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The Poultry Show at the Agricultural Hall was attended by a^good number today. The Show will be open to-morrow. Judging was not completed until four o'clock yesterday. Mr Dacre's task was a very big one, for he had to judge the whole of the poultry in the Show besides canaries. This is too big a task for any one man, and in future years the Association should at least have two judges, even if one is a local man. Reid Bros., of Motutapu, carried off the honours for the best bird in the Show with a Rouen drake, but there was really little to choose between the winner and Mr H. Tattersall's exhibit, who had only been landed from Wellington on the previous evening. The following is the conclusion of the prize list:— Leghorns.—White, cock : 1, Tonar Bros. White, hen : 1, 2, and 3, Tonar Bros. White, cockerel: 1 and special, H. Tattersall ; 2, J. B. Kyd ;3, Tonar Bros. White, pullet: 1, Mrs Jack Gallagher; 2, Tonar Bros. ; 3, Mrs Jack Gallagher. Brown, cock: Henry Hoverad, 1 ; J. Kelso, 2. Brown, hen : Tonar Bros., 1 and 2 ; Arthur Elder, 3. Brown, cockerel : Tonar Bros., R. G. Donaldson, 1 ; J. Jennings, 2 ; Arthur Elder, 3. Brown, pullet: J. Kelso, 2; J. Kelso, 3. Bnff, cock or cockerel: Albert Stanton, 1 and special. Buff, hen or pullet: A. Gladding, 1; Alfred Cafler, 2 ; Albert Stanton, 3. Wyandottes.—Golden-laced, Cock : H. W. Cunningham, 1; Bartleyand Rowles, 2. Golden - laced, Hen : Bartley and Rowles, 1 and two specials; J. S. Coleman, 2. Golden-laced, Cockerel: Mrs Mat. Buckley, 1, 2, and 3. Golden-laced, pullet: B. Dunlop, 1; J. S. Coleman, 2. Silver-laced, cock: John Walker, 2. Silver-laced, hen: Thomas Weeks, 1; William Gass 2,; Geo. Taylor, 3. Silver-laced, cockerel: John Graham, 1; Joseph Warren, 2. Silver-laced, Pullet: J. M. Thomson, 1; William Goss, 2 ; George Taylor, 3. White, Ccck: B. Dunlop, 1. White, Hen: B. Dunlop, 1 and 2. Orpingtons.—Black, Cock : Mrs G: H. Kay, 1 and special; Thos, Weeks, 2; Jolin Walker, 3. Black, Hen :J. Kelso, 1; John Walker, 2; Miss E. Alison, 3. Black, cockerel: J. Kelso, 1; Thomas Weeks, 2; Thomas W Teeks, 3. Black, pullet: J. Kelso, 1; Thomas Weeks, 2 and 3. Buff, cock : Thomas Weeks, 1 ; Thomas Weeks, 2. Buft, cockerel : Thomas Weeks, 1 and 3; Horace K. May, 2. Buff, pullet: G. Ivil, 1; Thomas Weeks, 2 and h.c. ; Horace K. May, 3. Houdans.—Cock: Hill and Shewring, 1; A. V. Mac Donald, 2; Hill and Shewring, 3. Hen: Frodsham Watkinson, 1 and special. Cockerel:' A. V. McDonald, 1; Hill and Shewring, 2 and 3. Pullet: Frodsham Watkinson, I; James Young, 2 ; A. V. Mac Donald, 3. Polish.—Gold-spangled, cockerel: H. Torrens, 1. Silver-spangled, cock: Hill and Shewring, 1. Black, white crest, cock : John Walker, 1. Black, white crest, hen: John Walker, 1 and Kohn and Co.'s trophy. Black, white crest, cockerel :T. W. O'Callaghan, 1. Black, white crest, pullet: T. W. O'Callaghan, 1; John Walker, 2. Bantams.—Black-breasted, red game,, cock or cockerel: Frank Holmes, 1; Ralph's special and 3; Frank Holmes 2, and S. and S. special. Blackbreasted, red game, hen- or millet: Frank Holmes, 1 and 2. Brownbreasted, red game, hen or pullet: D. Bassett, 2. Pile game, cock or cockerel: Frank Holmes, 1, 2, and 3. Pile game, hen or pullet: Frank, Holmes, 1, 2, and 3. Black, rosecomb, cock or cockerel: Bartley and Rowles, 1, special, and 3; J. Walker, 2. Black, rosecomb, cock or cockerel: Bartley and Rowles, 1; A. H. Grainger, 2 ; John P. Culbane, 3. Ducks.—Aylesbury, drake: Jno Bouskill, 1; Reid Bros., 2 and 3. Aylesbury, duck: Reid Bros., 1 and 2; Jno. Bouskill, 3. Aylesbury,, under.l 2 months, drake.: G. W. S. Patterson, 1 ; H. Tattersall, 2; Jno. Bouskill, 3. Aylesbury, under 12 months, duck: H. Tattersall, 1; Jno. Bouskill, 2. Rouen, drake: Reid Bros., Arthur and Gorrie and L. D. Nathan's specials, best bird in show, and 3; H.* Tattersall,. 2. Rouen, duck: Reid Bros., 1. 2, and 3. Rouen, under 12 months, drake : Thos. Weeks, 1; Mrs Jack Gallagher, 2; Thos. Shewring, 3. Rouen, undei 12 months, duck: Mrs Jack Gallagher, 1, A. Myers', cup, and 3; Thos. Weeks, bred by exhibitor, 2. Pekin, drake: IN. Harry, 2yrs; G. Horwood, 2. Pekin, duck : N. Harry, P; G. Horwood, 2. Pekin, under 12 months, drake: Mrs T. Kelley, 11 months, 1 and 2; N. Harry, 3. Pekin, under 12months, duck ; G. Horwood, 1; Mrs T. Kelley, 2 ; N. Harry, 3. Muscovey, drake : Charles , Alexander Browne, 1. Muscovey, duck: Charles Alexander Browne, 1. Any other variety, drake : Reid Bros., 1 : John Graham, 2 ; Alfred Cafler, 3. Any other variety, duck: Reid Bros., 1 ; Thomas Weeks, 2 and 3. Any other variety, drake ; Alfred Cafler, 1: Thomas.Weeks, 2 and 3. Any other variety, duck: Thomas Weeks, 1, 2 and 3. PIGEONS. Dragons.—Blue, cock or hen: John Walker, 1, special and 2; A. Martin, 3. Blue check, cock or hen :A. H. Grainger, 1. White, cock or hen : James L. Davis, 1, 2 and 3. Any other colour: James L. Davis, 1 and 2; A. H. Grainger, 3. Antwerps.—Long-faced, any colour,-cock: John Walker, 1 and 2. Working Homers.—Blue cock : A. A. White, 1; Walter Fricker, 2 ; George Ford, 3. Blue, hen : A. H. Grainger, 1; W. Fricker, 2 ; W. Fricker, 3. Blue check, cock: W. Fricker, ], special, and subscription cup ; CJ. J. Homer, 2; E. J. Swarm, 3. Blue check, hen: A. A. White, 1; dlias. J. J. Homer, 2; W- Fricker, 3. Red, cock :W. Fricker, 1 and 3; Chas. J. J. Homer, 2. Red, hen :W. Fricker, 1 ; A. H. Grainger, 2. Red check, cock : George Ford, 1; E. J. Swarm, 2; W- Fricker, 3. Red check, hen: E. J. Swarm, 1; W. Fricker, 2; George Ford, 3. Any other colour, cock : Charles J. J. Homer, 1; W. Fricker, 2 ; J. W. G. Walker, 3. Any other colour, hen: A. E. and G. Goodwin, 1; A. A. White, 2; W. Fricker, 3. Show Homers.—Any colour, cock -. E. J. Swarm, 1, special and 2. Any colour, hen: E. J. Swarm, 1; E. J. Swarm, 2. Pouters. — Any colour, cock : John Walker, 1, special, and 3; George Ford, 2yrs, 2. Jacobins.—Black, Cock : Wm. A. Hanson, 1. Red or yellow, cock: John Walker, 1 and special; Wm. A. Hanson, 2 and 3. Red or yellow, hen: Wm A. Hanson, 1, 2, and 3. Magpies.—Black, cock : John Walker, 1, special, committee's silver cup, and 2; E. Saunders and V. J. • Sorensen, 3. Black, hen : Wm. A. Hanson, 1; John Walker, 2; E. Saunders and V. J. Sorensen, 3. Red, cock :E. Saunders and V. J. Sorenson, 1; R. W. Warnock and W. E. Sinnett, 2. Red hen: E. Saunders and V. J. Sorenson, 1 and 2. Any other colour, cock : Wm. A. Hauson, 1; E. Saunders and V. J. Sorenson, 2 and 3. Any other colour, hen :E. Saunders sind V. J. Sorenson, 1, 2, and 3. Fantails.—Scotch, white, cock : John Walker, 1, special and 2; George Ford, 3. Scotch, white, hen: John Walker, 1; George Ford, 2. Any other colour, cock : E. Saunders and V. J. Sorenson, 1. Barbs.—Black hen : Wm. A. Hanson, 1. Any colour, cock: Win. A. Hanson, 1, 2, aiid 3. Turbits.—Black, cock :R, Johnston, 1, special, and 2; M. Hamon, 3. Black hen: R. Johnston, 1; M. Hamon, 2. Any other colour, cock : John Walker, 1 ; R. Johnston, 2. Owls.—Blue, cock: Ford and Wills, 1 and 3 ; John Walker, 2. Blue, hen : Ford and Wills, 1, 2 and 3. Silver, cock : Wm. A. Hanson, 1; George Eastwood, 2. Any

'.-'• ■' ■ ■ ' other colour, cock : Ford and Wills, .], 2 and 3. Any other colour, hen: Ford and Willis, 1, 2 and 3. African, any colour, hen: Charles Morris, 2. . Tumblers. —Kite,'short-faced, cock: M. Haraon, 1 and special. Beards.—Any colour, cock or lien: JoW ' Walker, 1 and special. ' j .■ Rollers.—Clean-legged, black, or 'black ••' . and white, cock or hen: Walter Josiah' Taylor, 1; E. Saunders and V. J. Soren- ''.'. son, 2; T. F. Tester, 3.. Clean-legged, red or red and white, -cock or hen : E, Saunders and V. J. Sorenson, 1 and special; D. > Bassett, 2, D. and F. Evans, 3. Cleanlegged, any other colour, cock or hen : R. W. Warnock and W..E. Sinnett, 1; Thos: Davis, 2 and 3. . Muff-legged, black or black and white, cock or hen : F. C. Tomlin&on, 1 and special; Walter Josiah Tay. lor, 2 and 3. Muff-legged, red or red and white, cock or hen: Arthur Howell, \ ; Charles Morris, 2. Muff-legged, any other- • colour, cock or hen : Herbert Totman, 1 ; Walter Josiah Taylor, 2 ; T. F. Tester, 3. Feather-legged, black, or black and white, cock or hen: W. J. Brookes, 1 and special; George Sowden, 2 and 3. Feather-legged, red, or red and white, cock or hen": W. J; *-, Brookes, 1; R. W. Warnock and W. ft Sinnett, 2; George Sowden, 3. Featherlegged, any other colour, cock or hen: R. W. Warnock and W. E. Sinnett, 1 and 2. Satinettes.—Cock or hen: John Walker, 1 and special. . . ", . ". German Toys.—Golden Griesers, cock or hen : E. Saunders and V. J. Sorenson, 1; special, 2 and 3. Red Griesers, cock or hen : E. Saunders and V. J. Sorenson, 1, 2 and 3. Chimney Sweeps, cock or lien: E. Saunders and V. J. Sorenson, 1 and 3; ' A. Grainger, 2. Seagulls, cock or hen;. ■ A. H. Grainger, 1 ; E. Saunders and V. J. Sorenson, 2 and 3. Any Other Variety.—Hen: Charles Chilcott.l. Doves.—Any other variety, cock or hen: A. H. Grainger, 2. Selling Classes.—Any breed (price not to exceed 20s per uair), cock and lien : B. Johnston, 1; A. l£. Grainger, 2. ', Canaries.— Belgian, yellow, cock of hen "i '■'■ John S. Cobley, 1 and special and 2; John... •'''.-_■ S. Cobley, 3. Belgian, buff, cock or hen: John S. Cobley, 1 and 2. Scotch Fancy, ' yellow, cock or hen : Mrs Macready, 1 and 2; W.. E. B. Moore, 3. Scotch Fancy, buff, cock or hen: F. W. Niddrie, 1, 3, and very highly commended : F. W. -Niddrie,. 2. Scotch Fancy, yellow, ticked, marked,. or variegated, cock or hen: J. S. Cobley,----1 and 2.. Scotch Fancy, huff, ticked, marked, or variegated, cock or lien: MrV Macready, 1; W. E. B. Moora, 2. York-; " shire, clear,^ yellow, cock or hen : F. \V/ Niddrie, 1 and special and 2 ; W. Bennett Sowden, 3. Yorkshire, yellow, ticked, cock or hen: William Nelson, 1; John S. Uobley, 2 and 3. Yorkshire, clear, buft^ _ cock or hen: F. W. Niddrie, 1 and 2;William Nelson, 3. Yorkshire, buff, ticked, cock or hen : F. W. Niddrie, 1 and 2. Yorkshire, buff, marked, or- varie-: gated, cock or hen: F. W. Niddrie, 1; J. S. Cobley, 2; William Nelson, 3. Norwich, clear yellow, cock or hen : W. Bennett Sowden, 1 and special;' William Forgie, 2; J. M. Thomson, 3.. Norwich, yellow, ticked, cock or-heri:; J. M. Thomson, ']# Norwich, yellow, varie--gated, or marked, cock or hen: "VV.-Ben-nett Sowden, 1. Norwich, clear buff, cock or hen: William Rie.bardson, 1 and: 2; William Forgie, 3; «j. M. Thomson;-t^c.^ A^ j Norwich, huff, ticked cock or hen ; - Win.. Forgie, 1; J. M.Thomson, 2. Norwich; buft', variegated, or marked, cock; or: hen: William Forgie, 1. Norwich, green,, canary, cock or hen : J. S. ; CobleyJ 1 and 3; Thomas Shewring,; 2. Pair Norwich plainheads, any colour, in one cage, cock and hen: F. W. Niddrie, 1. Norwich, buff, ticked, marked, or yariegated, dark crest, cock or hen-: J. - M,_Thomson, 1, special, trophy, and 2 y. \Y.. Bennett Sowden, 3. Norwich, clear buff,, light crest, cock or hen : William Richardson, 1 and .2 ; W. Bennett Sow.' den, 3. Norwich, crested - bred,' plainhead, yellow, cock or hen : J. M. Thomson, 1. Norwich, crested-bred, plainhead, buff, cock 'or hen : William. Richardson, 1, 2 and 3. Norwich, crestedbred, plainhead, yellow, ticked, marked,' ' or variegated, cock or hen.: J. M. Thomson,,; 1 and special; William Richardson,-2 and. 3. Norwich, crested-bred, plainhead, huff, ticked, marked, or variegated, cock or hen: J. M. Thomson, 1; William Richardson,;. 2, 3 and very highly commended. Cinna- " mon, yellow, cock or hen : W. Bennett Sowden, 1, 2 and 3. Uinnamon, buflVcock/ or hen: W. Bennett Sowden, 1, special; and 3 ; E. A. Syms, 2. . Cinnamon, yellow,. marked, or variegated,, cock or hen: W; Bennett Sowden, 1- Cinnamon, huff, marked, or variegated, cock or hen: William Forgie, 1. Cock, any variety: William Richardson, 1 and 2. Cage Birds (any a<je). — Mule, light, \ cock or hen: John Walker, 1. Mule, ; dark, cock or hen: John Walker,1 l.\ House, moulted, goldfinch, cock or hen: M. Hamon, 1 ; J. S. Cobley, 2 and 3. s Linnet, any variety, cock or hen: William Forgie, 1". . Selling Classes.—Game, any variety: Alexander Adamson, 1: John Bouskill(ludian game), 2; James Trayes, .3. Cochins, Brahmas, Langshans, DorkingS, Plymouth Rocks: G. W. S v Patten>on. •1. Minorcas, Spanish, Andalusians,' Leg- ■ horns: Tonar Bros., I; C. McGill, 2; R. B. Youiur, 3. Hamburg's, Wyandqttes, Red Caps," Polands, Houdans, Orpingtons : Thomas Weeks (Black Orpington), 1; E. D. Meatyard (Orpington), 2; Fordsham Watkinson (Houdans), 3, Ducks, • any variety: Thomas Weeks (Rouen), 1;. John Bouskill (Aylesbury), 2; H. Tattersall, 3. - - - -•_'.- -_

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Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1898, Page 2

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AUCKLAND POULTRY SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1898, Page 2

AUCKLAND POULTRY SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume XXIX, Issue 177, 29 July 1898, Page 2