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Fersoaa.l. IIpTHY Did 'I'KEVOR Leave Ponaonby ? E NEVER REFUSE. v — Money Advanced on Promissory Notes, Bills of Sale and all securities. — Bradly and Co., Financiers, 215. Queea-street. f|NAE.E Wood'a Great Pe^psriaißt Cure | JL. for Coughs and Colds, Is 6d and 2s fed. Grocera and Chemists. IF you wish to cave 6d per 1b on tea ko£ your supplies at John Earlef s duty paid tea shop, 207. Queen-street. THE ExquiflUa Tasto, the Choice Fruit", ar.d superior variety of Confectionery is j ploasiußono awd a11.—56, Victoria-street (4doors. I above Royal Mail). IT'S Foolish to Tay £10 10s or £5 5s JL whore you can get the saase for less thau h«,lf at the London Dontal InstEtuto, 298 Quceaatreet. BP, WFT. No, thoßO sira not secret » Bigrni3. They simply staad for what "that boy" has to rcmembor.—"»V. F. Tucker's Making Powder. A~VERY particular ladi7~! Well, the only way to please her is to give what Khe requires—Baking Powder- -Tuckor'sj " "[%, jW ANY othern are better." Perhaps ix__ so! You should betatisfisd with the beat Unking Powdor—Tucker's. IN consequence of " Vo-tA boy's" having become a cyclist, his bro'jiwr will now have to fetch it-Tucker's Baking Ptywdor. ■ EGGS ! B?gi ! -Eggis ! Guaranteed Freeh ; any quantity ; 7*3 per dozen.— l>umper'fl Stores, Ponsonby Koad. TUHT ARBIVB DT~Cfao!co~tTow~»onson's $3 tea at Is 3d per lb. Sf»3 our window.— Unmper'H Stores. Ponsonby Road. MOTHERS with 1% Families Small Incomes, try tiur Choice New Indian Tea (no rubbish), afc Is 3d por lb,— t'Jumpor'B Siorcßi Ponsonby )J.oad. TF^AKE Wood's GroMb .EepD«rminb Cure ]L for Coutihs and Coldi. Is 6d and 2s 6d. Grocers and Chemists. f ON DON DENTAL' INSTITUTE JIJ 238, QUEEN ST. (nortrMihia &; Choyce)'. A Complete Set £t 1 0 Single Tooth, from 0 5 0 Combination (18 carat Gold) ~. ..330 Porunttent Gold Stopping, fisam,.. ..050 Pure Gaa .. ..026 slxtrsctions 2s 6d and Is FAITHFUL WOKK7I!LANSH;P And Guaranteed T:icn TAKE Wood'B fcJre.»t f'eypartaain*-, Cure for Coneliß and C'old^, Is 6d and 2s 6d. Grocero and Chemists. NO. 3 FSIAS. Bowls to suit all sized handH, best quality.- fVINGATE & CO., ii and 35, Qneon-street, oppnsHe Railway Gates. _4 OUH Iv "vi O i- 1J !■ I I.S, voft tnai your trroeor -_J_ snppiiea yon with Xere Zonland Dairy AHaociation 't Bumr. nnilOSE who really wi»h to n»vo money JL should got the prr&nd 1/6 Golden As3atu tea fro-n Joan !Carlc3 Via, shop, 207, Uueea-st. T MPORTANT to Borrowers.—\T o haVe JL iloney to Lend r/t> mortKace at a very low rate of interest.—K-uingtoa and Baker, House and Land Azents. f Esxa busked 1855. ] W. Ho S UAKESPEAIi & C a QDBEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, Havo Received a Small Shipment of BEAUTIFUL NEW GOODS. ~NS7^OL TNG MEN, writo to ra« for vnlaabla JL Fito Hook conccminnf yourselves. rrofesoor Robert Hennanr.. Mpiifjialist Coiliaa Plbco, Melbourne. " ~" BRITISIT EMPIRE GOLOMINING COMPANY (NO LIABILITY). Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a Kesolutiou of the Roar 1 of Directors an K>:traordinary (ie:jeral Rleetiny: of the above Company will bthoM on TUESIiAY. the 14th day or September, 1897, s,t the hour of. 2.30 p.m.. at Xo. 39, Now //''sltind Iniuranco Buildiucs, Queen street, Auckland, to consider and, it npprovc/1, to pnsa in its prssent or varied form, as the Company shull then thi«lc fit. the llesolwticn sot oat below, ivliicli v,-;ll tls_n bo submitted to Iho Cosaoanv:— Resolution: That the Directors bo, ami they hereby, authorised and empowered to ssll and dispose of the whole ot! tho property of the Company on such terms and conditions as the »_id Directors fhall think fil, and with full power and authority to eft«ct, accomplish, purfoct and carry out to completion such salo ami for such purooso inter alia, and not rcstrictively. 1. To receive and give good and valid receipta and discharges for any shaies, theeon:-ideration which may besiven for such sale, and to direct the allotment and i»»U8 of sucli sharei. 2. To uso the Company's seal, and siern. seal execute and deli ver M such de^ads, documeHCsand writinps as shall be or may appear to the said Directors td be necessary atd proper for ettectH«.tinsr nnd cornplotinß tho uaid sale, or the terms, objects, and purposes thereof, and for all or any of tho purposes contemplated by this Resolution. Should the above Resolution be passed, a further Kesolntion will be submitted requiring the Comniiuy to be wound up voluntarily, under the provisions of tho Mining Companies Act, 1894, nnd for the purpose of such windips-up to deteriuino the course to bo pursued by the Directors, and also the mode of dispasal or distribution of aiiy portion of the Company's assets or property, and any surplus of the Com-pan-.'s properly which may remain after ths completion of tho winding-uw. H. GILFILLA N. JUNR. Manager. Aucklaud. Au^nat 19,1897. T_ j- g WjLL Q. W Sj >» WYNYARD STREET. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. Principal :Mrs Williams, assisted by an Efficient Staff. Shorthand and Typewriting Classes conducted by Mr Colwill. Prospectuses on application. Third Term begins September 21st, 1897. 1.-osf. and W&nn&. J&£h REWARD —Lost, on Tuesday, a -Jfey/^ Gentleman's solid Gold Diamond Ring.—Apply Star Office. LOST, Silver-Mounted Umbralla. initials K.W. on handle.—Reward at Star Office. OST, a Small Brown Dog.—Reward on returning; to A. Schollura. Tiwbor Merchant, Customs-street. LOST, between Quean-*treef. and ParneU, a Parcel Gontainmu Blue Serpe.—Finder rewarded at W. "Webber's, Bootmaker, Newmarket. I OST, between Nowt.on uud Rose Road J (via Mackelvie-street). a Gold Chain Brooch, with heart and diamond csntre.— Finder rewarded on returning to Wood, care Court Bros., Newton. WantaSl BRASS BAND. WANTED for Cash—Seventeen Instruments, New or Second-haad, Particulars at— WEBBE'S OAK HOUSE, KOBSOtr-STREKT. lANO, Wanted a email Instrument for cash or exchange.—Webb's Oak House, Hobaon-street. "^S7OUNG Man, wishing to Learn Sheep JL Farming, would teach children, and give services in return for tuition and small remuneration, —Address Allan, Star Office. WAIIOO (Lobby's), tho wonderful dig-ester, positively cures Constipation: 2a 6d. Chemists and Urocers. Cures all stomacii troubles.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 206, 3 September 1897, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 206, 3 September 1897, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 206, 3 September 1897, Page 1