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We have received the following from the Poßt and Telegraph Department v—" New Zealand cable advices.—Berne notifies Laurence, Marque and Durban cable interrupted. Telegrams must be sent via West Coast. Land line* between Delogoa Bay and Durban unworkable.'' The total birth* in Auckland and eubnrban boroughs in Jane was 113, and the tofcal deaths 36, out of a population of 43,628. The percentage of deaths to the thousand of population was 0.83, against Wellington and suburbs, 0.93; Christchurefcjand suburbs, 0.57. The total births in these boroughs in June wai> 392 against 334 in May. and the deaths in June were 147, a decrease of three on the May return. Of the total deaths males contributed S4 and females 63. Thirty-four of the deaths were of children nnder five years of age. An old identity passed.away tin* morning in the person of Mrs Elizabeth H. Weatherill, of Rangiaohia, Waik.ato*- widow of the lato T; W. Weatherill, farmor; The olct lady diod ab the residence of her son-in-law, Mr James Henderßon, caretaker at Government House, soon after ten o'clock; She had been 30 years in the Auckland district, and has! reached the advanced age of 71 years. The Northern Steamship Campany's steamer Gairloch, which left Onehuaga for New Plymouth yesterday afternoon, was unable to cross tha Bar, and so returned to Onehunga lasb night. A heavy eea is still breaking at the ftianaknu Head?; and it is unlikely that ehe will be able to get out to-day. The Gleselg is also detained at Hokiangn, where she has been bar-bound far several days. :.....,', .. •

A meeting of the Work? and Tariff Committee of the Auckland Harbour Board was held, yesterday afternoon, 7Mr .C. V. Houehton presiding. A deputation from the Auckland auctioneers, consisting of Meears B. J. Esam..and A. Tooman, interviewed 'Wo Committee- in supporb of the Btjppltealstoii 6ont in to the Jjbard by t£ie\ auctioneers asking to be allowed to sell fruit on the wharves on the arrival of from, the planch?, It; wag resolved tid'reeommenS the Board as. follows :— "That if the Unjon Steamship Compapy is agreeable to send'its ateamei* W'thc liobsonstreat Wharf the Board altew, cot salo H. Sake place aa an experiment." Tho Foreman of Works and Harbourmaster reported re the proposed floating eta go and other appliance? for tandinp and. embarking cargo, etol, for the Nor&h Shore, that tho site suggested to jho westward of the Northcoto ferry tee waa unsuitable. The Foreman of Works said the b«^ sita would be to the eastward of the Q.aoenefcreeb Wharf. The matter was deferred for ft fortnight, the two officials in the meantime to find a suitable site. It) was resolved to recommend that the necessary repairs be executed to tha training pier at the Calliope Dock at an estimated cost of £100, also to the Northcote and Birkenhead ferry tee waiting-rooms. The Foreman of Works was asked to give plant and estimates for the works Deeded on the Northcote wharf and aleo to the wall near the Birkenhead wharf. The* following . circular- has been received by the last year's suppliers'to the Buckland -Creamery :—" Dsar Sir,—Owingto the milk supply at the Buckland Creamery having been so small aa to have entailed a net loss upon the working-, even with milk at the low price of last season. I have to advise you that we shall not be able to run that creamery during the coming season. Thanking you for the measure of support which you have personally given to the creamery,—l am; yours faithfully, \\ bsley Spra6g, manager New Zealand Dairy Association. July 14th, 1896."

A Maori prisoner named Hore Werotua was brought from Russell by the s.s. Glanaman early this morning en route for Mount Eden. He wai Bentenced to chres month*' imprisonment at bha Kawakawa Court for sheep-stealing.

The local police continue to hava bad luck with their troop borers. On Tuesday evening Mounted-Constable Lynn bad a narrow escape from serious injury. He was riding towards Symonds-B treat, when the horee bolted, and ran furiously into a fence opposite St. Ptiul'e.chureb, with the re.sult that tha horse received serious, injuries, and ia"now in the hands of Mr J<i. iX'ilalstead, Veterinary Surgeon. ' . - At the Magietrate's Courb to-day orders were made: by Mr R. S. Bush, S.M., in the following judgment summons cases :— D. Gouk v. E. E. Hill, £40 2s ; \Y. O'Brien v. S. H. Batson, £2 18a 6d : F. J. Hartnellvi S. H. Batson, £4 ]Bs3d; C; Hopkins v. C. Bull, £1 6a 7d; C. Lindsay v. S. H. Batson, £5015s 6d. . . A case of considerable importance waa tried before Mr Justice Williams at Dunedin on Wednesday. The Dunedia Financial Loan and Agency Company sued the Standard Insurance Company for £500 under a policy guaranteeing the fidelity of Frederick Thomas Home who acted for a few years as manager, bub ia now undergoing: a sentenco* of imprisonment on account of defalcations. Home was a witness in the case. Id transpired thab;the total defalcations were between £4,700 and £5,000. His Honor gave judgment for the

defendant company on the ground'that the claim under the policy wasnotrmade within the time prescribed in the conditions under which the policy was toned. Home ceased to be manager in December, 1894, buij was continued as accountant). 3?he policy ex F™d when he ceased to^be manner The cla"° TTk >' SB? t6D? ber ' 18f - , The Northern Company's steamer Rotomah*n» will runa spbcialexcuraion trip to the Thames tomorrow at cheap fares, to .enable Aucklanders to visit tha Thames Poultp, Pigeon and (Janjry Club's show, The steamer leares at 7.30 a.m., returnine onStfndayeTenin?. ■ •- Mr G. H. Douglas, draper, Onehunga, is aovr holding a sale of surplus winter drapery Btock in eVery department.

The "New Zealand Gazette" contains an ©rder-in-Couneil notifying; that fche disease known as " Queensland tick," which affects cattle, in a dineaae for the purposes of the Stock Act, 1893, and shall be subject to the regulations made thereunder, and now. in force. The Order-inCeuncH comes into force from and' after the date of publication thereof in the " New Zealand Gaze&te."

The " Gazette " notifies thab Arbor Day, August stb, will ba observed aa a public holiday in the Government) offices. In order that'the movement may be made as successful as possible the Government hopes that mayora of varions mnnicipali-, ties and chairman of local bodies will place the matter prominently before the people of the colony, and do all khey caa to encourage the planting of public reserves ana other available lands, both public and private, with trees suited 60 the locality. • ' • ;

At the Christchureh Supreme Court on Wednesday an appeal was heard against fche decision of the Official Assignee in refusing to admit the claim of the Union Bank for £23,000 in the estate of Wood, Sband aiid Co. Proof had been refused on the ground thab the Bank had sold the Lowdon Hill 1 Estate, Gisborae, ab auctiea an hour after the debtors had filed, and that the property, valued at £25,000, had been bought by the. Bank for £8,500, Judge Denniston allowed the appeal, and admitted proof. This will have the effect of making the Bai\k the principal creditor, the estate, which otherwise would have paid 20a ia the £, will only return a very small dividend. The Court granted the discharge of the bankrupt. Aba meeting of the Canterbury branch of the Institute of Accountant* a resolution was passed, •• In view of the Bill to be introduced by Mr Millar, the Council of the Institute of Accountants be requested to draw up and send to every member of the Legislature a letter calling attention to the existence of and aims and objects ot the Institute, and stating that while the members are agreed that a measure should be adopted to secure an efficient audit of accounts of all public companies, they respectfully protest! ogaiaeo the passing of any Act which would inflict serious injury upon the Institute by prohibiting its members who have specially qualified themselves to perform thedutie? of auditors to public companies from practising in thab capacity."

A special meeting of the Newton-Borough Council will be held on Monday evening, 20th inst./ to amend part of Section 32, By-law.No. 5, dealing with the fee for plumbers', licenses, when it is proposed to substitute for the words " annual fee £1 la," tho words " annual fee 10?."

The Jubilee Pioneer 'Assembly Knights of Labour, 2,084, held their usual Weekly meeting at> the Pitt-street) School last night, when business of an important nature, was dispatched. The National Assembly's Order Paper for the annual meeting to be held in Wellington on July 25th, 1896, was diseased. The discussion was animated and well sustained.

Messrs Dslohery, Craydon and Holland's Variety Entertainment is still proving a great) attraction at the Opera Hou;a, and last; night was no exception. The programme of- the preceding night whs - rapoabed and proved as successful aa before. " AH. in a Row•," by the Mayfield Sisters rocoired an enthusiastic encore, and the itema by the Misses Rowe, Marshall and Lsete were all heartily applauded.l Mr Ted Herberts waß encored for his rendering of the "Tale of the Mile End Road,' and in recponse sang " Off to Kimberloy." The <l Experiences of a Raw Corrospoadent," ac related by Mr Horace Beat, kept fhe )>hp]uße t ig . rflarp. , Mons.,; flyman's wonderful contortions introduced into his humorous acb "Silence and Fun " were much appreciated, and the sgnqluding farce vraa'Cjuito up to the* standard''of those hitherto produced. The came programme will be repeated to-night.

Tb9 usual weekly mooting of the Pittsstreet Wesleyan Literary Society was held lsat evening. The President (Rev.-W. J. Williams) occupied the chair, and there was a very large attendance of members and friends. Mr J. H. Turner,. M.A., read an able and interesting paper upon " Conan Doyle,", and readings from Doyle's works were given by Miss M, Raid and Messrs J. G. Turner. Forbe3 and Pierce.

The second of the series of winter socials in connection with Sb. Paul's congregation was held lasb night in the parish hall, at the top of Eden Crescent. The gathering proved a most pleasant one, everyone, whab with songa, recitations and dancing, spending a very pleasant evening. Light refreshments were dispensed about ten o'clock, and at eleven the gathering broke up. ...

Owing to Her Majesty's Dramatic Company, which are announced to commence their dramatic season at the Opera House on Tuesday next, having been unable to leave Sydney by the Waihora, the opening here has been postponed for one week.

At the Devonport Presbyterian Schoolroom last evening Mr John F. Bennett, who has just resigned bis position as organist and choirmaster of the church was tendered a farewell social by the members of the choir. A musical programme was contributed to by Mrs Gray, Misses Chapman, J. Murchie, J. Hanna, A. Symons, M. and A. Law, -M. Garretb, Messrs Cardno, C. Young, Wright, Rogeraoo, Trenwith and George. Before the adjournment for supper the Bey. R. Ferguson, the pastor of the church, presented Mr Bennett with a handsomely illuminated address, signed by the members, of the choir, expressing regret at Mr Bennett's resignation. Mr Bennett was also presented .with a purse of sovereigns on behalf of the choir and many friends in the congregation.

Through the kindness of Mr J. H. Phillpot, a very pleasant musical evening was given last- night to! the inmates of the Institute for the Blind by the choir of St. David?s Church and other friends. The choir-contributed four part songs in very good style. Songs were rendered by Misses Harley* Laing, Messrs Muskor, Menzieß and Wood, and afforded much pleasure to the audience, Mias Harley being ettcored for her Tendering of *4 The May Queen," and Mr. Menzies for " The Old Brigade." Other items were : A pianoforte solo by MiBS Hansen, a vocal duet by Mrs Phillpob and Miss Laing, a flute solo by Mr Phillpot, and a song " Fearts and Homea " by Miss Nellie Fhillpot, a young lady of twelve, whose contribution was very successful. During an interval a sale of fancy and other work took place. ;

Themonbbly entertainment; of bheGrafton Road Wesloyan Band of Hope was held last evening, when a very good programme waa provided by the following ladies *nd genbleinen:—Misses Offer (2), Cartmill, Messrs Holdsworth, Kenb, Blakeley, Oiler, Qrmiaton, Gordon, Bartlefcb and Jonee. A very in bare sting item "The Charge of the Light) Brigade," was recited by Masters Wallis aud Monk with dramatic effects in a very creditable mannoi'r ;ffhe Misses Trine, Kent and Offer played the accompaniments. Mr John Burton presided, and dosed a very enjoyable meeting with the " National Anthem."

" Our Indian Empire" forms the "route" of travel ab Mr John Fuller's twentieth limelight concert, which takeß place on Tuesday evening next in the City Hall. The musical programme contains many interesting items, notably a violin bolo by Celia. Dana pier, the •• Glou Glou " duefe (" LaMascobte "), and ". Three Little Maids From School " ('• Mikado "). Mr A. Robinson, baritone, makes his appearance, and Mr Albert Lucas is announced to recite "Cardinal Wolsey's Farewell to Cromwell." Further particulare will be found eliewhere,

The Ber.A, H. Collia. d«UW. leetnre entitled "The Opium TrS-* the Wesley t HaIl last e£nsg *X S auspices of the Auckland JWsJft-1 Christian Endeavour Unidb^ SfS* 11 F. Warner, Pre.idenb of the Tin; ?l occupied the, clair. Mr J^ftj Chinese missionary, sang a hy^uffi own langnage, and several of hi« cdL^ men joined in singing one of SanS hymns. A collection was fsaken unT^l of the Anckland Chine.c MUafon P£ close Mr R. 8. Abol moved avoS o f & to the lecturer and all who hadaS' which was carried by acclamation. The Caledonian Society resumed tbth socials last, n.ghb ia the Forester? £ karangahape fcoad. Mr James'SliS eccupjed tbe chair. Ttere wai attendance, including qnite a b-^kS^l the old membors, andTa good !*£&£ tartan plaids and Highland boS^ following programme wae gone tbrbnrf,^1 P.unoforte selection, «• Caller HerrW~ Mias Johnston ; gong. •• The Son^K i; Reachad My Heart," Mrs Murrty ?£•' aong "Never the Same lUnlStfJ White; recitation, " A Workbo- M • Address Mrs Anderson ; song, IS of the Earth," Mr G. R dfld rfflffl fljßj? (eaeored), Miss Ness ; eoDg.^S ■ Moments," Mr G. Read ; songfedlll Hobis," Mies Johnston ; tone,Mrßtoil? recit.tio^ "The Auld ttSs Capb. Robertson ; "Auld LangSyne% the Company. Mrs Talbot And Mr Hm£ asaistad at the piano, andMrNessS pamed the dancars with his violin S concert was followed by the uaaal rfi^* Mr \Yafcts acting as M.(J. ' ***> To-night ab the Foreators' Hail Nfiwkn the lirst of Mr Albert Luca.' li».liS' certs and dramatic recitals will take p £ A fireb-class programme has been 'mniM PhcebeEvans wilj make herfimln pearaace, and will sing •» KiHarney;" im! "Bittar Sweot." Mr Albert Lufc« iii recite "The Fireman's Wedding'"'Th Signal Box," with beiutitul picture • ah "chamus CBrien," and "KisaUg Cv y Race/ Mr H. Smith will display' 2 fine pictures, takiag the audience for a trio through Ireland, America and? New Z>i land. Miss^Duplesis will act a » aecot panist, and Mr Albert Lucai as lecturer. At the City Hall on, Saturday night the ; ninth change ef programme will be given, : The management are very enterprisingi B :securiug now artists, ond these cardinli i are becoming very popular. ' r •

St. Mark's Guild concert to-nighb in Si Luke's Hall, Remuera, at 8 o'clock, Prj. gramme an oxcellens one. -.' Spa «hwti» tnent ■ .. . ;'■ ~j ; .".

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 167, 17 July 1896, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 167, 17 July 1896, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 167, 17 July 1896, Page 4