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|A STCCIALTY SSffir Igor Tertiary __-._-_-.08 POISON perfiljnianantly oared In 15 to 35 days. You can <B|_.e treated at hota. for same price under fHsamo _n___._*a-_ty. If you prefer to come ™ hero we will contract to pay railroad ana steamship faro and hotel bills while hore, and make ■no charge, if we fail to cure. If you have tafcoa mercury, lodide potaeh, and Etill have aches and pains. Macoas "PatcK.s In the mouth, Sore Throat, Pliaplee, <Copp«Br..Co_ os-ad Spoto, "BJI--eet-s on any part of tho body,* or Eyebrows ramus 13 this S_lco._-.ary _B___00» _?0-f-S _-SJ wo guarantee, to euro. We solicit the most otu-t-nato case.) and chnllonsce the tvorld for a cniae tve cnaaot euro.' Physicians cannot cure you. Sso4>,*-MM> capital behind our unconditional frnaranty. ___.fcsoi._t*. pa-oof. sent scaled on application. Address COOK. __-.:_S_l_._E_LJ~__. CQ-» 807. Mo-onio Yamgjg. CHICAGO. __&« U. S. A rfl. -_yEK_*__s___s coir©___ _..,__ *• B*l. U oni mereial Road, PecM-MB. July Ot ' " Bear Sir,—l am a poor hf.nd at expressina feiy feelings, bnt I should like to thank yoB. Your lozenges have done wonders {n relleTIn*? niy torriblo cough. Since I had t-»9 operation of 'Tracheotomy' (the same aa tho lato Emperor of Germany, and unlike him, thank God, I am still alive) performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, no ono could possibly have had a more violent couch : it Was co bad at times that it quito exhausted me. The mucous, which was very oopioaS and hard, has boar, sof toned, and I have been able to get rid of it without difficulty,— I am, sir, yours trulf-,.J. H11.L." t_ DOCTOR'S TESTIMONY. "Routh Park, Cardifl'. South "Wales, September 28, 1893. 1 "I havo, Indeed, great ploasuro in adding my testimony to your excellent preparation. of Cough Lozenges, and I bave proscribed it now for tho last eight years in mj* hospitals and private practice, and found it ot great benefit. lof ten snfl-r from Chronio Bronchitis; your lozenge is tho only remedy which Gives me immediate ease. Therefore, I certainly and most strongly recommend your Lozenges to tho public who may suit..? from Catarrh, Bronchitis. Wintor Cou.h. or any kind of Pulincuiary Irritation.—Youra truly, '• A. GABRIEL, M.D.. 1..R.C.P. and L.M.. ' Edinburgh.; L.B.C.S. aad L.M. __di_bur_**h_" BBE HEATING'S LOZENGES. "It is 75 years a*ro," sinco KEATINGPS COUGH LOZENGKS wero first made, nnd the salo is lamer than ever, bocauso they ore unrivalled in the relief and cure ol Winter Cough. Asthma, and Bronchitis; one alone gives relief. UTTERLY tmBIVALLES>. Keating'fl Cough Loßes-frog, the nhrivallo__ remody tor COUGHS, I.OARSKNESS, and THROAT TROUBLES, aro aold lv Tins by _^v cheniista. ""EIOR THI BLOODIS THE'Llfl..* WORLD FAMED THE Great Blood Purifier & Restorer. For Clcansint. and Clearing the Blood from all impurities, It cannot be too highly reoomFor Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and Blood) Diseasos. and Sores-of all kinds, it is a never-) failinij; and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sore 3 Cures Sores on the Neck Cures Sore Letts Cures Blackhead or Pimples on the Face Curos Scurvy Cures Ulcers _. Cures Jilood and Slun Diseases Cures Glandnlar SweUlncs Clears the Blood from all-impure Matter, From whatever cause arising. It is a real specific for Gout and Rheumatio Pain"* . _, «, V, , It removes the oauso from the Blood ana Boneß. As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste, and •warranted free from anything injurious to the most dolicuto constitution of oither sex, tho Proprietors solicit sufferers to givo it a trial to tost its value. .. TIIOUSANDS\QF TESTIMONIALS. Clarke's Blood Mixture is sold in bottles 2s 9d . oach, and in cases containing sis limes the Quantity, lis—sufllcient to- ©fleet a.permanent cure lv tho great mnjority of long-standing S. BY ALI. chemists and patent MKDICINK VENDORS throughout tho world. Proprietors, This Lincoln and Midlands Countiks IiROO Company, Linooln, England. Trade mark—" Blood Mixture." Clarke's Blood Mixture. CAUTION. - Purchasers of Clarke's Blood Mixture should soe that they got tho genuine orticlo. Worthless imitations and substitutes are sometimes palmed oil'by unprincipled vendors. Tho words "Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln, England," are engraved on the Government Stamp, and " Clarke's World-famed Btood Mixture," blown in tho bottle, WITHOUT WHIOH NONE ARE GENUINE. OTRATHMORE PRIVATE HOSPITAL, FOR DISEASES-OF WOMEN, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE ADMISSION OF PATIENTS. For p-tttieulars, apply to SHE MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT, STEATHMORE HOSPITAL. CHUISTGH^ItCH. THF-W.rE'G Pamphlet Posted Froe: I nC' Wirt-, d It will teach you more than all the years you'vo WELFARE. Sr&K: Collins Place, Melbourne. ]_?QK_lIg.S. ' MoAse i 18 \ *"' mT n E h° ND ° N f f/^t_Ll.-.44|i INSTITUTE. '^T . ™,"-^fe| 2SB, QUEEN ST, A. CO"»iPr.T_.fE -SEI~FHO"j-I ONE GUINEA. Also, Coinbinatit.nl3-Carat Gold PHi-blt. Plates. iinoxcelle_t for wear i_ad comfort. Seft Palates far tOßdor euibq. Otlmr Dentists' Work Refitted. Painless JCxtracriou by nitrons oxido aas daily. s**. C.untry parents tit *e.**> ilcta*. in ®ne visit. Teeth Stopped and Scaled. N.B.—Tho Scale on which tho above Institute work enables ifc to employ both capital and ■abtiur in tho moat oifeetive and economical way, boittK contented with a small profit On (.ach. individual tro-.sactinn, thus a_fordinj_. palifl-it-1 living in the coin, try to get a good .et o£ Tenth and a trip for nothing, ■ TEE LOKBON DENTAL INST_.Ti.7T__. 298 <&U__-E.W ST, (naxt Miiuo aadChoycs). PAUL "T>EAVER, PosaEos Dkwtist, JL? DEVONPORT. AUCKLAND, Painu-HS Dsnttstrv. comhinod with Moderation of Foos. A BP&CIALITTL — Tho construofion and adaptation of Artificial D.eoturea. -with all _a.e_t irnprovomeais, and on tho most approved prinoiples. Hours of Bußinoss: 10 to 4, Saturdays and holidays excepted. CeasuUatloß_i Free. Ton_tu__ Cosli* A tn,t H. B LK'S' DENTAL SURGEON (Late ef the Dental Hospital, London), May be Consulted at his Rooms, 42. VICTORIA STREET. Next door boliw Macky. Logan, S6een and Co. G. P. M" mil' DENTAL BUROEON, For 7 rears with M? A, M, Carter,. Jlny be ©onsultod si his Kooms, ftbove Mi (toHrilaln'e Ciieraist, TOP Off STMONDS STREET. • * Cbabses Modb.3-.sc_.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 179, 31 July 1896, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 179, 31 July 1896, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 179, 31 July 1896, Page 3