ! maiL which leaves next Saturday ; morning. An amusing blunder was made at ! the Folice Court this morning, when Tbe usual batch of 'drunks' was being dealt with. A- first offender's name ,

I was called, and by mistake the wrong [man was bundled into the dock, dis-k-barged with a caution and allowed to heave the Court. The error was found , out when the discharged man's name was called and he failed to appear. As it happened he was a second offending inebriate, and would in the natural order of things have been fined instead of getting- off with a caution. The following holidays will be observed at the post-office:—Monday, the 20th inst. (for Christmas Day) is jto be observed as a close holiday, but ■on Tuesday, the 27th post offices are to be open in all branches from nine | a.m. to ten a.m. Mails usually dcsI patched on Monday will be closed at | seven p.m. on Saturday. At the Chief j Post-office supplementary mails will !be made up on Monday morning, to j include all correspondence posted in i the chief office receiver before seven [a.m. On Tuesday. 27th. the itsual desi patch of mails to ten a.m. will be ! made. A delivery by letter carriers i will be made on Saturday afternoon. Town letters will be delivered over the counter at the Chief Post-office on Saturday night, between seven and eighto'clock. Another meeting of the Appeal Council of the New Zealand Amateur j Rowing Association was held at Welj lington last night to consider the I Wellington Rowing Club difficulty. | After going more thoroughly into the I matter and hearing the statement of i the Wellington club's officers, it was I decided by three votes to two that the : four members of the club who competed in the naval cutter race without | permission of the association had not I forfeited their amateur status. This j has the effect of removing the emj barsro which threatened the club in | regard to its club races -and regatta ! representation at the championship I meetimr in Auckland. I . - i Since the recent sale of property on | behalf of the Assets Realisation Board. ! the auetioners. Messrs Hunter and Xolan. have privately disposed of the following lots:—Henderson, rural sections: Sections f> and 6a. R. Smythe. 24 acres, 10/ per acre: ' nection 6. R. Smythe. 26 acres 2 roods 32 perches. 13/ per acre: section 0. R. Smythe. 36 acres 2 roods. 15/ per acre: total £63 i S/. Surrey Hills Estate: Section 6. Thomas G. Querie. 40ft frontage. £1 i per foot. €40: section 7. H. Jones. | 40 feet. £1. £40: section 9, John; Jenkins. r.Sft 6in. 15/, £2S 17/6: sec- j tion 9. John Jenkins. 40ft. 15/. £30: j section 10. George Peace. 40ft. 15/, I £.10: section 10, Joseph tatchpole. j 40ft. 15/. £30: section 14. J. W.Thomp- j son. 61ft 3in, £i/ 5. £70 1 _./.*!: section! 26. J. B. Robertson. .ISft Gin. £1, £3S ! 10/: section 74. John Rich. 40ft, £l| 10: section 74. John Rich. 40ft. £ 1 10/: i total. £120. Section 74. William Dimery. 40ft. £1 10/. section 74. William Dimery, 40ft, £1 10/: total, £120. Mr Wm. Thorne honorary treasurer Auckland Ladies' Benevolent Society, acknowledges with best thanks the receipt from His Worship the Mayor of Auckland (Mr D. Goldie) of a cheque for £ 10 10/ to wards the funds of the Society. The annual meeting of the Auckland Gas Company's Accident Relief Fund was held on the 16th inst. at the work shop. Mr J. Law-ford in the chair. Only two accidents occurred during the year. The balance-sheet showed total receipts £75 1/4, amount paid to members unable to work £4 10/. members withdrawing £2 5/. secretary's salary £1/1. dividend payable to members £47 4/5, balance to carry forward £20. The dividend payable to adult members is £1 4/9. and boys 12/5. The figures show that for a small sum of l]tl per month the members have been insured against accidents, entitling them to £5 per week. This should encourage all employees to join. A vote' of thanks was passed to the outgoing officers, who were re-elected. Captain Charles Lorraine, the young parachutist who arrived in Auckland recently, has arranged to give an exhibition in the Domain on January 2nd. on Gte^ occasion of the Caledonian Society's sports. It is some years since a balloon ascent has been 'made in Auckland, and the promised exhibition will add considerably' to the interest of the sports gala." Capt. Lorraine proposes to ascend to a height of 10.000 or 11.000 feet, whence \e will descend by means of a parachute Though only twenty-four years of age, he has made nearly 400 ascents and has never yet sustained a serious accident. Although Capt. Lorraine is I an ex-Parnell boy. his ballooning feats] have been hitherto performed in' Great Briiain and Ireland, and this is I his first appearance in New Zealand as > an aeronaut. I On Friday evening the Helping Hand I Mission will commence a series of! tent services on The reclamation in ! Customs-street. These services are • held specially in the interests of men from The country. They will continue each evening for a fortnight. Miss Haselden, who has for some years been bead mistress of the Kauaeranga Girls' School, yesterday severed her connection with the school on the school breaking-up for the Christmas holidays. Prior to the breaking-up, Mr J. McDonald, a member of the School Committee presented Miss Haselden on behalf of I the teachers of the Thames, and the i children of the Kauaeranga School I with a silver tea kettle, butter,.- suo-ar* ' md cream dishes, and a case of knives n^Ji 01? 5' Vne- "ifts were panied by a testimonial and a letter ■ subscribed to by nearly all the tea-! ihers in the district, wishing the re- I Jipient all the compliments of the I season, and every success in the fu- j' __ Christmas numbers of all leading inghsh publications, animal volume?, i -O.VS and Girls Annual, Chums. Chat- j erbox, etc. reward books, children's ojs, books in great variety at Spreek- I !Kt.-(Ad.) the P°st Short-j

The application forms under «..' Old Age Pensions Act have now i£ received by the I3eputv-Re-i*tnitS Buildings. Those qualified to rectf™ the pension and desirous of ma J-^ hen- applications as early as p o *siV* have no need to pay any ageSl carrying out the legal condition^ they will f,„d any number ofpfeg willing to gratuitously assist th«n • proving their claims.' In "this cos£ tion we may draw attention to ll advertisement of the Liberal tion. The Executive Council o?S Association have formed themseh into a committee with a view to asVJf ing nil those who need it. The CW imttee will probably meet every & urday afternoon at the rooms 7*Vi further than this if those who V 2 through physical infirmity unable i avail themselves of this will forwar.l then- names and addresses a membe^ will wait on them to render amsistanoe possible. *

> j Mr Joint Can- King adverse* « brand of pure rhubarb wine mad- Kj; himself at Mount Albert. The :%h'l 'which is obtainable either f^in'tV - ; maker, or from the various hot^s "4 j| is claimed is a cool, pleasant j and ' i ,T-Tl? e anmial meeting of the Timber , j Workers' Accident Relief Society,-com. , i prising the Leyland-O'Brien Timber t Company. Waitemata. Oceanic and | Parker-Lamb and Co. sawmills em- ' | ployees, was held yesterday Mr D - j Neer in the chair. The secretary M? ';Geo. E. Catkins, read the annual reexport and balance-sheet. Balance front J-last year, £22 0/3; amount received v for members' subseriptims, £63 7/3. -: interest. 19/. Againsi this there was--11 relief pay, £16 IS/4: dividends to [•members. £42 7/9: officers' salaried lj £6 1/. leaving a balance of £20 19/5* > I The Chairman congratulated the tnemi| bers on the success of *he past v'ear 1 j and the light nature of the accidents' . j also upon the substantial dividend of » j 17/G per member. The following oin- ; ! cers were elected for tfie en?uin<?\-ear: j Chairman. Mr D. Xeerf; secretary. Mr , j Geo. E. Wa thins; Treasurer. Mr J. T. .•O'Brien: auditors, Messrs Adamsga - j and Philpot. The Committee com- " j prises Messrs J. S. Kelly, H. Heme, G. j Rowbottom. J. Young. Perkinson and I Dye. with the above officers. The j meeting closed with a hearty vote of j thanks To The outgoing officers and ! Committee. Subsequently the employees of The _Leyland-o"Bnen Company . -met and tendered a hearty vote of [ Thanks to the directors of the eomj pany for the substantial Christmas j gift of £50. and for their annual picnic, which Takes place on the ?,lsfc i inst.. in their fine steamer Stella, to I Cowes Bay. Waiheke. the X.S.S. Co. j having kindly granted free use of I their new wharf for the occasion. ■'• ■" I Country visitors aud the general j public are reminded that Messrs I Skeates Bros., jewellers, of Queen-' j street, have a few months ago enTargjed Their premises'to double its origi- : nal'size, which They found it necesj sary to do owing to Their largely in- | creased business, and they have just j received direct from The best manufacturers an immense variety of new I goods suitable for Christmas and Xew I Year presents.

Mr Robert E. Isaacs received information by last mail from London that at a meeting- of the Council of the Society of Accountants and Ailditors he had been duly elected an associate of that body.

On Christmas (Sunday) night the popular p.s. Eagle will proceed on a "Moonlight Cruise* round the Harbour, leaving the Ferry Tee at eight o'clock and calling at Devonport af 5.20. The Newton' Brass Band will discourse sacred music- on board. The cruise should prove very enjoyable. : ..

-v large and exceedingly attractive assortment- of Xmas arid -New Year

cards are on view at Mr R. Spreekley's new Xmas card show-room, Xo. 11. inside the Victoria Arcade. Splendid value in packets and boxes.—(Ad.)

An opportunity of spending a <lay in the bush will be afforded on Monday ne r xt (Boxing Day), when the Helping Hand Mission hold their Monster Picnic at Henderson. Two trains, with accommodaTion for 2000 people, will leave the Auckland statiou, calling at Newmarket and Mount Eden. The Mission Band will render selections, and will take part in the opening of the Henderson Church in. The afternoon. Hot-water will be provided.

Mr T. S. Scott, photographer, of Thames, filed a declaration of insolvency To-day.

We direct the attention of our readers to the Ferry Company's advertisement, which appears in another column, setting forth their excursions for to-morrow, Sunday, Monday arid Tuesday next. A-highly interesting and instructive lecture was given at the meeting of The French Literary Society on Wednesday evening by Monsieur Robin, Professor of Classics in the University of Brussells. The subject was 'in graphic rafionnelle." . > Last evening special tent service? in connection with the Central Mission were commenced in The large GE. tent opposite the Free Library in Wellesleystreet. Themeetings are being conducted by Mr R. "Robertson, of the Victorian Evangelisation Society. There was a good attendance, tho. Evangelist being listened to with close attention. His "subject was 'Behind a Tree: On the Tree: and Up a Tree." The quaint Scotch humour, .broad accent and manly appeal reminded one of John McNeil", the Scotch Evangelist. Tbe meetings are announced to commence at half-past seven each even-

Messrs Paterson and Co. have arranged to run buses from Devonport to Waiwera on Christmas Dav'j and Boxing Day at ordinary fares. thus providing f'ic'" liTies for a pleasant drive to those who do not enjoy excursions by water. On Sunday the bus leaves Devonport at S.oO a.m., and on Monday aT 9 a.m. The musical and elocutionary com* petitions will be concluded to-night at the exhibition, and it is notified by advertisement that the judges' decision in all classes will be made known this evening. A" very attractive programme is prepared for to-night," and to-morrow (Saturday) evening a grand miscellaneous programme -will be presented by all the prizewinners. The admission is free on each occasion. Many aperient pills .gripe and have an exhausting after effect. Llore: tes .Laxative Pills do not act in that «-ajand yet are always reliable.—(Ad.) . Christmas presents, grand display, wonderful varieties. 1/. ornaments. Tan field, Potter and Co.—(Ad.) Smith and Caughev have just received 24 dozen boys' and men's stratf. hats, bought a desperate job. and ara clearing them at Gd.—- (Advt.) .......

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 303, 23 December 1898, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 303, 23 December 1898, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 303, 23 December 1898, Page 4