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An important meeting of the Auckland Tailoresses' Union is to be held to-morrow evening in the office, A.M.P. Buildings The principal business is the election of Committee and tha consideration of a proposal to purchase a hall for the Union.

Lord Glasgow was entertained at a fare* well dinner ab tho Christchurch Club last night. Lord Brassey was present. The latter will pay a visit to Otira Gorge thia week.

With tbe objecb of affording tourists bettor facilities for reaching Mount Cook the post office has entered into a contract with Kerr and Frayne, of Fairlie, for a through weekly coach service between Fairlie and the Hermitage for the remainder of the tourist season. The service began to-day, and will probably be renewed for the next two seasons.

Rendova, where Captaia ©ibbins, a well-known Sydney trader, has been murdered by tbe native* of tbe Solomon Group, a bay in Hammond Island, neat New Georgia, and the centre of the Solomon Group, is in aboub lat. 9 and E. long. 157. An interesting description ef the islands, the manners and customs of the natives, and the natural resources of the group is given by Dr H. B. Gunpy, formerly a surgeon in the British Navy, who want about- the islands in a Rob Roy ennoe made for him by Mr Oliver, boat builder, of Auckland. It was built of kauri pine, and measured eight and a-half feet in length and three feeb in beam, being intended to combine compactness with stability. The little craft, was, says Dr. Guppy, a great success, and was extremely handy, with surprising stowage capacity. Hammond Island is situated in part of the group which is seldom visited by the trading vessels.

During a thunderstorm at Hnnierville on Sunday afternoon, a flash of lightning struck Air Morris's workshop, piercing a hole right through bhe side of the building, and set lire to some of his picture mouldings and other goods. By good luck (says the Rangitikei " Advocate ") Mr J. Vickery saw tbe fire start, and wenb and broke open the door before tho flameß had done much damage. The electricity lib np bhe shop for fully two minutes.

The Very Rev; Father Lynch, who ia about to leave Dunedin on a trip to the Holy Laud and the home country, was last nighb presented by the Roman Catholic laity of Dunedin and suburbs with an illuminated address and a purse of about 200 sovereigns, as a mark of appreciation of his 15 years' ministry. '. \

The Wellington Pigeon Homing Society's raeo on Saturday irom Auckland, a distance of 345 miles, wa» won by Mr J. Prentice's Duke, which covered the distance in twelve hours, making a velocity o£ 846 yards per minute. Four birds were sent, bub only one arrived.

Window smashing is a rather costly kind of la'-rikinism, and if the perpetrators of this kind of diversion happen to be caught I hey will no doubt be placed where there are no windows to smash for a few weeks' quieb reflection. Recently a large stone was deliberately thrown through the window of the Commercial Union Insurance Company in Shortland-street, and last Saturday nighb a similar assault was made on tho large-plate glass window in the establishment of John Burns and Co., ironmongers, Customs-street. The window was broken into fragments and the stone left inside the premises. The missile is so large that it must have been thrown with two hands and with considerable force. The damage is estimated ab from £10 to £12. Tho Accident Insurance Company offer a reward of £5 for such information as will lead to conviction of the offender.

The ordinary meeting of the Board of Governors of the Auckland College and Grammar School was held yesterday after*; noon, Sir G. M. O'Rorke presiding. Five. tenders for a new lodge for tho janitor were referred to the Property Committee with; power to act. It was resolved to replace the earth closets of the school by water closets, aba cost of £52,. and. to add ft' ventilator aba cost of £12. The French master, Mr J. W. Hight, M.A., wrote thanking the Board for his appointment as French and German master ; Mr If- D. G. Mahon wrote accepting office as commercial master. For the posb of additional junior master there were twelve applications. Mr Thomas Dunn, 8.A., of the New Zealand University, was appointed. Mr A. Boardman was appointed a member of the Finance Committee. Sir Maurice O'Rorke, Canon Nelson and the Hon. Colonel Haul tain wero appointed a Com* mibtce to award the three foundation scholarships given by the Board of Governors, and to receive reports from the Education Board examiners anent the annual senior and junior scholarships given by the Board and tho certificates of proficiency. The senior scholarships are of the value of £30 and the junior scholarships of £20. The certificates entitle the holderstofreeedncabionenly,iihesameftßtho Board of Governors foundation scholarship!.

Burns Club celebrated tho 138 th anni« versary of the birthday of Robert Burns, the Scottish poet, laßt night, at tbe Masonic Hall, Karangahape Road. There was a good attendance and Mr Jas. Stewart, presidenb, presided. Tho following musical programme was gone through : —Songs: "Scobs Wha Hae," Mr Laiikham ; " Flora Macdonald'a Lament," Mies Moncur: " There was a Lad was Born in Kyle," Mr Menzies ; "A Man's a Man for a' That," and " The Auld Quarry Knowe," Mr Purvis ; "Sac Will We Yet," Mr Lyle; " RememberMeNo More,"and "TheClaDg of tho Wooden Shoon," Miss Harrison; "Tbe Lasb Muster," and "All That My Hearb Would Say," Mr Higgotb ; "The Naval Brigade,'* Mr Gordon; "Call Me Back," Miss McLeod ; riolin solo, "Scotch Airs," Mr Hood ; duet, clarionette and violin, "Life's Dream is O'er," Mr Goldwater and Master Harrison. Recitations, " Wallace, Bruce, and Burns," and "Margaret) and the Minister," Captaia Robinson. Mrs Angus played the accompaniments. " Auld Lang Syne " was then sung, after which justice was done to haggis made by Mrs Moncur. A dance followed. Piper Fotheringham supplied tho music .for the Highland dances.

Mon's tweed suits 12s 6d, 14s 6d, I7s6di 19s 6d, ab the sale, D.S.C, Sale now on.— (Advt.)

Ladies' fancy tweed mackintoshes, 5s lldj any size ; costumes, 9s lld.-P.S.C—

_, «, little time back a parajraph. wenb ndSI Of th° Presa thab fcbo Honilie JfS": rar d, Minister of Education, New Jacob «* , flg> had become a member oi the 3°tt • „ Army. This announcement, ib 3sl , ffBB inaccurate. Mr Garrard is *pp h all likely to leave the Wesleyan not »» jjjg re p or b arose in this way. Mr Ch«rflD: waß presiding at the annual meetarrft f the social wing of the Salvation )»g ot aQ( j expressed admiration of the *rDL y'do-e by them in uplifting fallen nitv A _?arbled reporb of this speech a*?\_ iO , the country papers and spread. ?i fiarrard, wo hear, hopes to get away f-another Tieib to New Zealand next "lovers of the cue in Auckland will' have »1 treat afforded thesa during the noxt fr ° days. Py tn9 8- 8- Tasmania there Jrfved from Sydney those well-known exmtscf tbe art, Messrs Chas. Memmotb ?°d Fred. Weiss. They have secured suit'hla premises in the late establishment of %lr H. •' V. Cocper, Vicboria-streeb East, Ljo-ic'e the Central Hotel, and here a spoo wred contesb will bake place, commencing nThursday afternoon next. The contest nil! bo continued on Thursday and Friday L-i»£B Bnd en Satnrday afternoon and !. -ins. Private matches are also being ?L M iMjd., At the present time Memmotb : n( j Weiss are the besb two billiardists in Au-bralia, Memmotb, of course, being the cbanipfon oi the colonies. He is a most attractive player, handling his cue orettily, and playing a fasb game. In this latter respect he conspicuously differs from Weiss. wbOße steady, plodding method in ] always in sharp contrast to the sharp, brisk stylo cf his rival. If a trifle slow, however, Weil- is, at leasb, a rocsb conliitent cueißt) on the board of green cloth. After a short tour through New Zealand md a v'B'6 to Adelaiia and Coolgardie, it : a Weiss's intention to try bis fortune in Uoelaa-. There he expects to be pitted agjinst all the cracks cf the day, aud the aiperience he will there ncquire will doabtleaa Btand him in good stead, ilemmott, who is & Victorian native, and ibou's3 years of age, haa already visited the Old Coonbry, and although he did nob eicape defeat, his tour was highly aabisfac!tory. By competent authorities he was ana-imously regarded ab the time as " the test player Australia haa ever yeb fur- , sisbod."

The miners and others residing ab Wharaieraupunga are agitabing for bhe establishment of a post office in the dietricb. Ab preaent their letters and newspapers are jent to Waitekauri, and ib is only at intarT ali tbat tbey reach Wharekerauponga. : About 100 men aro already employed in the district, so that the request for bhe i establiibment of a post office ab the local '-, etore is justified.

! The "Hob Lake Chronicle" (Rotorua) itatei tbat Wbakarewarewa presented a gala appearance lasb Wednesday afternoon, the occasion being tbo opening of the new bridge across the Puareaga stream connecting the main road with tbe Maori village, and the wonders and sightß for which the little place is justly famous. The Tuhour&ngi Band struck up a lively march as they creased tho bridge to take up their position on the flab ground above bhe river, whilst Panapa Nihobahi in full Maori castnme, executed a shorb pas' de seul on the bridge. A short address was read to tha assemblage by Hira on behalf of bhe native owners, asking thab they should still be allowed to levy toll on visitors crossing the bridge, as ib was for a long timo their means of livelihood and tbey now asked ib especially in the names cf their women and children. Mr Mueller in replying to the satireß tcld them to geb bhe documenb emj bodying tfceir wishes duly signed and at- ' tabbed and he would see that the matter was properly laid before the Government. Mr Mueller (Cbmtalssioner of Crown Lands) then informed those preseub thab as the Government bad now acquired four-fifths or perhaps fife-sixths of the block it was the intention to greatly reduce the toll or perhaps allow anyone to visit the sights qttifce free. He would suggest to the troveromenb tbab a certain sum be set , apart and paid annually to the natives in lieu of the toll gate receipts, and further he fsli sure the suggestion would be acted npon. Probably the old system would remain in vogue for the next two or three ! weeks, but after 4hat it was probable thab tbe toll would be entirely abolished".' Mrs Shaw then christened the bridge the Wabiao Bridge, after which bhe nabivea danced some bakas.

We acknowledge 2s 6d from C.8., in aid of Mrs Cave, sincerely sympathising with her iv her bereavement; also 2s 6d from 5.G.8.; a friend, 2s ; L.W., 2a 6d.

In Meßsra O'Leary Bros.'a window, QueenStreet, may bo Been some fine specimens of Japanese plums shown by Mr A. Woodruffe. The variety most worthy of note is the one called purple monster, which is a really splendid plum, well coloured, large in size, aud possessed of a fine flavour—a . quality that many Japan plums lack. A new early dessert apple called tbe Beauty of Bath is also on view in the same window. These fruits were both introduced by Mr Woodruffe.

The annual picnic and sports of the Loyal Orange Institution will bo held ab Maneare on the 29th inst. Vehicles leave the Protestant Hall at 8 a.m.

Attention is directed to tba anniversary -Oiree and public meeting of tho Prohibition and Temperance League wbich is to be held this evening io the Foresters' Hall, Karangahape Read. Full details will be found in our advertising columns.

This evening, in tho Lake View Hall, Northcote, Professor White will give a lecture entertainment on " Faces : Animal, -lonian and Divine."

In another column the Auckland Cycle Company advertise great reductions in bicycles. This is a rare chance to secure a first-class bicycle at a low figure. Many persona are waiting for bicycles to get cheaper; they are never likely to get them at lower prices than tbe Auckland Cycle Club are now offering.

One of the principal attractions of the holiday en Friday next will be the excursion m connection with the Christian Endeavour Union to Pine Island. During the afternoon a camp meeting will be held, when •areral prominent endeavourers will speak. •The Helping Eand Mission Brass Band will accompany the party. The low fares are certain to attract a large crowd; Full particulars appear in our advertising columns.

Parishioners and friends of Sb. Matthew's Parish hold their annual picnic on Regatta Day at Henderson, the favourite picnicing Rrounds. Special trains will be run by the railway authorities. See advertisement elsewhere.

A ' Chrysanthemum " Fair on a somewteitenßiT. and novel scale is to be field during Easter week. The ebjeeb of tne Fair is to raise funds for the purchase ot a cottage for the Church Mission to the Streets and Lanes. Friends willing to BSSist are in another column invited to communicate with the Rev. L. Fitzgerald, the director of tbe Mission, or to Mr P. R. Ulx > manager of tbe Fair, Coombes' Arcade.

Notice! All our season's silk lace. mantles, and capes will be cleared ab half toe.r marked prices. Sale now on.—D.S.C. -.Advt.)

.- Vlea' B 'toon cellars, odd sizes, Id each. Annual sale of the D.S.C.-(Advt.) Fifty dozen men's white handkerchiefs, Ua**?& Bix for l8 > D-s- °- Sale now on~~(Advt.)

.M«r ? t! nu 1 al Bale E°w on. Doors opened men. 0 ft n Grf 1\ bar*ainß in all de Parb" ...— u.o.k>. —(Advt.) Belt buckles, Id each ; fancy dre?s trim- *!._?'* . PBr yaH ; ambrellas and sun■mm at nominalprices.-C.S.C.-(Advt.)

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 21, 26 January 1897, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 21, 26 January 1897, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 21, 26 January 1897, Page 4