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Heavy business was done .in Upper Thames Blocks to-day on the Exchange. Taliemans changed hands freely at from 11s 6d to 11b 9d, the market closing with steady buyers ao lls Sd, Woodstocks also advanced in price, sales being made at 24b 6d and 24s 9d, with further buyers at 24s 3d. Waverleys were also' firmer, sales takißg place at Is 2d and Is 3d, with still buyers ab the latter price. The demand for Stanleys centinued brisk to day, several thousand changing hand ab from JlQd, to Is Id, the market closing sellers at Is Id and buyers at Is. Alphas were firm with buyers ab 4s, but Queen of Waihis eased off, the highest offer being 2s lid. Waihi-Silvertona were offered at SQs, with buyers later in the day at 77s 6d. Thames stocks were not in great demand, bub Hazelbanka changed hands at 3a lOi, Sheridans .up to Is 2d, and Monowaia advanced to ss. Kuaotunu stocks had little business. Standard stocks were in good demand. New Zealand Insurance shares again sold at 73s and 75s (id, with firm buyers ab the former price. South British changed hands at 49a 6d. At the . meeting of the newly elected Ponßonby School Committee held last night, the question ot the election of a Chairman in the absence of two members of the Committee was discussed. The two members who were absent (.Messrs Parr and Raes) stated that if they had been present they would certainly have voted for Mr Patterson, on account of hia paeb experience as Chairman and for other reasoaa. They were vory pleased that Mr Patterson had been elected. Mr Patterson returned thanks and the matter was then allowed to drop. Ab the Police Courb to-day a woman aamed Jane (Jrey was sentenced by Mr W. H. Shakspear, J.P., to three months' hard labour for vagrancy. Tlio usual " destitute persona " cases were adjourned on account of the absence of the Stipendiary Magistrate. Canadian Healing Oil overcomes with equal certainty swelling of the neck, inflammation of the muscles.and stiffness of the joints, lameness and crick in the back; tumours, piles,, dysentery, and a variety of other painful and harassing disorder?. It may be taken inwardly with as much safety as it is applied outwardly.— { Advt.) ". ... ' (27) Our stock of tweeds and coatings is the largest in Auckland; our fit and finish all thab could be desired, and at our well known low cash prices; our tailoring will be" found most satisfactory.—Smith and Caughey.—(Advt.) We close at one p.m. Saturday, open all day Wedneeduy,—Smith and Ceuighey.— (Ad?t»)

A meetißg of the Finance wid Legal Committee of the Harbour Board wa« held yesterday afternoop,. Mr W. J. Napier (Chairman) presiding. An application from Meesra Allen, Campbell, and othera, to reclaim ab Sboal Bay, was declined. It was resolved " That the Board claim compensation for the land taken for the enlargement) of the Torpedo Depot ab North Head, and thab in order to fix the amount 01 compensation the opinion of Messrs b. Vaile and W. Frater bo taken." Mr W. S. Laurie's application to take into consideration the question of compeatation for buildings in Customs-street), was considered. It was decided to recommend the Board to deal with the matter on tho same, conditions, as those granted fco similar eases. VVith reference to Air James Stewart'* request) to name the upset price for allotments near the railway station, which it was intended to use as an electric station, ib was decided to recommend that the price be fixed at £200 per annum for the firab 21 years, with a right to a renewal for a further 21 years ; plans of buildings to be erected to be submitted bo the Board for approval. An application from the Auckland Gas Company for a strip of land adjoining their works in Customsstreet Weßb was deferred, the Committee to visit tho site in the meantime. Draft by-' laws, regulating the mooring and lighting of timber in tho harbour, and tho blowing of steamers' whistles, were read and approved of. , , Arch Hill residents will, no doubt, regrek to hear that their present eataemed local coHefcable has received instructions of his removal to another station. Constable Waike>r will shortly '1 take' charge of the Newton station (where'two other constables are already stationed), and the Arch Hill station will be placed in the care of Constable McLellan, who returned a few days ago from a holiday trip to Australia. The latter.has for some years past bean acting as orderly at the Police Courb; and no dbnbc the babieuals of the Courb will miss bim much, especially the regular attendants behind the rail, who have had many a laugh at the former orderly's dry humour. Constable McLsllan is, ib .may be mentioned, one of the oldest stationed officers in the Auckland district, most of the.time" he has been to the force being spent in Auckland;

Captain ■ Kusseti .ad^e's&ed-. * crowded moating at Nelson lasb night, and received a most attentive bearing. He made a very hard attack on: Mr Seddon .to&vipg joined the Anglb-ControeribaiOold Syndicate, and the officers of tho Mines Department taking their eervices'ahd their knowledge to tho syndicate. He questioned: Mr McKenzie's figures as to eatblawenb, .and eulogised the etiorts of the late Sir Harry Atkinson. A hearty vote of. thanks was carried unaaimously. ■

The departure of Mr J. F. Logan for England on an extended business trip waa further signalised lasb evening by an enthusiastic nieeting of athletes and cricketers held under the auspices of the North Shore Amateur Athletic Club and North Shore Cricket Club (of which Mr Logran has been for many years a vice-president) at the Masonic Hall, Devonporb. The chair was taken by the Mayor (Mr M. Niccol), and amongst those present were Col. Goring and Mr W. J, Napier. A very apptopriata speech wuß made by the Mayor, and at) the conclusion Mr Logan was. presented: with a beautiful puriri walking jbick, mounted with chased gold. Mr Logan made a very feeling reply. - During the-evening a number of coasts were enthusiastically responded to, and songs and recitations were contributed by some of those present).'

W£ have interviewed the Traffic. . Inspector with regard to "• Pedestrian's" complaint as to trams and 'buses stopping upon crossings. He informs'us that he has been oantionirier driver* foe th& last two yeara about the breach of this particular by^law, and for the benefit of Jehwa in ecfieral. wa may. menlcioft that in future there will bo no more cautions, bub a written invitation to an entertainmenb at the- Courthouse^ High-street; wtiere the invited generally, has to pay for the fun. A .cabman last Monday was fined 5s and costs 23s for standing across a crossing and refusing to move when requested.

The- New Zealand ' Cricket) Council haa resolved that) alternative offers be made to the Australian eleven for £650 for five matches, with a miaimum guarantee of £150 far the New Zealand match ; that ib be a condition that) the matches either be ptayod out or that there be three days' play, with the exception of matches at Napier and Invercargill, which would be limited to two days. , ..."',

The Auckland Band of Hope Union held, ita annual meeting last evening in the Pittstreet Wesleyan Sunday-school, when Mr C. G. Hill presided. The report read stated that 321 pledges had been taken during the year. The balance-sheet showed a slighb debit balance. Officers were then elected for the ensuing year as follow:— President, Mr B. Goldie; Vice-Presidontg,! Mesdamea Macdertnotfc, Kerr, Plummer, and Messrs Hill and McMaster • Treasurer, Mr 6. Plummet; Secretary, Mr W. J. Macdermofcb. '■■ ■' ■"■■!-*"-'f-:' -hl:- ■

Ab Masterton yesterday, Mr'Hutchinson, S.M.j gave judgment)' 'for plaintiff in the case in' ■Which C. Payne sought to recover £39, sick pay alleged to' be/due from the Maatertbn Foresters' Lodge/The defence was that plaintiff was übfioancial. An appeal is likely to be made. ' • • r

The Auckland Banjo, Guitar;- and. M anY dolin Club give a coneerb in the Ciby Hall on Monday nighb next. The proceeds are in aid of the Institute for the Blind. "Inanother parb of this i«sue the full programme is published.

"A Trip,to the Beautiful Islands of Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and Sark," as tke programme prepared by Mr John Fuller for his ninth Hmelijjhb concert), which takes place on Tuesday evening next ab the City Hall. Particulars. are advertieedt Our readers will do well to note the events of next week and procure a ticket for the " Evening With Our Famous Sacred Song and Hymn Composers," to be held in the Baptist Tabernacle on the 14th, in aid of the repair fund. The programme is very choice. Mr John Schißehka announces the disposal, of his retail grocery business carried on recently at the corner,of Queen and Wellesley streets, to'MessrsF. E. Kratchmar and Co. Mr Kretschmar has for some time pant been in charge of the business. Parents buy Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator because they know ib is a safe medicine for their children, and an effectual espeller of worms.—(Ad vc.) (5) Court Bros, are the largest importers (direct from the mill) of Crewdson's calicos, 32-inch 33 4d the dozen ; 36-in 3s lOd the dozen. ,We supply the trade. Court Bros. —(Advb.) . . Smith and Caaghey are selling CrewdBon's 32in medium calico ab 3|d par yard ; 36in ditto, 4£d, the trade supplied. —(Advt)! Ladies are requested when abous to give a party or dance, to visit Tyler'i china and glass warehouse, Queen-street, whore for a small sum they can hire china, glass and cutlery for evening. Goods delivered to your house and returned free of charge. (Advt.) . . Ladies' jackets, capes, and waterproofs, the largest and cheapest stock in the town, at Rushbrook'a, the importer, Queen-street. —(Advt.) : Ladies' cloth capes, fashionably trimmed ab 14s lid, grand value. Newest cut and style in cloth jackets ab 8s lid • plush jackets, 29a 6d, ab Court Bros.1 Shops open to-night.—(Advfe.) 3,377 yds of Crewdeon's 32in calico, 3M a yard; 1,695, • 36in ditto, 4£d. These quotations are less than the wholesale tost. —Smith and Caughey.—(Advt.)

The combined circuses at the A(;rical. 1 fcnral Hall continue to bo an attraction to many. La Petite Ethel's trapezo act j s very clever, and well worth seeing. performance will be given to-night. Mr Alf. Lawton's .Novelty Company attracted a large downstairs andienct Ut the Opera House lasb night. The programme of the previous night was repeated with much success. To-night the manage " menb announce a redaction in prices,. the charge to the dre»B'CiicJe beiag 2b, and stalls Is. ]'\ Mr W..E. Baxter, conductor of'S^v" Benedict's Church choir, has recovered from his receno illness and gone to the country to recruit) his health. An advertisement in another column notifies when Mr Bmtet will resume his duties. ' .. , The Ferry Company announce for fe, morrow excursions to Motutapu and Taka- . puna. ■ . ■• ■ .'.■ ; .: j m As may be seen ia our adverfci«etn«pii column the Devonporb Musical Society will hold the first rehearsal of the season 1896 on Tuesday evening next. Since its foundation in 1892 this has dona good work under the able guidance of thtfc well-known musician, Mr Arthur Toweey.;' We hope the reiidesfcs of Devonport will accord ' liberal support during the oemiag season. ■' ' :■ ■■■■'. •;'"'■■■[ Major Harris, M.H.R., has returned'from New Plymouth, where he attended a:' Land Board meeting. He informs us that /I he came through overland. The tracki, at ; aays, are very bad, and, as for a lxiad, them is none. Many of ths rivers are bridged, and are a great convenience, bub several other rivers require bridges. Tht country , generally is.flooded, many of the creeki being deep. . . Mr J. R. Mot'i speaks tbia evening in tba y.M.C.A. Rooms. To-morrow he will gira: , an address on "Impurity," to men only, in the City HalK In the evening Mr Mott will speak on an important matter to young ': men and women sb the evening meeting ia the City Hall. . , ~ The opening o! the People's National and Patriotic Concerts is announced for Monday week, ISth.iaafe., at tbe City Hall. Ths first programme is entitled, '■ Britannia's .Bulwark*,-, or. the Development or the British: Army jind,Nayy.'.' Particulars are advertised."' V ""''",,'..'.,■'."'..-,■ ~ ' . ..■';. ■)■.:'.'^: The Rev, Mr Dewaiiury lectures to young : men in the Giafcon Road* Wesley an Churca to-morrow erening,.at 6,30 p.m., on "Tbs Heritage of Illustriouß Example,"

To those charitably inclined, warmtli, comfort, and soniothing worth giving to tho poor, ConiD .Bros, are supplying a special blanket ab 5a lOd the pair. Beet! value in the city. SShops open to-night.— (Advfc.) -^ . ;

Lovely porcelain tea sets, vases, cupa aiil saucers,, bamboo, and basket ware, etc., just arrived from Japan at Smiti; and Caugh'ey'e. Ladies and. gentlemen ate invited to iuspecb without being pressed W purchase.—(Advt.) ; f M

Ruahbroak and Co. hard an excellent stock of seasonable dress maborials.alliiiew. and fashionable goods, and suited to meet all requirements, also the neweab things in the way of dress trimmings and garnitures. Popular cash prices in all deparsmenta.— (Adrt.) .

For a winter jacket Court Bros.', is the home you should select for your purchase. t!rand stock and low prices.—(Advt,).

■ The choiceßb things in mantles and mil* Unery suitable for the present season, at our well known low cash prices. Smitih and Cttughey,—(Adv6,;) " --' * \

Mr Falkner, the umbrella maker, of 282 Queen-street, wishes to remind the ladies and gentlemen who were ao^aja "■. their umbrellaß cpvered riia may cgme, and rain lui*y go, but thOSO" " umbrellas remain for ever so long after. js|a. r, specitieel time—days, wee]sß» and, moai^i. Do, please, call, as hia ■pace i'foi storage'is ;' litaited;~lAdvt.) ', , '' ' <

The makes ef ■ kid gloves kept by Rmfiv brpok and Co. are well known to be tilt; moat reliable in the town ; all makes ho'ff fully stecked ia all sizes.—(Advt.) ' The hQwest Btyles and cut in blouee* from 2s lid ab Court Bros.'—(Advfc.)

Ths largest stock and best value in men's' ready-mado mercery, umbrellas, hstti, , ties, trunks and valiaos, etc, at Smith »nc| Caughey's.—(Advb.) : •'- >"'.

Gieab value in blankets ab £uahbrook'«. Queen-street. All sorts and sizes and poptilar cash prices. Open this evening.*" (Advfc.) 6 ■-.

Couri Bros, supply you with the bes*^ blankets at the lowest) price. English and " colonial in every size and price.—(Advfc.) -^

All wool Colonial blankets, measuring 64 x 88 inches, and weighing .5^ lbs, ab 12a lid per pair at Smith and Caughey's.— (Ad.)

.Smith and Caugbey invite all economists to visit their warehouse this week. Special sale of blankets, I.SOO paira t«. soleeti from, -(Advb.) •

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 108, 9 May 1896, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 108, 9 May 1896, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVII, Issue 108, 9 May 1896, Page 4