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Sc SO3S3S* ' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT TTwier the dtetingniiured jxitror.age< of His Majesty tin Kiiv: of Italy, an per caiamanicnt.ioii madebylUnlsi-r for Foreisn \ftun I through thi- COTLiitl-armval for Ita>7 at .Melbourne., March 14th, i 1878. Awarded DijJomn »t tho Aittst/rriiun HibibitMJn, ]BS3, AcfcnoTili-diied by Aledieal Clinics and Cniveri-ties all over the Globe. There arc imitations o/. itacalypti Eitr.tct In the market, products of simple distillation, forming crodt rcstaoua oils, lv on\rr that thenc erode oils may wot lie taken for our Triro Volatile Eucalypti Krtract, which is recomised by the medical I division of the Pnusian Oorernment to W of perfectly pure i origin, as per information forwarded to us through the Consol i at Melbourne, ilarch 2, 1878, we state :—"ltis proved by tests | made by the Medical Clinics of the thiivenritips at Bonn and «rief3wald, Prussia, and reported by Dr. Scbnli, Professor of Pharmacology at Boeii. and Professor Dr. Moaler, Director of 1 the Medical Clinic at Grietnrald, that only products that aro saturated with oxygen and free of acids, resinons and other r-übstances, adherent to primary distillation, will derelop the sanative qualities proper to the plant. All crude oil, or so-called . Eucalypti Extracts, are to be classed according to the, named authorities among tho turpentines which are ot insignificant lnutiiciaal value and abandoned long since as an internal medica* nient. These crude oils, or so-called Eucalyjitl Extracts, in discernible— 1. By their deficiency in pungent odotrr, which our product, the only genuine Encabpt* Extract, develops most freely through its snrplns of uxygen. i By their alcoholic, thin, and mobile appearance beinj reduced in fipedflc density through thi presence of acids. 3. By their taste, the result of the contracting tendency of n-sina. and tanata. If these crude oils, or so-called Eucalypti Extract*, are applW3 ' by mistake in casra el croup, bronchitis,, diphtheria, internal inflammations, dysentery, etc., tho consequences are most appalling. Vor Mfely's sake uk ahraj-.i for. Sander and Sons' Eucah'Dti Extract.—Sandhurst, Victoria. Australia BAiTDBi * SONS. Is now on Sale by all Medicine Vendors 111 Pffla"w&w. BUfvU&S.iDCf And also in the Old Standaid Size, < A record of nearly 60 years S in curing affections of the Throat < and Lungs, Colds, Coughs, La $ Grippe and Pneumonia. PleasS ant to take, sure to cure. Gold Medals &t the World's Great Eaposiiions. Accept no Cheap and Worthless StibstjtßJs. A OOTTiSIS. •* 94. Commercial Hoad, Peekfeam, JnlT H. , " Wear Sir,—l am a poor hnmd at expressing my feelings, but I should Hko to thank yoa. Tour lozenges have done wondora in fettering my tevriblß cough. Since! I had tS»9 operation of 'Trachootomy' (the same &a tbe late JCmperor of Germany, and unlike him, thank God, I am still alire) performed at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, no one could Bossibly hare had a more violent couch : it was so bad at times that it quite exhausted me. The muosua. which .was very copioaa and hard, has been softened, and I h&ro been able to get rid of it without difficulty,— I am, sir, yours truly, J. HILL." A DOCTOR.S TESTIMONY. " Routh Park, Cardiir. South Wales, • •September 28,1893. "I havo, irtdeed, great pleasure in adding Iriy testimony to your excellent preparation of Cough Lozenges, and I have prescribed it now for the last eight years in my hospitals and private practice, and found it of flreat benefit. I often suffer from Chronic Bronchitis ; your lozenge is the only remedy which cive» me immediate oo,»e. Therefore, I certainly and meat strongly recommena your Lozengea to tho public who may suffer from Catarrh, Bronchitis, Winter Coui-;h. OF any kind of Pulmonary Irritation.—Toura U" A. GABRIEL, M.D.. L.X.C.P. and L.M« Edinburgh.; L.R.C.S. andL.M.Edinburgh.' USB HEATING'S LOZENGES. "It is 75 years ago," since KEATING a COUGH LO&ENGES were first made, and • tho sale is larjrer than ever, because they are unrivalled in the relief and core ot Winter Cough. Asthma, and Bronchitis; one alone gives relief. UTTEKLY UNBIVALUED. ICoating's Cough Lozsnjros, the nnrivallcxj remedy for COUGHS, HOARSBNES^. and THROAT TROUBLES, are Bold In Tina by all Chemists. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. ARE unirarßally admitted to. be -worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Fain in tho Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after .Meals, Dizaineoß and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Hoat, Loss of Appetite. Shortness of Bre*th, Coativeness, Scurry and Blotches on the Skin. Bisturbed. Sloep, Frightful Breams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sonsationa. eta. Th« flrat doae ■will give relief in twenty minutes. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one JBox of these Pills, and tbay will bo acknowledged to hq WBBF 4 GUINEA A BOX.For SYnlalos of all agee these Pilla are invaluable, us a, Jaw doses of them carry off. all humours aud bring: about'all that is required.. No female should be without them. There is no mtdicineto be foued equal to Boecham's fills for removing any obstruction or irregularity ot the system. If taken Record ing to the directions given with each box, they will soon roatoro females of all ages to sound and roimst health. This has been proved by thonjands who have tried them and found tS 3 benefits wbioh fire ensured by *-hu'ix use. For a Wealf: Stomach, Impaired Dicrestion, and all Disorder/: of the Liver, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wondersou the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen tbe whole muecnlar , systesa, raatore the long-lost complexion, bring i back the keun edge of appotite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of health the wholo physical enerjjy of the hußian frame. These aro FACTS testified continually by mombcrs of all classes of society, and one of the boat guarantees to the Nervous and Df SilUatad is— BEECH A UTS- PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Prepared only by tho Proprietor, THOMAS BKECHAM, St. Holeas, Emgland, in Boxr>?\ 9id, la lid, and 2s 9d each. Sold by all Drnggfcte &n* Patent Medicine Dealero everywhere. N.B.—FBII Steeetiaaa are tEtven with each fr"SU ,/| NEUROL ,| A i3!itiVjtlitreirii'f»atsJKSo.tfnii3sl«.\oit3«ri!. Icfio.'s:^, I* j . pnieg as. »j . [I fon'cmECTicMS ran use tscucso. ':( f| T2SE W2S tS Jrt OS. COT. || fe mms SmiT< M8«WB. 8.! /zuati~i*:..-4.i." '■">■'■ ■'- ■"■'mi'ftiMH '"""■••• "-*-y •'.'««.' Diralwnj {hi* Bottom cf Box. / Wr^^^ ©P*Eil«sSff!aioßf H Secondary W* Wlkor TertSary BiOOU PGISOK pormanently cured in 15 to 35 days. You can §88|_J||l!fl bo treated at home for same price under H^JPslSf same gjiarautty. If you prefer to .come Swßfi^^ f bore we will contract to pay railroad and steamship fare and hotel bills while here, and make no oharge, if we fail to euro. If you have taken mercury, lodide potash, and Btill have aches and pains, Hncooi Patches in the mouth, Soro I'iinme, Pimples* Copper-Colored Spots, «Jl--cer» on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows tilllins »s this Secondary SI^OOB POISON ire gnarantee to euro. We solicit tho most obstinate cases and challengo the world for a case we caaoot core. Phyaleiana cannot cure yon. 5300.00© capital behind our unconditional euaraaty. Afccolnte prooffe aont sealed on application. - AaOress COOS. StEaEEBTf <"«.•* 307 SSsswii3 Teowlo. CHJfiAeft, UO-, U. s. .*.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 108, 9 May 1896, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 108, 9 May 1896, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 108, 9 May 1896, Page 6