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The 'Star" will not be published on Monday next (Boxing Bay). Advertisers should arrange their announcements accordingly. Tilt! Auckland 'Star Exhibition Xinnbi'r is the best account of this part of "the colony ever published. Its1 pictures and descriptions will give friends at ;i distance a realistic idea of the land we live in—'The Land of Sunshiife, Fruit and Flowers. .No Aueklander should omit sending copies to friends by the San Francisco maii which leaves next Saturday morning. The Hon. A. .1. Cad man, Minister for Mines and Railways, arrived here from the Thames last evening- by through train, and left this morning- by steamer for Coromnndel in order to attend the banquet to be given there to Mr IT. P. llornibrooke. He returns to Auckland on Saturday and leaves the some day for the Northern Wnlroa, in order to spend Christmas with his children at Mangawhare! Mr Wilson, Mr ('adman's private secretary, left for Wellington to-day. The hours of attendance 10 be observed on Christ mas and New Year holidays at the principal Telegraph ofiiees will be on Monday. SGth, and Tuesday. 27th December, and on Monday, 2nd January, from 9 to 10a.m., and from 1 to 8 p.m. On the 27th December all telegraph ofliees will be open from 9to 10 a.m. The Telephone f Kxehnnge will remain open as usual.

Mr It. Cameron, manager of the Auckland Savings Man!:, who with his. wife arrived by the "Frisco mail yestcrdav, looks remarkably well af'.er a seven months' holiday in the Old Country. His many friends will welcome lib; return.

Yesterday afternoon two women, Mary Mc.Manus and Klorrie Maekay, were charged at the Police Court with robbing ("buries llobinson, an engineer, of £'•> 10.S in from of the Park Hotel, v! the corner of Wellesley ami Kut!antl-.stre-et«s, on The evening of Monday, th<» ]:.Mh tnst. Messrs Callnan and .1. Gordon, Justices of the Peace, were on the bench. Dr. Laishley defended the accused. The alleged robbery was stated to have taken place between eleven and twelve oVloek. and !hc prosecutor sail! that he was quite sober. The informant and a sailor belonging to the Pitcairn Island, named Mnedonald, gave evidence in support of the prosecution. \)r. l.aishley addressed the bench for the defence, pointing out improbabilities and inconsistencies in the evidence connected with the ease, and submitted there was no such ease as required testimony on behalf of the accused. The bench upheld Dr. Laishlev'.s view of the situation, and thereupon dismissed the information, which was an indictable one. and heard as such, The accused were then discharged.

Yesterday afternoon one of the local constables noticed a clean looking and well clad boy wandering about Queen street Wharf. He told tin* constable that he had no home, and thai he would have to sleep out all night. The constable took the little fellow to the police station, when he gave his name as David Wren, and stated that he was ten years of aco. Th.s morning: the little fellow was brought up at the Police Court, and he was ordered lo be detained until Saturday, so that the police might communicate with his adopted father at Onehunga. At the request of the justices. Sergeant Clarke said he would see that the boy was kept comfortably at the police station. The case is indeed a sad one.

The following passes are announced in connection with the Auckland Shorthand Writers' Association's quarterly speed examination, held last evening:—lso words per minute. Miss D. Ponsford; 120 words per minute, Miss .Tones and Mr Kastgate; 100 words per minute. Misses HolloAvay and Fnrrell: and 80 words per minute. Miss de Carteret. Messrs Maclean and Slyricld acted as examiners, being assisted by the committee of the Association.

A gumdigger named D. Sullivan, aged about 7:2. died on board the schooner Ob'an on her last trip from Auckland to.Waipu. Tie had been in town on a trip, and was supposed to have been drinking. An inquest was held at the Waipu Court-house on the body, and a verdict of 'death from natural causes' was returned.

The vast numbers eager- to come to the Exhibition, and a number of others desirous of spending their Christmas holidays with friends in Auckland, had the effect of taxing the accommodation of the Takapuna on her last voyage from Wellington to the utmost. To satisfy the -wants of the vast number then on board demanded of the stewards much selfsacrifice. Their wondrous exertions and inexhaustible patience excited the admiration of all.

Mr Geo. Akers, of the City Buffet, will provide luncheon at the Xorthern Gun Club meeting to-morrow, at the Auckland Trotting Club meeting at Epsom on Saturday, and at the four days' race-meeting- of. the Auckland Racing Cluli

A special art sale will be held by Messrs W. Blyth and Co. to-morrow, commencing at 12 noon, when about 400 valuable oil and water-colour paintings by various artists will be. sold, without reserve. The pictures are now on view.

Mr John Puller announces a. grand sacred concert for Christmas night at the Agricultural Hall. 'The Land of the Cross' will be shown by the aid of his magnificent limelight.

The holiday number of the 'Graphic*. is published" to-day. It. contains ' a continuation of the series of: Exhibition- pictures.-; These photogravures arc of exceptional excellence. No trouble or expense has been spared in. connection with them and the result is admitted on all hands to be the best representation of the Exhibition Courts that has appeared. The holiday number; in addition to these views has a number of other pictorial attractions in the form of photogravures and sketches of Ihe recent disastrous fire in Wellington, cartoons, cartoonlets and miscellaneous illustrations. There is also plenty of goqd seasonable reading and the usual social news from all over the colony.

Mr Harry Ellison, who recently took over the Thistle Hotel, Queen street, has completely had it remodelled and turned into a commercial hostelry. A pretty private bar with large entrance hall 'from Darby street has been added, while tliere is also a lnrjra entrance door from Queen street, with, "swinging doors,,' Accommodation .is being provided 'for twenty boarder;;, and Mr Ellison has also arranged for special brews. The select billiarclrooni. under the charge of Mr Carri"■an. has also been done up, and new cloths put on the table. Messrs M-i----lioney and Son were the architect. Mr A. Grnndison contractor, and the painting work was performed by "Mr J. Henderson's Avorkmen. YesfeHay afternoon some of Mr Ellison's friends assembled at the hotel, when a loast of success to .he licensee was honoured. Mr l^llison said he intended to make the Thistle Hotel a commercial one and up-to-date.

Mr It. Robertson, who has been for many years connected with the Australian Evangelisation Society, is about* to conduct a series of revival meetings in a large tent on.the vacant allotment, in "front of the Free Library, under the auspices of the Central Mission. The opening services commence this evenig at 7.30. The Waxworks and Palace of Wonders at the Agricultural Hall continues to attract large numbers. In addition to the waxworks and the Chamber of Horrors in connection therewith there are a number of attractive side-shows, including a. for-tune-teller, lifting machines,- phonograph, galvanic battery and shooting gallery. A capital minstrel entertainment/ with four corner-men, was given on the stage last night. Mr Howard Chambers was encored for his vocal contribution, a similar compliment being; accorded Misses Maher and Fuller for their song and dance. The waxworks will be open again tonight and during the whole of the holidays.

The Master Bakers' Association no11fv that Monday. 26th. and Monday, January 2nd. will be observed by them as holidays.

Mr MaeDufT Boyd, Professional Viol i nisi, Karori Iload, Wellington, writes: M have suffered Tor yearn from indigestion, dizziness, and headache. 1 have tried everything- in the shape of patent medicines and have found no relief. I have the greatest pleasure in .saying that I have tried Nurse Woodward's Health Syrup, and found, after usinif ono bottle, instant relief, and would recommend it to all those who suffer from this most troublesome aflliction. especially- professional musicians."—(Ad.)

Smith am! Caughey have just received _M dozen boys' and men's straw lints, bought a desperate job. and are clearing them at 6d. — (Advt.)

Great display of straw hats at C!eo. Fowlds*. Com'tf and sec them. Motto, variety and value.—(Advt.) Visitors note —Men's Sox 3 pairs for 1/. Charley's Aunt Shirts 2/0, worth 4/11. Tillie and Henderson celebrated White Shirts 2/11, worth 4/11. D.S.C., City Hall.—(Ad.) When you go for a holiday, take with you one of (ieo. Fowlds' travelling trunks. Gladstone bags, or portmanteaux. — (Advt.) dents' summer clothing-. Our gents' while fancy vests from 1/11, and holiday suits from 7/11. are wonderful value. —Smith and Caughey.— (Advt.) For the convenience of customers and to avoid the great rush on Christmas Eve Cieo. Fowlds will keep his shop open on Thursday and Friday evenings till 0 p.m.—(Ad.) Mothers, bring your boys to Geo. Fowlds. he will make them look nice for a few shillings. Washing- blouses cheap.---(Advt.) Smith and Caughey's hat department is thoroughly up-to-date, including all the latest shapes, and selling at their well known low cash prices.- (Ad.)

Visitors to town are invited to infpfcet Smith and Caughey.'s clothingdepartment. They hold by far the largest stock, and sell for the lowest possible price for cash only.—(Advt.)

You can't beat Geo. Fowlds for good value ill white shirts, collars attached; also tennis shirts and Charley's Aunts. —(Advt.)

5000 Articles suitable for Christmas presents for old and young, now selling at half cost price. Bring your children and see our exhibition. D.S.C., City Hall.—(Ad.)

Smith and Caughey have just received 250 pairs of boys' all wool senj-e knickers from 1/11. Special value.—(Advt.)

You want the best, Geo. Fowlds gives the very best value in straw hats, tennis hats and caps, also hard felts.—(Ad.)

You want a merry Xmas. Then call on Geo. Fowlds for a nice summer suit and straw hat. C.ood value. (Ad.

Gents' bows, ties and scarves in great variety, over 1,000 dozens to choose from. —Smith and Oana'hev (Ad.)

Carpet Squares 3/11, 4/6, 5/11 each, Stair Carpet, si£d and Gjd per yard. Bedside Carpet, 1/0. Sale now' on DiS*p., City Hall.—(Ad.) Parents should inspect Smith and Caughey's stock of boys' washing blouses. Immense variety, in latest styles from 1/11.—(Advt.*) Xmas presents.—Geo. Fowlds lias a very choice lot of neckties, silk handkerchiefs, braces, ladies' purses, and handbags.—(Advt.)

Our white shirts with Belfast linen fronts and cuffs are direct from- the makers, will be fonnd exceptional value, from 3/11 to 7/11, with bands; 4/11 to 5/11 with collars.—Smith and Caughey. (Ad.)

High Class tailoring-.—Smith and Caughey are showing- all the newest designs in summer suitings. Fit and ■workmanship guaranteed.—(Ad vt.) Novelties in Christmas Presents, Toys and.Books for the children. Extensive display at Smith & Cauo'hev's —(Ad.); . . • • ° * "

Special attention is directed to Smith and Caughey's display of gents and boys' summer clothinobee wiuclows.r-(Advt.) D"

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 302, 22 December 1898, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 302, 22 December 1898, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 302, 22 December 1898, Page 4