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Pnblic Kotices. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Applications for the position of HEAD MASTER of-the BAYFIET.D SCHOOL (Ponsonby) will be received by the Beard on or before SATURDAY. May 23.1896. from Teachers claasified Dl or higher, who have been for two years or more in their present position. Present Roll number, 164; average, lw. no dwelling is provided. ' __•,„,_ Any Teacher personally canvassing Hembers of the Board or Members of the School Committee regardiac the appointment, will, bo aisquaUfled as a Candidate. centerice> Secretary. TV/TISSI-NG front Home since THURSDAY, a Boy dressed in dark tweed suits.' plush cap, no shoos or stockings on, dark complexion, age 13; answers to the name of Eddy Smerden.—Any information will be gladly reeeiyed by J. Snaerdea, Hower-treet. "BjiXHIBITION •_'t_las«.bl->w»er, SatssrjTJ day afternoon from 2 till 5. Adrais-ioH ii: Prizes given.—Works. Freawan _ Bay. HOUSEHOLDERS, see that year graeer supplies you with Now Zealand Bairy Association's Butter. MONEY TO LEND-£SOO, £300, £200. and other sums, to land at lowest current rates.-^Calfier and Gold water, bphcitors. Victoria Arcade. Auckland. BUYERS of Drapery are reminded that McMaster and Skalders are Direct Importers, and that thoir values aro secßna to none. -Empty Casas For Sale. \ T>ATHS—TURKISH BATHS, open JO every flay for Ladles and Gestleraen f rom 9 a.m. till G pun. Charges. 3s: Satnrday. 2a; 8 tickets. £1. Nothing better tor. pnrifyinK me iskia. rastorine the health, or removing achea and painaof all kinds. Also. Hfflt and Col<3 Plunge Baths, with ahowe?. 6d. from 6 ■.__.. UIJ »P.lD.—Lorne-street. offVictoria-ateeetßaat. MOLBSALB Depot; for New Zealand Bairy Association's Butter—©ffico City Fleur Mills, Shortland-strcef. PrUME~BuTk~Ta7a~naki Butter, 8d 1b ; Canterbury Potatoes. 7s 6d sack.—Geo. R. Hutchinsou. No. 36. Kybor Pass Road. __ RS DR. BURNABY, Physician and Sitrpreon. Eclectic Practice of Medicine, Specialist. Diseases of Women and Childran. Consultation Free. Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.— No. 1, Symonds-street. opposite Choral Hall. A USOLUTELY Choices. Grearaory J?L Butter for the table all the jfear reu»d - Now Zealand Bairy Association.ILLINERYi Mantle?, Capes and Mackintoshes to suit everyone, at McMaster and Shalders'. WHITE LEAD, Paints, Oils. Varnishes, etc. Cheapest in the trade.-M. J. Bennett, 195. Karangabape Koa_. Estimates given. MO NE V T O LEND In Largo or Small Sums, on good securities, at low interest.—Apply G-. Peace, Financial Agent, 26. High-street. "VS7ORCESTERSHIRE Sauce, 4d botfclo V* Sago and Tapieca, 81h Is; Oatmeal, 251b 2s Bd.—Geo. R. Hutchinson, No 36, Kyber Pass Road; TkTJDvV SKWIN& MACHINES.—Lateab J3I Improvements :, Silont. Beautiful. Perfection Cash or Time Payments.—Scott's. 33, Victoria Bt. Machines scientifically repaired. jTS-fl X PIANO.—If you want) a good cmt JL*P Piano at this price, go to Richardson's, over Smith and Caughey's Queen-street. Cash or easy payments. TI N W A R B. Kettle.. Sane-pans. Dippsrs, Graters. Masins, Buckets. Toa Pots. Coffee Pets. Billi-8. Wash Ups. Cannißtors. Cake 'Vina. Tea Strainers, Patty Pans, Galvaaweii Tuba, Candlesticks, Egs Beaters. Strainers. Skimmers an* Funnels. Greatly reduced prices, at J. and J. DICKEY'S. ¥17 HE RE is there a large assortment of V V Crockery to select froraJ-F, Prime. Kara-gabape Road. ' eO L L O W A R «. . Same-pans, Kettles. Boilers. Ranees, ©rates Camp Ovone, Portable Boilsrs, Trunks, Bonnet Bdixos, Oclonial Ovens, V»»t Cans. Slop Bsckofco, Toilet Cans. Boiler Fillers, and Ash Pans in great variety, at J. and J. DICKEY'S. , . , . ; . «<aM-inlnfHir KofcicesLj. ATAURA GOLDMINItfG COMPANY (NO LIABILITY). Notice is hevebv given that an Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of the abovenamed Company will be held at the Office of tho Company, 28,. Shbr.tlaud-st.reet. on MONDAY, the l?tdayof..luneMß96. at 2.30 p.m., t6 consider and, if approved, pass in their present or varied form as such meetinjr shall, the foilowirie; resolutions, which will b? submitted to the m«eting :— I. That the Directors of the Company be. and they aro hereby, authorised and empowered to acquire adjoining properties for valuable consideration, consisting of shares and caah, or wholly of shares or wholly, and for this ■purpose to apply the present unissued shares in'the Company, _. That the Directors of the Company be. and thoy are hereby, authorised and empowered to place the property of the Company, or any part thereof,_ under, offer to any Person, Association^ or ' Company, oa any Verms and conditions the Directors may think fit. ' 3. That the Directors of the said Company be, and they are hereby, authorised and empowered to soil and dispose of the whole or. any part, or parts of the Company's property at such price or prieea. ■ in such manner, and on such terms or conditions as the Directors shall think , " ■■' fit. 4. That the Directors of the Company be. and they nro horeby. authorised and empowered to do all things and execute all sush- deeds, assurances, and documents, which in the opinion of the Directors i«ay be necessary or expedient for the purpose «tf giving effect to tha faregoing rosalutions or either of them or any portion of them. 5. For the purpose of carrying out and giving effect to tlie fdreeoiagresolutions or any of thewi, tho Directors of tho said Company shall have futl'power to,appoint by desd an attorney or attorneys in New Zealand or elsewhere to act on their bnhalf, and carry out the foregoing resolutions or any of thens. and the said Directors shall have full power to delegate to tho said attorneyorattorneys all the powers and authorities of thorn, the said Directors, in relation to the matters and things referred to in the foregoing resolutions, whether such powers are conferred Bpon the said Diractors by such resolutions! or otherwise. W.H. CHURTON. ' Manager, Auckland, 3th May, 1896. OLDEN FLEECE GOLD MINING COMPANY (NO LIABILITY). I. the Tindersisrned Manager, hereby give notice that an Increase in the Capital of the above-named Company was on the Bt!a day of May, 1896, resolved on. . . ■ The modo adopted for the Increase is_ by iasuini? 30,000 nevr Shares of Three Shillings each in addition to the 70.000 Shares now existing in the Company. WM. CLARKE. : . Manager of the above Company. Aucklanfl.May 9th', 1896. XITEKAUBfNO. 2GOLDMINING COMPANY (NO-LIABILITY!)• j Notice is hereby, given that the Adjourned Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders will be held at Nos. Z8 and 29, New Zealand Insurance Buildings. Queen-street, Auckland, on FRIDAY, the 15th day of May. 1896, at the hour of 2 p m.. when the following Resolution will be submitted to the Sharefa olders;'— Resolution : That the Capital of the Company b». increased to £18,000, by the creation of . 35,000 new shares of 3s each. Should. the above . Resolution be passed, a further Resolution will be submitted to the Shareholders authorising, and empowering the Directors of tao Company to acquire by purchase for Share 3in this Company, or on such other Terms and Conditions as the Directors shall think fit. tho Mining Property known as ! the Londonderry Special Claim, adjoining the Prop.ort.y- of this Company, and for that purpase to enter into all such contracts and agreements, and to allot shares, and to do and execute all such.acts, matters and things as may bei requisite and accessary. ■ ! WILLIAM CLARKE, j Manager. Auckland, May 8,1896. • .

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 108, 9 May 1896, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 108, 9 May 1896, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 108, 9 May 1896, Page 8